Karik (Weredragons Of Tuviso) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Karik (Weredragons Of Tuviso) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 33

by Maia Starr

  “Yes, of course, anything I can do to help,” she said.

  “Are you aware of a commander known as Jenku Vade?” I asked.

  She looked at me with wide eyes. She swallowed hard. I noticed a shift in her; she looked frightened.

  “I have come across him before. He is a fierce and unkind Zenkian,” she said.

  “Yes, he is. Crossing paths with him is never pleasant,” I said knowing that perhaps he had beaten her or something of the like.

  “No, it is not. What of him?” she asked.

  “Are you aware of any raids he was planning on us here? Did you overhear any of the Waysaw Zenkian speak of a raid in the near future?” I asked.

  “No, but as a slave, I am not included in talks such as these. I am sorry,” she said as she stood up and went to the window. I walked after her, sensing her distress. I moved closer to her and put my hand on her shoulder.

  “I am sorry; I did not mean to bring unpleasant memories of your time as a slave,” I said. She turned and faced me. She looked up at me with her eyes tearing up. I wanted to console her further.

  “I do not mean to be so weak right now, it is just…”

  “They were cruel. I know. It is fine; you are safe now,” I said moving closer to her. She looked at me, our eyes locking. The energy was radiating between us. I felt my body responding to her, and then I remembered, it was forbidden. I quickly moved away from her.

  “Let’s talk about Earth instead for now. We will come back to the Waysaw question,” I said taking a seat at the table.

  Chapter 5

  Samantha Gaines

  Two days passed and I was surprised at how well I got along with the commander known as Trent. He had shown nothing but kindness to me, and I was not used to such a thing being in the Waysaw City. When he asked me to answer his questions about the Waysaw, I was more than happy to. I was glad to give any information to take the Waysaw down. I did not want to see them succeed either; the rebels and I had that in common. They were our common enemy. But I did not expect him to mention Jenku Vade. It brought knots to my stomach. Did he know who I was and just pretending not to know? Was it a trick? I had no idea, and I had to keep my wits about me and only provide the information he wanted without the most crucial part of that information: I was the slave of Jenku Vade. I did not want Trent to know that. I did not want anyone to know that. I knew that it was dangerous information, especially because I carried his child. It was a complex mess.

  But I did not expect to feel the chemistry that I felt with Trent when he was so close to me. We had that moment. I never thought I would feel that moment with a Zenkian ever in my life after what I had gone through with the Waysaw Zenkian. But the Grantsion Zenkian were completely different if they were all like Trent. I found myself attracted to him. I could not help myself. Maybe it was because he had saved my life and that of my unborn child. There was something about being attracted to a hero that was completely beyond my control. He was a strong, skilled Commander, yet he was tender. We got along as though we had known each other for years and I had only known him a short time. It was very strange. But in the time that I had been here, I knew that I would have to leave soon. It's only there was a way for these rebels to fight with Earth against the Waysaw. But who would negotiate such a thing? Then I realized, I could do it. I sat up straight in the living area as I waited for Trent. I suddenly felt full of hope.

  The door opened, and he walked in.

  “How are you feeling today?” He asked.

  “I feel stronger and stronger every day. Thank you for taking care of me,” I said with a big grin.

  “Good, I am glad that you are stronger. We must talk about what is to be done with you. I don't want to do anything against your wishes; you have been through enough already being taken from your home planet. But we must speak of this now; you cannot stay here forever. I know that you know that,” he said sitting across from me.

  “Yes, I do know that. I was hoping that I could talk to you today about the same thing,” I said grinning.

  “By that massive grin on your face, it sounds like something that is going to make you very happy. I like that,” he said. He looked at me for a moment. Our eyes locked again. I had to snap out of the hypnotic state he was able to put me in with just one look.

  I cleared my throat and looked down at the table. “I sort of have a plan, but I do not know if it is possible.”

  He smiled, and his shoulders sort of dropped in relief. “I would love to hear your plan. Lay it on me, human,” he said playfully. He crossed his hands as though he was giving me his full attention. It made me laugh.

  “I was thinking, the rebels and the humans have the same enemy: the Waysaw Zenkian,” I said easing into my unusual and new plan.

  “Yes, that is true. They are our only enemy and what they are doing to Earth is horrific,” he said.

  “Well, what if there was a pact between the rebels and the humans to help each other in defeating the Waysaw? Don’t you think that would be a good idea? Together they can be defeated,” I said getting excited.

  He arched his brow at me. “What does this have to do with getting you to safety?”

  “Well, if such a pact were to happen, then there would be some negotiation involved, and Earth would need to be contacted. I think a journey to Earth would be necessary. I could be on that ship with whoever is sent to Earth to speak to the humans about being allies against the Waysaw, and then I could go home. I could be on Earth again,” I said.

