Arousing Consequences

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Arousing Consequences Page 7

by Cam Johns

  "Umm, Lizzie…he's black." I’ve clearly missed something.

  She giggles. "They were both adopted."

  "Oh, gotcha. Well…I can see why you like him."

  Jackson walks over to show him where we are and starts to introduce him to everyone. He looks even better up close. He's wearing dark denim, black button up and leather jacket. He is absolutely captivating...just like his brother. It's just ridiculous. I learn his name is Jonathan.

  "It's nice to finally meet you Karisma." he says as he extends his hand to greet me.

  "Finally..." I look puzzled at Jackson.

  "Oh...ummm, Jackson may have mentioned you once or twice." He stutters, trying not to elude to anything. I look at Jackson who is smiling at me passively.

  After laughing, drinking and hanging out for a couple of hours I decide it might be time for me to head home.

  "I think I'm gonna go Alyssa." I say, trying to grab her attention from Jonathan.

  "No, not yet." She stares at me stone faced. "One more dance."

  She gets up and grabs my hand, pulling me towards the dance floor, not waiting for an answer. It's not as full as it was when we got here, so we have much more space to move around. Luckily for her, the DJ is playing one of my favorite club songs Mr. Wonderful, so I step on to the floor, already swaying my hips. I move around the floor mouthing the words, throwing around my vivacious ass as Kevin would say. The music helped me let go of all my frustrations and enjoy the anticipation of the next beat. Before I know it, Jonathan and Jackson have come out to join us. I look at Jackson who is smiling at me with an admiring gaze, which only makes me move my hips more. I watch him watching me, his eyes wanting…complete turn on. I see Julia in the corner of my eye, wanting to die or just get rid of me. This is bad, I should probably stop. I turn to walk away but he grabs my arm.

  "Oh no you don't." He says, pulling me close to him but not touching. "You started it." He smiles. Now nervous and uncomfortable I hesitate. "Don't be nervous, c'mon." He says moving to the beat the best he could. He pulls one of my hands in the air and starts to move making me follow, dancing until the song ends.

  "Okay, I really have to go." I say getting Alyssa's attention. She waves bye and I start for the door after grabbing my things. Of course Jackson is following behind me. Jeez, I just can't get away from him...not that I really want to.

  "You certainly didn't think I was going to allow you to walk alone?" He says with a sly smirk once he is next to me.

  "I wasn’t aware I needed permission Mr. Turner."

  "We're not at work...Jackson."

  "Well thank you for accompanying me, Jackson."

  He smiles. "My pleasure." I get warm down there again. Why is he able to do this to me? I stop myself from grinning like a fool.

  "So did you enjoy yourself?" I ask.

  "I did. It's always good to let loose sometimes." I look up at him with you have no idea eyes. “That look tells me you may have needed that last dance." He smiles cautiously as if he has crossed a line.

  "Is it that obvious?"

  "Well, Saturday you didn't look as relaxed as you did just then." Shocking, a man that pays attention.

  "Saturday wasn't that good of a day for me."

  "Well, I have to say Saturday was pretty good for me…especially in the afternoon briefly." He says, grinning from ear to ear. I'm not sure what to say, I know I can’t go any further with this conversation.

  "So…your brother seems cool." I say not daring to look up at him.

  "Umm, yeah, he's alright. We've always been close. We'd do anything for each other, no questions asked." He says letting out a soft sigh. I look at him passively, noticing the mood change.

  "Something wrong?" He looks down at me with a blank stare. That look that only he can do and drive me crazy. What is he thinking? He doesn't answer me, so I continue walking toward the center. I'm curious why his mood changed like that. I want to press and know more. It must have something to do with what he wanted to talk about earlier and somehow his brother must be involved. We reach the elevator and wait silently for a moment. I can't take this. "You know, Jackson," I say grabbing his hand as his eyes widen from my touch, "if there's something on your mind you can tell me." I stare at him reassuringly and wait for what seems to be an eternity but really was only a few seconds. The ding of the elevator arriving breaks our gaze. I release his hand and walk in with him following me. Standing at the back of the elevator he presses the ground button then turns to face me, catching my ogling. Oh no I was caught staring.

