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Therapist Page 16

by Jaden Wilkes

  “Did you see her? She was just here...Mistress…” I manage to say as I drift away.

  Somewhere beyond the darkness I can feel Jane pick up my hand and say, “Oh Alexandre, how did we let it get this bad?”

  Mistress is calling though, so I go deeper down and am unable to reply that I am really quite ok. Better than ok...I am in ecstasy with her, my Mistress, my everything.

  Epilogue, Three Weeks Later

  Blythe adjusted the strap of her Lancel handbag and climbed out of Alexandre’s Audi R8. She shut the door carefully and stared at her reflection in the driver side window. She pursed her lips and ran a finger over her carefully applied lipstick. She noticed a smattering of road dust near the back bumper and frowned. Alexandre should have chosen a better colour, black always seemed to emphasize the dirt. She decided her next car would be bright red, to match her lipstick.

  She straightened her back and let her long legs carry her to the hospital reception area. The front guard let her in immediately and she strolled down the wide hallway to Jane’s office. She was proud of Jane and all the work she did there. It must be something, more than a little rewarding to see your influence improving the lives of your patients right before your eyes. Blythe’s own work was done mainly in a lab. She knew theoretically that her efforts would improve the lives of people who took her medications, but it lacked that satisfying cause and effect connection that Jane must have.

  She tapped at the door and heard Jane call for her to enter.

  The two women embraced and vaguely kissed the air near each other’s cheek in a halfhearted attempt to appear somewhat sophisticated.

  Blythe knew that however much money she threw at herself, she would never achieve that natural elegance she’s craved her entire life. She’ll always be the big footed girl who grew too tall too fast, and always seemed to have too many teeth for her mouth.

  “You are looking well,” she told Jane and meant it. Her friend looked radiant, this line of work suited her. Taking care of Alexandre suited her.

  “As are you,” Jane replied and glanced nervously at the door. “But do you think this is wise? It hasn’t been that long and you already look so...expensive.

  Blythe laughed and said, “No, I think eight weeks is long enough. Besides, nobody will ever suspect a thing. Do you have those papers my lawyer sent over? I do hope you signed them. They will be submitted tomorrow and everything will be completed by the end of the week.’

  Jane sat down and gestured for Blythe to follow. Blythe did and stretched her long legs out to showcase her new shoes. Not quite as expensive as she’d like, but once she gets her hands on Alexandre’s fortune, there will be no limits.

  “I did sign,” Jane told her and furrowed her brow. “I can’t help but feel guilty about this though, robbing him when he’s such a good friend.”

  Blythe laughed and said, “A good friend? Not Alexandre. He was a terrible boyfriend and an even worse friend. He actually thought I wouldn’t find out that he was fucking all those patients of his. Therapy, he called it. I read his notes you know, I took them from his apartment after he was arrested. He really believed that he was doing groundbreaking work in the field of sexual trauma, can you imagine that?”

  “But those girls agreed. Not one of them would say he had done them harm,” Jane protested. “I honestly believe, no matter how much he might have coerced them in the beginning, or how much of a legal grey area patient-doctor relationships are, that he had their best interest at heart. He never hurt a single one of them. He never hurt anyone at all.”

  “Tell that to his parents,” Blythe replied and leaned across the desk. “You know as well as I do that he probably murdered them. Or at least had some part in their deaths. I don’t know why, I mean I kind of have an inkling, but I never imagined he’d snap like that and burn the house down. And you know if he had been charged with their deaths, he would have lost every single penny of his inheritance. Why shouldn’t it go to us instead of the goddamned government? I deserve it for putting up with his cheating ways for so long, and you deserve it for being his best friend through it all.”

  Jane sighed and looked forlorn. Finally she said, “I know, I still can’t believe he did that though. I know he did, but it’s just so unlike him. And now, after taking your drugs, all this self harm. What actually happened to him in that house? What did they do to him as a child?”

  Blythe finally managed to look mildly concerned. She gave a small shrug and said, “I don’t know Jane, but something created him. Sociopaths aren’t born into this world, not like him, you know? Something made him that way, somebody did that to him. We’re just helping him save his money. He’s his own worst enemy.”

  “That’s what I’m saying’s not like his parents deserved to die, but he did it because he needed to,” Jane replied. She furrowed her brow again as she obviously pondered the suffering Alexandre must have gone through to become so vile. Blythe believed Jane was entirely too sympathetic to his cause. She was a weak link...but needed in order to execute this plan. Jane was the one signing the order declaring Alexandre mentally unfit to govern his affairs and handing all legal control of his estate to his trusted girlfriend, Blythe. It was the perfect plan.

  Blythe knew, even though she’d share some of the money with Jane, that Jane’s main motivation had always been to have Alexandre close to her. Jane’s dogged obsession with Alexandre was the main reason Blythe had pursued him in the first place. She couldn’t stand the thought of Jane living the high life on his money and had a smug satisfaction that she had stolen him out from under her friend’s nose. Access to his money had just been the icing on the cake.

