Nic's Devotion: An Endless Series: Book One

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Nic's Devotion: An Endless Series: Book One Page 10

by Sara Hess

  And there went my erection.

  I adjusted myself and walked over to sit in the chair. They both looked at me in surprise.

  “How come you’re here and not out paintin’ the town red, white and awesome?” Noah grinned at his lame joke.

  “I need my energy for the scrimmage tomorrow. Hey, Amanda, you’re going tomorrow, right?” I asked, keeping my eyes on the movie playing. Jaws? Huh?

  “Yesss,” Amanda answered warily. I knew she was wondering why in the hell I cared. I never had before.

  “I have a friend coming tomorrow and I was wondering if she could sit next to you. You could help her understand the game a little.”

  Amanda groaned. “Nic, I really don’t want to sit next to one of your groupies for two hours.”

  I couldn’t blame her, I wouldn’t either. After two years she should realize that I would never invite one of those girls to a game.

  “She isn’t a groupie, she’s a friend.”

  “She must be a relative, that’s the only kind of girl Nic would invite to one of his games.” Noah said watching the people on the screen get munched on.

  I still hadn’t told any of the guys about meeting up with Carrie again. I hadn’t wanted to hear any of their unsolicited remarks, and there would have been many. I had been so adamant about her being too young and innocent that they would have ribbed be unmercifully. And for some reason I had wanted to keep her to myself. I could see the guys stopping in and ‘chatting’ her up just to annoy me.

  There was also the way I felt about her, and it wasn’t something I wanted to discuss. Obsessive, lustful, hungry, protective; the list was extensive.

  I sighed knowing it was time to come clean, they would all find out tomorrow anyway. “It’s Carrie.”

  Noah looked puzzled for a moment and then an evil smile spread over his face. “You sly dog.” Noah reached over and grabbed the remote to turn the volume down.

  I rolled my eyes. “I went into the Sports store last week and found out she was working there. We’ve been hanging out ever since.”

  Noah’s smirk was annoying. “So I guess she isn’t too young.”

  “She’s a young eighteen.” I stressed. “She goes to UVA on a full scholarship, but lives off campus with her mom. She stays at home and works to help out her mom when she could be living on campus for free having everything paid for.” I wanted the guys to appreciate what Carrie had accomplished and what she was going through.

  Noah’s expression lost the smirk at my disclosure. “Tough. So you like her?”

  “Yeah,” I answered gruffly.

  Noah’s evil smirk returned. “Like-like her?”

  “What is this, junior high?” I returned tersely.

  Noah hooted uproariously.

  Amanda elbowed Noah in the stomach making him gasp, and then she leaned over and patted my arm. “I can’t wait to meet her. Any girl that could catch your interest for two weeks must be special.”

  I cleared my throat in discomfort. There was no way I was talking about my feelings. “She’s pretty cool and she’s really funny.”

  Noah was done coughing up a lung. “Babe, what the heck?”

  “Nic is trying to share with us about a girl he likes; he doesn’t need your juvenile input making him uncomfortable.”

  I grinned at Noah’s set down. “Yeah, Noah.” I stood up. “Be nice to me or I’ll tell your girlfriend.” I walked out of the room.

  “Am I supposed to tell the rest of the female population that you’re off the market?” He yelled at my back.

  “Go for it,” I tossed back, leaving a surprised silence behind me.

  Chapter Ten


  I got up at eight the next morning and hopped in the shower. After taking care of my morning erection and washing up I stepped out. We were required to wear dress clothes on any game day so I pulled on some dress slacks with a button up shirt and a tie. I brushed my hair and then gave it a finger comb and shake. I didn’t bother with any hair gel; it would only be dripping down my face in the next couple hours.

  I was the first one downstairs but could hear the other guys moving around. We were lucky to have a house where each bedroom had its own bathroom. The perk was reflected in the cost of the house, but who wanted to share a bathroom with four other guys. The price of the house was also high being as it was close to campus.

