The Savage Alien's Chosen (Astral Heat Book 3)

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The Savage Alien's Chosen (Astral Heat Book 3) Page 4

by Ashley Hunter

  “Yes,” crooned Valma. “Doesn’t that feel nice?”

  “Bend lower,” Nax said huskily.

  Valma obliged, and Nax’s pulse quickened. He pulled her closer to him, and made to hitch down his leggings to release his raging hard dick. Valma’s tight little ass beckoned him like a siren and he now hungered to fuck his frustration out on the scheming little bitch.

  “Take me, my lord,” Valma moaned. “Take me deep!”

  Though her words were thick with passion, he knew in his heart, she was only playing a part. It was all artificial, a ploy to further her political ambitions. She’d never reject him the way Lara did.

  A tidal wave of guilt and loneliness crashed over him. At that moment, all he wanted was for her to like him, to be as attracted to him as he was to her. She was the only woman he wanted in his arms. Nobody else could act as a substitute while Lara remained so maddeningly unobtainable.

  When he stopped caressing her, Valma turned her head and frowned. “Is something wrong?” she asked, making an ill attempt at hiding her irritation.

  The last of Nax’s sexual desire crumbled away. He felt cold and dead inside. “Leave me alone,” he said quietly, staring into space.

  “What?” Valma’s voice was shrill with incomprehension.

  “I’m tired,” Nax said blankly. “Go.”

  He put enough severity in his voice to make sure Valma got the message loud and clear. For just a split-second, the female’s finely sculpted face twisted with fiery rage before she swiftly remembered who she was and restored her mask of deference. She straightened up and smoothed down her dress before nodding her head stiffly.

  “As you wish, my lord,” she said in a clipped voice before turning and striding away with as much icy dignity as she could muster. Nax smiled mirthlessly as she slammed the door behind her.

  An aching silence filled the void in the wake of her departure, and he closed his eyes and leant back his head. Lara’s beautiful, sweet face filled his mind.

  She lacked the preening artifice of Lady Valma and the other Narden women at court, and possessed in its place a wholesome, natural attractiveness. She had a fiery temper too, and an intellect as sharp and bright as the Icicle Falls in the lower valley. She was everything he had been searching for his entire life, and he had to have her, whatever the cost.

  * * *

  Looking out at the vast blanket of stars from the window of his office aboard Science Base Odin, Professor Ottos Belthazar waited anxiously to find out if his strategic gamble had been successful.

  An urgent bleep from the console set into desk brought him quickly away from the window. He sat down at his desk and activated the console. Lara’s life signs flared on the screen and he smiled. She had survived landfall, and the Narden hadn’t executed her on sight, not yet anyway.

  Quickly, he typed in the formula to activate the Ghost Skin, and waited for it to come online. A few moments later, the console screen flickered and came into life, showing him the interior of a stone room which the Professor assumed was inside the Narden royal castle. Fast asleep and wrapped in a fur cloak was the half naked form of Lara.

  Belthazar frowned. She seemed to have made herself right at home. He pressed a button on the console and brought the mic on the desk to his mouth. “Ghost Skin, set up a micro-camera in the room so that I can see you.”

  The image on the screen shifted round and then changed as a second camera was set onto the wall overlooking the bed and the sleeping Lara. No longer seeing things through the eyes of the Ghost Skin, Belthazar waited for the transparent, faceless humanoid to step in front of the micro-camera.

  When it did so, he grinned in triumph. The Ghost Skin looked undamaged from its time absorbed into Lara’s skin. Whilst she was sleeping, the Skin had literally seeped out of her flesh and coalesced into its humanoid form. The technology behind the Skin was quite fantastic really, and so it should be. He’d designed it after all.

  “Begin your surveillance mission immediately,” he ordered the Skin. “Access the Narden data banks and transmit all information back to the station and then gather all necessary tactical data relating to Narden weaponry and military strength. Do you understand?”