  It was too bad Alexandre almost fucked it all up by killing his parents and setting the house on fire. She didn’t mourn their deaths though, they made it clear what they thought of their son’s lowborn girlfriend every time they met. She hated the way his mother looked at her like Blythe was something best scraped off the bottom of a shoe.

  She had started out using the drugs to erase his memory of the murders. She implanted the story about his meeting in LA so if he ever did become a suspect he would pass with flying colours. Even though he was a devoid of emotion and had ice water in his veins, she didn’t want to gamble his millions on the chance that he would get cocky and try to outsmart the police. Blythe had just done her due diligence in keeping his money safe.

  She still didn’t understand how his brain had erased her from his life after she’d started the drug trial. That bothered her, to become essentially nothing to him after all she’d done. It just indicated that her suspicions had been correct from day one. He was tolerating her as his girlfriend in order to trick people into thinking he was normal. It made it easier for him to get away with his outrageous therapy and constant fucking around. He knew Blythe would always back him up because she loved his money as much as he loved fucking.

  “I hope you’re not getting cold feet, it’s a little too late for that,” Blythe said and leaned closer across the desk, glaring at Jane. “You should have said something months ago when we started this.” Blythe hoped Jane’s love was enough to keep her from talking. If she did tell Alexandre anything once he’s unfogged and off the meds, Blythe knew she’d have to be long gone. She had been looking into Costa Rica lately, but needed to check on their extradition policy with Canada. It most likely wouldn't be necessary, but just in case Jane did spill her guts to Alexandre and he put two and two together it was always good to be out of reach.

  Jane nodded and said, “I know, and it’s ok. No cold feet, I promise. I still agree with what we’re doing. You’re right, this is better for him than being poor and sent to jail. I just didn’t fathom the effect your drugs would have on him. He really lost his grip on reality, especially at the end there.”

  Blythe leaned back and agreed with Jane. She said quietly, “You’ve got me there. These are more for the implantation of false memory, to rewrite a person’s history. I haven’t had a single other r
eport of such specific and powerful hallucinations.” Blythe suspected this has more to do with Alexandre’s fucked up head than the drugs. She hadn’t experimented with anyone like him in the lab, if there even was anyone else like him out there.

  “Then again, you probably haven’t dosed anyone as much as you have Alexandre, right?” Jane replied. “Who knew what would happen at these high levels? And who knew how much of his protein powder he would take every morning? It wasn’t an exact science. I hope I can keep weaning him off them.”

  “If you follow my schedule, he should be fine. It may be a year or longer before he’s back to normal, but by then I’ll be long gone,” Blythe said. “Don’t do it too fast though, that’s when he’ll really go off the deep end. It has to be slow and steady weaning.”

  “I got ya, and don’t worry, nobody will ever suspect a thing,” Jane replied, more to reassure herself than to state the obvious to Blythe. “Do you think he’ll ever remember his relationship with you?”

  “That’s the interesting part of all this, I don’t think he will. It’s strange, as though half his heart wasn’t fully in it to begin with. Even when I messed up and forgot to get some of my things from his apartment, his mind wouldn’t accept that he had a girlfriend.”

  Once Blythe realized he had completely obliterated any part of her in his life, she decided to make a bold move and excise herself from his memory completely. She wanted to test the strength of the drugs she was feeding him, but also to find out how far she could go in planting alternate memories in a test subject. Her lab’s strict ethics board was so stifling that fucking with Alexandre had been liberating.

  This entire thing had been liberating. Blythe couldn’t help but feel a little superior to everyone around her, the way it had all played out. She just needed to end this visit and start her new life as soon as she was able.


  Watching Blythe’s smug face was starting to grate on Jane’s nerves. She was hoping her friend would have taken the papers and left by now. She thought perhaps if she started to prod a little, Blythe might get jumpy and take off.

  “I never got to hear what was on those suggestion you had playing under his bed. What was the point of that?” Jane asked, hoping her voice wouldn’t betray her lie. She knew what was on the recording Blythe had snuck into Alexandre’s apartment. She had gone in to find it when she realized how horribly he was doing. The night they’d kissed and almost had sex on his bed the first time. She had found the small player under his bed, taken it with her and listened to it later.

  Blythe’s voice was recorded repeating the same thing over and over: That he didn’t start the fire, that he was in LA at the time of the event and Blythe had saved him by lying to the police about his whereabouts. She must have done a lot of convincing to get their engineer friend, Ben, to create such a specific piece of equipment...the same amount it took for Jane to have him unlock it for her. She still didn’t understand the mechanics behind it, but knew that Blythe had masterminded this entire thing from the get go. Nothing was random when she was involved.

  “Oh, just a little tweaking of the story I needed him to follow,” Blythe replied and clapped her hands together, her nervous habit. “Nothing that would explain his hallucinations, I honestly still have no idea where all that came from. Now that he’s with you though, he’ll be so much better.”

  “Indeed,” Jane said and looked at the old wall clock, “I would love to chat some more, but I’ve got afternoon rounds. Let me know how everything goes, and when this is all free and clear.”

  “I will for sure,” Blythe said as she stood up. She’s grinning at this point, not even pretending to give a shit that Alexandre’s parents are dead or his life ruined. “Take care and we’ll talk soon.”

