Husband Stay (Husband #2)

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Husband Stay (Husband #2) Page 7

by Louise Cusack

  Everything about him from the way his neatly trimmed hair curled a little on his collar to his beautiful suit and the way his hand still held the door shut over my head. “I’ve never felt such a strong attraction.”

  I could have added that I desperately wanted to turn around and rip his suit off to rediscover what lay beneath it, but I waited, staring at the door. I’d made the first move kissing him. It was his turn now.

  “I’ve never met anyone sexier than you.” His voice was slightly rough, his hand caressing my midriff again. “When I saw you singing with Noah Steele, I wanted to pull you out of his arms and fight him for the right to be with you. And I’m not like that,” he added.

  My breaths became shallower as his negligently stroking hand rose to encompass my breast, his thumb stroking the very hard nipple through my thin bra. I let my forehead drop onto the door and he leant down to kiss the nape of my neck.

  That set off sensations that flitted around my body, pulsing down low where I usually stroked to give myself an orgasm. Then his hand slid across to caress my other breast while his hot tongue teased up the back of my neck and the tingling down-low turned into a clutching sensation I’d never felt before, even while masturbating. It disoriented me, and I sucked in a shuddering breath, completely incapable of speech.

  “I’m taking you to the bedroom now,” he said, but he waited.

  I knew I needed to speak, to stop him or to let him continue, and I simply couldn’t stop. I was at a turning point where the future was pleasure or it wasn’t. And while I was in that moment with that pleasure, I wanted more.

  “Please,” I whispered, my forehead still resting on the door. “Take me.”

  He did.

  In the next second, he swept me up into his arms and I clung to his shoulder with my good hand, my lips pressed against his throat where I could smell his skin for the first time, and it made me even dizzier. Part of it was his sandalwood aftershave, but most of it was aroused male.

  I kissed him up behind his ear and tasted his skin, and I felt as if I’d never known a man before. I’d never smelt heat like this on my husband, who suddenly seemed like a boy in comparison.

  Jack strode with me in his arms into the bedroom and laid me gently onto the soft blue coverlet, but when he would have stood back, I clutched onto him with my good arm.

  He smiled down into my eyes. “Trust me, I’m not going anywhere.” But the moment he released me, I felt anchorless.

  He reached for the bedside light.


  He frowned at that. “You like shadows?”

  A shaft of light from the hallway crossed the four-poster wrought-iron bed. I wanted even that gone. “You’re an athlete, and I’m…curvy.”

  “Thank you for pointing that out,” he said, pulling off his tie. “Otherwise I might never have noticed those stunning breasts or that bust-my-shorts ass.”

  I wanted to laugh, but I was too nervous. “Okay.”

  “In fact…” He kicked off his shoes and stripped off his jacket, throwing it across a chair. “From the moment I first saw you…” He started unbuttoning his shirt. “You’ve made me completely crazy, and if you bail on me now…” He shook his head, as if he expected dire consequences.

  That should have frightened me, but somehow I knew that if I said Stop, he would. So it didn’t seem fair to have him worried about possible rejection, or rushing before I could change my mind. So I forced myself past embarrassment to say, “I want this. I want to…”

  No, I couldn’t say it.

  He stopped with his fingers on the zip of his trousers and said, “You want to come. You want me to make you come.”

  I swallowed and nodded, feeling awkward and incredibly vulnerable.

  His hands fell to his sides. “How many times?”


  I must have had some expression on my face. Shock. Or horror.

  He grinned. “So we’ll start with one.” He went back to undressing and stripped off his pants and briefs in one movement. I could only stare. When he straightened, an enormous erection waved at me. Well, it was probably normal sized. I had no idea how big they should be, but it was bigger than the only penis I’d ever seen in the flesh.

  I swallowed hard and forced myself to look at him, from the top of his dark, soft hair to those magnificent shoulders, the spectacular chest leading down to lean hips, beautiful thighs and surprisingly sexy calves.

  “Wow,” I whispered, flicking a glance back at his penis. Wow. Okay, now I was really nervous.

