Flight: A Dark Mafia Romance (Gilded Cage Book 2)

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Flight: A Dark Mafia Romance (Gilded Cage Book 2) Page 12

by Fawn Bailey

  "I..." she panicked. "I'm, I-"

  "It's okay," I said. "I bet your pussy is so fucking tight, isn't it, tesoro? Have your little fingers tried to fuck it yet?"

  "Stop," she breathed, her hands on my chest but not pushing me off. "Stop, please... Kain is going to kill me."

  "The opposite," I grinned at her. "Kain would do anything to get me away from Ophelia, so he'll just love this. Now strip."

  She hesitated and I growled, grabbing her pretty little dress and pushing it up around her hips while she cried out.

  "Such a pretty little baby," I said softly. "Pink panties, tesoro... Perfect, so fucking sweet."

  I tore through them and she panted as I pulled my cock out of my pants.

  "Please don't," she kept begging, but she was moaning before and after. "I... I want it to be special..."

  "It's special," I growled at her. "Oh, it's fucking special alright."

  I grabbed her legs and made her hold them up. She was crying, but no tears were coming out, and for a second, I felt truly twisted.

  I palmed my cock while watching her, but she grabbed my wrist and begged, "Don't change your mind, please..."

  "Never," I growled, and then I was back above her, spitting on her little cunt.

  She wasn't shaved, and her pretty curls were blonde. I was going to have to take care of that... But for now, I was loving the display of her innocence.

  "Beg," I said, and she dissolved muttering 'please, thank you, more' and whimpering for me.

  I rubbed the head of my cock over her leaking cunt and she cursed out loud.

  "Dirty mouth," I scolded her. "Fucking knew you were dirty, tesoro."

  "Fuck me," she begged deliriously. "I want to feel it."

  "Hold your legs up," I ordered. "Tell me how long you've wanted me for, baby. Tell Daddy."

  She gasped so loudly her body shook.

  "D-Daddy?" she repeated, her voice so delightfully scared.

  "What else?" I growled, swiping my cock over her dripping cunt. "It's perfect, and you want it. Now tell me."

  "I wanted you since you came to Kain's house," she whispered.

  "More," I ordered. "Fucking more."

  "I touched myself," she admitted.

  "For me?" I growled.

  "For you," she nodded.

  I started sliding in, and her moans didn't stop until I was hitting her virginity.

  "Sure?" I asked, barely able to hold back.

  She hesitated but I didn't give a shit. I slammed into her and she cried as I groaned, starting to get my fill of the pretty little baby that was mine for the night.

  I forgot about Ophelia, about Kain, about my father. Everything went to a corner of my mind as I started to fuck her, realizing she was getting wetter by the second. I dragged my cock out of her and grabbed the back of her neck, making her look between her legs.

  "See that, Ginger?" I growled at her. "That's your fucking virginity on my cock, tesoro."

  She shivered, and I kept fucking, my hands tearing at her dress until I got her tits out. My mouth latched onto her nipple and I bit and licked and kissed it until she moved her arms around my neck, holding me down as she moaned. I was pumping into her like a madman when the sudden desire to come down her throat overtook me.

  I pulled out and listened to her desperate whispers, but when I got up, I caught something in my peripheral vision.

  "Ophelia?" I asked lightly, and she retreated inside the house.

  Ginger cried out as I ran after her, catching her just before she went up the stairs.

  She was naked, and my cock was hanging out. I grabbed her hand and slowly backed her up against the wall, never saying a word.

  "What are you doing?" I growled at her, but she refused to meet my eye.

  I tipped her chin back and stared into her fearful eyes. She was shivering. What had that bastard done to her?

  "Reach between your legs," I ordered her, and she looked away as I grabbed her throat. "Now. Rub that pussy with your palm. Do it, or I will."

  She slowly started to do as I said, and a moan ripped itself from her lips.

  "Show me your hand," I demanded, and she raised it in the air.

