What He Desires

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What He Desires Page 3

by Violet Haze

  ‘C u in the morning. Hope u get some so u are less grumpy.’

  I laugh at her use of a ‘u’ in place of you, something she does deliberately because she knows it bugs me. I would text her back but she will be up when I get home.

  Tobias walks back into the room in all his naked glory. He must’ve gotten a quick shower, his hair dripping water on to his shoulders. Watching it roll down his chest has me licking my lips, wishing I could touch him with my tongue. Get naked once more, climb back in the bed, and stay there fucking until the sun comes up. Doing the one thing I love more than anything else in the world.

  He must’ve had the same idea. Before I can blink, he’s across the room and gathering me in his arms. He lowers his lips to mine, invading my mouth with a force he seems unable to subdue. Because he catches me in a moment when I’m wishing I can be all over him, I don’t resist throwing my arms around his neck and returning the passionate kiss, matching his tongue stroke for stroke. We’re both battling for control; something neither of us really have around the other.

  Especially since I’ve given in to the inevitable even if I haven’t agreed to it out loud.


  Sex more than once with the same man.

  I can’t escape it, so I may as well enjoy it while it lasts.

  Because it always ends badly.

  Where the hell had that thought come from?

  Before I can examine the answer, he rips his mouth from mine in such an abrupt fashion that I’d’ve stumbled if it weren’t for his arms around me. Arms that leave me just seconds later as he steps back.

  “We should get going. Give me two minutes.”

  He turns away at my nod.

  I race from the room lest I give in to the craving for his cock, and give reality the finger as I drag him back to bed.


  Ten minutes later, we are on our way to my place.

  It doesn’t take long for Tobias to start in on the manager thing.

  “Let me hire another person to help you.”

  It’s dark inside the car and out, but I still turn my head his way and glare even though he can’t see me.

  Then, I pause.

  If he’s going to insist, I will use it to my advantage.

  “Okay, sure.”

  His laugh is short and full of disbelief. “Right. Something tells me there is a but…?”

  “Smart man.”

  He really is. It unnerves me that he knows me so well already.


  I take a deep breath before letting it out slowly. “If you think I need help, fine. But I get to choose who to hire, and you are responsible for paying them.”

  “No problem. I will send you some candidates today that are qualified so you can interview them.”

  I want to object. I’m perfectly able to find people myself, but it will be faster to let him assist me. “People who have applied to work with you, I’m guessing?”

  “Smart woman.”

  God, he’s such a smart ass.

  I love it.

  “There is something else I’d like to discuss with you,” he says, his hand finding mine and curling around it so I can’t pull mine away. “Rules.”

  Excuse me?

  “What?” is what I say out loud.

  He chuckles. “Rules. I assume since you played along last night that you are comfortable with a submissive role. Am I wrong?”

  Oh, I see. I decide to have fun with it.

  “What is this exactly? Fifty Shades of Grey, take two?”

  “No. Unlike Christian, my sanity is intact. And you have to admit, I’m much more attractive. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  Of course he is, but I’m hardly going to feed into his ego. Instead, I bring one finger up to my mouth and purse my lips.

  “Hold on, I need to consult my inner Goddess.” I pause a beat, then retort, “She says I could probably do better.”

  “Tell your inner Goddess she’s a dumb ass.” He pulls his hand away with a laugh, and rests it on my shoulder. “Now, am I wrong?”

  I sigh. “No, you’re not.”

  “Good.” He squeezes my hand. “First, you should never wear underthings when around me.”


  “Never, unless you’d like them ripped off you.”

  And just like that, I’m wishing his cock was inside me right this second. I clench my thighs together, asking, “What’s number two?”

  “You will tell me where you are going at all times.”

  Oh, hell no!

  “I will n—“

  “Jocelyn.” He cuts me off, raising his voice to make sure I hear him. “This isn’t about controlling you. It’s about making sure I know where you are and with whom, so that if anything happens or I need you, I’m not left trying to figure out where you’ve gone.”

  “But I don’t go anywhere!”

  “Then it shouldn’t be a problem, correct?”

  I look out the window, not answering. I want to tell him I’m not sure, but I don’t need to. He knows me; he’s aware that asking such a thing will make me feel panicked. I’m not used to restrictions, to needing to consider someone else’s feelings.

  “Yes or no, Jocelyn.”

  “I—“ I slam my eyes shut and grit my teeth, not knowing how to tell him how afraid I am to even give in a little bit.

  “Don’t be afraid.” He speaks softly, his tone soothing. “We both know the submissive is the one who truly holds all the power, Joce.”

  Yet again, he’s right. I have the power to stop this, even if I lose my diner. He’s not making me; he just offered me a choice.

  But how does he do it? How does he speak straight to my fear that when I haven’t given voice to it? Am I that transparent?

  “Okay.” He presses my shoulder before removing his hand. “I mean, no, it’s not a problem.”

  It’s then I notice we’re getting close to my place, the arrival of street lamps illuminating the way. I look over at him.

  “Anything else?”

  “Yes.” He tosses a glance my way. “However, we can discuss it later.”

