The Choosing

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The Choosing Page 18

by Jeremy Laszlo

  Instead of sitting in his lap, as she would have usually done, she sat in front of him. She wanted to be close enough they could talk quietly, privately, but at the same time she wanted to be able to see his expressions as they talked.

  “I’ve been thinking today.” Sara stated.

  “Thinking about what my angel?” Seth asked lovingly.

  “About The Choosing.” She replied

  “Ah…” Seth said then asked. “What about it?”

  “I’m scared Seth.” Sara whispered, her lower lip trembling.

  Instinctively Seth leaned forward and hugged Sara into his chest, hoping to ease her pain. Hoping to make her feel safe.

  “Why are you scared my love?” He asked her. “There is nothing to be afraid of. I won’t let anything happen to you. It’s just a ceremony. Nobody is going to hurt you.”

  “I know how it works Seth, and that is why I am scared.” She told him.

  “Then what are you afraid of Sara? I will be there with you I promise.” Seth replied.

  “I know you will, but I’m afraid we are going to go to the ceremony together and they are going to choose us for different positions in different places. I’m afraid they are going to take you away from me.” Sara sobbed no longer able to control her emotions.

  The thought had dawned on Seth before, and now that he thought about it, he too was afraid, not only of losing Sara, but as always, of losing his brother.

  “I’m so sorry Sara. I hadn’t thought to mention it before. You said you have been thinking about it, have you come up with a plan or solution?” Seth asked.

  “No love, the only thing I could think of is us running away. We could go somewhere far away where no one has heard of The Choosing, and we could hide. That way, at least we could be together.” Sara stated still sobbing, but hopeful he would agree with her.

  Seth thought it over a moment. It was a good plan. It was simple and to the point, and with the money they had combined they would be able to travel nearly anywhere they wanted if they went on foot. The only thing that kept Seth from immediately agreeing was his brother. Seth and Garret had been not only brothers, but best friends from birth. They had never been apart, not even for a day. Seth could not imagine running away not knowing when if ever he would see his twin again. He knew too that Garret would not agree to run with them. Garret wanted to go to The Choosing, wanted to serve the Kingdom. Seth looked to the beautiful woman who sat in front of him. She sat watching him expectantly, hopeful that he would accept her plan and they could leave this night. He loved her with every fiber of his being and wanted in no way to hurt or disappoint her. Thinking quickly, Seth formulated a solid, mature decision.

  “We can’t run away Sara.” Seth started, and seeing Sara’s shoulders slump, and tears fill her eyes, he continued. “Not yet at least. Please don’t cry Sara, hear me out. I think you will agree with my idea, and if you don’t like it we will figure something out together.”

  Sara did not trust her voice and so she nodded for him to continue, and he did.

  “My dad used to tell Garret and I to never give something up without trying it.” Seth began. “It has always been good advice so far, so I think it should also apply to this. I say we go to The Choosing, give it a try, see what we are chosen for. If they separate us, we make a run for it. Tomorrow night we will be staying in an inn somewhere in the city. Where ever that inn is, is where we will meet if they separate us. As soon as it is dark, just head to the inn and I will be there and we will leave together I promise. If we aren’t separated, then I say we do our five years of service so long as we are together.” Seth finished, his eyes never leaving Sara’s amber gaze.

  Sara listened to Seth explain. Seth was, as she expected, easily able to come up with a plan. He was a rational thinking person, an intelligent person. Sara knew if they had any options he would find them, and so he did. She nodded her agreement to him, wiping the tears from her face. She smiled at the man she loved. He would be there for her no matter what, and just thinking about it made the pain of future possibilities vanish. No longer was she afraid of The Choosing. She reached up, placed her hands on his chest and shoved with all her might.

  Seth toppled over backwards, landing on his back in the leaves, no longer even upon their blanket. Before he could process what had just happened Sara was on top of him. She jumped quickly upon him giving him no time to react. She straddled his waist, pressing her body to his. She pressed her mouth to his and parted his lips with her eager tongue. They kissed passionately for many moments until their breath came in ragged gasps. Releasing his lips she trailed down his neck kissing him softly, every kiss bringing her kisses lower on his neck. When she ran out of neck to kiss she reached between their bodies and grabbing his shirt pulled it all the way up to his shoulders. She sat up, admiring his muscled chest, and ran her fingers lightly across the lines of his chest and abdomen. Lying back down upon him she began to kiss his chest. She kissed him in random locations across his chest and stomach until he could no longer endure remaining still.