  He looked at me with no emotion on his face. He was stone cold expressionless. He said nothing and only looked at me. I wondered what was going through his mind. Was this a red flag? Was I making him think I was a spy or something because I wanted something so drastic? My stomach felt like it was in knots all of a sudden.

  “Trent? Commander, what is it? Is my idea so far-fetched?” I asked.

  “Yes, it is. But it is also brilliant. But it is not up to me. I am a commander I am not a leader here. Therefore I don't see how your idea could possibly happen, and we will have to think of another way to make you safe,” he said.

  “Who would make a decision like that? Who are these leaders you speak of? Is it like the leaders in the Waysaw City?” I asked not wanting to take no for answer just yet.

  “Yes, it is fairly same structure. We were all one union before the rebellion, and a lot of things have stayed the same way,” he said.

  “Great. Take me to these leaders, and I shall speak to them about this,” I said.

  He laughed. “You really think you can do anything, don’t you?”

  “I have made it this far. I guess that gives me confidence,” I said.

  “You do see that I cannot take you to my leaders. You are not even supposed to be here. It is forbidden,” he said as he stood up.

  I stood up and walked to him pleading. “Please, Trent. Don’t you see that you and I could make a difference? Now is the time. I didn’t think of it this way before, but it all makes sense to me now. For me to have run away and for you to be the one to have found me. Don’t you think that happened for a reason? I think it did. The coincidences are just too much,” I said.

  “Like what coincidences?” he said.

  I realized that I had been thinking about the fact that the last time I was with Jenku Vade he went looking for Trent, and instead Trent found me. But I could not tell Trent this. I had forgotten myself and my secrets in my excitement.

  “I just mean that it all adds up perfectly. I know about the Waysaw Zenkian, and I know about Earth humans. Who better to help get an alliance going between the humans and the Grantsions than me? I know of all three involved in this mess. I can do it.”

  “You ask too much, Samantha. It is just not possible. It would put you in too much danger,” he said turning to me. When he turned, he did it abruptly and pushed up against me. His hard stomach brushed against my breasts, catching me off guard. I gasped a little and looked up at him. He looked down at me. He stopped a
s though he was about to say something more but said nothing. I looked up at him, suddenly realizing just how turned on I was by his presence. My breathing grew irregular and faster. His manly scent enveloped me. I wanted to reach out and touch the stiff uniform that pressed against his hard chest and stomach so badly. It had been a long time since I’d had tender male affection. I wanted something to wipe away the horrors that I had dealt with when I was with Commander Jenku Vade.

  “I just think there is some hope,” I whispered.

  “You are a hopeful human,” he whispered back. His voice was husky. Neither of us moved. We just stared at each other.

  “It is all that I have. I have hope,” I said.

  “No, it is not all. You have me, human,” he said. Then he leaned down and clamped his mouth over mine. I gave in immediately. I felt my body go weak as he kissed me. I didn’t plan on this. I swore to never let a Zenkian touch me ever again after what happened to me in Waysaw, but here I was willingly giving in to this alien soldier. I pushed my hands up his broad shoulders. I felt the stiff material of his uniform underneath my hands as I ran them up. I got onto my tiptoes to try to reach him more. I put my hands around his neck and into his thick black hair. I desired him so much, and now I was getting some relief from that. I pressed him to me more. I was hungry for him. Something inside of me took over. I turned into a wild animal as I kissed him harder. He groaned in my mouth. I felt his large, strong hands against my back. He rubbed them up and down, and then moaned louder. Then he pulled away from me. He stepped back with a jolt as though he had been pushed off of me.

  “What? What is it? Did I hurt you?” I said in shock.

  “No. No, it is not you. That was… I have never felt anything like that before,” he said with a look of confusion on his face. “I can’t do that. It is against everything we are here. I cannot touch you. It is forbidden,” he said in an anxious manner. Then he took large and hasty strides toward the door. He opened it and walked out. I heard the door lock behind him.

  “But…what was that?” I said to myself. I felt bad. I felt like I had lured him like a temptress. This was clearly difficult for him, and I could see that he was an alien of honor. I sat down and looked out the window. I guess I should not have been so forward with my plan, but I knew that it was a good one. I had just got so excited about it. I should not have melted against him the way I did, but I could not help it. It was like I had no control over my body at that moment. I stayed up for hours hoping that he would return so I could apologize, but he did not return.

  Chapter 6

  Commander Trent Qoln

  I jumped away from Samantha like I had touched hot metal and been burned. I had to push away from her. It felt like I had been sucked into some drug-induced dream when she kissed me. It made me feel like I had lost control of my mind and my body began to respond. I had felt my cock growing hard, and I knew that I had to get away from her before I took advantage of her. It was not the Grantsion way.