  Pulling up to the curb in front of my place, he puts the car in park and then leans over the middle. Our noses are near to touching as he speaks.

  “I’ll send over a few applicants today. All are qualified with clean backgrounds. Hire one and show them the ropes today.” I nod and he grins, his face lighting up as he pecks my lips with his. “Then, I’ll see you at eight. Pack a bag for the weekend.”

  I jerk back a little. “What for?”

  “We’re going out of town.” He slides his hand around my neck and brings my face close to his once more. “I’ve a bit of a surprise.”

  “But the diner—“

  “It will be fine. I’m sure you can have Molly keep watch. You’re going to have to trust people to do it right even when you’re not around.”

  I hate that he’s right. I hate that he’s trying to help me, yet all I want to do is fight him every step of the way. He’s the more successful business person between the both of us at this point; I should trust his judgment. I know the truth is that I’m simply afraid to let go.

  I scowl at him, unwilling to admit that to him in any way, shape, or form.

  “Are we getting married, Joce? I know I said you had a week to answer, but I’d like to know.”

  Although I’ve agreed in my head, it’s different to say ‘yes’ in verbal form. It’s so real. Final.

  So I give him an answer in true Luna style.

  “What do you think? I don’t sleep with just anyone more than once.”

  His response is to grin and cover my mouth with his, skimming his tongue along my lips until I acquiesce.

  I moan with pleasure as he conquers my mouth like he did my body the night before. Truly, he’s the best kisser I’ve ever encountered. He’s slow and steady. Each stroke of his tongue a deliberate loving of my mouth that makes my body tremble with desire. I could kiss him
for hours, doing nothing else, and be perfectly content.

  And at that thought, I pull away, giving myself a mental bitch slap.

  His eyes glint with humor as he lets me go. “Yummy. See you at eight.”

  “Got it.”

  That’s all I say before I hightail it out of his car; not wondering where we’re going this weekend, but how I’ll survive being around him that long without bursting into flames.

  Something tells me I’m gonna find out.


  “Are you sure you’ll be all right?”

  Molly frowns at me. “Yes, I’m sure we’ll be fine. You said she comes highly recommended, right?”

  “Yes.” I turn to look out into the dining room, where my new manager is talking to a customer. “She’s definitely qualified.”

  “Then stop worrying. I’ll keep an eye on her. Go enjoy a weekend with that sexy fiancé of yours!”

  Molly’s excitement is palpable. At first, she hadn’t believed me this morning when I told her everything, yet somehow, in the eight hours since, she’s decided to support me one-hundred percent.

  I don’t know whether or not I should be worried that everyone in my life seems perfectly okay with me throwing myself at the big bad wolf like a succulent piece of meat.

  “Yeah, I’ll try.” I grimace. “I don’t even know where we’re going.”

  Molly laughs. “Sounds like you got one that likes to keep you in a constant state of anticipation.”

  Oh, if she only knew.

  My phone beeps, letting me know I’ve got a text message. Molly’s eyes light up.

  “Speak of the devil, I bet it’s him!”

  I look at my phone and of course, she’s correct.

  ‘Am I picking you up from work or your place?’

  ‘Work. I brought my bag with me just in case.’

  The new manager — her name is Nicole — joins us in the back.

  She grins at me, her green eyes shining. “Thanks again for hiring me! I won’t let you down.”

  Even though I know she’s older than me by five years, her enthusiasm makes her seem younger.

  “See that you don’t,” I respond with an equally nice smile. “Your continued employment here is based on how things are going when I come back in on Monday morning.”

  She nods. “Yes, of course, Ms. Bates.”

  A new message pops up from Tobias.

  ‘I’m outside. Let’s go!’

  “Well, how rude,” I mutter. “Guess he’s in a hurry.”

  “Go, go!” Molly practically shoos me out of the room, picking up my bag and handing it to me.

  “Have a nice weekend!”

  The parting shot is from Nicole as I head out the door, taking a deep breath while hoping the building is still standing on my return.


  After the first couple minutes of mundane chit-chat, I ask the question that’s been bugging me all day.

  “Where are we going?”

  We are heading out of town, I know that much. The further we go, the more nervous I become.

  “Promise you won’t jump out of the car first.”

  I laugh at the unexpected comment. “Sure, I promise. Jumping out of vehicles isn’t really my style no matter the situation.”

  “Good.” He reaches over and takes my hand in his, tone casual. “We’re going to my parents’ house.”

  I freeze. My heart thumps. My mouth goes dry.

  “Breathe, Jocelyn.”

  Easy for him to say. He isn’t the one who feels like they were suddenly hit in the chest with a two-by-four.

  “I’m not ready!”

  He chuckles, lifting my hand to his mouth and kissing the back of it. “Nobody ever is. But you’ve got a wedding to plan, and they’re the perfect people to help.”

  “What?” The kiss distracts me, just as I’m sure he hoped it would. “We don’t need anything big—“

  “Yes, we do. Sort of. My mother wouldn’t have it any other way. You’ll see what I mean.”

  I’m speechless.

  Totally fucking never-happened-before speechless.

  My head is spinning.



  Sex with the same person more than once.