  Thinking about the cost of the house made me think of Carrie and how she was helping to support her mother. I never really thought about the cost of this house because I wasn’t really paying for any of it. I mean I paid the bills, but the money came from my parents. They were footing the bill. If I lived on campus it would be free because of my athletic scholarship, but who wanted to live in a dorm if you didn’t have to.

  Shit, talk about getting a perspective about something.

  Whipping up some pancake mix I set up the big griddle and between each cake frying I cut strawberries and put some blueberries in a bowl. We would all need the carbs and sugars for the game today. I was flipping cakes when Seth came down the stairs.

  “Hey,” he grumbled, heading for the refrigerator. Grabbing the orange juice and milk he set them on the table. He then headed for the cabinets for glasses and plates.

  Landon came running down the steps but slowed when he saw that it was just the two of us. “Whew, thought I was going to be stuck with the dishes.” He went over to the silverware drawer to get some forks and knives.

  The last person down was responsible for washing the dishes on a morning game day and nobody wanted that chore so we all raced to not be last. You couldn’t cheat though, you had to be dressed and have everything, no going back up.

  There came the sound of a mad scramble from upstairs. Feet thumped across the floor. It was a fight for fourth place.

  “Hurry, Amanda, grab my shoes.” Noah yelled.

  “Hey, that’s not fair. You have help.” Evan complained loudly.

  Amanda had slept over last night.

  Feet scampered down the stairs. “You could have some if anyone could stand your sorry ass.” Noah yelled and he and Amanda hit the ground floor with Evan close behind. Last was last though.

  “I call foul.” Evan protested. “He should be getting his things himself.”

  Amanda jammed Noah’s wallet into his back pocket.

  You were allowed to dispute if you thought someone bent the rules.

  “No girl help.” Seth grunted.

  “Yeah, only boy help.” Landon quipped.

  “Ehw,” Evan said. “I call foul on that too.”

  Everyone turned to me, and I put on my most serious face. “I’m not opposed to girl help behind closed doors, but to have her carry your junk, well, that’s just wrong. Sorry, Noah.”

  All the guys laughed raucously. Even Amanda snorted.

  “There’s really nothing I can say to refute that statement.” Noah wheezed out.

  We all sat down to a stack of twenty seven pancakes; five each for the guys and two for Amanda.

  “So Nic.” Noah stared at me while scooping up some berries and putting them on his pancake. I scowled at him knowing what was coming. “I guess you won’t be carpooling today.”

  I didn’t answer and continued to scowl around my bite of pancake.

  “You know, because you have to pick someone up,” he continued.

  All the guys looked at me except for Seth, he continued to eat, and Amanda, because she was scowling at Noah the same as me.

  “I think it’s a…girl, right?”

  “You’re bringing some chick to the game today?” Landon asked in astonishment. He turned to Evan. “Have we gone through a black hole and landed in some kind of alternate universe?” He looked back at me. “Why would you want to bring a chick to the game?”

  “Is there something wrong with bringing a chick to a game? Amanda asked, looking at Landon like she wanted to crack him up side the skull.

  “Only if you’re Nic Stanford. Nic Stanford doesn’t bring
chicks to games. He may pick one up at a game but he doesn’t bring one.” Landon stated emphatically.

  Maybe they would continue talking and forget that I was here. I took another bite of my pancakes.

  “Well, he’s bringing one, and he likes her, so don’t be dumbasses and scare her away.” Amanda huffed.

  Landon turned on me and grinned. “Oh, you like her.”

  I guess I wasn’t forgotten.

  “Landon, shut it. The girl is Carrie.” Seth grumbled impatiently, reaching for the milk to refill his glass.

  I looked at Seth in shock. “How did you know?”