  The two women embraced again, an awkward sort of half hug over the desk. Jane was fine going through the motions, but felt an immense amount of relief after Blythe left her office. She stood on her tippy toes and craned her neck and see the parking lot. Her relief increased when Alexandre’s car, now driven by Blythe, turned onto the Lougheed Highway and sped away.

  Jane had the distinct feeling that she would not want to cross paths with Blythe again, not if she could help it. Blythe was a dangerous woman, and Jane’s growing unease around her former friend made it nearly impossible to remain civil. She didn’t know if she would survive Blythe deciding to target her, so she thought it best to lay low until she left the country.

  In regards to the fire, there really wasn’t enough to call the cops over, but Jane trusted her instincts and her instincts told her that Blythe had planned this entire thing for a little too long. Alexandre was just too sweet and too kind to have plotted such a horrific act. She had to believe this from the bottom of her heart if she wanted to have any kind of future with him.

  Alexandre was simply a victim in Blythe’s scheme and this was the only explanation Jane could comprehend. Once he was better, he would remember the time he decided that Jane was his girlfriend and the two of them could buy that cabin on the beach. In time he would be back to her sweet, wonderful, charming Alex...the man she’d known and loved for almost a decade.

  Jane shuddered when she thought about Blythe’s determination to get what was not hers. Blythe’s relentless pursuit of Alexandre, the drugs she slipped into his morning protein powder, the recorded message under the bed...who knows how long she’d been at it, convincing him that she was his saviour. In some sick way, Blythe really was a villainous mastermind, so why not a murderess?

  Jane had always watched from the sidelines, wanting him but unable to act. She had been afraid of his rejection but now all her watching had paid off. She finally had exactly what she wanted, Alexandre was hers and hers alone. She finally had him all to herself.

  In every way possible.

  She walked down the hallway to Alexandre’s room, to check on him and make sure he was under control. His stitches were healing nicely, but every time she lowered his medication dose, he slipped back into his pattern of hallucinations and self-harm.

  She almost skipped as she reached his door, her heart still thumped heavy in her chest every time she saw him, even now.

  He was sleeping on his narrow bed, his long limbs twisted in the sheets. She walked in and stood over him, watching him as he slumbered, free of nightmare visions for the moment. Jane didn’t trust the crap Blythe had been feeding him over the last few months, but she didn’t want him getting better too fast.

  For the first time in her life, she was in charge of a man. She wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible. Her man, her love...her Alexandre.

  He moaned in his sleep and shifted, move his head from side to side. She placed her hand on his forehead to calm him. She stared at his perfect lips, his face like a Roman god, his thick dark hair.

  She’d felt those lips on hers once, felt his hands on her body, inside of her. She’d been too afraid to follow through that time, too scared to fuck him when he wanted her. From now on things would be different.

  She sat on the floor next to him and ran her hand across his broad chest, feeling his muscled body respond to her touch. She let her fingers trail down to the loose waistband of his pants, slid her hand inside and felt his cock. She stroked him until he was hard enough, but still asleep, drugged.

  She carefully pulled his cock out, wrapped her lips around it and sucked him into her mouth. She ran her tongue along his shaft and applied pressure to the tip of it. He moaned in his sleep and reached for her, but his hands fell useless at his side.

  She stood up, lifted her leg and climbed on top of him. She opened her pussy up to him, enveloped him with her heat and slid his full length inside of her.

  She had been a virgin the first time she did this, but not now. She was an expert at loving him, filling her cunt with his hardness. She knew how to rock her hips and play with her own nipples until she clenched herself around him and rocked herself into a gushing orgasm. She knew if she kept going she would feel his coc
k twitch and he would empty himself deep inside of her, all while blissfully unaware.

  Once they were both satisfied, she climbed off, sucked him clean and kissed him deeply. She was planning on putting him in a larger room with a bed big enough for both of them to curl up together, if only for a few stolen moments here and there. In certain places, such as this, it truly was good to be king.

  She stood up and looked him up and down again. Things would be so different now that it was all in place. She leaned down with a smile on her face and whispered in his ear, “I love you Alexandre, and now that I finally have you I don’t think I can ever let you go.”

  About the Author

  Jaden Wilkes lives on the prettiest farm in BC. She shares her space with her husband, children, an Irish Wolfhound named Tiberius, and several horses. When not writing, she can be found lurking around the dark corners of the internet looking for artful porn gifs and trying to convince people to buy her books…so thank you for buying her book.

  Public Service Announcement: Not much to say about this one. I suppose how you interpret this novel will tell you a lot about yourself. Also, always use condoms. Seriously.

  Previous Work:

  Reverse Cowgirl, my first book. A sweet, steamy tale of love reunited.

  Dirty Little Freaks, my third book. Hot sex, dirty talk, drugs, rock n roll and a love like no other.

  The Beast, the first book in The Beast Series. Dark erotic romance about finding love from the ruins of your past.

  Slutburbia, Volume One in a two part serial about the dirty lives of suburbia.

  Please feel free to stalk me. I can be found in many of the following places, sometimes all at once…:

  [email protected]


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