rogue shifter 06 - torn apart

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rogue shifter 06 - torn apart Page 21

by Gayle Parness

  "Since four."

  "What time is it?"

  "Six fifteen." Garrett laughed at the sound of my groan. My sleeping habits would be the subject of too many jokes to count over dinner.

  When I joined the gathering, everyone was lounging with drinks in the patio area. Lord Caelen's expression was pained as he listened to Kyle talk excitedly about a new invention. "It's true, Lord Caelen, the sword is powered remotely to come to you anywhere within a fifty mile radius."

  "Perhaps that would be useful if you could somehow warn the surrounding area occupants to look up and protect their necks."

  Kyle snorted out a laugh. "Nah. It doesn't fly through the air. It travels the lines like you do."

  "Hmmm." Caelen seemed doubtful.

  "Yeah, it's cool. It can be used for any kind of weapon. You just carry a tiny locator charm and it's keyed to you specifically. I already tried it out with Ethan. Jackie and Garrett have been helping us with the ley line thing when they have the time."

  "Why would this be needed by the fae? We can conjure our swords in an instant."

  "What if you'd been blocked from your magic, lets say, for the purposes of negotiating with an enemy. You could show up unarmed, but if things went sour, with the flick of a button, you'd have your sword in your hand."

  "If I had given my word to come unarmed, then using your device would be dishonorable."

  "Yeah, but you wouldn't be dead." Kyle shrugged. Aedus and Liam were standing together and laughing at their father's uncertain gaze. Talking to Kyle could do that to you.

  Thinking that he wouldn't be comfortable waiting on his dad, I'd told Liam to relax and let me serve dinner. Unfortunately, he insisted, although Ethan, and I helped while Sasha got the drinks. Tonight Liam was wearing an apron that said "Fae's Kitchen" with a pixie male standing on a rock looking fierce, flames shooting up around him. Lord Caelen was glancing at it with a certain amount of trepidation, not getting the joke. Liam couldn't seem to resist another opportunity to annoy his father.

  I was glad that Jay and Charlie had already eaten, their sporadic giggles heard as they played video games upstairs. There was no reason for them to have to hear about William or the army Bridgett was gathering.

  A few minutes into the meal, I began recounting my latest adventures in the DR. Everyone was very quiet when I told them about Will, this time not leaving anything out.

  "I find I have such mixed feelings," Garrett shared. "I'm glad that he's sentient, even if he's only a shade, but I'm distressed that he's suffering."

  "Bridgett should be drawn and quartered." Sasha growled.

  "I cleared his aura, so he seemed more like himself. What do you think he wants from Marie?"

  Caelen spoke. "He might feel that he can give her information to bring back to us. You should contact her as soon as possible."

  "It's dangerous for her there. Her energy attracts some of the lower caste demons and unseelie fae. She was attacked once, before I made her my familiar. Still, she wants to help, so I've sent her there a few times to spy. She hasn't found out much."

  "Perhaps William has a way to contact her when she arrives." Liam suggested.

  "It would be useful to have a contact on the inside, but I hate to use him in that way," Garrett added.

  "He's no longer your responsibility." Caelen waved his hand in dismissal.

  I scowled at Caelen. "Garrett and Will have a shared bloodline. They were together for thirty years." Garrett frowned at me, but I didn't care. "Your twin sister is just as big a danger to Charlie as the archdemon. Are you handling that end?" Where Charlie's life was concerned, I wasn't a diplomat, just a mom on a mission.

  Liam sent to me, "Jacqueline, that was impertinent." Huh. It was okay for him to piss off his dad, but not me.

  Hesitating, Caelen seemed to be mulling over possible answers to my impertinent question. Finally he sighed and gazed at me with his patented watch-your-step gaze. "Yes, I am handling it, but I will not elaborate." He wouldn't put any of his undercover op's lives in danger and I respected him for it.

  We continued to watch each other for a moment, then he smiled. "Jacqueline, how were you able to attend this event in Isaiah's realm? Surely you would have been recognized."

  Busted, I sighed. "Isaiah disguised me and my scent. He made me a werewolf."

