Her Master's Christmas

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Her Master's Christmas Page 8

by Lily White

  “Excellent. We’ll begin now.”

  Standing up, I brushed the wrinkles out of my dark grey slacks and motioned for Molly to follow me to the table.

  “Thank you for the gift, Master.”

  Spinning on my heel, I gripped her face with my hand, my palm smothering her smug voice before she had a chance to react. Wide eyes stared at me filled with lust and fear, not a bad combination on a normal day, but seriously aggravating at that moment.

  Leaning in to Molly, I stopped when we were nose to nose and I felt the heat of her tears falling against my hand. “Do not speak to me unless you’re spoken to.”

  She squealed when I crushed the inside of her mouth against her teeth. “I have ways of dealing with sluts who speak out of turn that I promise you won’t like.”

  I could have shown mercy, I could have stayed silent, but I was too annoyed to let it go. Molly was stepping deeper and deeper into a behavior I would not allow. Her refusal to learn would only make the lesson that much more painful in the end.

  We both sat down at the table, and I watched as Molly cradled her hand to her chest and fidgeted in her seat as if she’d been truly abused. Laughing to myself about the fact that she had no clue what a real injury was like, I still took the behavior and used it for what it was worth.

  “Are you uncomfortable, Pet?”

  Batting her eyes, she shook her head. “The seats are cold because of the wood and with only my panties on…”

  “I understand completely,” I lied, bile rising up my throat because I wasn’t in a position to modify her complaining. Patience was the most difficult virtue of all, but the pain of waiting was lessened by the opening she’d just handed me.

  “Did you hear that, Rebecca? Molly’s ass is cold on the wood seat. Come over and correct that problem for her.”

  I wasn’t sure, but I thought I heard a few choice swear words spoken under her breath before Rebecca pushed up to her feet and walked over to the table. By the time she reached us, her face was a blank mask, but I knew I would break her eventually.

  “I’m not sure why you didn’t just crawl over considering you need to be back on your hands and knees.”

  Her eyes shot to mine briefly before they returned to the floor at her feet. I smiled at the minor fracture in her resolve the eye contact showed me.

  “Yes, Master.”

  Once she was on her hands and knees, I directed Molly to stand up from her seat and move it away from the table.

  “Rebecca will happily be your new seat, with her head facing my direction, of course.”

  Another hissed, barely discernible word left Rebecca’s mouth, but she took her position and allowed Molly to sit on her back.

  “Is that better?”

  Molly nodded and I lifted my newspaper to unfold it. My cook and housekeeper, Theresa, came in the kitchen a few moments later and like the wonderful woman she is, flinched at the sight of Rebecca and Molly, but refrained from saying a word about it. After setting two plates of food on the table, she shook her head in disbelief before walking out.

  “May I ask a question, Master?”

  Molly’s high-pitched voice sent a chill along my spine and I felt sorry for the poor bastard who bought her. “Yes.”

  “May I play with my toy?”

  Flipping down the corner of my paper so I could watch, I answered, “While you’re recovering, Pet, you can do anything with Rebecca that you want. She’s your plaything.”

  Molly’s hand reached down between Rebecca’s legs while she excitedly bounced on Rebecca’s back. A set of beautiful green eyes met mine when they shot up from where they’d been directed at the floor. I grinned that Rebecca had forgotten her game as the perfect courtesan once again.

  I would win this battle of wills no matter what horrible things I had to do. And even more fortunate, I would have tons of fun while doing so.



  If not for the malicious grin Aiden gave me when I looked up at him, I would have cried. As humiliating as his previous punishments had been through the years, he’d never stooped so low as to hand me over to another courtesan. Sure, he’d made me play when other owners and Masters brought their toys to the playground, but Aiden had never done this - he’d never made me second place to another toy. I was always the best. I was always the most precious. And now, I wasn’t.

  Part of Aiden’s charm was that he could break you down while complimenting you at the same time. It was disorienting and compelling to be ripped apart by a man’s cruelty while still falling in love and being rebuilt by his words.