  He climbed immediately onto the bed and straddled me, running his hands into my hair, gently resting his erection on my belly as he leant forward and kissed me, long and slow and wet. It was disconcerting at first, having a naked man looming over me, especially one as big as Jack, but his kiss was so languorous, so coaxing, that my bones seemed to melt as I kissed him back.

  When he paused for breath he asked, “Relaxed?”

  I nodded, breathless.

  “Good, because that’s the first rule of orgasms.”

  Shiva! There were rules for that as well? “What if I don’t have one?” I stared into his dark eyes, wondering where I found the courage to be so honest with him. Was it knowing I could walk away at any point and never see him again?

  “You will,” he said, gazing into my eyes at close range, supremely confident.

  “But if I don’t. Are you telling me you won’t have sex with me anyway? Surely you’ll be turned on by then.”

  “I’m turned on now,” he said, stating the obvious. “And of course I’ll want to have sex with you,” he admitted. “But if you don’t come, I won’t. I promised.”

  I’m not sure why, but I simply couldn’t believe him. How could a man get that aroused and then walk away? Danny never would. I knew that for sure. And perhaps out of anger at my husband, I did a stupid thing. Before I could stop myself, I reached between us to grab hold of his penis.

  He closed his eyes on an indrawn breath. “Angela. You’re making this…difficult.”

  Some vixen I didn’t recognize possessed me and I started to stroke it, marveling at how hard the length of it was when the top was so squishy and soft. “So you’re telling me this won’t make you come?”

  His face was close to mine so I kissed him, perversely determined to prove that he was just like Danny—only interested in his own pleasure.

  He didn’t disappoint me. His fingers in my hair gripped onto my scalp and he kissed me back, hot and hungry, pushing himself against my hand. It was thrilling, knowing I had the power to excite him so much, to push him past the point he wanted to go, but I was also deeply disappointed.

  Unlike Danny, however, Jack didn’t come in thirty seconds.

  He slowed the kiss and then grabbed my hand, pulling it away from his penis and moving it up over my head, along with the arm that held my cast. When he had his breathing slowed again he said, “I’ll be controlling the orgasms, not you.”

  My mouth fell open in surprise. Controlling the orgasms. I blinked, several times, shocked at the rush of adrenalin tingling through me. Instead of being outraged at his arrogance, I felt like I was sixteen again and about to do something I’d get in trouble for.

  Not that I’d done that a lot—and usually it had been something Fritha instigated—but I remembered the sensation distinctly. It was a wave of heat coupled with trembling excitement. As I stared up at Jack, I had no idea what he was planning, but my body was far from adverse. In fact, the idea of him controlling my reactions was so sexy I could only gaze at him in wonder.

  He slid over to lie at my side and said, “I’m undressing you now.”

  I simply nodded, helping him where I could by toeing out of my gold sandals, then raising my bottom so he could strip off my loose trousers and functional beige bikini briefs. Then when my bottom hit the bed again, he pulled up the front of my tunic and gazed at my luxuriant pubic hair while I squirmed with embarrassment.

  At last he met my gaze, an
d I was sure his smile was a comment on my hot blush. “I’m dining there later.”

  This time my mouth fell open and I couldn’t help shaking my head from side to side. “I don’t want—”

  “Yes you do,” he contradicted. “You want my hot mouth down there making you howl. And I can.”

  I had absolutely no saliva then, so I couldn’t swallow. I could only nod. Danny and I had never done that. But of course I’d read about it. Fantasized about it.

  Jack’s hand slid up my leg from my ankle, ever so slowly, his thumb on the inside, tracking over the curve of my knee and then higher until it was sliding between those pubic hairs. I instantly closed my eyes, embarrassed beyond belief. But that didn’t stop the sensations that swirled outwards as he stroked the slippery flesh a few times before circling my clitoris and making me shudder in reaction.

  “Open your eyes,” he commanded.

  I shook my head.

  “You’re a woman, not a teenage girl.”

  That infuriated me and my eyes snapped open so I could glare at him. How dare he boss me around when…

  “Oh my stars!”