  The Skin nodded mutely. It hadn’t been designed to be capable of speech in the unlikely event of it being discovered. Another drawback was that once it had completed its mission it was programmed to detonate the nuclear mega-warhead that it had been fitted with, which had enough destructive capability to decimate the Castle and the surrounding landscape for several thousand kilometres.

  The Professor looked back at the sleeping Lara and felt a pang of guilt. Poor Lara, she was so trusting and naïve it had been so ridiculously easy to convince to come on this mission, even though it took her completely out of her comfort zone.

  It just went to show how much she respected him. Her loyalty was admirable and fundamentally her own death warrant. She would have to die when the Ghost Skin self-destructed, of course.

  The attack could not be linked to Earth Corporate, and during the chaos that would result on Nardenstar, it would leave their territory and colony worlds wide open for financial exploitation and regime change. His success would mean unlimited funding for his projects and the opportunity to become the foremost authority on the Narden in the solar system. It was a prize worth the sacrifice.

  Still, it was a shame Lara would have to die. She had a first-rate scientific mind and great potential. It was almost criminal to squander such talent. Maybe he should warn her and get her off the planet before it was too late?

  No, it was too risky. His own career was far too important to jeopardise. Already, the Science Board had threatened to close down Odin if this plan failed, due to lack of profitability. If Lara knew what was at stake she would make this sacrifice quite willingly. He was sure of that.

  “Ghost Skin, shift to stealth mode and begin your mission,” he ordered.

  The Ghost Skin shimmered and became completely invisible. Belthazar delighted in his handiwork. The Ghost Skin was the perfect spy, it was just a shame it was a proto-type and that he lacked the resources to create any more. If he’d had more time he could have produced a squad of Skins. That would have been more efficient, but needs must when the Devil drives.

  His gaze lingered on the sleeping Lara for a moment longer and he shook his head. It was a necessary sacrifice. Sitting back in his chair he sent an impulse that activated the vaporisation unit inside the micro-camera, disintegrating it without a trace. He couldn’t leave anything to chance.

  The screen went blank and he laced his fingers together in thought. It was all up to the Ghost Skin now. It would take the Skin several weeks to obtain the information he needed and transmit it back to the base before it would detonate the bomb inside its body. Though he was not given to sentimentality, he did so hope Lara’s last days alive would be in the very least tolerable if not enjoyable.

  Chapter 4: Thaw

  Lara woke from her long sleep, not knowing where she was. It took her muddled brain several moments to recall the traumatic events that had occurred since arriving on Nardenstar and the strange, sexual frisson provoked by Nax.

  She groaned as she remembered the wild storm of lust he had stirred up in her. That must never happen again. Feeling utterly miserable, she sat up and looked around her surroundings. The room was exactly as she remembered it, except there was a set of clothing put out carefully on the chair nearby.

  Getting of the bed with the cloak still wrapped around her, she padded over to the clothing. It was a light blue outfit consisting of a diamond studded blouse and leggings, complimented by some rather skimpy underwear, thick woolly socks and ankle-high fur lined boots.

  She examined the outfit judging it to be her size and though she would have preferred her own clothes there was no sign of her travel bag, which she had dropped in the throne room, she didn’t want to walk around with just a fur cloak on. Throwing the cloak onto the bed, she started to get dressed in the clothing

  She had just finished putting on the boots when the door abruptly opened and Granor stepped in. “Good, you’re awake at last,” he said gruffly.

  “You know its good manners to knock before entering a room,” Lara said stiffly.

  The Yetoid grunted and bared his fangs. He seemed about to say something when Lara felt a rush of air go past her, as if someone was walking past really quickly. Granor cocked his head and sniffed the air.

  When he stayed doing this for almost a minute, Lara grew irritated. “Was there something you wanted? Or was this just a social call?” she asked sarcastically.

  Granor stopped sniffing the air and gave her an unreadable look. “He wants you to have breakfast with him. Come on.”

