The Choosing

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The Choosing Page 24

by Jeremy Laszlo

  Long hours passed in the room Seth and Sara shared. They spent long hours taking turns exploring each other’s body in new and exciting ways. Eventually however they grew tired, and pulling Sara into his arms, they both relaxed and eventually went to sleep.


  Morning came quickly, though inside the city’s immense walls light did not readily come with it. Garret and Ashton awoke early feeling more rested today than they had for many days. They decided to not disturb their companions, and instead would go get some breakfast just the two of them. Unsure how the couple’s first night sharing a bed would go, they figured it best to leave them be until they emerged from the suite of their own free will.

  They climbed quickly down the stairs to the first floor, and walked quietly past the room where their companions stayed. Rounding the corner at the end of the hall they entered the dining area. The room was vacant for all but one table. Seated at the table where Garret and his companions had previously sat was Sasha, and the Inn’s cook. Sasha sat in an emerald gown facing them as they entered. She waved them over to join her and they complied happily. As the boys approached the table, the man in white turned to see who it was that approached. With recognition upon his face he smiled to them and wished them a good morning. Returning his greeting the boys pulled out chairs from the table and seated themselves amongst familiar faces.

  “Did you sleep well?” Sasha asked them.

  Both boys nodded in response and Garret elaborated.

  “I feel better than I have in a week.” He stated.

  “Would you care for some breakfast?” This time it was the man in white who spoke.

  “That depends.” Ashton stated. “What are you cooking this morning?”

  “Ah you know the rule here, you may have whatever it is you desire.” The man in white reminded them.

  “I know, but I trust your choice of food better than my own.” Ashton replied.

  Garret nodded his agreement as the cook rose from his seat. The man in white was beaming with pride as he took in their words.

  “Then it shall be a delicious surprise you will dine upon this morning.” He stated and bowing to them like some sort of puppet he turned and sauntered out of the room, his limp more pronounced than the day before.

  “Felix seems to like you guys.” Sasha said as the man rounded the corner leaving the room.

  “He is an exceptional cook. The duck last night was unbelievable.” Garret stated his mouth beginning to water at the thought.

  “Yes he is. He is a good man as well.” Sasha stated her eyes focusing on some event of the past playing out before her, unseen to the others.

  “Have you already eaten?” Ashton asked. “Or will you be joining us for breakfast?” He added.

  “I have been awake for some time now, so unfortunately I have already eaten. There is a lot of preparation to do for the festivities, as well as for the inn. Our rooms will probably be near capacity tonight. But perhaps I can put off breakfast tomorrow and we could all eat together.” Sasha told them obviously running through her to do list in her head.

  “That would be nice.” Garret stated honestly.

  “So what are your plans for today master Garret?” Sasha asked, one of her eyebrows rising.

  “Well, we had discussed visiting the knight’s training grounds, however I get the feeling I may be seeing them a lot in the near future, so Instead I was thinking about a visit to the local temples to get a feel for the different gods and Goddesses.” Garret admitted.

  “Well that should make for an interesting day indeed. The Temples are some of the oldest buildings in the city. Most of them are both magnificent and ancient. They are certainly a sight to see.” Sasha stated excitedly. “You know though, you don’t have to spend too much time now learning about the gods, if you are chosen for any position within the army, or with the mages for that matter, most of your first lessons will be about the gods.”

  “That is good to know.” Garret exclaimed. “I was beginning to wonder how I would choose a deity without a proper education about them.”

  “So Ashton, I assume you hope to be chosen into the ranks of the white robed healers. Am I correct?” Sasha now turned her gaze to Ashton waiting for his response.

  “That is my plan. I really can’t see my future played out any other way.” Ashton stated honestly.

  “And you Garret what are your hopes?” Sasha continued her questioning.

  “Well I had hoped to join the army, but I think the knighthood would be much more exciting.” Garret too answered with complete honesty.

  “Well I am unable to guarantee you anything, but if my husband has his way, I think the knighthood is where you will find yourself in the days to come.” Sasha told Garret watching the smile spread across his face as she did. “What of your brother then? Does he too hope to join the knighthood?” Sasha asked her curiosity getting the better of her.

  “I honestly don’t know.” Garret stated. “He really isn’t into the whole live by the sword glory bit, however since he and Sara met I have yet seen him back down from a challenge. He even used his own body to protect her from the goblin.” Garret stopped before he revealed anything more of the subject afraid it might upset his twin.

  “So that is how he had been injured, protecting young Sara. That makes sense, it is so obvious how much he cares for her. So you know nothing for his hopes about the choosing ceremony then?” She asked again still curious.

