Karik (Weredragons Of Tuviso) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Karik (Weredragons Of Tuviso) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 30

by Maia Starr

  I smiled and then looked at the queen. “Was it difficult? The pregnancy?” I asked.

  “No. I assume it is just like being pregnant on Earth and giving birth. But I do not have that experience to compare it too. It is probably the same,” she smiled.

  “And your son, the prince, where is he?” Luka asked.

  “He is grown. He is a fine warrior. He is touring the galaxy, learning all that he can about it. My husband allowed him to do so. He says knowing about other planets and races will make him into a fine king. I agree with that,” she said.

  “Sounds like a smart Draqua,” I said.

  “Yes. Most hybrids are highly intelligent. You will see,” she smiled.

  “It has been quiet for some time now,” Luka said, interrupting our talk of motherhood and bringing us back to reality. Then the sirens suddenly went off.

  “What does that mean?” I asked the queen.

  “I am not sure. Let us stay quiet now that we do not have the siren to mask our voices,” she whispered.

  We stayed quiet holding hands practically crushing them as we squeezed in tension. Then the wall panel opened. “Melody?”

  The king’s voice was a relief. Melody let go of our hands and ran to the king. She emerged from the panel walls. Luka and I gave each other a look. We did not hear Dekario or Kavik call to us. We moved quickly and emerged from the wall into the king’s chamber. Kavik and Dekario walked in. They were dirty and blood stained.

  “Dekario!” I shouted as I ran to him. I threw myself into his arms. I was so happy to see him alive and well. It was torture waiting for him without knowing what was happening.

  “I told you I would come back. I always do,” he said.

  “Yes, you do,” I said as I reached up on my tiptoes and kissed him. I looked him over and said, “What happened? Are you hurt?”

  “I am fine. We got him. He’s dead. No need to be frightened any more,” he said as he hugged me.

  “Phoenix?” I asked.

  “He is fine. He went to the barracks with the warriors. He wants to start his training as a Draqua guard. I think he will be good at it,” Dekario said.

  “Let’s go home,” I said.

  “Yes, let’s go home,” he said. I turned to see the other two couples embracing as well. We were all happy and relieved. Dekario and I made our way home to his hut. We stayed in bed for the rest of the day until the next morning.

  A week later there was a grand marriage ceremony as promised by the king. It was a lot like the marriage ceremony of Earth. I stood next to Dekario with my hands in his. Luka did the same with Kavik. Everyone was gathered on the beach to watch us become one. We did not have vows, but the Draqua official said a few words that formed our ceremony.

  “This bond you both partake in. You are taking each other in union as mate and as husband and wife. From this bonding ceremony forth, you belong only to each other,” he said.

  Then our hands were tied with a long vine. It was beautiful, and I had tears in my eyes the entire time.

  “Are you happy, human female Reena?” Dekario asked me as he sat beside me on the beach during the large feast. The celebration was on the sand and food was being roasted over open fires. Draqua of all ages and hybrids or not were playing on the beach and in the water. It was a celebration, and everyone seemed to be having a great time.

  “I am so happy. Are you happy, Draqua Lieutenant Dekario Dundra? I asked him playfully in return.

  “I am happier than I ever thought I could be. You have made me a happy and proud husband,” he said as he leaned in and kissed me.

  “And you have made me a happy and pregnant wife,” I said laughing. He fed me a piece of fruit and then I kissed him again. I could never stop kissing him. He was so damn hot with his long dark hair, brown eyes, and rugged good looks. Not to mention that he was always in a loincloth and practically naked.

  Phoenix and Luka came to sit by me in the sand. Kavik sat on the other side of Dekario as they had their own conversation.

  “Can you believe this?” Phoenix said. “If I had told you when we set out on our mission from Earth that you were not coming back and you were going to marry aliens, you would have put me in the nuthouse.” He laughed.

  “That is true, and yet here we are, doing just that,” Luka laughed.

  “No, never in a million years did I think that I would ever meet an alien life form yet alone be married to one,” I said.

  “I think we owe it to Jason, Marcy, and Captain Wallace to be happy. To be very, very happy and in love. They sacrificed their lives for it. We need to make sure their deaths to not become taken for granted. They are the reason we are here,” Luka said.

  “Yes, to the crew,” I said, raising my cup of water in cheers to them.

  “And what about you, Phoenix? Where lies your happiness?” Luka asked.

  “She’s over there,” he said as he looked at Antaris. She was staring coyly at him. Then he said, “We are taking it slow. She is barren, and we have all the time to just get to know each other a little more. But I fall in love with her more and more every day. But something was missing from my life. After I helped with the incident in the palace, I realized that I missed the work of a soldier badly. Now that I am in training, I feel great. I am learning about alien warfare tactics, and it is just badass!” he laughed.

