rogue shifter 06 - torn apart

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rogue shifter 06 - torn apart Page 25

by Gayle Parness

  Getting one leg underneath her huge body, she attempted to stand, but was thrown off balance when she twisted to avoid my attack. In a second sweep, I ducked in close and struck out with my blade, meaning to stab her in the heart and end the battle. Instead she twisted again and my dagger dug into her stomach, a much more painful way to die. Blood began to pour from the deep gash, spilling onto the ground by her knees. She shifted back to her human form...her true form...and I clenched my fists in frustration. My healer wanted to go to help her, but my demon/cheetah dug in her claws.

  Bridgett had taken away my choices with her threats and her actions. If I showed her mercy, Charlie would die. I was left with no illusions. If it was me, injured and on my knees, my head would already be rolling in the grass.

  Curled on the lawn, her hands wrapped around her injury. Her eyes had gone back to the green that matched mine."You were there when Liam killed my dad." She choked out. "It fucked me up...traumatized me. I've been having panic attacks like you did. You know how bad they can get. Maybe if you heal me and I got some therapy..." She coughed up more blood.

  As she rattled off this list of excuses out loud, she was also in my mind, whispering about a plot against my son that made my whole body tremble.

  "You're lying." What she'd told me couldn't be true.

  "Ask Isaiah, if you don't believe me."

  Too many lies. I took a step closer, lengthening my Arcane weapon with my demonic magic, intending to end her life with one clean stroke.

  Will was suddenly between us, cradling her face with great tenderness. "I love you, Jet. I'll find you. I promise. I'm sorry." He stabbed her through the heart with a short sword, then clutched her body to his chest. "Forgive me." He kissed her hair, then removing the sword, sliced off her head with a sweep of his arm.

  He knelt by her body, then faded to nothing, finally free.

  I collapsed onto the grass, sticky with my sister's blood, and sobbed.

  When my barrier disintegrated, Garrett clenched my body to his, muttering in French. Some of the words I recognized as curses. He shook me by the shoulders, trying not to rattle me too badly. "You are the most frustrating female ever created. I want to wring your neck and kiss you at the same time."

  "Option...two." I managed to choke out the words between sobs.

  "You don't get a vote."

  Sasha knelt beside us, looking dazed. "Will took my Katana right out of the sheath. I didn't even know he was here." He grinned. "The little shit took it without me feeling anything. He did good."

  "He saved me... from...from having to...."

  "You were ready to take her out."

  I could only nod, because it was true. I was ready to end her life.

  "Like I said, he did good." Sasha gave my shoulder a squeeze. "Summoning her was the right thing."

  Garrett kissed my forehead, then kissed away some of my tears. He clasped my chin firmly and tilted it up, so I'd look at him. "I swear...if you ever...if you ever again block my ability to protect you when you're in danger, I'll..."

  Farrell interceded. "Forgive me, Garrett, but this was a battle of honor, between two enemies. Your mate protected those whom she loves with courage and skill. You are a fortunate male. She kicked butt." Smiling, he knelt by me. "It was an honor to witness. Will you allow me to take her body to Faerie? We'll hold it there until you are ready."

  "Thank you." I nodded, but didn't choose to watch as Farrell disappeared with her remains.

  Amidst all the chaos, my inner cheetah and demon girl preened at his compliment. I started to laugh, although it sounded more like hysteria. "You know, we did kick butt."

  "We?" Garrett asked.


  Garrett rose with me in his arms and carried me into the house. I was covered in blood, so he turned on the shower and asked if I needed help. I shook my head and he said he'd wait for me on the upstairs balcony, our favorite quiet spot.

  A few minutes later, dressed and clean, I stood in the doorway and asked, "You mad?"

  "You might say so." He was sitting on the wicker couch, so I sat next to him.


  "That wall of yours will never make another appearance unless I'm on the same side as you."

  I tried to ignore his angry tone and pulled him closer. "Mmm hmmm." I nuzzled up against his neck because he just smelled so amazing I couldn't help myself. The full effects of what had happened hadn't really hit me yet.