  His thumb slid back over my clitoris. And not only that, there was something so sexy about staring into his eyes as he stroked me, with far more effect than I’d ever achieved. His thumb slid back and forth on the top of my clitoris and my buttocks clenched, my legs parting involuntarily as I struggled to breathe evenly.

  Then he kissed me, and the sensations that had been centered in my groin spread outwards like tiny fingers of pleasure worming their way under my skin, behind my breasts and across my nipples, at the back of my neck, behind my knees, in my elbows, across my abdomen. But most of all under his clever thumb that was slowly and insistently stroking across the top of my clitoris as his tongue explored my mouth.

  Normally I fantasized while I was masturbating, but the only thing inside my head was awe at how thoroughly he’d aroused me and how quickly the trembling pleasure was building into something hotter. In fact, my whole genital area felt like a flash-fire as the worming tickle built into a delicious ache and then before I’d comprehended where I was, I gasped against his mouth, my eyes wide as his leisurely stroking triggered a trembling wave of pleasure that exploded outwards.

  I shuddered against his hand and couldn’t stop myself groaning at the exquisite sensations that went on and on as he continued to stroke me, long after I would have stopped. Tiny aftershocks followed the main orgasm for almost a minute until I grabbed his hand and gasped, “Stop. Please.”

  We stared at each other, and at last he said, “That first one was quick, because I wanted you to see how easy it is.”

  “With you?” I wasn’t sure what he meant.

  “When you’re properly aroused, orgasms are a hundred times easier.”

  That sounded like something I should have known, but for some reason I hadn’t connected the idea with my own situation. “I can see that. Now.”

  “So we’re not going to dissect the past and what went wrong,” he continued. “You’re just going to acknowledge that you’re a healthy and incredibly sexy woman who can orgasm easily and frequently.”

  I stared into his very dark eyes. There was sense in what he was saying: let the past go and embrace this sparkling new reality. But some perverse part of me was annoyed that it had been as easy as he’d expected, when I’d been terrified it could all go horribly wrong. “How do you know I wasn’t faking?” I asked, seriously.

  He glanced down my breasts. “Your nipples got rock hard as you came. You can’t fake that.”

  “Really?” I tried to remember if that happened when I masturbated. Maybe it did. “You sound experienced.”

  He smiled and shook his head. “We’re not going there.”

  I frowned in return, but Jill had always told me that opening the ex-files was a bad idea, so I let it drop. “Still,” I said, “Condoms.” Because I really didn’t know where he’d been.

  “Sure. Did you want to get undressed now?” He raised an eyebrow. “Or would you be more comfortable leaving on your top.”

  “It’s a tunic.” I was buying time, because I really had no idea whether I wanted to be naked with him or not. He already seemed to know too much about me, and there was only so much vulnerability I could take.

  “I want to see you naked,” he said. “In fact, I insist.” He tugged on the hem of my tunic so I sat forward and pulled it over my head with one arm, quickly unclipping my bra and flicking them both off the bed.

  But before I could lie back he said, “Wait. I want this loose.” And he set about unraveling my ponytail and finger-combing my long hair away from my face. When he was finished, his hands drifted down to my breasts, weighing them in his hands. I watched his eyes grow darker as he stroked my nipples, setting off fresh waves of tingling. His voice was low and rough when he said, “Okay, lie down.”

  I let myself fall backward, and everything jiggled, but that only made him smile.

  “I’m back in the Wonka factory,” he said. “Not sure what to eat first.”

  “Condom,” I reminded him.

  “We’re not there yet.” He leant down to lick hotly across one nipple before he started suckling on it, and the ripple of pleasure was so strong my back arched up off the bed. He slid an arm under me to hold me still and said, “God, you taste good,” then he feasted on my breasts, alternating between suckling and kissing and laving until I was squirming to have him inside me. My genitals started throbbing again and I entertained the previously unimaginable proposition that I might have another orgasm when he was inside me. I was so sensitive there. It might not take much.