  So now I made my way to the military barracks of the village. I had to stay away from her. I did not dare return there this night. She had moaned when she kissed me. She had put her hands around my neck, and that meant that she was going to let me kiss her more. So because of that, I could not return. I would have to wait until the next day after I had cooled off. I did not have a choice.

  The next morning I went on patrol. I could not return home just yet. I needed to burn off some of the heat. I jumped in my speeder, feeling ready to get rid of some energy by being reckless. I zoomed to the outlands. I flew the speeder dangerously close to the line between the Waysaw territory and the Grantsion territory. I was looking for a fight. I wanted it. Then in the distance, I got my chance.

  “Waysaw patrol coordinates 42 at 26 degrees,” I said into the radio informing my patrol team that I had spotted a patrol from Waysaw. “I am going to go check it out,” I said.

  “Negative. That is not a good move. You are miles from us,” my patrol team partner said.

  “I won’t make myself known. I am going to land on top of them on the cliffside and look down. I will just be ten minutes. Radio out,” I said cutting off the communication line so that I did not have to hear more opposition.

  I flew closer to the patrol and landed on a cliffside above them, out of their range. They were on foot patrolling the area, which I thought was strange. I could see their speeder some distance away from them. They were looking down at the ground. I quietly and carefully walked down the cliffside, trying to get closer. I finally found a crevice on a ledge to hide in. They were walking into an area just underneath me.

  “Anything?” one of the soldiers said.

  “No, there is no trace of her. It is as if she did not cross these lands at all,” the other said.

  “Then how? She had to have been on foot. She did not have access to a speeder or a watercraft,” he said.

  “Maybe she swam,” the soldier said.

  “That distance? Impossible. She is a human and they are fragile. I doubt that any of them, even the males, could swim that far. I think we just need to pick up her trail somewhere else.”

  “I hope that you are right. She is important. If we do not find her then Jenku Vade will have our heads. He said to find her at all costs.”

  My blood ran cold. They had to be talking about Samantha, and if they were, then she was connected to Jenku Vade. She was his slave. An enormous amount of rage welled up inside of me. Anyone but that maniac. I would not let him have her. Why did she not tell me that she was his?

  I watched as the two guards made their way back to their speeder and drove off. I climbed back up the cliffside to my speeder. “The Waysaw patrol was nothing. I am headed back to Grantsion,” I said into the communications radio.

  “Copy that, Qoln.”

  I flew my speeder as fast as I could. I landed on the ledge outside my home and went directly inside. I found Samantha sleeping in my bed. I grabbed her arm.

  “Wake up, human,” I said.

  She was startled as she woke up. “What is it? Have they come for me?” she asked worried.

  “Who are you?” I asked in anger.

  “I am Samantha, from Earth. I have already told you this,” she said trembling a bit.

  “No, this!” I said turning her wrist over to show the barcode tattoo. “Who are you? Who do you belong to in Waysaw?”

  She trembled. “Why is that important? I never belonged to him to begin with. He did not have my permission to make me his. I belong to no one. I am my own person,” she said defiantly, pulling her hand from me. She narrowed her eyes at me and got up from the bed. She stomped toward the living areas of the dwelling. I grabbed her arm and stopped her.

  “Tell me it isn’t true. Tell me that you are not the slave of Jenku Vade,” I said.

  She gasped as her eyes grew wide.

  “Tell me!” I said.

  “Why? Why does it matter?” she yelled back at me.

  “He is a dangerous Waysaw Commander, that is why!” I shouted. I was losing my calm. I was so angry. I could not stand it.

  “Fine! Yes, he was the one that took me as his slave. He did awful things to me, and I took my chance to leave the moment I got it. But I do not belong to him. He has no right to my body.”

  “Fuck!” I shouted.

  “Trent, I don’t see how—” she said.

  “Of course you wouldn’t! What do you know? I went out on patrol today, and I ran into some Waysaw soldiers out on patrol looking for you,” I said.

  “Oh my god. What happened? Are you hurt?” she said coming up to me and placing her palms on my chest. As soon as she touched me, I felt the heat in my body. I felt my shaft hardening. It was instant with her. I had never experienced this reaction with a female Zenkian before. Why was she able to do this to me?

  “No, I am not hurt,” I said quietly. My voice was suddenly thick with desire.

  “I could not bear it if you were hurt because of me,” she said looking up at me.

  “I could not bear it knowing that monster Jenku had you to himself,” I said.

  “It wasn’t by choice,” she said. Her eyes watered a bit.

  “Damn it, Samantha. How are you able to do this to me?” I said putting my hands on her small arms.

  “I have the same question for you,” she said. “Please don’t send me back to him. I would not survive.”

  “Never. He will never let him touch you again,” I said as I pulled her into my arms once more. But this time I was not going to run away. I was going to break every damn Grantsion rule there was. It didn’t matter anymore. There was no more struggle between being honorable to my own race and being with this human. I was choosing her over everything else, even my own life.

  Chapter 7


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