Love or Lust

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Love or Lust Page 6

by Rachael Brownell

  Across the room, Drake and Callen play pool while Milo shoots darts next to them.

  Lennon and Kyra are the only people I don’t see.

  That’s when the door opens behind me. I don’t have to look to know it’s Lennon. I can smell him. It’s a unique blend of spices that lingered in my little villa long after he left yesterday. It made me wish he’d used a pillow or something so I could have held onto it longer.

  “People watching?” he asks, sliding up next to me.

  I haven’t seen him all day. Kyra and I spent most of the morning reading by the pool with a few of the other girls. She got nervous when the guys started to show up, so we went back to her villa and made cookies. It makes me wonder where she is right now. She promised to meet me here and bring those cookies.

  “Something like that. I kind of like it when the cameras are gone and there’s no pressure to be someone you’re not,” I state, scanning the room again in hopes of finding Kyra. That’s when I spot her over by the theater seats, a cookie in her hand. She’s doing exactly what I’m doing. Watching the show . . .

  “I have a feeling once the drinks start flowing, no one is going to be able to hide who they really are.”

  I let his words sink in for a minute. He has a point. Alcohol has a way of loosening people up. Their inhibitions are gone, replaced with a comfortable feeling where they’ll say or do anything that comes to mind.

  Tonight is going to be nothing short of interesting.

  “What are you smiling about?” Lennon inquires, stepping in my line of sight.

  I hadn’t even realized I was.

  “Nothing. Just thinking about how much I’m going to enjoy tonight. I wasn’t really looking forward to it after yesterday if I’m being honest.”

  “About that . . .”

  “Don’t. Let it go. I appreciate you checking on me, and I’m sorry I was such a bitch about it. I had a headache, and instead of thanking you, I misdirected my anger at you. Which reminds me, I have a bone to pick with Gage,” I state firmly.

  “I might just enjoy tonight more than I thought I was going to,” Lennon quips as he steps aside, giving me the perfect view of Gage.

  I’m about to march over to him and give him a piece of my mind when the music suddenly cuts off and is replaced with a voice. Ed’s voice. He doesn’t even have to show his face and he’s controlling the situation.

  “Welcome to your first board game night. If you read through your schedule, you know tonight’s events are boys versus girls. The winners will be able to save themselves from going home on Sunday night. The stakes are high but how much are you willing to risk to save yourself from elimination?” Ed’s cackle causes me to cringe.

  Just when I thought it was going to be a fun, relaxing evening hanging out with everyone, he had to go and throw in a plot twist. I should have known.

  “Two games. Everyone has to participate. In the event of a tie, there will be a head-to-head match. One player from each team. Choose your captains wisely. Your first game will be delivered in five minutes. Have fun!”

  He’s gone, the music coming back to life with a thunderous roar.

  “Let’s grab a drink. I have a feeling we’re in for a longer night than I planned.” Lennon’s words slap me across the face.

  It’s already eight at night. If we’re playing two games, we’re going to be here for hours. In the event of a tie, we’ll be here even longer. It makes me wish I’d taken that nap I thought about this afternoon instead of calling Naomi and giving her the play by play of the last few days.

  She was especially interested in Lennon’s visits.

  As we approach the bar, Jace shoots me a panty-melting smirk that turns deadly when directed at Lennon.

  Yeah . . . I don’t think the two of them are going to be able to play nice much longer.

  “And how are you tonight, Presley?” he asks, leaning across the bar as he places two drinks in front of Lennon. “I missed seeing you this afternoon.”

  “You saw me,” I reply defensively. Not that I was trying to be defensive, but that’s how my comment came out. Maybe it’s the presence of both of them at the same time.

  “For five minutes and then you disappeared.”

  “Kyra wanted to bake cookies, so we went back to her villa.”

  “You know who likes cookies?” His smile grows wider.

  “I bet you do.” I reach for my drink. “What is this by the way?”

  “I’m calling it the Lusty Lady.”