  “No not really, it’s hard to say. I think he would make a great fighter, he is fast and strong. Honestly though I can’t say, at this point I think he would be happy hand scrubbing latrines so long as he could stay with Sara, but I hope he gets something worthwhile.” Garret told her.

  “What of Sara then, does she have any hopes about the ceremony or does she too just wish to stay by his side?” Sasha asked, promising herself she would stop prying for information as soon as she got this answer.

  “I honestly don’t think that she cares or has really put any thought into it. As long as she is with Seth though she will be happy, Seth will see to that. I’m just afraid how it might affect them if they are separated though.” Garret said relieved to finally speak the fear that had been hanging around his neck like a weight. “I really just hope they get to stay together.” He added.

  This time it was Sasha who nodded her understanding, and true to her promise to herself she did not continue her line of questioning.

  “Well I hope all goes well for all of you at the ceremony.” Sasha said earnestly. “I have to admit, from my experience it seems everything happens for a reason, though we may not realize it for many years. I think it will all turn out just fine.” She added almost as if to assure them.

  They sat silently for a while, all of them caught up in their own thoughts of their pasts or futures. Garret and Ashton lost in daydreams of what yet might lie ahead, and Sasha thinking back to The Choosing ceremony she had attended once upon a time.

  Felix returned, carrying with him two plates and a triumphant smile. As he approached the trio remaining at the table stirred from their thoughts and one by one greeted the man eyeing the food he carried. Setting a plate in front of both Ashton and Garret the man asked if he might join them for a while. The trio happily accepted his company and he quickly seated himself.

  Felix knew he had a talent for food. He enjoyed preparing it each time he did, no matter how many thousands of meals he had created, he enjoyed making each as if it were his first. What he enjoyed more than cooking however, was watching the reaction people had to his creations. This was the reason he actually asked to join the boys this morning, though he did find the group intriguing. It was odd to Felix how all four of the companions had quickly decided to let him make their meal choices for them. He enjoyed being able to choose what he would prepare, as more often than not he was cooking the same things again and again. Yet this group had seen to it that he could prepare whatever he liked for them, and he appreciated the kindness they had share
d with him in doing so.

  Garret and Ashton looked to their plates in anticipation. Upon each plate was a steaming pile of some sort of golden flat bread. Each plate contained several of the round pieces stacked one upon the other and drizzled across the top and down the sides was thick honey-brown syrup. They each thanked Felix for the meal, which he told them was named pancakes. He also told them that each subsequent layer was cooked with a different fruit mixed in the batter. Felix and Sasha watched the boy’s faces as they took their first bites, and couldn’t help but smile at their reactions to the medley of flavors.

  Both Garret and Ashton complimented Felix and his creation, assuring him it was the best breakfast they had ever eaten. Felix took the compliments with grace, and continued to smile as the boys devoured their food. Devour they did. It was only a few moments and both boys were scraping the last remaining crumbs from their plates, wiping their mouths and patting their full bellies.

  “Don’t even give Seth and Sara an option when they come for breakfast.” Garret told Felix. “Just make them some pancakes. That truly is something they need to experience.”

  Felix again thanked him and agreed to his wishes, happy to be able to once again watch someone enjoy his food.

  The four chatted quietly about the city and the inn as the early morning grew less and less new. Garret and Ashton asked many questions about the festivities that would be in full swing later in the day and received some very informative answers. They also learned much about the lay of the city. They now understood that it was divided into blocks, and several blocks that looked the same was called a district, and the further you traveled to the center of the city the older the buildings became, and the larger the districts sprawled. Garret and Ashton learned the location of several places they hoped to visit including the many temples of the gods, the healing order’s tower, as well as the knight’s training grounds. Sasha told them if they became lost in the city simply continue straight down any rode until they either reached the city’s outer wall, or one of the four main city streets that each led from the outer city wall to the palace. This in mind Garret worked at deciding upon a route they could travel through the city to visit all four locations they had intended to see. Their route decided upon, Garret again joined the others in small talk about the city and its origins. They spoke for nearly an hour until a pair of the Inn’s other guests entered the dining hall, at which point Sasha and Felix each rose from the table to excuse themselves. Sasha greeted the newcomers and spoke to them briefly before disappearing down the hall. Felix too greeted the pair and took their meal orders before he too vanished into the hall.

  The newcomers had seated themselves across the room from where Garret and Ashton sat, and being a large room, it was hardly even evident that anyone else was in the room with them. Garret and Ashton spoke for a while about the conversation they had just had with Sasha and Felix and waited as patiently as was possible for their remaining companions to join them.


  Seth awoke feeling better rested then he could ever remember. Keeping his eyes closed he relived the previous night in his mind and could not help the smile that soon appeared on his face.