  My heart belonged to him, my soul was his alone. And I’d made the foolish mistake of believing that he was mine as well.

  So, even though my heart had shattered to pieces when he gave me to Molly, and my esteem had been shredded by how easily I’d been pushed into second place, the smirk he gave me strengthened my resolve. He was playing with me, not dismissing me. He was making this as uncomfortable as possible in the hopes that it would break me apart.

  I wouldn’t let that happen.

  After getting permission to have her way with me, Molly’s fingertips slipped down my ass to slide through the skin of my pussy, her fingertip finding and playing with my clit. Aiden’s gaze was on my face while Molly’s childlike bouncing threatened to break my back. Between all three annoyances, I would have thought my body wouldn’t respond - but it did. Responsive and needy, my body was the ultimate traitor in this fucked up game, just as Aiden knew it would be.

  The pressure she used to circle my clit increased, her bare ass still bouncing on my back. The heat of her body on mine sickened me, but the motion of her hand turned me on. I was being pulled apart inside while Aiden stared down with amused wonder.

  A moan slipped out from the back of my throat, liquid heat lubricating the skin between my legs as my ass arched up and my back sank with Molly’s weight. As pleasure began to roll through me, as the muscles of my cunt rippled with the need for something hard and thick, Molly giggled in delight and slipped a finger inside. Biting down on my lip, I hated how my hips moved begging for more, how my arms shook barely able to continue holding her weight.

  “I tell you what, Pet. I’m not sure your toy is going to be able to keep holding you up while you take your fill. I’d like to move this into the playroom.”

  A squeal of pleasure preceded her high-pitched response. “Yes, Master.”

  She pulled her hand away and I was left wanting, panting, needing something harder and more dangerous than anything the stupid bitch could give me.

  Molly stood up and followed behind Aiden. I moved to stand up as well, but he turned and reminded me that I should be on my hands and knees. Nobody had given me permission to be on my feet.

  I didn’t know what was worse: Molly saying to me “That’s right. You have to crawl”, or Aiden’s soft laughter before saying, “There’s only one thing you need to answer for me before we begin this dance, Pet. Would you like her ass or her cunt?”


  The distance between the kitchen and playroom was hell on my knees, but I would take it any day over what I saw when Aiden led us into the playroom. Hanging in the center of the room was a swing I knew well, one that provided unobstructed access to every part of my body.

  Molly stood off to the side staring at the swing as if she’d never seen it before. The fact this was new to her pleased me only because it meant Aiden hadn’t bothered with his sexual exploration of her as much as he had with me.

  Yes, it was petty for me to think that, but I was clinging on to whatever small pieces of hope I could find. I didn’t want to believe he preferred Molly over me, but I didn’t fully know. Aiden was impossible to decipher. I wanted to believe he was just teaching me a lesson, that he was toying with me to break me apart, but I didn’t know for sure.

  “Strip down and climb into the swing Rebecca, and don’t keep us waiting.”

  Humor tinged his words as he strolled over to
the closet to select whatever awful thing he could find to make this experience worse. Molly was practically salivating where she stood, her eyes wide with the belief that what Aiden was doing now was proving I would be the person shipped off when the day finally came.

  I wanted to smack the excitement right off her boastful face. But to do so would only piss off my Master. Rebelling wasn’t going to save me this time. I had to play this game a different way.

  “Yes, Master,” I answered, pushing up from the ground and stretching the knot of muscles out of my legs.

  Climbing up into the swing, I secured the safety straps and loops, my thighs balancing me as my legs spread wide. Completely exposed, I closed my eyes and ignored the way Molly’s gaze roamed over my body, the hungry, glib ownership behind her stare.

  “Here you go, Pet. Rebecca happens to be fond of this one.”

  His voice forced me to open my eyes, to see the strap on dildo he was buckling around Molly’s hips.