  It’s a soft-pink color with a hot-pink umbrella sticking out of my straw. Removing the umbrella and sticking it in my hair behind my ear, I bend down and take a small sip.

  Holy shit, that’s strong.

  “Um, what’s in here?” I ask, coughing as the liquor burns its way down my throat.

  “Everything. You’ll want to drink slow and only have a few. I’d hate to see you fall into the wrong hands tonight.” He glances next to me at Lennon who still has yet to say a word.

  “The only thing I’ll be falling into tonight is my bed,” I state firmly, stepping back from both of them, drink in hand. “Alone.”

  With that, I take another sip of my drink as I walk with purpose over to where Kyra’s seated. She smiles at me hesitantly as I approach.

  “Hey, girl. How are you?” I ask, sliding into the leather seat next to her.

  “Fine. Nervous,” she admits. Her eyes are trained on Callen’s ass as he bends to take a shot, pulling back the pool cue slowly once, twice, striking the ball with purpose.

  “Here,” I say, handing her my drink. “Drink. Small sips. I promise you won’t be as nervous in five minutes. Just . . . only have one. They’re strong.”

  Kyra takes a sip and barely flinches. Am I that weak? She has half of the drink gone by the time there’s a knock at the door, catching the attention of everyone in the room.

  Our first game has arrived.


  This should be interesting.

  An hour later, I’m rolling on the floor, laughing my ass off at Courtney as she tries to act out whatever the hell movie she drew. We’re losing, miserably. I’ve had two of Jace’s special Lusty Ladies and my glass is empty.

  “Time!” Drake yells, fist pumping the air. “Guys win!”

  The guys are still celebrating when our next game is delivered. Once everyone has a full drink, including Kyra who seems to have relaxed even more than I thought she would, Jace removes the black linen sheet revealing our next game.


  This seems unfair. If we got our ass kicked at Charades, how are we going to do any better at this? And I was chosen as team captain so if we do by some miracle win, I’ll have to face off against Jace at whatever game they throw at us next.

  With a groan, I help Jace set up the game.

  “Is that your third drink I see?” he asks, nodding in the direction of my frothy pink drink.

  I’d lie to him, but all he’d have to do is count the umbrellas in my hair.

  “Maybe.” I smirk. “Then again, they’re not as strong as the first one you made me.”

  “That’s because you’re used to the taste. Be careful, Presley. I’d hate to have to fight someone for the chance to carry you to your villa.”

  “As long as you don’t let Gage,” I state, looking over his shoulder to where Gage is sitting. Teegan is almost in his lap, and it doesn’t look like she’s as interested as he is.

  “I don’t think that would be a problem,” Jace practically growls as Drake approaches.

  Once we’re set up and ready to play, I pull all the girls in for a pep talk. I hate to lose and want to win this even though I’d rather not go head to head with Jace. Especially since I have no idea how much he’s had to drink or what the next game is.

  “The boys are still high from their win. Let’s knock them on their asses. I’m not saying cheat, but if you see an opportunity to give us an advantage, take it. I’m not losing to them again. We’ll never hear the end
of it, and we all still have a few long days ahead of us.”

  My voice is strong, especially considering the alcohol coursing through my system. I’m staring into five sets of glassy eyes, though, so our chances of winning are slim to none no matter how great of a speech I give.

  “So, basically distract them anytime we can, right?” Natasha asks, a small smile beginning to spread across her face. If I didn’t know better, she had a plan of attack. Oh, wait. I do know better. I have a feeling some of the guys’ attention, Milo’s in particular, is going to be focused elsewhere.

  It wasn’t just Milo’s attention that was on Natasha. Even I couldn’t look away from her. Not just when it was her turn but when I should have been paying attention. Her breasts were about to spill out of her top. One wrong move and we all would have gotten a free show.

  It worked, though. The guys didn’t care if they won or not. They weren’t even trying, and in the end, we took the victory. Not that we had time to celebrate before Ed’s voice was surrounding us again, reminding me that we were always being watched, as the same man who had been delivering the games walks through the double doors.