  "Jacqueline..." His voice had gotten kind of husky. "Stop trying to distract me."

  "You don't really mean that."

  I felt him smile against my head. Then he sighed. "When will you take your safety seriously?"

  "When the world stops trying to kill our kid."

  He stroked my face. "You can't take on the entire world by yourself."

  "She was mine to deal with, like Eleanor was yours. In case you haven't noticed, I'm just as territorial as you are. I bet your mom and Marie were protectors too."

  "When Father and I were off hunting one weekend, they killed an enormous bear who attacked our sheep, a real one not a shifter. They did it working together in cheetah form, even though they were out weighed by five hundred pounds. When we got home they'd already skinned and dressed it and were cutting steaks."

  "We shouldn't tell Jay that story." Charlie's friend, Jay, would shift into his bear form a couple of years after puberty.

  "Knowing Jay, he'd think it was cool. Then he'd swear off eating lamb."

  "I'll always fight to protect my males the way you fight to protect us." I looked up, happy to see that his beautiful blue eyes reflected only his love and concern.

  "My head understands and even agrees with you, but I still want to lock you up in a high tower where your only visitors will be Charlie and me."

  "Ugh. I'd go nuts if I couldn't run on the beach or hunt in the mountains."

  He sighed. "And so my stress-filled life continues on..."

  "Such a martyr. What can I do to ease your mind?" That was one of those rhetorical questions that lifemates ask each other when we want to be kissed until our toes curl. It worked.

  After a while both of us were feeling a whole lot better about everything.

  We continued to snuggle together on the couch. "I'm sorry," I whispered.

  "About what exactly?"

  "Grandmother will come after me. She'll be furious."

  "Maybe not. Bridgett could be real pain in the neck. She might be grateful that she's gone."

  "Isaiah will be happy."

  "I'd rather you don't mention his name."

  "Are you still mad at me about that?"

  "Not you. But Isaiah and I are going to have words the next time I see him."


  "He took advantage of you and I'm going to make sure it doesn't happen again. He had the nerve to send you home sick and in pain. Charlie and I were both worried. I believe his actions cancel out the agreement. He swore to keep you safe."

  "He's doing the best he can. He's in a difficult position."

  "Then he can explain it to me—in detail." He brushed my lips with his, his expression vulnerable. "You're my world. I won't stand by while you're exploited."

  I played with a strand of his hair. "I love that."


  "When you get all protective."

  He huffed out a derisive breath. "Usually you get mad at me for being overly protective."

  "Not tonight. Tonight you can blanket me with your loving vigilance."

  That earned me another delicious kiss. "Is this an annual event?" He teased. "Overly Protective Day?

  "Maybe semi-annual. Or, if you're lucky, seasonal."

  "Hmmph. Then I'd better take advantage of this rare opportunity."


  Liam trimmed the grass using magic, his long hair floating around his head as if gravity didn't exist for that part of his anatomy. I hadn't been able to sleep, so I'd been helping him around the house all morning, follo
wing him from room to room as we worked, not wanting to be alone.

  At first he'd been furious that I hadn't contacted him before summoning Bridgett, hardly speaking to me at all, but as the day wore on, his healer side kicked in.

  "They're warring within you, correct?"

  "I'm in multiple personality mode. It's two against one. The cheetah has separated herself from the healer and has teamed up with my demon girl. The claws are out and they're prancing around like they won the lottery. My healer is grieving. I need to help them realign, but I don't know how." I sat with my back against a tree, watching Sinlae and two of her males work in the garden.

  "You're all one. Forget the divisions and allow yourself to grieve or to feel rage or even relief. You may feel all of that and more. It will take some time. But don't give her memory the power to keep you from your life. Don't allow a misplaced sense of guilt to cripple you. You did what you had to do. The team inside you will reach their own accord when you're at peace with yourself."

  I took another deep breath. "The smell of the grass reminds me of Bridgett." My eyes filled with liquid, one drop escaping to be caught against my lip.