  I licked it, and she whimpered beneath me.

  "You were watching us," I accused her. "Watching us while playing with yourself. Isn't that so?"

  She wouldn't look at me, but I pulled her hair hard, and she finally nodded, looking away.

  "You're coming with me," I growled, pulling her after me.

  She barely resisted.

  When Ginger saw us she blushed and tried to cover up, but I told her to stay naked. I made Ophelia sit down on the lawn and face me as I Ginger on all fours.

  "Look into each other's eyes," I told Ophelia with a growl. "Or else."

  I got into position behind Ginger and she mewled when I touched my cock to her entrance.

  "No," I said sweetly. "Sick of that hole now. Let's try another one."

  She cried out as I smothered her asshole with my spit, playing with her puckered hole with my cock. I pushed in a finger and she cried out louder.

  "Tell her you love it," I ordered her, pulling on her hair so she'd look at her friend.

  "I love it," she whispered, her eyes watering as I kissed her throat. "Oh God, I'm sorry, I love it."

  "That's right," I growled in her ear, sliding another finger into her.

  Ophelia's legs opened, and her lips parted as she touched a finger to her clit.

  "Tell her how full you feel," I told Ginger.

  "So full," she cried out. "So good."

  I pulled my fingers out and immediately replaced them with my cock. She started sobbing, whispering her pleases into the world that didn't give a shit about her. She fell to her elbows, then her face slammed into the grass. I held her down with my hand on the back of her neck and she came so hard she cried. My eyes were on Ophelia's as I fucked Ginger, her fingers gently toying with her wet clit.

  "You love watching, do you?" I growled at her. "You can watch everything now, slut. Watch me give her what you'll never get."

  Her eyes were stormy, but her fingers were working furiously. She was moaning, getting close. I was close to coming and Ginger was begging below me. I turned her face to the side, so I could kiss her. She was the sweetest thing I'd ever tasted.

  "She's so fucking tight," I told Ophelia. "Such a sweet, innocent little thing. A pretty little baby, not like you..."

  She got up and crossed her arms and I grinned at her when her fingers never left that button between her legs.

  "Come," I ordered her, and she dropped to her knees, pushing a finger inside her as she came all over the grass.

  I was getting close, and I pulled out of Ginger's ass, making her turn around. She stuck her tongue out obediently, moaning for me, and I painted her face with thick white ropes of cum.

  When I was done, I pulled her shivering body in my arms and held her close, and she clung to me. Ophelia watched me for several long moments before licking her two fingers and storming into the house, leaving me grinning to myself.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I was losing myself in the pain, in the torture Michael was putting me through.

  The days started blending together, the hours passing with excruciating slowness. I was a mess of scarred tissue, blood and cuts decorating my body and mocking me for thinking I'd get out of this mess alive.

  Michael had been shredding my skin, nearly flaying me in the process. My body was covered in wounds, and I bled with the smallest movement. Not that I was able to move. I was permanently chained now unless I had to use the bathroom, but not for pissing. I had to do that there.

  That morning, my father entered the room wearing that disarming smile he saved especially for his victims.

  "I thought today you could have a nice treat," he told me with a grin. "A shower."

  "A shower?" I repeated, my voice faint and my head spinning from all the blood I'd lost.

Yes," Michael replied solemnly. "I thought you might like that. Would you, sonny boy?"

  "Yes," I nodded brokenly. "I'd like it."

  "Of course, I can't let you do that unless you give me something in return," my father went on, his voice devoid of emotion as he turned his attention back to my sagging body in that goddamned chair.

  "What?" I asked weakly. "What do you want me to do for it?"

  "Well," he said with a bright smile. "We have somebody who might be able to make you see what it is you need to do."

  He motioned to the guard who opened the door leading into the dingy room. Two guards walked in, throwing my right-hand man, Jasper, to the floor.

  He didn't even look like a person anymore. He was covered in bruises, welts, and cuts, just like me. He was missing four fingers on one arm. All that was left was the fucking thumb.