  By ‘he’ she assumed the Yetoid meant Nax, and though he was the last person she wanted to see it looked like she had very little choice in the matter. “I suppose it wouldn’t help if I said I wasn’t hungry, and that I’d rather stay here?” she asked hopefully.

  “Get moving,” Granor said irritably, “or do I need to use the collar again?”

  “I’m not sure Prince Nax would be very pleased with you if you did that,” Lara shot back. “He might send you outside to sleep in the kennel.”

  “Don’t get smart,” Granor growled. “You might have his attention at the moment, but he quickly gets bored. Then he’ll give you to me for leftovers.”

  Lara tried not to let the threat rattle her. She was in an extremely precarious situation and Nax was the only barrier to her being executed, or worse. It was best to play along and figure out a way to get word to the Professor that the mission had gone horribly wrong.

  “Okay,” she said in a neutral voice. “I’m coming.”

  Granor took her through the vast castle and up to Nax’s lavishly furnished apartments. He was sat in his leather outfit from yesterday at a table laid out with cooked meats, lumpy looking bread and what looked suspiciously like fried eggs. Lara’s stomach growled and she realised how hungry she was.

  “Lara, come and join me,” Nax said brightly, gesturing to the chair opposite.

  Lara glanced over to Granor, who had taken up position guarding the door. Reluctantly, she sat down, her mouth watering at being so close to the food.

  “I trust you slept well?” Nax enquired.

  “Okay, thank you,” Lara said sullenly.

  “Oh, don’t be so glum, we’re all friends here. I hope you like the outfit I provided. I had the royal tailor working all night to prepare it for you. Please eat,” Nax said encouragingly tucking into his own breakfast with the utensils provided.

  Lara looked at the meal enviously, but refused to touch any of it in case it had been drugged or something. It was a paranoid thought, but she’d put nothing past him. Between ravenous mouthfuls, Nax noticed she wasn’t eating anything.

  “Go ahead and eat,” he said. “It’s all good hearty Narden fare, and I promise I won’t masturbate while you’re breakfasting.”

  Lara sniggered, unable to stop herself, and Nax laughed out loud. “That’s better,” he said. “I haven’t seen you smile since you arrived. I was beginning to miss it.”

  “Can you blame me?” Lara replied. She picked up her utensils and helped herself to a slice of dark red meat and took a mouthful. It was deliciously tender and melted in her mouth. Now that she had started she fell on the food with abandon, desperate to sate her hunger.

  Nax seemed equally famished and they ate in silence for several minutes, until both of them were full. Feeling much better, Lara sat back in her chair and took a sip of the sweet tasting juice that had also been laid out on the table.

  Nax wiped his mouth and did the same, his dazzling blue eyes finally lifting up to meet her face. “Feel better now?”

  “Yes, thank you,” Lara said politely.

  Nax made a face. “Why are you so formal all of a sudden? You were a murderous firebrand yesterday.”

  “I was . . . overwrought,” Lara said carefully.

  “Overwrought huh?” replied Nax. “Is that an Earther term for being a snarky bitch?”

  “You were hardly Prince Charming yourself,” Lara retorted. “I’m used to being treated with such disrespect.”

  “Disrespect?” Nax exclaimed. “I offered you my body and you turned me down. That’s what I call disrespect. Do you know how many Narden women would have jumped at the chance of jumping me?”

  “You could have always have sent for one of them, instead of taking matters into your own hand,” Lara said snidely. “Or are you just talk?”

  Nax scowled at her. “You’d be wise not to be so insolent. You seem to forget that you owe me your life.”

  “I owe you nothing!” Lara said hotly, her voice rising. “If you’re going to kill me, just do it! But don’t think you’re going to control me, or make me do something against my will. I am not your whore, whatever you might think!”

  Heat flushed her face as she delivered her tirade and she was shaking with rage. She knew in her mind that she shouldn’t be trying to provoke him, but his arrogance made her so angry she couldn’t think straight. For some reason, he just naturally pushed all her wrong buttons.

