rogue shifter 06 - torn apart

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rogue shifter 06 - torn apart Page 8

by Gayle Parness

"No. Yes. Sometimes." I teased him by pulling on his thick hair, still damp from his shower, and then running my fingers over his lips. He captured my hand and kissed each finger, then drew in my thumb and scraped the pad along the same sharp fang. At this point I was panting.

  "I can fix that." He snaked his fingers through my blonde hair and pulled my face close enough so that I was breathing in each one of his yummy breaths, yet still not touching his lips. I tried to move so our lips could meet but he held me in place and laughed when I pouted them out as far as possible.

  "Frustrating male." I tried to look annoyed, but couldn't really pull it off.

  "Would Madame perhaps enjoy a kiss?" His eyes sparkled with silver.

  "I don't know. Are you any good at it?" I teased back.

  He smiled his very sexiest smile and whispered into my ear. "You can tell me what you think later...much later."

  His first kiss was sweet enough to eat, but the ones that came after had my toes curling and every inch of my skin tingling happily. Covering me with kisses, Garrett played my body like a maestro, leaving both of us feeling hot and cool and quite content.

  After I'd slept for an hour in his arms, I asked. "Who taught you how to kiss like that?"


  "Do I look crazy to you?"

  "Never too crazy." He added wryly.

  "What's that supposed to mean?"

  He rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling, leaving me behind. "You must be a little bit crazy for choosing me."

  "It's been more than five years. If I was insane, there'd be further evidence."

  "Well, there's the agreement you made with Isaiah."

  I sat up and glared at him in disbelief. "You're not going to ruin a perfectly beautiful afternoon by arguing with me about something that can't be changed or taken back or Magicked away or..."

  "Sasha says Isaiah's at our patio door, but he won't let him inside until I say it's okay."

  Garrett wasn't looking at me, which was never a good sign. It usually meant that he was hiding some feeling that he didn't want me to read. Even though we were connected emotionally, he was still a master at keeping some of his more 'negative' feelings hidden during certain key moments. In this case it was probably his anger or frustration or fear at my decision to travel to the DR. Although we'd argued this subject before, now that Isaiah was actually here, he didn't want to make things harder for me.

  I put my head on his chest and hugged him. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I've brought him back into our lives. At the time, I couldn't think of anything else to do. If it's a mistake, then I'll be the one paying the price, not you or Charlie."

  "If he hurts you..."

  "Let's talk to him together. Maybe he can ease your mind a little."

  We quickly dressed and went out to the patio hand in hand. Isaiah was sitting on the edge of the fountain with Charlie sitting next to him, asking, "So where do you live?"

  "In the Demon Realm—or the DR as your mom calls it."

  "Is it next to Faerie?" Aislin grunted in derision. She was standing beside an oak tree with one of the demi-fey males on her shoulder. Both of them looked extremely unhappy that Isaiah was anywhere near Charlie.

  "No. Nothing is next to it, yet nothing is far from it either."

  "That doesn't make sense." Charlie folded his arms across his chest.

  "Is Faerie next to Crescent City?" Isaiah asked.

  Charlie thought about that. "It's a magic place that we go to through the lines, so it's close 'cause we get there really fast, but it's not next to us like Uncle Aaron's packland. "

  "Exactly right."

  "So the Demonland is a magic place too?"

  "Yes." Isaiah laughed. "It's called the Demon Realm by your kind."

  "My kind?" Charlie scowled.

  "Everyone but those who live there."

  "What do you call it?"

  "Perhaps one day I'll teach you." Isaiah stood, rolling his shoulders and stretching his arms.

  Charlie looked Isaiah up and down. "Is everyone there like you, cause you look like you're from Faerie."

  Noticing me, Isaiah nodded then answered Charlie's question. "My people are more varied in appearance than the fairies. We also have regular dealings with the unseelie fae and they are nothing like the seelie."

  When Charlie noticed us standing nearby, he ran to his dad, giving him a huge hug and then telling him about his after-party breakfast. "Linn talked to me in my head."