  He shrugged gravely. “You moped around for a week after meeting her, and then suddenly you weren’t any longer. At night you’d leave for about ninety minutes and then come back. It wasn’t to have sex because you’ve been jacking off every night. Moreover, Tina at Manny’s mentioned the nice girl you’d brought in and how she was a pleasant change from the other skank’s that hang around you. Tina went on and on about how beautiful the girl was, and how she wished she had black hair that thick, and had just one of those beauty marks. It wasn’t difficult to work out.”

  I gave him a look; he had to have thrown all that stuff together after talking to Tina. And had he really heard me jacking off every night? And I hadn’t been moping!

  He quirked an eyebrow at me insolently. “I was kidding about you jacking off, but I can tell by your expression that I’m right on.”

  I scowled fiercely but remained silent; protesting would only verify the deed. Why did I get the feeling he was pleased about me not getting any.

  Amanda was looking kind of embarrassed with the masturbation talk, but the rest of the guys were staring at me with varying expressions of surprise.

  “Seriously dude, you hooked up with Carrie from the restaurant?” Evan asked.

  I was done with my breakfast so I grabbed my plate and headed for the sink. “She doesn’t work at the restaurant any longer; she’s working at the Sports store now. And I haven’t ‘hooked up’ with her. We’ve just been hanging out. I can’t get into it all now I’ve got to go pick her up.” I really didn’t want to talk about what was going on with Carrie and me.

  “Hey, that’s cool. She’s nice, and a ‘hottie’. They are few and far between. Good luck with that.” Evan said.

  I headed for the door and Landon called out with a laugh. “It sounds like you’d better hit that soon if what Seth is saying is true. You don’t want to go blind.”

  I heard Seth say ‘shut it’ as I turned back toward the table rage uncoiling in my belly.

  “Landon, we’re friends so I’m saying this as a friend, and this can go for all you; don’t ever say something like that about Carrie again. She’s not a hook-up or a groupie. I want you to treat her like you do Amanda.”

  I saw Amanda smile. Landon’s expression sobered but I could see the cynicism in eyes. I considered myself a hard core cynic, but Landon was worse.

  “Okay, sorry bro, I didn’t realize it was that serious.” He gave me an apologetic grin.

  My fury settled. “Thanks, I’ll see you guys in a few.” I pulled on my sports coat and jacket. All our gear was at the stadium so I didn’t need to bring anything but myself…and Carrie.

  “Are we still havin’ that party tonight when we win?” I heard Evan ask as I was walking toward the front door.

  “Yeah,” they all chorused.

  I slipped out the door. Shit! I forgot about the party.

  Jumping in the driver’s seat I peeled out of the driveway at the same time snatching my phone out of my pocket. I pushed one for Carrie and someone picked up on the second ring.

  “Hello,” a female voice croaked.

  The mother? “Can I please speak with Carrie?” I asked with extreme courteousness.

  The phone made a clanging sound like her mother had dropped it. A second later Carrie’s voice sounded over the line. “Hello.” It was either the line or her voice was strained.

  “It’s Nic. I was calling to give you a heads up. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

  “Okay,” she said softly.

  “Hey, the guys reminded me about something this morning that I’d completely forgotten about.”


  “We’re having a get together tonight at the house after we win. I was wondering if you would like to come over after you were done with work. I’d come pick you up. The guys really want to see you again. You know the losers from the restaurant. Well, those losers are my roommates.”

  There was a slight pause before she answered. My palms began to sweat. “Is there a dress code?”

  Dress code? Was it because her mother was listening, or had she never been to a party before?

  “Wear whatever is comfortable. It’s casual.” I replied.

  “All right. Is that all?” She asked tentatively.

  “Yeah, see you soon.”

  She hung up and I pocketed my phone.

  Her conversation on the phone had been stilted like she had to think twice about her comments. Did she have to be careful about what she said in front of her mother? And if she did, why? Carrie was an adult attending college and working. She was away from the house more than she was there. Was her mother a stickler about her getting out and having fun?