  "Me too." He squeezed my hand and walked over to Sinlae, giving me some privacy. Another tear dripped onto my shirt.

  "You're sad, Mom." My young son hadn't made a sound as he'd approached, but I was so happy to see him.

  "I am. Two people I cared about have passed on. I miss them." I missed the Bridgett I'd first met, the troubled girl who'd seemed to blossom when she'd become a part of our household. And now Will had been lost to us a second time.

  Charlie watched me rub my tears away with my sleeve. "I'll be right back." He ran into the house and returned a few seconds later with a box of tissues and a can of coke."Will this make you feel better?"

  "You always make me feel better." I took the offered tissue and blew my nose. He giggled at the loud noise. Then I pulled him into my lap and hugged him hard.

  "Mom, I'm not a baby." He wiggled until I let him go. It didn't escape my notice that he was calling me Mom now and not Mommy. Is this how it happened? One day he was your baby and called you Mommy and the next he decided that he wasn't. Now I was Mom. Mom was cool too.

  "Did you make your bed?" He nodded. "Did you finish your work?"

  "Yep. I read the history chapter and I did the math, and Sinlae is gonna help me plant squash in the greenhouse. I kinda like the gardening stuff now. She says she's gonna teach me about what plants are good to eat out in the wild."

  "That's cool. You want to go to the beach when Dad gets up?" Hey, if I was now Mom then he was gonna be Dad. "We can look in the tidal pools by the rocks. Maybe you can take your sketch pad and draw some of the animals we see and then we can look them up together to see what they are."

  "Can I call Jay and invite him too?"

  "He's at school, but you can call Kyle and ask him to meet us there when Jay gets home."

  He tilted his head like the fae do. "Shouldn't you call Uncle Kyle?"


  "He's a grown-up. I'm a kid."

  "Both of those statements are up for debate." He looked confused. "I'm giving you permission to call him." I handed over my phone. Charlie, looking uneasy at first, handled the call like a pro.

  After hanging up, he gave me a scrutinizing look. "Was that a learning thing?"

  "Busted." He giggled. I loved that sound. "Communication skills are vital when you live in a busy family like ours. Sometimes you might have to deliver an important message."

  "Our family is way cool."

  This time I laughed. "I think so too. You know, I'm still learning new stuff all the time."

  "Ya think Lord Caelen is still learning? And Isaiah?"

  "I hope so." I patted the grass next to me. "Wanna share my coke?" I hardly ever gave him soda.

  "Yeah, cool." We talked about the history chapter he'd read and the animals he hoped he'd get to see at the beach. Then we went inside for lunch.

  That night, while Charlie slept and Garrett played pool with his nest, I curled up on the wicker couch on the upstairs balcony. Samson was on the other side, his large head resting on my hip, somehow understanding in his doggy way how much I needed the comfort.

  Garrett had made tea for me and then draped me in a blanket before he'd left. "Should I stay?"

  "No. It's your regular night. They need you too." Sasha had been shocked to see Will and he and Heinrich would want to get Garrett's feedback on what happened.

  "Je t'aime, my love." He kissed me sweetly on the forehead. "If you need me, call me. Don't hesitate."

  "Samson and I'll be fine. I'm in my tower." His laughter dissolved in the air as he beamed to the villa.

  I read for a while on my tablet, a mystery by an author I loved, only I seemed to be stuck on the same page for the last ten minutes. I put it away and then leaned against my cu sith, petting his head and whispering my thoughts out loud, making him my sounding board.

  "That wasn't really our Bridgett, boy. She never would have wanted to hurt Charlie before Grandmother got into her head and changed her." Samson didn't move when I put my arms around his neck and laid my head on his back. Not even when I started to cry softly against his fur. "I wish I could have helped her." A thick wet tongue stroked my cheek making me sit up quickly and laugh. "Good boy. You're on the fast track to getting a doggy bone when I go downstairs. You and Charlie always know just what to do." His stubby tail beat against my leg.