  "A female?" I nodded. "Whom did he say you were?"

  "The wife of a dead enemy."

  "Ah, so you were treated as his property?" I grimaced and nodded again. I noticed Garrett looking at me strangely. "Demons like to show off their property, don't they?"

  "He danced with me and introduced me around. The disguise was good. I didn't look anything like myself."

  "I'm certain that Isaiah did everything in his power to convince the others at the gathering that he was enjoying you. Of course, he told you it was for your own safety. Did any of them ask to purchase you?"

  "He told them no." Looking down at my hands, I muttered. "It was to get information..."

  Aedus spoke up, hoping to change the subject. "Father, perhaps you would like to meet Marie yourself. She is quiet extraordinary."

  He smiled at his son. "I would enjoy that very much. I have had few dealings with shades." And that was that. He let the subject drop. Unfortunately the damage had been done. Garrett would be asking me about it later.

  The team got down to business when Caelen, Aedus and Liam left.

  "Fred is having some trouble at The Wild with a vampire and most of his nest. I'd like to show up at the club tomorrow night to see what's up." Garrett sat in his usual spot at the head of the table. I was at the other end, avoiding his gaze as much as possible.

  Ethan spoke. "There's more. Some women and men have been taken from the surrounding towns, all human, all in their twenties. We think he's turning them against their will."

  "It's a common ploy when a vampire wants to enlarge or strengthen his nest. If it's true, I'll have to inform NAVA. Our team will be brought in to handle the case, since it's in my territory."

  "Tomorrow night we'll meet at Kyle's around eight and go from there. I'll bring Sash and Rick in my car. Kyle, you and Ethan can drive together. You know what to bring, in case there's trouble."

  "Sure. My trunk's already loaded up."

  "Should we ask Liam to come with us?" All eyes turned in my direction.

  Garrett spoke in clipped tones. "It's not necessary . We're just there to talk to Fred and see who shows up. In fact, I think it's best if you stay with Charlie. You just got back and he needs you." He turned away from me and spoke to Ethan, ignoring my angry expression. "How're the classes going? Almost finished?"

  "Yep. I graduate in January." Ethan had been taking classes at a local college on and off for five years, majoring in engineering. We were all proud of him.

  I spoke over the others. "I was gone a day and a half. Charlie will be fine. He knows I work with the team, I've spoken to him about it."

  Garrett sent the next sentence. "You should rest. I'm sure your training with Isaiah was exhausting."

  When he turned back toward Ethan, I stood up. "Kyle, I'll go upstairs and send Jay down."

  "Thanks, Jackie." He smiled, glancing between me and Garrett with apprehension.

  "I'll see you guys tomorrow. Goodnight." I turned with as much dignity as I could muster and walked upstairs.

  The kids pouted at first, but Noriene had them packing up the game and marching downstairs a few minutes later. That evening, the newscaster had reported that there would be a meteor shower visible in the sky. Normally, this would be something Garrett and I would watch together, but I hadn't misread his expression, a mixture of hurt and anger. Supernaturals were territorial. No matter how modern Garrett thought his attitudes were, Isaiah claiming me as his property was something he'd find impossible to tolerate. And he didn't know the worst of it yet.

  When I heard the front door close, I expected him to come up, but instead I heard him head into his office and make a phone call to Rob.
He left me on the terrace alone with my thoughts and my anger and yes, my guilt for over an hour. I couldn't enjoy the stars or the fresh night air without thinking about what was to come. When he arrived, he took my hand and led me to the wicker couch, pulling me down to sit beside him. We sat silently hand in hand for at least five minutes, watching the skies, neither one of us wanting to start the conversation that might end in a battle.

  I ducked under his arm and hugged him, resting my head on his chest. He stroked my hair, but didn't kiss my head the way he usually would when I was snuggled against him. "Please tell me everything." His voice was a whisper.

  "I kissed him to make the party guests think we were lovers."

  He stiffened under my body as he digested this information."Did he force you?"

  "No. He told me it was necessary so they wouldn't be suspicious. We were playing a role."