  "Fuck it!" he snaps.

  Before I know it I'm pinned against the wall and he attacks my mouth with his, holding my hands behind me. I kiss him back fervently, wanting him just as much as he wants me. Letting go of my hands, he lifts my leg and pushes his pelvis against me and I feel him. All of him. His large erection only gets me hotter. His smell covers me as his free hand cups my butt, pushing me against him. The bell of the elevator breaks our desire. Shit! He looks down at me, releasing my leg staring, waiting for me to speak as we try and catch our breath. Did I really just let that happen?

  "Wow...I...ummm..." My words are gone again. He backs off, pulling me out of the elevator into the garage. He pushes me against the wall, leaning his weight against me again. I feel weak and unable to resist. He lifts my head up in his hands as I stare at him actually wanting him to kiss me again.

  "I'm not gonna kiss you again." How does he know?" I just couldn't keep my hands off you any longer."

  "Jackson-I…" He backs up and lets go of my face. "What about Kevin...I can't do this." I walk hastily to my car as I hear his footsteps scrambling behind me.

  "Karisma, don't go. Let's talk about this." I get in my car not looking at him as tears run down my face. I start my car and pull out of the parking lot. Oh my god, I can't believe he just did that. I'm worried…I liked it. A lot. I wanted more. I glance at the time and it's late. Oh no, Kevin. I pull over to check my phone, realizing I hadn't even told him I was going out. Damn, phones dead. I hurry home trying to put what happened behind me for now. I for sure will not tell Kevin.


  Fuck! Great job Jackson, damn! I can't believe I just did that shit. I've lost her for sure. I need to call Alyssa.

  “Jackie…what's up?” She answers.

  “I kissed her. I fucked up.”

  “You did what!”

  “What?” I hear Jonathan’s voice. They're still together?

  “He kissed her.” I hear him laughing…exactly why I didn’t call him. “Jackson…what did she do?” Alyssa asks calmly.

  “She kissed me back…but then she ran…I fucked up didn't I?”

  “Jackson…you do realize she's not Kim…she's not your second chance.”

  “What? Stop saying that…it's more than that…I haven't felt this way about anyone in a long time. Now that I've kissed her…I know.”

  “I know…I'll talk to her.”

  “Don't tell her I said anything. Please.” She agrees and hangs up. I think I better keep my distance from her. Keep it professional tomorrow for sure.


  I pull up in the driveway and see Kevin is here already. I step out and as I walk up I see he's standing outside waiting by the door, completely unhinged. Shit.

  "What the fuck Karisma!" Oh yeah, he's pissed. "Where were you? I called a thousand times! Something wrong with your phone?"

  "Kevin, calm down and go inside...the neighbors." I say grabbing his hand to pull him in. Before I can put my bag down, he spins me and kisses me hard, then pushes me back abruptly to examine me. "Are you ok?" Some of his anger has left and is replaced with concern.

  "Kevin, I'm fine. I just stayed at work late and-"

  "No you didn't, I called you there. A lot." He looks like he's in pain, but I think he deserves to feel like this.

  "Kevin," I say softly walking toward him, "you interrupted me. I was working late until about six, and was invited by Alyssa to go out to celebrate her promotion

  "And you couldn't call because...." His eyes wide and confused.

  "Honestly, I forgot. It was just going to be one drink so I thought I would be home before you and didn't want to bother you." His shoulders finally relax and the relief shows through him.

  "Karisma...I thought..." he puts his head down. I walk over to him, wrap his arms around my waist and mine around his neck.

  "Look at me Kevin." He slowly looks at me. "I'm okay. Nothing's wrong. I'm here with you now." I say smiling. He quickly attacks my lips with his, kissing me like I've been gone for weeks. He grunts deep, sliding his hands down to my behind, pushing me into him before slapping my ass.

  "Don't do that again.” he says, taking a deep breath.

  "I won't." I assure him.

  He gives me a devilish smile. "Let's go to bed."