  Unable to continue taking the pleasurable torment she unleashed upon him, Seth took matters into his own hands. Seth rolled over quickly careful not to hurt Sara he pinned her beneath his body. Holding his own weight he slid his body down until once again their lips met. He kissed her hard but lovingly. His lips remained locked to hers relentlessly. Her breaths coming in gasps she pulled her legs out from beneath him raising her knees to either side of him. This position brought her hips and pelvis to press against his body in a pleasurable way he had not experienced before, and not wanting to give her the upper hand he changed his tactic. Sliding down once more he began to lightly kiss her neck, exhaling his warm breath upon her as he did. As his lips worked down the length of her neck a small moan escaped her lips. He knew he was on the right track. Continuing his descent he left a trail of kisses down to her collar bone. Her breaths came loud and fast as he continued his assault. Her tunic was cut severely low in the front, exposing portions of her soft body he yearned to touch. Keeping his hands to either side of her to support his body, he continued to kiss her exposed flesh. Her body began to tremble, and so he continued to kiss her, low into the V of her tunic. As his mouth reached the last portion of her exposed body her quick breaths stopped as she bit her bottom lip, her hips rolling against his abdomen, she shuddered, and her breaths returned deep and slow.

  Slowly, with an occasional kiss to her warm flesh, Seth slid his body up hers, bringing them once again eye to eye. As their eyes met they smiled lovingly at one another, Sara’s smile twisting into a mischievous grin.

  “Come ‘ere you.” She said grasping the hair on his head and pulling his mouth to hers.

  She kissed him hard, giving his bottom lip a slight tug with her teeth playfully.

  “I love you.” Sara told him, her eyes sparkling wetly.

  “I love you too angel.” Seth replied. “But you need to be more careful.”

  “What do you mean my love?” She asked

  “Well, if I am to eventually make an honest woman out of you, you’re going to have to control yourself a bit better.”

  “Is that so?” Sara asked mockingly. “Do you then have plans already for us to be joined?”

  “Nothing would please me more.” Seth replied honestly. “But if we are going to do it right you need to be more careful. I was on the verge of tearing your clothes off there for a while.”

  “I would have stopped you.” Sara replied with a knowing smile on her lips.

  “Oh you would have huh?” Seth asked mockingly.

  “Yes.” Sara stated. “If you think our first time is going to be among a pile of dead leaves you are mistaken my love.”

  “So you have it all planned out then?” Seth asked.

  “All but the part when you ask me to spend my life with you, and the part where we exchange rings. Those parts are up to you.” Sara said.

  “Seems to me you have those parts all planned out as well.” Seth sai
d jokingly.

  Seth kissed her again lightly, and stood pulling her up with him. He pulled her back to their blanket and lowered himself down onto his side. She quickly lay down beside him, and rolling onto her side, her back to him, pulled his arms around her. Seth pulled her body tightly to his own. Releasing her momentarily he pulled the remaining half of the blanket tightly over them to keep them warm.

  “Good night my angel.” Seth whispered into her ear.

  “Good night love.” She replied.

  Chapter 7

  Valdadore and Visions

  Morning came quickly, and with its coming the companions awoke and prepared to travel the last few hours to the fortified city of Valdadore. While packing their things they decided before leaving they would let the horses again drink from the river. This decided, they slung their packs onto their shoulders, untied their respective mounts, and led them to the river. The horses drank vigorously for many minutes while their temporary masters waited impatiently for them to drink their fill.

  Finally, seemingly satiated, the horses lost interest in the water and the four companions mounted the beasts and set off once again at an alarming pace towards the giant stone city.

  The hours passed swiftly as they thundered down the wide paved road towards the capital city. The nearer they got, the larger the city grew. They began to notice more details about the city as they grew steadily closer. There were narrow slits in the wall near the top, and also guards could be seen patrolling the top of the wall. The Unbelievably high towers each had several windows upon each level, facing out in all directions. As the companions raced nearer, it became apparent that the city was much, much larger than they had presumed before. Being just a few miles away from the city at this point, the massive stone wall surrounding it stretched as far as the eye could see, from one horizon to the other, hiding anything beyond the walls from view. It was easily twenty miles across from corner to corner on this particular side of the city with the huge portcullis being directly at its center. The sheer size of it all was enchanting to the travelers. Never had any one of them believed that man could create anything this vast or marvelous.

  Still growing nearer they could now see the lines of people flowing through the opening in the massive wall. People were coming and going at a steady flow all the while being randomly stopped and questioned by the guards at the entrance.

  Not only were people on their way in and out of the city, but dozens of people could be seen off in the distance in any direction performing various yard work and landscaping tasks. This entire side of the city sat upon a vast field of manicured grass and shrubs. Occasionally a fruit tree jutted from the ground, and though it was getting late in the season, fruit still clung to the branches amidst multi-colored leaves. People also climbed dozens of ladders of varying heights up the outside surface of the wall. From these ladders the people were seen painting the stone surface with a thick white substance. This explained why the stone walls did not resemble those in Stone Haven.

  About a mile from the city the four companions reigned in their mounts and slowed them to a slow trot. Ahead of them, about a half a mile, was the end of a line of people waiting patiently for entrance into the city. The line of people moved steadily toward the massive gates, which emitted nearly all, though denied a few seemingly at random. Carts full of wares and crops stood in the long line, along with groups of people, and small herds of animals. Children darted around and through the line all the while being fussed and shouted at by their mothers.

  Coming to the end of the line the companions decided to dismount and lead their horses. It was easier to guide the animals amongst the other people this way, and too was more comfortable keeping the slow steady pace on foot. Now dismounted they could no longer see the entire length of the line, but assumed that with the current pace it should take them less than half of an hour to reach the city. They waited patiently, moving slowly and steadily ever forward. The giant walls of the city seemed to loom above them even from this distance. The closer they got, the more ominous the walls became.