  “I should have guessed it would be a tie. The girls are ruthless. There was no way they were going to lose the second game. Which brings us to the face-off. Jace and Presley, please move to the middle of the room and stand back to back.”

  Not liking how this is going already. As soon as my back is pressed against Jace’s, my eyes lock on Lennon’s. I want to jump away, feeling guilt over being so close to Jace. Not that I should. Neither of them are mine to hold, and I’m not theirs, but I feel the tug of war between them. Right now, Jace is winning, and all Lennon can do is stand by and watch, hoping he doesn’t let go of the rope.

  I’m handed a pen and folded piece of paper. When I unfold it, I realize it’s a voting slip. It has everyone’s name listed alphabetically, guys and girls. As the chosen team captains, we’re going to have to decide who goes home.

  Yup, I knew I wasn’t going to like this.

  “Here’s how this works. You’re each going to write a yes or no next to each person’s name. I want you to think about their participation tonight. Did they contribute to the team? Did they help their team win? After you’re finished, please hand your slips back in.”

  “And then what?” I ask, anger vibrating off me in waves. “Just because someone wasn’t good at a silly game they have to go home? That doesn’t seem fair, and I don’t feel it’s my place to be their judge and jury.”

  The room falls silent as I drop my paper and pen to the floor and walk out. I may have just signed my own death warrant, but I don’t care. I’m not going to vote someone off because they can’t draw. Or because they’re too shy to act out something well enough for us to guess what it is.

  When I vote for someone to go home, it’s because we’re not connecting. Because he’s an asshole and tried to feel me up without permission. Or, hello Gage, kissed me without permission.

  I’m about to enter my villa when I feel a hand on my elbow, causing me to jump.

  When I turn around, Jace is behind me with my drink in his hand. Behind him are all the other contestants. My competition and his.

  “Thought you could use this,” he states casually.

  “Or I’ve had too many,” I retort, anger still ever present.

  “For what it’s worth,” Teegan says, “I think what you did was awesome. If I had known they were going to judge us based on our acting skills, I never would have signed up. It wouldn’t have been worth my time.”

  There’s a murmur of agreement before I spot Ed walking down the path toward us.

  “The executioner is here to hand down my sentence,” I say loud enough for him to hear.

  “Say what you want. You can’t just break the rules and expect for there not to be consequences.” His voice is firm as he shuffles his way through the bodies, not a single person moving out of his way.

  Lennon and Jace both move to stand in front of me, facing Ed. Ha! I’d like to see him move the two of them out of the way to talk to me in private.

  “What do you suppose I do? Just let it go? How are we supposed to eliminate someone if you two don’t vote?” he asks, looking between Jace and me.

  Jace didn’t vote either. Good.

  “You’re the one that gets paid good money to figure that out,” Lennon starts. “I suggest you start thinking because if you send these two home for not following your little rules, I have a feeling you won’t have a show at all.”

  Stunned into silence, Ed looks around for confirmation of Lennon’s statement. It doesn’t take him long to see it in everyone’s eyes. He walks away without looking back as he curses under his breath.

  “You didn’t vote either?” I ask, my question directed at Jace.

  “Hell no. That was ridiculous. Plus, I couldn’t very well vote someone else off when I was probably the worst at Pictionary.”

  He was. Man doesn’t know how to draw a stick figure. It’s a good thing he’s easy on the eyes. He’s not the only one, though, and as everyone else disperses back to their respective villas, I’m left with Jace and Lennon, both staring at me. Both looking as if they have something on their mind but waiting for me to speak first.

  “Okay, let’s get it over with,” I say, walking into my villa knowing damn well they’ll both follow me. Taking a seat at the little table, I stare up at them as they both hover near the open door.

  Jace is slightly shorter than Lennon. His hair is longer and darker, his jaw more chiseled. I can’t see his emerald-green eyes, but I can feel them on me right now. Lennon’s too, though his golden hues feel softer against my skin. More of a caress, whereas Jace’s are filled with heat.