  "Let's." I smile. He swoops me up suddenly and carries me upstairs. Wow, he’s never done this before. I love him still, even though there's an infatuation pulling me towards Jackson right now. Well, I hope it's just an infatuation, it feels…different. I can't let my hormones get the best of me. Kevin was there for me at the worst time of my life…I just don't want that to be the reason I'm staying. I'm just not sure, I doubt my father would approve of this relationship. My heart fills with sorrow suddenly with the thought. Oh no. I can't cry right now. I can't. Daddy. I feel a tear trickle down my face. Before I know it, I'm bellowing into Kevin's chest.

  Chapter Seven

  I don't know if it was what happened with Jackson and my guilt or the fact that I miss my father, I couldn't stop sobbing.

  "Oh no…Karisma." He looks down at me still carrying me upstairs. "What's happened?" I can't speak. I just cry and hold him tightly. Once in the bedroom, he sits on the bed and rocks me on his knee. "I don't understand what's going on..." His concern is overwhelming, “Shh, tell me please." I wouldn't dare tell him what happened. He would find out where Jackson lives right now. It's not like I didn't kiss him back, I'm just as guilty. I can't believe I let that happen. I'm a cheater too, now. After a few minutes of sobbing and being cradled like a baby, I finally look at him from his chest. He smiles, his dark eyes gleaming down at me. "Are you ready to tell me now?" Yeah. I let someone stick their tongue down my throat. Oh God.

  "I don’t know why I started thinking about Daddy." He looks down at me in shock as if it were his fault. "No, it's nothing you did..." Looking down as if I'm in trouble. He puts his head to mine.

  "Are you okay now?"

  “Yes…I guess I just needed a cry.”

  “Okay baby…it’s late let’s just get you in bed.” We take off our clothes and I lay in the bed while he turns the light out before sliding in behind me close. “You sure you’re ok?”

  “I’m good.” I say quietly.

  "Good. Get some rest." He holds me tight and by the time I knew it, I was sound asleep. That night I dreamed. Dreamed of the day after Kevin and I met. The day my father died. The day everything changed...

  After hours of talking and looking at the view, I check the time.

  "It's late." I say looking back at him. "I don't want my parents to worry.” Kevin stares at me smiling that sexy panty dropping smile.

  "Are you sure you're ready to go." He says sulkily.

  "No, but I should." I caress the back of his head and pull him down to my lips. I just like kissing him, his lips are so soft and smother mine. I wonder what else I would like. He will definitely do for now.

  "Let's go."

  He stands and takes my hand to make the journey back down the hills and through the trees to his motorcycle. Riding home, I’m at ease taking in all the scenery I missed on the way up. Caressing his chest, my mind wanders to the next time we’ll encounter each other. I never expected to like him this much. Honestly, I just needed someone to fuck me a few times before I went back to school. Doesn't seem like that’s going to be the case, but time will tell.

  As we round the corner to my block, we are greeted by a group of people hanging outside. Getting closer, I see there are police with an ambulance in front of my house.

  "Let me off!" I scream at Kevin. He stops the bike in the middle of the road and I run towards the house, struggling to get this stupid helmet off. As I reach the house I am barricaded by two police officers. "What the fuck! Get off me!" I screech, tears flooding my eyes.

  "She lives here! Let her through!" Kevin yells running toward me.

  "Unhand my daughter you imbecile!" My mother butts in. The one time I appreciate her being brusque.

  "Mommy!" They finally let me in and I charge to my mother sobbing hugging her. "What's happened?" She puts me at arm’s length wiping away the tears from my eyes.

  "It's your father-." Just then I see my father being wheeled to the ambulance.

  "Daddy!" I scream, running to his side. He seems so lifeless lying there on the gurney. There's no response to me. I turn to mother who has followed behind me. "How’d this happen? I don't understand. He was fine earlier..." I stare at her, waiting for a reasonable explanation. This is the first time in my entire life that my mother says nothing. She's irritating me. "Which hospital sir?" I turn to ask the paramedic before he shuts the door.

  "Northwest." He answers shutting the door.

  "Are we going?" I say turning to face my mother.

  "I need to dress first-"

  "Now is not the time to be proper mother. Your husband is going to the ER! You look fine." I snap at her. She doesn't respond. I run back down the driveway to Kevin, who's been waiting there patiently. He grabs me into his embrace tightly.

  "What happened?" he asks.