  Three heartbeats later he asked, "Would you have told me if Caelen hadn't mentioned it?"

  I thought about it carefully, wanting to be completely honest with him. "Maybe not."


  "Because it didn't mean anything."

  "Truly? You thought I would feel the same? That it wasn't important enough to mention." He didn't hide his sarcasm.

  "I thought the info about Will would hurt you, and I didn't want to make it worse."

  "That might be part of it, Jackie, but that's not the whole truth and you know it." There was a hard edge to his voice that made me cringe. He pulled his arm away and twisted his body so he could see my face. "Tell me the rest."

  "I was afraid." My gaze drifted to my hands, clutched together in my lap.

  "Afraid of me?" He looked concerned.

  "Of course not. I was afraid of hurting you."

  "Did that thought cross your mind when he was sticking his tongue down your throat?" I looked up, shocked to see angry sparks in his eyes. His mouth opened again, then snapped shut, thinning out as he seemed to swallow down his next set of angry words. My mate was a master at controlling his anger, but the tension in his body betrayed him. His gaze took in the stars as he scooted a few inches away on the seat, as if he couldn't stand touching or looking at me any longer. My stomach clenched into a queasy knot. I'd hurt him badly.

  "I didn't feel anything when he kissed me." I realized too late how lame that sounded.

  He sighed. "Is that supposed to make me feel better? It doesn't. He put his lips on your lips and his tongue in your mouth. His body was up against yours. He marked you with his scent and called you his property...his lover. How would you react if I kissed my donors and told you I didn't feel anything when I did it?"

  Guilt pounded at my heart. "I'd hate it." I twisted forward so I could look into his eyes, trying to be brave. "Part of the deal is that when I'm there I have to obey him."

  "And if he says you have to sleep with him? Will you obey him then? Will you let him..."

  "Never. You know that. It was for that one night at the party, so I could see what was going on with Bridgett and protect Charlie."

  His eyes narrowed in anger. "Did you even think to say no?"

  "Yes. I slapped him when he kissed me the first time."

  "The first time?" He looked crushed. Shit. I'm an idiot. I'd tried to hide what I'd done because I knew it was wrong. I should have told Isaiah to find some other way.

  "I'm sorry. I'm trying to do what I can to protect Charlie. Isaiah can be—overwhelming in his own realm." I knew how thin those excuses sounded. He felt betrayed and hurt and he had every right to feel that way. I reached toward his face, wanting so much to touch him and comfort him.

  He stood up quickly and moved toward the railing. "I'm going to play a few games of pool with Sash and Rick." He turned around to face me. "I love you, Jacqueline. That will never change. You and Charlie are my heart. But tonight I need a little—distance. Tomorrow...tomorrow we'll talk." He disappeared into the lines.

  The light show in the sky continued, but as I watched, my vision blurred with tears.


  I woke up around noon in our ink-black bedroom and reached across the sheets for Garrett. The bed was empty. I panicked at first, then realized that he must have stayed at the villa with Sash and Rick. Every window and door locked down in that house, so he'd be safe to wander around all day, as long as he stayed inside.

  The emptiness was vast, both in my heart and my bed. Unable to face getting up, I turned over and cried myself back to sleep.

  I was awakened by the buzz that signaled Isaiah's summons. Still bleary, I had just enough focus to shield myself from the deathly heat of the lines. When I arrived in the center of the summoning circle, I collapsed to the floor in a heap.

  "Jacqueline, get up. Were you sleeping? It's after lunch and we have work to do."

  I stood, scowling. "I'm not feeling up to it today, Isaiah. Please send me home."

  "That's impossible. We have a command performance and I have to get you looking your best." He brushed his foot through the salt.

  "What are you talking about? I walked past him and sat in his usual cushy throne.

  He gave me an appraising look. "You're red-eyed and white as a shade. What did that idiot do to you?"

  "Nothing. He was as understanding as any male could be in these circumstances. He was hurt..." I blinked back a few tears.

  "No. No, no, no. Not today, little demon. We're going to see your grandmother and you can't be all weepy. You have to get your act together and make her believe that you're my newest significant other. Otherwise we might both be screwed."