  “So we are all happy here in our new lives then,”Luka said.

  “Yes, we are,” I said as I hugged both of them. We had come a long way, and the adventure was only beginning.

  Now I at least felt safe now that the dangers that had been after us were eliminated. But I had learned that danger was always lurking as long as the opposition was out there. I knew that Dekario and the King thought that Commander Triq and Captain Hicium were not working alone and were only a portion of the opposition in hiding. But they were the immediate threats, and they were gone. Now there was just the distant threat. It still scared me, but I could not live my daily life in fear. I had already survived a lot. I knew that I was tough and could take on whatever the Draqua life brought to me.



  Taking out Temuk was easier than I thought. Together we were able to stop him from escaping. But as we did so, we discovered something we did not know. While we were about to kill him, Temuk said something that gave us a lot of information. He said, “I only live a year. We all do.”

  That meant that these Aeriwana Draqua hybrids could only survive a year, or maybe slightly longer. This was excellent news for us. But for now, I wanted to only think about living a new life with my new wife.

  Reena Dundra was stunning in her wedding clothes of blue and green. Her long hair was braided with flowers, and her bare feet were delicate and beautiful in the sand. I loved her with more than energy than I could ever put into words.

  So as I carried her into my hut after our wedding celebration, I felt like this truly marked the beginning of a calm life together. It was what I craved.

  “What do we do now? What do the Draqua do on their wedding night?” she asked playfully.

  “What do the humans do on their wedding night?” I asked in return.

  “They consummate the marriage,” she laughed.

  “That is what the Draqua do as well. Let’s get started,” I laughed as I carried her into the room and placed her on the bed gently.

  “I feel like this is all we do all the time,” she said pushing her fingers into my hair.

  “Is that a complaint?” I asked arching a brow.

  “No, it is an observation. I am a scientist, remember?” she said.

  “How could I forget,” I said as I kissed her soft neck. She moaned and moved around under me.

  “I guess we should consummate the marriage and stick to tradition,” she whispered.

  “As you wish,” I said as I hungrily moved her dress up to her knees.

  She laughed. Then she said, “Since I did marry a dragon, I think I should consum
mate the marriage with a dragon.”

  I stopped kissing her. I looked at her and grinned. I got up from the bed and moved away from her. In a flash, I shifted into dragon form. I spread my wings out behind me to stretch them out. Then I folded them behind me. I took off my boots and loincloth and moved to her.

  “There’s my dragon-man,” she moaned. I crawled onto the bed and moved over her. I pulled carefully on her dress until it was over her head. Then I pulled off the cloths covering her swollen breasts. I kissed them lightly. Then I pulled off her loincloth very delicately. She spread her thighs for me, and I moved between then.

  “This is my first time entering you now that you are my wife,” I said as I positioned myself to enter her.

  “And my first time having my husband inside of me,” she moaned.

  I grinned at her words and pushed myself into her warmth. She felt so damn good, and it felt relieving to know that she was mine. She was now my mate and no one else’s, and I owned her body and mind and heart. She was my wife, and I needed that security of possession because she had been taken from me once and I would never let it happen again.

  I pushed further inside of her, and her head arched back. I was so tall over her that I had to look down my shoulders and chest to see her. She was small and delicate underneath me. I hovered over her, carrying all my weight on my arms so that I did not press against her and her belly.

  “That feels so good, Dekario, my husband,” she whispered.

  Her words and husky whisper turned me on. She was so damn hot I could barely stand to not be inside of her at all times. She drove me absolutely wild. I loved everything about her.

  “Are you all right still?” I asked as I looked down at her.

  “Yes, I am okay. Keep going, please,” she begged.

  “Yes, for you, anything,” I said as I moved in and out of her. I moved back and forth, savoring every single feeling and sensation. Moments later, we were both releasing in ecstasy. This was how we spent the next three days after our wedding. It was complete bliss.



  Months after our blissful wedding, our child was born. We had a beautiful Draqua warrior hybrid, a son. We named him Brenian. Luka also had a child, a son they named Xaser. I was glad that these two hybrid sons would have each other to grow up with. It was just like Kavik and Dekario; I knew that it was important to have another hybrid on your side. I was grateful that Luka and Kavik’s son would be like a brother to our son Brenian.

  After our encounter with Queen Melody, she became a close friend to Luka and I as we confided in her in everything that we should expect from our new lifestyles. She had already lived through it and was of great help. Not the mention that she was the queen and had access to everything.

  I never expected this much happiness when I set out on the science mission, but I was glad that I had found it. I was now a real scientist living out my own experiment as the wife and mother of an alien race. It was the adventure of a lifetime.