  Despite the pain I was in, I roared in anger seeing what they'd done to him. Jasper wasn't even moving, his body just lying on the floor. I spent several moments staring at his form until he began shaking, and I realized my friend, my partner, my fucking right hand, was sobbing with what they'd done to him. They had truly broken him completely.

  "You're a monster," I snarled at my father. "A fucking monster."

  He roared with laughter yet again. I was a fucking joke to him. He had been using me since the day he found out about me. I was nothing but a puppet in his sick, fucked-up play.

  "You're going to kill him," he told me. "Under my supervision, of course."

  A mercy killing.

  Looking at Jasper's barely moving form on the floor, I almost managed to convince myself that would be for the best.

  That is until my father spoke up again.

  "But not as a favor to an old friend," he told me. "You're going to fucking torture him."

  I looked away from him, unable to handle the psychotic craze in his eyes. He truly was a madman.

  But he wouldn't even let me have that moment of mourning. He came to stand in front of me, his eyes blazing as they connected with mine again.

  "You want to please me, don't you, Kain?" he asked sweetly. "Who knows, I might even decide to spare you if you're a good boy."

  He laughed, and I cringed at his words, cringed with the knowledge I once thought this man loved me, cared for me like the son I was to him.

  "We'll see what you'll do for that shower now," he grinned at me. "See just how badly you want it."

  I didn't want it enough to kill my fucking best friend, but I needed to play along if I wanted any chance of saving Jasper's life.

  I turned to face my father again and offered him a weak smile. Maybe if I got a weapon in my hands, I could somehow get us out of there.

  "What do you want me to do to him?" I asked, trying to force my voice not to shake.

  Michael leaned down close, his nose practically touching mine.

  "I want you to prove where your loyalty lies, boy," he hissed at me. "Not with Ryker. Not with that fucking girl. With me, your father. The way it should have been from the fucking beginning. Now, will you do as I say?"

  Of course not, you piece of shit, I thought to myself, but in response to his words, I just clenched my teeth and nodded, making him clap his hands with excitement.

  "How nice," he said. "Father and son, fucking reunited. I had been hoping you'd come to your senses, boy."

  "Tell me what to do," I growled, and he grinned even wider as he reached for the small table with various instruments laying on top.

  "Let's see," he said merrily. "I have to pick what to torture him with first... We could pull off his nails, though that might be a problem, given that he's missing all those fingers."

  He gave me a wide smile, and I knew instantly what he was trying to do.

  He was trying to see whether I'd break, admit I didn't want to hurt Jasper. He wanted to see me turn on him like I had plenty of fucking times before, but I wasn't about to show him that I had no intention of going through with it. I needed Michael to believe I was so desperate I'd switched sides, that I was going to play his goddamned games. It was my only hope of getting out of there alive.

  "Well, there's another part of the game I haven't told you about," my father said. "See, I offered Jasper the same thing I offered you."

  My face paled which seemed to please him, and he went on explaining, making the blood drain from my face.

  "You see when Jasper first got here," he started. "We offered him two options. Come and work for us - since he'd proven to be useful with you - or die a miserable death in your service. Which one do you think he picked, sonny boy?"

  I glanced at Jasper's unmoving body and swallowed thickly, making my father laugh.

  "Of course," he said. "He was a loyal servant until we started chopping off those fingers. And even then, he still claimed he wouldn't kill you to prove that he chose me over you. Not until I threatened to take his dick."

  Jasper raised his head, his bloodshot, bruised eyes finding mine in a desperate apology. I stared down at him, feeling chills go down my spine.

  "See, I think all you kids think with your dick," my father said thoughtfully, then slapped me on the back, the pain making me wince. "Except for you, of course, boy. I made sure that dick didn't work properly years ago, didn't I?"

  I never hated him more than at that moment.

  He'd made sure I'd never have children, taken that joy away from not just me, but Ophelia as well, and I would forever hate him for what he'd fucking done.