  They’re both gorgeous men. Built like gods. On the outside, if this was a competition based solely on looks, it would be a tough decision. The problem is, it’s not, and I have no idea what either of them is really like. So, I need to lay it out there before fists fly because both of them are clenching their hands at their sides.

  “It’s a competition. A game. I don’t know what they have in store for us next, but I do know that I’ll be spending time with both of you, and the last thing I want is you two at each other’s throats. That’s not the way to a woman’s heart,” I say, directing my stare to Lennon, “or her bed.” My gaze falls to Jace.

  “I don’t know what I want or who I want, and that decision isn’t going to be made any time soon. All I can say is that you both seem to be amazing, and I’m looking forward to getting to know you, but the second I hear you’re fighting over someone that’s not yours to claim, me or otherwise, the competition is over. We all lose.”

  Chapter Seven

  Day 7

  We were having too much fun for something not to go wrong.

  A Hawaiian-themed pool party. We’re all wearing leis, drinking one of Jace’s fancy cocktails out of wooden tiki cups with twisty straws. The bar is decorated with grass skirting, and they even brought in fake coconut trees to add to the ambience.

  But I’ve learned that nothing is as it appears, and after last night, I wasn’t sure what to expect. So when I spotted Ed walking toward us in casual clothes, I prepared for the worst.


  I didn’t want to be here anyway. This wasn’t even my idea. Naomi is going to be disappointed, but she’ll get over it. Probably faster than I’ll get over not being able to ogle Jace and Lennon shirtless, which is what I’ve been doing for the last twenty minutes behind my sunglasses.

  Not that either are unaware of what I’m doing. I made the mistake of looking away the last time they looked in my direction.

  Yup, gave myself away. Oh well.

  It looks like I’m going home anyway.

  All eyes fall to Ed when he clears his throat, Gage reaching for his phone to turn down the music.

  “Okay, after a lot of thought, we’re going to be taking a break from filming today.”

  There’s a sharp gasp from behin
d me. When I look over, Teegan’s delicately covering her mouth with her hand, shock written all over her face.

  “What does that mean?” Drake speaks up from across the pool.

  “It means we’ve never encountered a situation like this before, and we’ve been caught with our pants down. For now, today, enjoy yourselves. Tomorrow night you’re still expected to be in the community room for filming unless told otherwise.” He pauses, as if contemplating what he’s going to say next. “This should go without saying, but I feel obligated. The show hasn’t aired yet, but there’s been a lot invested into it. Should the executive team be forced to shut us down, there may be consequences for anyone involved with their decision.”

  “So basically you’re saying that if we stand up for ourselves and walk away, we could be looking at a lawsuit.” My words are laced with anger and hatred.

  “Basically, yes. Each and every one of you if you stand together,” he answers before turning but not walking away. “I’d weigh your options carefully. I have no idea which way the pieces will fall.”

  He motions for the cameramen to follow him, and without a word, the pool area clears out in minutes. It’s not until long after they’re gone that I find myself surrounded by the people I’ve come to call my friends. Even Gage, who I still want to slap across the face for the stunt he pulled.

  “I fucked up, and I’ll suffer the consequences of my actions. You guys shouldn’t have to fall with me.”

  I can’t bring myself to look any of them in the eye so, instead, lower my head and stare at the ground. My feelings are all over the place. Angry, sad, disappointed. I can’t seem to reign them in. Closing my eyes, I suck in a deep breath and then let it out slowly.

  “You do realize we’ve already talked about this, right?” Bella asks, moving to sit next to me. “Before we followed you last night. What they asked you to do was wrong.”

  “Wrong or not, it’s a game, and I’ve been checkmated.”

  “There was nothing in the contract stating one person would be forced to make a ruling like that. In fact, it was specific as to how voting would be handled.” Callen’s words don’t fill me with hope the way I prayed they would.


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