  “What has you smiling before you even open your eyes love?” Sara asked Seth. She had awoken earlier than he, and lay still beside him, watching him, waiting for him to wake.

  “You.” Seth stated simply.

  “Me? What about me has you so amused?” Sara asked trying to sound innocent.

  “Not amused my angel, just happy that I have you, and amazed by the power you hold over me?” Seth replied finally opening his eyes.

  “What power is that love?” Now Sara tried to play ignorant, knowing exactly what he spoke of.

  “You know what I’m talking about.” Seth stated smiling once again.

  “I’m afraid I don’t understand Seth, could you explain it to me?” Sara asked. She knew what he was talking about but hearing his explanation might help her to gain a better grasp as to just how much she affected him with her attempt at seduction.

  “You know…You have a way of getting your way with me. You know I hate to tell you no. You know if you push enough that I will give in. I think it is a bit unfair that you use my love for you against me, no matter how much I enjoy it, it still seems unfair.” Seth explained. “It is adorable however, watching you do your worst to entice me.” He added as the smile returned.

  “Oh is that all?” Sara asked, returning his smile as she mocked him. “You know love, I do not want you to do anything you do not wish to. However, I want you to do everything that you wish to. Don’t be afraid to ask anything of me my love, you have already done so much for me, so much that I may never be able to do for you. I only wish to make you happy, as happy as I can that is, and hopefully I can make you happy enough that you will always want me at your side.” Sara admitted, knowing Seth would not care for her choice of words, but feeling it was best to let him know how she felt.

  “My angel, you need to do nothing to earn my love, you have it already. I do now, and will always want to be with you, that much I can promise you. I am happy just being with you, knowing you are mine, you need not make yourself uncomfortable for me. I love you the way you are, and I do not wish you to change.” Seth stated, carefully watching her expression, and noting the moisture in her eyes before he continued. “Do you understand Sara? Please do not do anything that makes you unhappy just because you think it will please me.”

  Sara nodded her understanding, all the while fighting back the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes. They were good tears, happy tears, tears formed by his promise to stay with her. Sara did not know why he loved her, did not understand what attraction he could have towards her. She presumed she looked much the same as any other girl her age, at least in body. Sara too was sure there were plenty of other girls with a more pleasant face. Yet for some reason, unknown to her, Seth had chosen her. Not only had he chosen her, but he had also said he wanted to be joined with her, and planned to be with her forever. Nothing could have made Sara happier, but she too was concerned. He had told her not to do anything that would make her uncomfortable as a means to please him. Did he think she had compromised herself last night in a means to make him happy? She hoped this was not what he was thinking, but decided she had to be certain.

  “Seth, my love, I hope I have not offended you with my actions last night. Perhaps I went too far and if I have I am sorry. It’s just that…” Sara was suddenly cut off.

  “No Sara you have not offended me, I assure you I thoroughly enjoyed last night. I just hope that it did not cost you, emotionally, anything you did not intend.” Seth said quickly, not wanting her to feel guilty for an offence she had not committed.

  “And I don’t want you to think that I have in some way damaged myself by giving you my affections. I love you Seth, and to be honest with you, I wish nothing more than to give myself to you in every way I can think of. Nothing I have done has cost me anything, and I wish to do so much more. I know you want to wait until we are joined. I will wait though I know not how long that will be. I don’t want you thinking that you have somehow forced me into wronging myself. What I give, I give freely with no consequence to myself. I love you more than I will ever be able to tell you, and I only wish to share my love with you in any way that I am able.” Sara explained, hoping she had properly made her feelings known.

  “I see.” Stated Seth. “I hope you know how much I too love you, and that I have not set our boundaries for any other reason but to do right by you. I still wish for us to be joined before we give ourselves to one another. It feels to me like the right thing to do.”

  “I know love.” Sara replied. “And I shall try and be patient, and I shall try as well to be on my best behavior.”

  “Like last night?” Seth asked jokingly.

  “Exactly like last night.” Sara responded, her teasing grin from the night before returning.

  “I don’t figure you are going to make this
easy on me are you?” Seth asked.

  “Do you really truly want me to?” Sara responded, nearly certain he enjoyed the teasing as much as she.

  “No I suppose not.” Seth answered with a sheepish grin.

  “Well then, shall we pick up where we left off last night or do you have other plans?” Sara asked anticipation in her voice.

  “As much as I would love to pick up where we left off, it appears we have already missed much of the morning. I would guess that Garret and Ashton are waiting for us somewhere, ready to go exploring.” Seth replied.

  “But darling.” Sara started her retort. “If they have been waiting for us, don’t you think they could stand to wait a few minutes longer? Then perhaps we could do a little exploring of our own.” Sara said adding emphasis to the word.


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