  Driving down Carrie’s road I saw her standing outside waiting for me. She gave me a wave and walked up to the curb as I drove up. She was wearing her black hip length coat and her khaki cargo work pants with boots. Her hair was covered again by her black beanie; although, it was understandable today since she would be outside in the cold for hours. Her braid hung over her left shoulder teasing me with the thought of what it would look like against bare skin.

  And hello woody!

  She opened the door with a smile, her cheeks already pink from the cold. “Hey.” She said breathlessly. Tossing her backpack on the floor she climbed in and shut the door.

  “Hey you.” I shot back giving her a grin. As soon as she was buckled I gassed it. “Sorry about the late notice on the party, I’d completely forgotten about it. There’s usually a party after every winning home game, even scrimmages, and certain guys on the team will host it. This time it ours.”

  A frown of unease marred her expression. “You said a get together on the phone. Exactly how many people will be at this party?”

  “Most of the guys from the team will be there, and then whoever they invite. It could be from seventy to a hundred people throughout the night coming and going.” It was actually that many at one time with more coming and going. I wanted her to be prepared but not scared away.

  The slight panic on her face was easy to observe. “I’ve never been to a party before and that sounds like jumping into the deep end. I’m more of a wading in type of person.”

  I’d been correct about her not having partied before. Reaching over I wrapped her hand in mine. “With how much you love water I just can’t believe that.” She smiled around her alarm. “And anyway, I’ll be by your side the entire time holding your hand.” I held up our entwined hands as illustration. “You’ll meet the guys again this afternoon when I force you to come to the after game lunch; they all adored you the last time they met you, and by the end of the game you’ll be best friends with Noah’s girlfriend, Amanda.”

  She looked at me with not so hidden flushed delight and amusement. “You’re forcing me to lunch, are you?”

  “I was hoping to slip that in so it could molder in your subconscious for the entirety of the game and then by the time lunch came around it would become a foregone conclusion on your part.” I said judiciously.

  “That’s a fascinating theory.” She looked intrigued. “And now all we can do is wait and see if it works. I’m going to be on tender hooks the entire game waiting for the outcome. How will I ever pay attention to the actual game?”

  I grinned. She was a firecracker. “You must have missed the ‘subconscious’ part of the experiment.”

  “Oh, right, right.” S
he said contritely, waving her hand as if to bat away the thoughts in her head. “Uhm…so how long do these games normally last.”

  “They’re usually around two hours, but they can be shorter or longer depending on how good the other team is. The number of fouls and time-outs also make a difference.”

  “You said that you have a party when you win a game, is this team you’re playing today not very good?” She asked with raised eyebrows.

  “Wesleyan College is Division One like us, and they have some pretty good players, but their team work is for crap. Our players are better and have superior team dynamics.”

  She laughed. “You looked like you tried real hard for that humble tone.”

  She had a good ear because I had dug deep for the little bit of praise I’d given that other team. My guys were way better than Wesleyan’s. “It was difficult, real difficult.” I admitted with a sigh. “We lost some good players from last season, but gained some rookies that have real potential. Their cockiness is off the charts though and it’s taking the whole team to knock it out of them, but we’re getting there.”

  “Did you have to go through a similar knocking around?” She asked curiously.

  I snorted. “Oh yeah; most everyone does. We all come in as the best in our high schools. The first couple practices kicked my butt giving me a little bit of a wakeup call. The workout schedule in college is way more strenuous than high school. Then there’s the cohesiveness the other players have already established that you have to integrate yourself into. Some players expect the team to work around them but it doesn’t work that way. I love the game and I wanted to play, and the only way to do that is to work hard as a team.”

  We’d arrived at the stadium and I parked in player’s lot. Fans from both teams were already arriving so they could get good seats. It was nine forty-five; I had fifteen minutes to get Carrie seated and me to the locker room. I could not be late for a game, even a scrimmage. Grabbing the blanket and cushion I’d brought for her I gripped her hand and made a dash for the entrance. My athletic pass was hanging around my neck and I flashed it to get through the entrance to the field.


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