  I sighed and sat back, watching the way the tree tops moved in the light breeze. How many times had I sat here and wondered what had become of my sister? Worried about whether she was being treated well or if she'd been imprisoned or worse. Even though Isaiah had visited occasionally before my trips to the DR, he'd never talked much about her.

  Well, now she was gone, and wouldn't be returning. Will's sacrifice had freed me and given us more time to prepare for the war to come. More time to keep Charlie safe. Thinking about my son brought Bridgett's final words back to me.

  "Your fae friends know how to block his demon bloodline. They'll let him use all of his powers to win the war for them, but then they're gonna kill that part of him with their magic. Then he'll be an acceptable match for Linn. Or maybe Fionna will get her claws into him and mate him to Princess Zerian. Either way, they'll take him away from you and Garrett."

  "You're lying."

  "Ask Isaiah, if you don't believe me. He's the one who found out."

  This time there was no need to summon him. Isaiah and I would be talking very soon.


  Pronunciations of Some Words and Names Found in the Series

  Aedus: a-dus (long "a" like in the word "day")

  Aine: ayeen (pain without the "p")

  Aislin: a-slinn (long "a" like in the word "day")

  Bassilissa Naberia: bass-ill-lissa nah-bair-ee-ah

  Brina: bree-nuh

  Caelen: kay-len

  Cu Sith: coo shee

  Farrell: fair-rel

  Finvarra: finn-var-uh

  Freckstill: frek-stull

  Garrett: gair-ret

  Gasquet: gas-key

  Isaiah: eye-zay-uh

  Jolefex: joh-luh-fecks

  Keara: keer-uh

  Kellaine: keh-lane

  Kennet: keh-net

  Kobe: coh - bee

  Liam: lee-um

  Noriene: nor-reen

  Philladre: fill-uh-dray

  Rux: rucks

  Seelie: see-lee

  Sidhe: shee

  Sinlae: shin-lay

  Tuatha Dé Danann: thoo'a - haw day dah' - nawn

  Unseelie: un-see-lee

  About the Author:

  Having finished the sixth book in the series, I suppose it's time for me to say a few words about myself. Born in Los Angeles, I'm fortunate to currently be a resident of a lovely town in Northern California. (A magical place within the context of the mortal plain, where flowers b
loom all winter long and people actually smile at you and say hello when they pass you on the sidewalk.) I've spent most of my professional life working with community theatre groups as a costume designer, production manager, stage manager, etc... Life is one enormous theatrical extravaganza and I'm merely doing my best to keep it interesting for myself, my family and my friends.

  I've read fantasy my entire life and still read into the wee hours. Steven King said something about not having the tools to write if you don't spend a good amount of time reading. Well, I'm doing my best on that front.

  I've loved every moment that I've spent with Jackie and Garrett and their motley crew of rogues. I intend to continue their story, and then branch off into a series of books involving Charlie. After all, the prophesy concerns him, so the war can't really take place without him, can it? I'd like those of you who are interested in joining me to learn more about this fascinating young man before I throw him into the heat of battle. It's only fair. Although I'll be introducing several new characters in this second series, Jackie and Garrett will still be supporting characters, along with many other regulars.

  Thanks for reading. You are all important to me, not just because it's cool to sell books, but mostly because it's cool to share a story with others. You can leave comments on my website or on my Facebook page. Or follow me on twitter. I love to hear from you.

  On the web:



  Other Books by Gayle Parness at Amazon

  Torn Apart is Book 6 of the Rogues Shifter Series. I do recommend that you read the books in order, although they can stand on their own. If you haven't read the rest of the series, then here's the reading order:

  Rebirth: Book 1 - Sixteen year old Jackie discovers that she's not human, but instead part of a large supernatural community. She trains with a group of young shapeshifters who become her close friends, and also meets Garrett, the magically powerful vampire who teaches her to use her unique powers and then manages to steal her heart. Together they face off against his destructive maker, the 500 year old vampire, Eleanor Howard.


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