  Oh, God…not that one…

  Long, ribbed and painfully thick, Aiden had trained my body to accept the dildo many times and in places I’d prefer it not go. So, it didn’t surprise me in the slightest when he instructed Molly to take her position behind me while he took his position in front.

  “Eyes to mine, Whore.”

  Our eyes met, and we both wore the blank mask that disguised everything we were feeling. There wasn’t an ounce of humor in the set of his lips. Not a twinkle in his eye. And the hard lines of his face appeared harder. He sliced me open with his stare, drove me to the ground and squished me beneath his shoe with his words.

  “The swing operates in many ways, Molly. And I know Rebecca will be happy to help me demonstrate them to you.” His eyes never left mine. “Aren’t you?”

  “Yes, Master,” I answered, fighting myself to keep from revealing my anger in my tone. His jaw ticked at my placid acceptance, challenge finally settling into his gaze because he wasn’t getting whatever it was that he wanted.

  Still holding my stare, the blue depth of his eyes relentless and arrogant, he unbuttoned his pants and allowed them to slip to the ground. I couldn’t help looking down to find him hard. Licking my lips, I tried to force my eyes back up to his, but I was addicted to every part of his body, to the beauty of his perfect cock.

  “Eyes to mine, Rebecca.”

  His voice had been softer on those words and I looked back up to find longing behind his gaze, his fire and heat scorching me and making my body tremble with the need for him to be inside me. He held my gaze so long that I forgot about the bitch behind me, but that trance was broken when he spoke to her again.

  “The swing can be used individually or in tandem. I’ll take what I want and then pass your toy on to you to take what you want. But don’t finish her off, Molly, that’s for us to do together.”


  I couldn’t believe the bitch opened her mouth to complain.

  Aiden breathed out, anger a wrinkle in the skin between his eyes. Never missing the opportunity to train, he cut her off and said, “It will never matter what you want, Pet. A Master - YOUR Master - will always take what he wants first. Open your mouth again, and I’ll kick you out of the room entirely and take away your precious toy.”

  Unfortunately, Molly was properly chastised by his threat and didn’t open her mouth to speak again.

  Satisfied with her silence, Aiden reached out and gripped the straps that were on both sides of me. He pulled me towards him and positioned his cock at my opening, his eyes never releasing mine as his mouth opened to instruct, “Molly, stand behind Rebecca and hold her in place.”

  I felt her hands at my back, felt her keep me from swinging away from Aiden as he released the straps to run his hands down my body. One hand cupped my breast, the thumb teasing the nipple until it was fully erect. Heat poured into his eyes once more as he leaned down to take the nipple into his mouth, his other hand finding my clit as his cock pushed slowly inside me. I moaned at the feel of him spreading me open, and I was desperate for him to move. As soon as his hips began to thrust back and forth, his teeth clamped down on my nipple and he forced a throaty cry from my lungs.

  Molly’s arms shook to hold me in place, but Aiden didn’t seem to notice or care. He took his time savoring me, his mouth moving from one breast to the next, finally pulling off entirely so he could lift his head and meet my stare again.

  With a voice as dark as the expression on his face, he told Molly, “Play with her ass, Molly. Prepare your toy for what you will do.”

  She was down to holding me with one arm, and after a moment of hesitation, she ran one hand down my back, her fingers slipping between the cheeks of my ass.

  At the same second her finger pushed into the hole, Aiden locked his lips to mine.

  The pleasure in my body exploded. It wasn’t what Molly was doing to me, and it wasn’t because of Aiden’s cock. It was because he kissed me, and he and I both knew what that meant. He was claiming me. He was owning me. He was breaking a rule he kept with all his courtesans and I didn’t think Molly was paying enough attention to even notice.

  Aiden was reminding me that what happened in this room today was not intended for Molly’s pleasure…it was intended for his and his alone.

  My body relaxed as the small orgasm that overtook me ebbed away. Aiden pulled his cock from my body, still hard, still ready for me when they finished me off. What pleasure he’d given me already was just the beginning of everything he planned to do.