  Meeting his parents.

  Meeting his family.

  Oh god, how can he expect me not to panic?

  I’m breaking every rule I always said I wouldn’t.

  Too fast! My life is changing way too fast!

  But there is nothing I can do. I need him.

  No, I need his money.

  He just happens to come attached along with it.


  “Do they know? About…?”

  “About our deal? No. I don’t think there is any reason they should know that. Do you?”

  “So you are okay with them thinking we’re so in love we decided to get married before they even met me?” When he nods, I exclaim, “We haven’t even set a date!”

  “Three weeks.”

  My mouth drops open. He can’t be serious.

  “You want to get married in three weeks? Are you insane?”

  “I know it appears that way, but I assure you, I’m not.”

  At this point, I honestly question his sanity.

  I yank my hand out of his and cross my arms over my chest. “No way! Three weeks is way too soon.”

  “Is it? I’m certain you have six weeks from the date of that letter to either pay the bank the money, or they will take the diner. Correct?”

  Tears spring to my eyes. “Yes. I received it nearly two weeks ago.”

  “Precisely. And under the agreement, we must be married in order for me to pay off your debts for you.”

  There is always a moment when you give in to the inevitable, whatever it may be. Whether it’s a choice you’ve brought upon yourself, a choice thrust upon you by another, or one made when you must decide between what needs to be done and what you need to do.

  I’ve just reached that moment.

  After all, what was it I had thought about him the first night we had dinner? That “if I was the type of girl to have relationships, he would be at the top of my list. Smart, funny, sexy, educated, and obviously doing well for himself. A girl could do much worse.”

  Why am I fighting it so hard?

  Isn’t it stupid to fight when I will walk away in a year, debt-free, keeping the one thing in the world that is truly my own?

  Why am I fighting him, when all he wants to do is help me, whatever his reasons?

  I could question him again about why he wants to marry me, but in the end, do I even care?

  No, I don’t. Not really.

  All I’m concerned with is saving my business. If this is what I have to do to achieve that, then so be it.

  “All right,” I finally respond. “Three weeks it is.”

  “Excellent.” He tosses me a smile, then turns a corner leading to a darker road. “Anything you want to know before we get there?”

  In for a penny…

  “Any siblings? Will they be there? Am I going to have to milk any cows?”

  “No, but I will,” he replies with a chuckle. “I have a brother and sister, both younger. And yes, they will be visiting as well.”

  “Ah, oldest child. Makes sense.” Then I realize what he said. “Wait. You’re going to milk a cow?”

  “I might.” He makes another turn, the tires crunching on gravel. “We’re here.”

  It’s too dark out for me to see anything as we drive up to the house other than the fact there is a long driveway. As he pulls into a spot on the side and parks, the front of the house becomes illuminated by lights, allowing me to view it in all its glory.

  And what a magnificent residence it is.

  I stand there gaping as Tobias retrieves our bags from the trunk.

  His parents’ home appears to be an older manor house. Made of brick with a big front door, wide bottom windows with smaller windows above
on the second floor, in a T-shape design with a part that has a pointed roof.

  “Charming, isn’t it? Come on. Let’s go inside.”

  Once we enter, he puts our bags down and yells out, “Mom! We’re here!”

  At his bellow, a door opens down the hall, followed by another, and one more. A woman I’m assuming is his mother with chin-length brown hair threaded with silver, and dark brown eyes leads the way, beaming. Behind her, a woman and man, both with similar features. And two little children who come careening around their grandmother’s legs and straight at Tobias.

  “Uncle ‘Biath! You came!” One squeals as they both launch themselves at him. “Did you bwing pwesents?”

  He picks them up easily, holding one in each arm as he turns toward me.

  Then the weirdest thing happens.

  His eyes meet mine, and his mouth moves, yet I don’t hear what he says.

  My ears start to buzz, my brain fogging. I open my mouth, try to lift my hand, only to feel as if something is holding my hand down.

  As my legs give out, words whisper through my mind just before I hit the floor.

  “It doesn’t matter if your father doesn’t like me. My family will love you. Let’s run away, right this instant.”


  When I come to, I’m lying on something soft.

  And my head is killing me.

  Before my eyes are barely open, Tobias is hovering over me, worry clouding his eyes.

  “Thank fuck you’re awake,” he murmurs, brushing my lips with his mouth. “Does your head hurt? You hit the floor before I could even react.”

  “Yes,” I whisper, closing my eyes briefly before opening them again. “Motrin?”

  He nods at the side table. “Right there. Let’s sit you up first.”

  A few moments later, I’m sitting up, meds taken. He sits next to the bed in a chair, and stares at me expectedly.

  “H-how long was I out?”

  “About ten minutes.” He reaches for my hand, interlacing our fingers, never breaking eye contact with me. “What happened?”

  Ten minutes. Wow!

  I frown, unsure whether I should tell him about what I heard or not.

  He must take my silence as something else, saying, “It’s okay if you can’t remember. All I know is I turned toward you to introduce my twin nieces, and you gave me this funny look — kind of like you were confused about something — then your eyes rolled back and down you went.”


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