  "She won’t answer me… can you take me to the hospital?"

  "Absolutely. Let's go"

  At the hospital I'm told he was taken into surgery. Stunned, I walk over to Kevin who has been waiting at the entrance.

  "I just don't understand what's going on…surgery for what? I need my mother here now."

  "Well, she'll be here soon. Just try and relax boo." He sits and pulls me onto his lap. "Are you hungry? Thirsty?"

  "No, I'll wait." Lying there I couldn't put anything together. I'm just too anxious. I can't believe my mother isn't here yet. "Wait a minute,” I say startling Kevin sitting up, "there were so many cops…he must’ve been attacked…right?"

  "Karisma, I don't know baby," he says pushing me back down, "let's just wait for your mother to get here. Please try to relax ‘til then." After a few minutes I relax and doze off in his arms.

  "Karisma Washington!" My mother snaps. I jump up from Kevin's lap, still tired and a little embarrassed. "Have you lost it?" She looks at Kevin in disgust.

  "What?" I say confused.

  "I'll give you two some privacy." He says uncomfortably. I smile at him apologetically and kiss him on the cheek before he leaves.

  "Seriously mom? This is what you want to talk about? What happened with Daddy?" I say annoyed. She looks at me then throws her hands up and takes a seat.

  "Honestly, I don't know. You're father and I were in bed when I heard something going on downstairs. I thought it could have been you coming back with that boy." She pauses and looks at me.

  "Don't even mom." I know she wants to complain about Kevin.

  "Well, Tabitha told me you left on a motorcycle," She glances at me in disappointment, "but there wasn't one in front of the house. I hear it again, so I wake your father and tell him. He goes downstairs and all of a sudden I hear him struggling. I call down to him and I see someone attacking him. He yells at me to go back and call the cops. I do as I'm told initially, but I had to help. I get your father's gun and run downstairs and I see him on the floor. I cried out to him but he didn't respond. I ran out to the officers once they arrived, and they called the ambulance."

  "Did you see the person?" I asked, completely shocked that this happened, upset that I wasn't home to help.

  "No Karisma. I was in panic mode. I just wish I could've done more." I grab her hand reassuring her that there was nothing she
could have done.

  "Who would want to hurt him? How did they get past our security?"

  "I'm not sure. The police will figure it out, I'm sure of it." She says, grabbing my hand and gripping it tightly.

  "Blair Washington." A young man in scrubs walks in the waiting room. I jump up and walk to him.

  "That's my father, and this is my mother. Is he okay?" He looks down at his hands for a second and I knew. Tears fill my eyes, my blood gets cold and I feel light headed. I see Kevin come in behind the doctor and walk towards me. Everything starts to go dark as everyone goes blurry.

  "The blunt force to his head caused too much swelling...I'm sorry, but we couldn't save him. We tried everyth-"

  My legs fall out. The last thing I see is Kevin catching my fall. He's gone.

  Chapter Eight

  The next morning, I wake up still tired and groggy. The light beams through the window, and Kevin is sprawled over me. I rub his hair, not wanting to wake him. He looks up at me, eyes hooded.

  "Good morning, Izzy." He says smiling.

  "Good morning.” He sits up and kisses me on the forehead.

  "Are you okay?"

  "I'm good." He stares at me a moment then kisses me quickly.

  "Let's go, we’ve gotta get ready for work." He pulls me out of the bed.

  "Oh, but it's early.” I say whining.

  "Yes, but I want to shower with you."

  "Hmm, okay." I respond excitedly. He pulls me into the bathroom with him.

  "Don’t move." he says, kissing me quickly again. He walks over to run the shower and removes his boxers. He stalks over to me and kisses me slowly, then unsnaps my bra and slides it off in front of me. He nibbles on my neck and plays with my nipples, causing my head to fall back, relishing his touch. Trailing kisses down my stomach, he slowly bends down, removing my underwear and kissing my thighs. "Step." I do as I'm told. He works his way back up to my lips slowly. "Get in." He says gesturing his head toward the shower. He watches me step in before sauntering in, gawking at me. "God you're beautiful." He murmurs, grabbing my chin and kissing me, pulling me in close. "Wash me." He commands.


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