  "She did?" Sasha looked at me curiously.

  "Apparently." I answered with a frown.

  "She said I was a han-some warrior, I think."

  "That female is trouble." Sasha laughed.

  "What's han-some?"

  Sasha answered. "Good-looking." He still seemed confused, so Sash elaborated. "A male that females want to hang out with."

  "Attractive." I added. He looked thoughtful.

  "Pretty?" he asked his dad.

  "Yes, but for a male it's called handsome."

  "Oh. So that's good?"


  "It's not the most important thing," I added.

  "Doesn't hurt." Sasha winked at Charlie.

  "Isaiah." Garrett had walked closer to Isaiah. Sash followed.

  "Garrett." Isaiah nodded. "Nice rest?"

  "I have no desire to exchange pleasantries. You have decided to begin training my son and then continue training my mate. I appreciate the necessity of these circumstances, however I'm not comfortable with Jacqueline spending time in the DR. Could you reconsider and train her here? Charlie needs her, as do I." It took a lot for Garrett to open up that way. I didn't try to hide my smile.

  Isaiah leaned back and frowned. I expected some kind of snide comment to pop out, but he surprised me. "I know you're concerned for her safety. I promise that I will keep her from harm and that I will do nothing to hurt her, other than those small injuries that occur with rigorous training.

  "It's cruel to take her away from her family."

  "It's necessary." Isaiah responded. I'd walked over and snaked my hand in Garrett's, so Isaiah turned his attention toward me. "You could kill someone without meaning to. With me, your demon powers will be at their peak. If you can control them in the DR you can control them here."

  "I'll be fine." I kissed Garrett's cheek.

  "More than me." he scowled. I giggled and started to respond.

  Charlie tugged on my sleeve. "Can I open Linn's present?"

  "After dinner you can open five presents, but you have to eat your vegetables too."

  "Okay." He didn't argue at all. This was a first.

  "Liam said he made fried chicken, just for you."

  "Cool. Did he make biscuits?"

  "I bet he did."

  He wolfed down his chicken, biscuits, salad and baked sweet potato faster than I'd ever seen him eat. Then he waited for the rest of us to finish without squirming around too much.

  I made it clear that we would write thank you cards to the person who gave him the present after each one was opened. He grumbled a little, but then agreed.

  Linn's present was in a lovely hand-decorated box, but Charlie didn't look at it twice. As soon as he opened the box his face fell. "It's a shirt."

  I took a look. "It's a tunic, like Uncle Liam and Uncle Aedus wear when they're in Faerie. It'll make you look like a real fae warrior." I pulled it out to see it more closely. It was the rich green and gold of his aura, made of a lovely fabric that seemed to stretch slightly. "This will fit you perfectly."

  "I'm not wearing that."

  "Will you wear it to her Naming Day Ceremony?"

  "No." He pouted, still looking disappointed.

  "Look, there's a note." Garrett smiled at me and handed it to Charlie. He read it slowly and I helped him with the few words he was unsure about.

  To my friend, Charles,

  Happy day of your birth. I am very much looking forward to attending your celebration.

  I hope that you accept with joy the
surcoat that my mother and I made for you with Faerie magic. It will form to your body and grow as you do. It will never fade or fray and when you wear it, the surcoat will help protect you from magical harm.

  Perhaps you would do me the great honor of wearing it to my Naming Day Ceremony? If you choose not to, I will understand.

  Until next week, your friend,

  Jacqueline, (Linn), daughter of Lord Aedus and Lady Philladre

  He read the note once more and then folded it up and put it in his pocket without further comment. Standing, he took the shirt and hung it with care in his closet, then sat and wrote a short thank you note. He opened the next four gifts with great enthusiasm, particularly enjoying Jay's martial arts video game that the two of them could play together. However, once or twice I caught him looking curiously at the green and gold tunic out of the corner of his eye.

  Female fae mojo is powerful stuff.