  "I can't, Isaiah. Not today."

  "You will do as I command."


  "I'll—I'll punish you." He seemed confused by my behavior.


  He scowled, obviously not prepared for that question. "You'll get on your hands and knees and clean all the floors."

  "Fine. Where's the bucket?"

  "And the bathrooms."

  "Fine." I was curled up in the chair staring at the enormous floor that I'd soon be washing.

  "This is ridiculous! What's changed?"

  "I can't kiss you. I can't kiss you or hug you or let you wrap your arm around my shoulders or my waist or grab my behind. I should never have let it happen the last time."

  "Just today. Just this one more time. Mother has called a meeting of the generals and we are required to go. She's asked specifically to meet you."

  "Tell her I'm sick."

  "Demons don't get sick. Anyway, she'd still expect me to bring you."

  "But I'm a werewolf, right? They can get sick." I shrugged. Werewolves were humans first and even though they grew powerful when infected with the virus, they could still catch minor bugs. They recovered quickly, but still... "Make me sick and bring me. She can't expect you to kiss someone who's coughing up a lung, can she?"

  "That could be dangerous. The disease will have to run its course."

  I shrugged. "I'll take the risk."

  His eyes narrowed. "Have you eaten? You truly don't look well."

  "I'm not hungry."

  "I insist that you eat." He took my hand and we were flashed into the kitchen, which was oddly quiet. He sat me gently on a chair at the table, then conjured some freshly baked bread, cheese and fruit. "Eat. You need to be strong enough to be sick," he teased. I managed to eat a few bites, but no more.

  "So you agree not to kiss me?"

  "Was your Garrett so angry? Did he strike you?"

  My laugh held no joy. "Garrett treats me much better than I deserve. He'd never hit me. I hurt him and I'm—I'm ashamed and angry at myself."

  "Not angry with me, the supposed seducer?" he asked, giving me a wink.

  "Well—yeah. I guess I am." I allowed myself a half smile.

  "Stop feeling guilty. I gave you no choice." He rolled his eyes and grunted. "You can be sick today."

  "Thank you." I felt like a kid playing hooky.

  "You won't be thanking me when you're cou
ghing up a lung."

  "You do know that was just an expression, right?"

  "It'll have to be something fairly serious."

  "Give me the chicken pox. All those oozing spots are gross looking."

  "I think not, since I intend to tell them that you're too weak to walk. Carrying a pox covered female does not appeal to me. I believe the flu will suffice. You'll have a fever and a cough and your body will ache. Can you handle that?"

  "I had a kid. I can handle the flu."

  "Good." He waved his arm and I was once again turned into Salina. "This is going to hurt," he warned. He laid his palm on my forehead and the illness hit me like a Mack truck. I slumped in the chair, groaning and coughing.

  "I hate you—cough—right now."

  "I've never had a female tell me that she prefers a bout of the flu to my kisses." He grinned, then picked me up easily.


  Isaiah sat in a cushioned chair in a pleasant waiting room, holding me in his lap. This waiting around must be the usual protocol for demons, even if they were relatives. Maybe especially if they were relatives. I was surprised to see he'd dressed me in dark red pajamas and a matching robe, albeit very silky high end ones. My feet were covered only in thin socks, but I wasn't concerned since he said I wouldn't be walking. Even if I'd wanted to walk there was no way I could have gone even four steps without falling flat on my face.

  Everything hurt. Every muscle. Every joint. My brain cells were being battered black and blue by the headache that threatened to crush my skull

  "What strain of flu did you give me?" I asked between coughs.

  "I think the Spanish flu. It was the first one that came to mind."

  "Didn't that one kill thousands?"

  "Millions. But don't fear. I want you healthy. In a few days you'll be as good as new."


  "That was a feeble growl, little wolf." He chuckled.

  "I'm sick."

  "Your idea. Maybe next time..."

  "Grrr." He laughed while I started to cough up a lung. No really—it felt that way. Tissues and water appeared on a nearby table.

  "I should cough on your shirt. Get flu phlegm all over it."


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