  The End

  Dragons Of Kelon(Complete Box Set)

  Read for FREE on Kindle Unlimited or purchase for only 99 cents in the kindle store! Continue reading the amazing standalones in this Box set by Maia Starr

  Trent-Zenkian Warriors

  (Zenkian Warriors)

  By Maia Starr

  Chapter 1

  Samantha Gaines

  “Get on your knees, slave!” Commander Jenku Vade shouted at me as he stormed into my room.

  “No!” I shouted back at him.

  “When I enter a room, you get down on your knees in obedience. When will you learn?” he growled as he came over to me. He put his large hand on my shoulder and pushed me down to the floor, onto my knees.

  “When will you learn you cannot steal humans for Earth just to make them your slaves?” I shouted back.

  He circled around me like a lion looking at prey. His heavy boots echoed in the room. I looked up at his tall stature of about nine feet. His red skin was as red as an Anvin, and his eyes were a light yellow that matched his brown-blonde short hair. His black uniform was thick, like burlap, but fitted to his massive muscular body. I hated him. He had brought me nothing but grief and horror since he abducted me from Earth.

  “When will you be pregnant? I have taken you many times, and still nothing,” he growled. “You are useless.”

  “Then let me go,” I said.

  He laughed. His laugh echoed in the room. It was menacing and terrifying. He was an evil Zenkian alien that had tortured and raped me. I wanted him dead.

  “Commander Vade, there is mention of the rebels out on patrol over the flatrock areas,” a voice interrupted over an intercom-like device.

  He stopped over to a panel on the wall and pushed a button, “And why do you interrupt me with this mundane information?”

  “It is said that it might be Commander Trent Qoln,” the voice said.

  The commander growled. “That ass! I am on my way. I will hunt him down once and for all.”

  He moved back over to me and looked at me. “I will come to your bed tonight, and you will give me offspring!”

  I looked up at him and narrowed my eyes at him in hate.

  “Yes, save that fiery look for tonight. The more you resist, the more fun it is for me,” he laughed. Then he left the room.

  I fell onto my bottom on the floor. I could not take any more of the horrors I was subjected to. I had to get out of there. I had been planning my escape route for weeks. Now was the best time. Jenku would be out on patrol looking for this Commander Trent Qoln. I did not know why Jenku wanted this commander so much. I only knew that he had mentioned him a few times as a slippery son of a bitch because he was sometimes able to fly his speeder into Waysaw lands and escape easily. He must be a very skilled pilot indeed. But I knew that Jenku wanted him, and this meant that he would be gone for hours. I was not going to subject myself to whatever he had planned for me when he returned.

  “Get up, Samantha; it is now or never,” I whispered to myself.

  I got up and grabbed a large basket and put some folded cloth and dried fruit in it. I waited a good ten minutes until I knew that it was plenty of time for Jenku to be out on patrol and away from the city. He would have been in haste to find his enemy. Then I walked out of the room high in the tower of the Waysaw city. I moved freely throughout the city as the commander had me doing chores on a daily basis. This basket made it look like I was doing the same chore I did every day: carrying items to and from the room for the pleasure of the commander. It was something that was ordinary. I saw many human female slaves carrying baskets or goods around the city at all times. I carried mine out of the tower and into the city. I was going toward the edge of the city, toward the great ocean. It was the only plan that I had to escape.

  I looked around and then went behind the very last building that led to outskirts and crouched behind a speeder. I dropped the basket and pushed it underneath it. Then I heard something that brought a chill all over my body.

  “Where did she go? Where did Vade’s slave go? We had commands to not let her out of the building until he returned, but some idiot soldier was not aware of the new order!” the soldier shouted.

  Oh shit, I thought. Of course he would say such a thing. He had left the city, and I had just showed him defiance. That was stupid of me. It put him on guard that I might run, and he was right. I was grateful that the soldiers on duty at the building did not know he had issued such an order.

  “I don't know! I thought I saw her come this way. She had a basket and…”

  “She could not have gone far! We must find the human female. If she had a basket, then she was headed for the market. All these humans look the same to me. Let’s go toward the market,” the other soldier said.

  The voices of the Zenkian soldiers echoed around me as I crouched down and rolled underneath the land speeder. I was scared for my life. I had managed to escape from my imprisonment, and no way in hell was I go
ing back.

  I waited for the shouting of the soldiers to grow distant. I had planned only part of my escape and made up the rest as I went along. I was running for the beach and the ocean. I could see it. All I had to do was run and jump in the water and stay low, swimming along the coastline; it was the only way that I would not be noticed. As a human, I stuck out; there weren't very many of us here in the Waysaw City.

  “Come on, Samantha; you can do this. Just do it. You have nothing to fear. They won't hurt you if you are caught, not more than they already have. You are the human female of Commander Jenku Vade, and that means something around here. Just run,” I whispered to myself as I looked at the blue ocean in the distance.


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