  Only a hundred or so feet from the gate remained, and the travelers grew impatient. From here they could see past the gate into the city where hundreds of people walked to and fro going about their daily tasks. Buildings could be seen from where they stood and one in particular that they would need to visit. From here, as had been promised, the group could see a stable building just beyond the gate. It was an odd looking structure. The bottom half of its walls were made of the same gray stone that had once been quarried at Stone haven. The upper half of its walls were made from giant logs. The logs were carved in such a way as to cross each other at the corners where two walls came together, and some sort of blue-gray tar was pressed between the logs to seal the joints. A large double door was cut into the end of the stable building facing the gate, and one door was propped open revealing a large man leaning against a post just inside the door. The man wore brown leather from head to toe. His cap, smock, leggings, and boots were all stitched out of animal’s hides, and all dyed a deep brown, the color of wet soil. Leaning upon a large wooden post, the man was almost camouflaged. If it were not for his hands and face no one would ever have noticed him. But the man too had noticed Garret and his companions. Even as Garret looked at him, the man looked back, appraising either the large mounts they led, or the mount’s leaders themselves.

  It was nearly their turn to pass through the gates when they were forced to abruptly stop. The guards had pulled a young boy out of line and were questioning him vigorously. The boy nodded his head exaggeratedly, and flailing his hands about him wildly, answered the questions given him, gesturing oddly as he did. Seth, being the closest to the commotion could not hear the conversation clearly, but was able to make out something about a new invention, and something about increasing the length of something that would reportedly attract women. Seth shrugged to himself assuming the young boy was probably just making up whatever story came to mind in an attempt to gain entry. Seemingly finished with their questioning, the guards pointed back down the road away from the city, denying the boy entrance. They boy’s head dropped and his shoulders slumped as he turned to walk back the way he had come. Finally the line started moving again.

  Seth watched as the boy approached. The boy walked, his face to the ground, grumbling to himself about the technology ignorant guards as he neared Seth. Seth, unprepared for what he was seeing, stood slack jawed staring at the small figure passing by him. It was not a young boy as he had believed. He was indeed the height and scrawny build of a young boy of eight or nine, but his fingers were thin, his knuckles swollen. Looking up from the miniature man’s hands Seth was amazed to see his face. It was as wrinkled as a grape left to dry in the sun, his lips were shrunken, withered and an odd shade of purple. The man’s cheeks were weary and the skin clung loosely to the bone beneath. Also the small mans eyes sat deep in their sockets surrounded completely by a vast ring of wrinkled flesh. Seth was shocked at the revelation. The tiny man that had passed him was extremely old, and extremely odd. He appeared entirely too small, entirely too old, yet bounced down the road as if he were the child Seth had previously thought him to be. Perhaps it was some disease that had shrunken the man, or perhaps he was just a freak of nature.

  The quartet of travelers had their turn at the gate, and the guards simply nodded to them in approval, and so without so much as a pause, the four continued on to the stable just ahead. The street was crowded, but people cleared the way for the companions, not wanting to be trampled by the large steeds. Their focus on the building before them, none of the companions had yet to look at the vast city they now were immersed in. Stopping outside the stable, Garret passed the reigns of his horse to his brother then entered the building alone. The man clad in the brown leather still leaned, as before, against the wooden beam just within the building. Nodding to Garret as he entered, the man shifted his weight off the beam and stood waiting for Garret to speak.

  “Hello.” Garre
t greeted the man. “We rented four horses from Raven’s Hold, and were told we could return them here.”

  “Indeed ye may lad, but first do ye have something for me?” The large man responded with a deep accent of the like Garret had never heard.

  “Oh yes, I had forgotten.” Garret admitted. “Here you go.” He stated, pulling the small parchment from his coin purse and handing it to the man.

  The man unfolded the small paper, breaking the wax seal and read it swiftly. Finished with the paper he again folded it as I had been before and stuffed it into a pouch on his belt.

  “Let’s get the beasts in their stalls before we complete our transaction if ye don’t mind.” The man stated already headed for the door.

  Garret followed the man to the door, and walking through it he watched the man take the reins of the horse that had been Garret’s mount, and asking the others to follow him, pulled the beast with him through the door. The man led them down the length of the long building passing stall after occupied stall of various breeds and sizes of horses. He led them to the far end of the building where a dozen or more stalls stood empty and clean. Releasing one horse into each stall he closed the wooden gates behind the animals and latched them securely in place. Turning to face the travelers the man smiled before he spoke.

  “Well now that was easy.” The man said still smiling. “Sometimes they likes to put up a bit of a fight before you locks them up. Well then Let me get ye deposit ere.”

  Reaching into another pouch upon his belt the man sifted through it with his fingers and brought forth a fist full of coins. Peering into his own palm he pushed the coins around in his hand counting them. Dropping several back into his pouch, he held his hand out for the group to see the coins he held.


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