  I was very pleased to see that Isaiah was approaching Charlie's training with care, understanding the limits of his age and his natural inclination to "want to play now". He took everyday actions and converted them into a learning experience. Throwing a ball back and forth, he'd describe their actions and surroundings in English, Seelie Fae and Rux, which was his word for the Demon language. This way Charlie would have fun while he learned. When my son got bored, Isaiah moved on to some other activity. He didn't ask Charlie to repeat the words in his language because of the difficulty in the pronunciations, but he did expect him to learn the meanings well enough to understand what someone speaking those words in Rux was saying.

  According to Isaiah, most demons could speak Seelie Fae. In fact it had become the common tongue in all dealings with the Unseelie Fae. The Unseelie included many different species with just as many languages and dialects, so business dealings went smoothly because of this compromise. Because none of them were using their own language, no group was putting itself above the other. Some of the more powerful groups also spoke English, so whenever possible, Isaiah encouraged them to speak in that language.

  He told me I would need to learn Seelie Fae quickly if I was going to be of any real use to him, so I sat with Liam and tried my best, only succeeding in growing more and more frustrated. As each hour passed, I began to wish that I'd inherited my father's ability with languages.

  "You'll just have to speak English around me." I whined on the last day of Isaiah's visit.

  "A servant would learn the language of her master, not the other way around."

  "They'll know that I'm a shifter." I snapped.

  "I've decided to glamour your appearance and scent to keep your identity hidden. My staff and visitors will think that you are a werewolf, the wife of an enemy I have defeated. To claim all the possessions of an enemy is not an uncommon circumstance. This way we can say that you are just now learning the language. However, if you do not make progress I will be expected to discipline you.

  "Can't you just send the English translation to my mind?"

  "You'll need to answer questions posed by others."

  "You can send the answers too."

  His eyes flattened in annoyance. "You are intelligent. Work harder. There is no excuse for Charles knowing more Fae than you. You have had five years to learn the language."

  "While we were working out our agreement did you mention that I had to learn it?"

  He shrugged. "Must have slipped my mind."

  "Tell them I'm mute." I growled.

  He was amused by the idea. "Do you really think you could pull that off? You and your smart mouth?"

  I twisted my smart mouth around and frowned at him. "Tell the ones who only speak Fae that you've ordered me to remain mute. Then tell the ones who speak English that you've temporarily lifted the ban. Meanwhile, I'll keep working on my Seelie Fae lessons." He looked doubtful. "I promise."

  Isaiah smiled wickedly. "Clever little demon—that could work, as long as you appear extremely humble in my presence and do everything I ask instantly and without question.

  "Yeah, yeah, Your Highness."

  "Keep it up. I might have to gag that smart mouth."

  "We're in my world at the moment." I pointed out.

  He smirked, running a hand through his hair. "I am liking this idea more and more. Forced to remain mute, you might actually learn to listen."

  "I do too listen."

  "Not as well as you will. Now get back to your lessons." I gave Isaiah a sheet of paper listing my conflicts.

  "A kid's party?"

  "It's Linn's naming day ceremony. I can't miss that. She was named for me!"

  "Fine. I will give you two days from then."

  "Uh, did you look at the other dates?"

  He looked down at the paper. "A pedicure? I think you are not taking this agreement seriously. That will change quickly." With an angry glint in his eye, he touched behind his ear and disappeared.

  Oh great. It had taken me weeks to get an appointment with Maria. She gave the best leg massages.


  Charlie wore the tunic that Linn had given him to her party. When she saw him for the first time that day, her entire face lit up and she ran gracefully over to where we were standing.

  "My handsome warrior." she said in Fae, then clapped her hands, jumping up and down and giggling. Charlie's face flushed pink but he still managed to smile.

  Earlier that day, when I'd told Charlie to get ready to leave in thirty minutes, he'd looked at me with a solemn expression and said, "I'm gonna try it on—the shirt she gave me."

  "Great, honey." When he ran off to his room, I looked at Garrett and whispered, "He's tried it on every day since he got it. Sometimes more than once."