  Releasing our kiss, his voice was gritty when he said, “It’s your turn, Molly. You can let her go and back away.”

  Molly released me so that I could swing back to the center. Aiden approached, his cock erect and ready. When he reached me, he said, “While Molly has her fun, I want my cock between your kiss swollen lips.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  A flicker of amusement was in his eye.

  “Molly, use lubrication and don’t you dare damage her. You’ll regret making that mistake.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  She stepped away to grab a bottle of lube from a side table and within seconds of her stepping back into place I felt the cool, gel being rubbed between my cheeks.

  Aiden smiled before pulling my head down, and thus pushing my ass up towards Molly. The straps that crossed over my abdomen held me in place so that all I could do was lie there practically floating in mid-air.

  I could smell myself on Aiden, could smell us both on the head of his cock that was positioned at my lips. He didn’t move to push inside, instead instructing Molly, “Push in slowly and don’t force it. Rub her clit with your fingers so that she’ll open up for you like the good girl that she is.”

  I felt the tip of the dildo at my ass, and knowing what it felt like when it had been used on me before, I forced myself to relax. Molly entered me with slow strokes, each one going deeper inside me until she was fully inside. Aiden told her to stop moving just long enough for him to push his cock into my mouth and then told her to begin fucking me again.

  My body responded to the strokes. Regardless of who was giving them, whose fingers were teasing my clit with slow circles, whose body it was pressed up against my ass, it was Aiden’s cock inside my mouth, his taste, his prowess, him. And that was all that mattered.

  Pleasure built inside me again, twisting me up until I wanted to move against the dick that fucked me. The swing prevented it and frustration weaved itself into the orgasm that was just out of reach. Desperation flooded me, the need for pain, the need for something more.

  Pulling his cock from my mouth, Aiden told Molly to stop and instructed her to pull out. Losing the stimulation made me cry out in complaint, and that only made Aiden smile when he pulled me up. Positioning me so that my legs were spread in front of him and my ass was exposed to Molly, our eyes locked. He tucked my hair behind my ear and leaned forward to whisper, “Don’t worry, beautiful. Now comes the fun part.”

  A shiver coursed through me at the raw l
ust in his voice.

  Without looking away from me, he cleared his throat and said, “Molly, enter her slowly and then remain still. Don’t move again unless I tell you.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  With Aiden looking at me the way he was, Molly’s voice didn’t even annoy me. She was nothing in this moment, a simple prop used by my Master to help him push me to a point of ecstasy and pleasure. What it meant in the long run, I wasn’t sure.

  I grit my teeth as Molly entered me again, my body stretching and acclimating to the width of the strap on she used. Once she was seated fully, Aiden gave my body a moment to relax.

  Positioning the head of his cock at the opening of my pussy, he slowly pushed in and my body went into overdrive, the sensation becoming so strong that my toes curled and my mouth opened on a breathless moan.

  Reminding Molly not to move, Aiden thrust his hips. His hands found my breasts and he pinched the nipples so hard my head fell back against Molly. I could feel her breasts against my back and hear her breath in my ear, but regardless of that, all I knew in that moment was the feel of Aiden moving inside me.

  He was all consuming, this man that invaded my heart, my mind, my soul and my body without the need for invitation. The beauty of his face was permanently etched in my thoughts, the sharp cut of his cheekbones and the line of his strong, square jaw.

  A face framed by his dark hair, and eyes that were so intense they stole the breath from my lungs, his features were as perfectly cruel as his temperament, a weapon wielded with flawless skill and grace. I’d been lost to him for so long I wasn’t sure that it was possible to find my way back from the lonely, barren landscape where he left me in the moments we weren’t together.

  As his cock filled me and pressed against the fullness of the dildo Molly had seated inside my body, a hungry, malevolent storm of desire spun through my core, churning and burning until my lips parted and moans filled the room, pleasure rolling off me in tempest waves that became a dangerous pressure inside me.


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