  Nax gave her a flinty look and help himself to a chunk of bread, which he proceeded to eat noisily. “I don’t think you’re a whore,” he said in a quiet voice after he’d finished eating.

  “Okay, okay, I’m sorry,” Lara said, taking a steadying breath. He looked like a hurt little boy and she found herself regretting speaking so harshly to him. “I’m just really stressed. This is not what I was expecting when I accepted this mission.”

  “Ah yes, your mission,” Nax said, brightening up. “What did the Professor tell you exactly?”

  “Well, ostensibly, it was to study Narden culture, and technological sophistication as well as a study of Nardenstar’s environment and geology. One of my main fields of study is Xeno-geoscience. In fact, I was looking forward to studying your world. I have a particular liking for colder worlds.”

  “I see, that must be because your heart is frozen,” Nax said with a snigger.

  Lara shot him a poisonous glare. “If you’re going to make fun of me, I will go back to my room.”

  “Don’t get uppity,” Nax said raising his hands in mock defence. “I was only goofing around. Your mission sounds very interesting.”

  “It would have been, but it looks like it’s not going to happen,” Lara replied glumly. “Your father doesn’t seem interested in any kind of cultural exchange with Earth.”

  “My father is not interested in anything except scheming and executing traitors, or people who he perceives as traitors, which constitutes about 98 percent of the Narden population,” Nax said dryly. He sat back in his chair and gave Lara a wry look. “I, however, am far more open-minded.”

  Lara frowned at him, not liking where this was going. “What are you talking about?”

  “I could help you carry out your mission, at least part of it. I could show you my world or at least some of it beyond the castle. You could do your geological surveys and study the smaller villages. What do you say?”

  “What do you get out of it?” Lara said suspiciously.

  “The pleasure of your company,” Nax said giving her a dazzling grin. “I and Granor will be your escort, to make sure you don’t get into any trouble. What do you say?”

  Her mind went back to the baths yesterday, and the sight of his naked, perfect body. Heat danced between her legs and a shiver went up her spine. She had barely been able to control herself as she watched him pleasure himself, could she keeping resisting him if they spent even more time together?

  “I say you’re full of bullshit,” she said sharply, hardening her expression. “I’m not playing your games. The mission is void now, thanks to you father. I am a political prisoner and Earth Corporate will take a dim view of your father’s actions, if you’re not careful.”

  Nax stretched and scratched his belly. “Has anyone ever told you that you look cute wh
en you’re scary and intimidating?”

  “I give up!” Lara said in exasperation. She got to her feet. “If you really want to help me, you could get me a private audience with your father. Maybe I can convince him to let me go back to Odin.”

  “He’s forgotten all about you, my little snow flower,” Nax said, shaking his head. “But . . . if you agree to my extremely generous offer, I might be able to arrange for you to contact the Science Base.”

  Lara’s eyes lit up with hope. “You mean it?”

  “I am a man of my word,” Nax said grandly. “Do you agree?”

  Lara hovered uncertainly and then finally nodded. There was no point resisting, she realised. She had nothing to lose.

  “Excellent!” Nax yelled excitedly, jumping to his feet. “We’ll leave at once!”

  “Where to?” Lara asked, feeling startled by his outburst.

  “My hunting lodge at the foot of the Graven Mountains,” Nax replied eagerly. “It’s the perfect place for you to begin your studies, and I desperately need to get out of this suffocating pile of stone. This is the perfect excuse.”

  Granor padded silently to a cupboard and took out two fur cloaks. He thrust one into Lara’s hands. “Granor will take you down to the courtyard, I need to get my stuff together and I’ll meet you there.”

  “Okay,” she said hesitantly. “Though I’m not sure if this is really a good idea.”

  “Relax,” Nax said, shooting her a look that made her pussy moist. “I’ll look after you.”

  * * *

  Within the hour, the three of them were in a jet sleigh and zooming across the vast snowfields stretching beneath the mountainous foundations of the castle. The morning sun was pristine and bright, and an invigorating wind caressed Lara’s face as they sped along.


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