  But just when I’d been about to say How about now, he licked his way down my belly and before I could protest he’d parted my pubic hair with his thumbs and was sliding that hot, hard tongue up and down my clitoris. I was shocked, but the sensation was so exquisite I couldn’t help squirming more, my arms coming up over my head to grab at the sheet and anchor myself because the more I wriggled, the more he clung to my legs.

  Embarrassment quickly gave way to ecstasy as unbelievable sensations throbbed beneath his clever tongue and white noise filled my brain. I couldn’t comprehend how pleasure like this could go on and on, and all I could do was pant. It was some incredible plateau, as if he was flicking over the surface of an orgasm.

  And then without warning, the bubble burst and a tsunami of pleasure crashed down on me as my hips bucked up against his mouth. I heard myself groaning as the hot waves rolled over me but the sound seemed so far away because my world had closed down to the sensations ricocheting around inside my body. All I could do was pant and lie limp on the bed.

  When I finally came back from bliss-land I was completely disoriented, and opened my eyes to find him lying at my side. He was watching me, waiting, so I licked my lips and said, “I’ve never…” But my throat was so dry I had to swallow to go on. “…that was spectacular.”

  “Again, with the nipples,” he said, his expression was solemn. “But now I’m hooked.”

  I smiled, incredibly sated and feeling like a new woman—a sexually confident woman. “You are?”

  He nodded. “I want you as my sex slave. One night will definitely not be enough.”

  I laughed at that, despite the fact that my brain was jangled by all the orgasms.

  “Maybe I want you as my sex slave,” I said, sounding so sassy I didn’t recognize myself.

  He shrugged. “So let’s make this a regular arrangement. We’re both enjoying it.”

  I wanted to be affronted at the idea of being anyone’s ‘regular arrangement’, except…it was honest. We were only having sex. This wasn’t a relationship. So I didn’t need hearts and flowers. Shiva! After what he’d just given me, I was already feeling blessed. And somehow, keeping things strictly physical was a relief. I didn’t need to stress myself about pros and cons or even whether I might become a mother in the future.

  I could simply enjoy my body. Enjoy his body, which w
as deliciously arrayed beside me. That wide chest rose and fell as he waited for my response, his fingers sliding up my belly to stroke the undersides of my breasts. It was soothing and sensual at the same time.

  I looked into his eyes and found he was watching me, watching him. Predictably, I blushed. “Or…” he drawled, “We could have more sex and you could make your mind up after—”


  I’d jumped in too fast, and he raised an eyebrow at my nerves. “So have you ever had an orgasm during penetrative sex?”

  I shook my head. “That’s the man’s turn—”

  He sighed theatrically. “Really? Your husband was a fuckwit.”

  I opened my mouth to protest but he put a finger on my lips.

  “Shhh. Angel baby. Listen to me.” His endearment made me melt a little inside but I told myself to ignore that. It was like a cowboy saying Darlin’. Didn’t mean anything. “I’ve only met you twice, while I was conscious.” He smiled, embarrassed. “But I do remember seeing you walk, swaying those sexy hips and flashing those dark eyes, particularly when you were cranky with me. And sweet Jesus, all I could think about was running my hands all over that incredible body. And keeping every other man away from it.”

  I blushed again, but this time from pleasure.

  Still, he was shaking his head. “I can’t imagine how stupid your husband is to let you go. You are hands-down the sexiest woman I’ve ever met.”

  “With you,” I admitted, wondering for the first time if I would ever feel this liberated with another man. “And thank you for those beautiful compliments.”

  “All the better to seduce you, Angel baby.” He grinned a sexy wolf grin, then he pinned me to the bed with my arms above my head. I giggled as he kissed up my throat, but by the time he reached my lips, my breathing was choppy. I could feel his erection pressing into my hip, and when he deepened the kiss, a delicious shiver ran down my body.

  Just when I was melting, he rolled me on top of him and let my hands go to run his fingers into my hair as it curtained around us. I loved the feeling of my ample breasts squished against his hard chest as I kissed him, and even more than that, I loved the deep groan that reverberated in his chest. I was turning him on, and that turned me on.


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