  "Still bitter about it, are you, boy?" he laughed in my face.

  I started to speak up, but he raised his hand to stop me.

  "Save your voice," he said. "Since you and your partner are both so intent on killing one another, I think there's only one way to solve this."

  He grinned widely.

  "You'll battle," he said. "To the death."

  I swallowed the lump in my throat, glancing at Jasper on the floor.

  "Neither of us is in any shape to fight," I told my father.

  "No, I agree," he said solemnly. "Which is why I'm going to get some help from my favorite little drug."

  He picked up two syringes off the table with instruments and approached me with a menacing smile on his face.

  I didn't beg for mercy. I couldn't even move, I was so worn out from the injuries and the torture he'd already made me endure.

  When he stabbed the needle in my neck, I barely felt a thing. I was too far gone, anyway.

  Michael repeated the motion on Jasper and grinned at us before walking to the door.

  "Wait," I yelled out. "Aren't you going to untie me?"

  He laughed out loud just as I started feeling the effects of the drug, a burning, horrifying sensation flowing through my veins as if he'd just injected me with acid.

  "What have you done?" I muttered, but my father just saluted me in response and left the room.

  Lights came on inside the room, and I suddenly realized the dingy walls that weren't brick were made of glass. My father and several other men were on the other side of the window, staring at us with grins on their faces. Someone else was collecting money and writing down bets. My father gave me a thumb up, like a proud father cheering for his kid at Little League. I hated him with all my might.

  I looked back at Jasper, and my eyes widened when I couldn't find him.

  I followed the trail of the bloody footprints with my eyes and found him leaning against the wall, groaning as the drug worked its way through his system. He roared with the same pain I felt.

  But there was something else, an underlying strength under the pain, something that made me tighten my fists underneath the ropes.

  Fuck, maybe if I pulled hard enough, I could break free of my restrains.

  I let out an almighty roar as I started pulling on the ropes desperately, trying to wrench myself free. One of them gave way, and my eyes widened as my left wrist came free. I nearly laughed out loud, shocked by the sudden ability to get free, and reached for my other hand to get that one
free, too.

  Once my hands were free, I started working on my legs, but just as I was about to free my last constrained limb, something hit me over the head, hard, and a loud scream pierced the room.

  I landed on the ground, with every part of me throbbing in pain. But this time, the pain didn't feel like the end. It made me angry, so fucking angry. It made me want to...

  It made me want to kill.

  My fiery eyes landed on Jasper, brandishing the chair my father had been sitting on earlier and glaring at me with enraged eyes, his pupils so dilated I couldn't even see the irises of his eyes.

  I wrenched my ankle free of the chair and roared as I stood up.

  The men behind the window were laughing, placing more and more bets as Jasper and I faced one another.

  The drug was telling me not to care who the man in front of me was.

  The drug was telling me to hurt whoever it took to hurt to get the fuck out of there.

  The goddamned drug wanted me to kill everything and everyone in my way.

  Starting with my best friend.

  I could barely make sense of my own mind through the haze, and I launched myself at Jasper with an ear-piercing scream.

  In moments, we were a tangled heap of limbs, teeth biting, hands punching, feet kicking.

  We fought like enemies, not best friends.

  I grabbed Jasper's hair and slammed his face into the ground, and he kicked me in the balls, sending me flying across the room.

  That really made me fucking angry.

  Jasper wasn't my friend anymore, and by the cruel glint in his eyes, I realized the drug had done its job on him as well.

  Now, we were enemies, and only one of us was going to make it out of that room alive.

  It was time for the games to begin.

  Chapter Twenty


  Ginger kept away from me for the next few days, and Ophelia shot dirty glares at me whenever she saw me. I didn't give a shit though, I knew both of them had liked what happened, and I wasn't about to apologize for it.

  But one morning a couple of days after I'd played with them, I was sitting in the office when the call that changed everything came.


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