  "He has excellent taste in females." Garrett teased.

  "He's five."

  "And half fae."

  "Oh come on. You can't tell me that..."

  He placed a finger over my lips."Sometimes you're just too easy to tease."

  "You're lucky that I'm in a forgiving mood, Mr. Cuvier."

  "You can punish me later." He whispered next to my ear.

  My face heated up as he laughed and pulled me against him. Charlie returned dressed in his green tunic and asked, "Why is your face pink? Are you hot, Mom?"

  "She's very hot, son. Why don't you get her a glass of iced water?"

  I gave Garrett a playful shove, then answered Charlie. "I'm fine, sweety. Let's go."

  The ceremony was lovely as all fae ceremonies were, filled with music and singing that uplifted your spirits and tickled you ears with gentle caresses. It was a little more serious than I'd expected, but I found out why afterward. Apparently when a fae child reached the age of five, they were tested. If they were considered ready to move forward, they began their training. Otherwise, they were held back.

  According to Liam, the child should be able to communicate well in the Fae language, show intelligence, good coordination, strength appropriate to their size and most importantly, an interest in learning. It seemed that Charlie and Linn were in the same boat when it came to school.

  Linn was dressed in purple, in deference to her fae heritage, and blue, a sign of her allegiance to Lord Caelen's line. Trimmed in gold, the combination was lovely, and combined with her perfect smiling face she looked magazine-cover-worthy.

  Half the Cascade Sidhe were in attendance. Linn's birth was considered crucial to their future, so she and her parents were looked upon with great respect and love. Grady was there with Liam and Kellaine, as well as Liam's human mother, Lady Erin, Kellaine's parents and her brother, Farrell. Charlie stood next to Grady, probably feeling more comfortable near another kid.

  When the ceremony ended and Linn was released to greet her guests, she ignored the older Fae and immediately ran to Charlie. She took hold of my son's hand and led him to her parents, who were greeting the elders. "You must greet my parents and the elders formally in the Fae language today. Everyone is watching. We will do it together and I will assist you

  Garrett and I glanced around curiously, taking notice of Charlie's slightly worried, yet still determined expression. The fae in the immediate area were inching closer, watching the two children marching hand in hand toward the group of ancient fae gathered near Linn's parents. We decided to move toward the front of the group, wanting to be on hand in case the little guy needed our support.

  Linn spoke in Fae and then in English for our benefit, addressing her parents first, the ritual seeming to have a definite order.

  "Father, I greet you with great love and respect." She nodded deeply with her hand on her heart. Aedus smiled, replying in Fae and then bending down to kiss her sweetly on the forehead.

  She sent to Charlie in English, "You must speak first in English, your native language and then in Fae, Say Lord Aedus, I greet you with respect and then nod like I did."

  "Lord Aedus?" Charlie only knew him as Liam's brother, and Linn's Dad.

  "My father is the son of Lord Caelen and the only full blood nephew of the Queen."

  Charlie, wide-eyed and tense, still managed to speak clearly in his young voice. His Fae wasn't perfect but it was close enough to garner quite a few smiles.

  Aedus extended his hand in the traditional American greeting and Charlie shook it with a grateful smile. "You are learning quickly, Charles, but then you have an excellent teacher." Linn looked proud enough to burst a seam.

  My son surprised them all by replying in fae, "Linn is a good friend, Lord Aedus." The two children made the rounds to Philladre and all the elders then the elders' mates and families. It was taking a while and Charlie was starting to tire. The group of spectators followed along, leaving us behind, so we moved even farther away to have a little privacy.

  I sent to Garrett. "Is this some kind of pre-mating ritual?" I must have looked horrified because he snaked his arm around my waist to pull me closer.

  "You worry too much. Charlie will choose his own lifemate just as we have."

  I leaned against him and sighed. "I hope he finds someone who makes him as happy as you make me."

  "He's five." He wrapped his arms around my body then spun me to face him, burying his nose in my hair.


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