Nic's Devotion: An Endless Series: Book One

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Nic's Devotion: An Endless Series: Book One Page 34

by Sara Hess

  “They’re good.” Evan commented.

  “One of the best defense lines in the division.” Noah added.

  I wondered where all this chit-chat was coming from.

  “Pretty uniforms.” Seth grunted.

  Pretty uniforms!? What in the hell? I glanced up at Seth to see him putting on his pads like normal and looking as if he’d not spoken the words, ‘pretty uniforms’. I was pretty damn sure that they’d been uttered though.

  Looking around I saw Landon, Noah, and Evan nodding their heads, as if agreeing with him.

  “Yep, they’re real pretty.” Landon said gravely.

  “Damn shame.” Evan repeated just as solemnly.

  I looked around at them thinking they must have lost their minds. We did not have pre-game discussions on how pretty the other teams’ uniforms were.

  Blake walked up. “You guys talking about the other teams uniforms?” He asked with a frown.

  Thank you! It wasn’t just me thinking this was a dumb-ass conversation.

  The guys all nodded.

  “Yeah, damn shame, red is one of my favorite colors.” Blake said with a reflective twist of his lips.

  “What the fuck are all you going on about? Who cares how pretty their fucking uniforms are?” I exclaimed in exasperation.

  They all looked at me. Seth spoke. “It would be a damn fucking shame if we got beat by a bunch of pansies wearing pretty red uniforms.” He said gruffly.

  The rest of them repeated together. “Damn fucking shame.”

  I raised my brow at them. Was this some kind of weird psych-up? “It would be a damn fucking shame to get beat by anyone.” I snapped out.

  “YEAH!” They all yelled.

  If they were trying to get me all riled up for the game I could give them riled-up. It was supposed to my fucking job anyway. “Cornell’s got nothing on us!” I yelled standing up.

  They raised their fists and helmets. “YEAH!”

  “They’re just a bunch of pansies in pretty red fucking uniforms!” I yelled.

  “YEAH!” More guys joined in.

  “We’re going to turn those red fucking uniforms to green and brown as we drag their asses all over the field today!” I shouted.

  “YEAH!” It sounded like everyone had joined in.

  “And send them home crying!” I looked around at the throng that had formed around me. The entire team was yelling and banging their helmets on lockers.

  “Who’s going to win today?” I shouted turning in circle.

  “WE ARE!” They shouted back banging their helmets.

  “I didn’t hear you; who’s going to win today?” I yelled louder staring into the faces of each of my teammates.

  “WE ARE! WE ARE! WE ARE!” They chanted.

  “Then let’s go kick their pretty red uniform asses and win this game!” I yelled wrapping it up.

  The team scrambled for their gear and headed for the field yelling and screaming for a win. I got slapped on the back or chest as they filed out. I was feeling a little better about the game, but there was still a yawning hole inside of me. Unfortunately, I couldn’t do anything about that at the moment. I had to wait for her to come to me.

  I filed out with the rest of the team onto the field. We all lined up and I moved them through their pre-game drills. The other team was doing the same thing in their pretty red ass uniforms on the opposite end of the field. I tried to visualize it as red in front of a bull and they were all going down.

  “Hey Nic, it looks like you’ve picked up an admirer in the stands.” Landon yelled.

  “Landon, shut it and pay attention.” I shouted not at all interested.

  “Shit, she’s hot.” Noah said with grin waving.

  “Noah, you already got a girlfriend. Maybe she’ll give me a chance?” Evan also waved.

  The urge to bang their heads together was overwhelming.

  “Oh damn. She’s got it bad for you, Nic. She’s got a sign and everything. Guess what it says?” Landon yelled with a grin.

  “I don’t fucking care what it says, now straighten your asses up and pay attention.” I shouted beyond irritated.

  “Look at those eyes; I’ve never seen anything bluer.” Noah said.

  Like he could see her damn eyes from here I groused inwardly as they continued to rave about the girl.

  “And that mouth.” Evan said.

  “Black hair.” Seth, standing next to me as co-captain, grunted.

  I was about to lay into him for feeding into the teams distracting entertainment when their words finally hit me. Blue eyes. Mouth. Black hair.

  Spinning around I scanned the stands and found her almost immediately. She was sitting, no standing, behind the teams benches holding a sign which I gave no thought to. I stood there in stunned disbelief at seeing her here until someone gave me a push from behind.

  “Go say hello, I’ve covered this with coach.” Seth grunted behind me.

  Needing no further encouragement I ran toward Carrie. God, she was beautiful. A huge smile lit up her face and her hair was hanging free lifting in the wind. With a leap I hauled myself up using the metal bars making up the stadium railing and pulled her into my arms. The crowd around us cheered but I ignored them.

  Lifting her off her feet I stuffed my face in her hair. “Shit, I missed you.” I said inhaling her fragrance. Fuck! I needed to hold it together and not cry like a pussy.

  She wrapped her arms around my neck and nodded against my chest. “I missed you too, and I’m sorry it took me so long.”

  Pulling back I looked down into her bright blue tear-filled eyes. “Are you just here for the day or are you back?”

  “I’m back and here to stay.” She smiled and the love spilling from her face made my breath catch in hope.

  I pulled her back into my arms again. Holy shit, I’d missed holding her. The sign she was clutching got smashed between us. I’d completely forgotten about it because I’d been too focused on her. Pulling back I looked down at it and almost lost my balance. In big blue letters were the words, ‘NIC, I LOVE YOU!’

  Lifting my eyes from the sign to her face I grinned shamelessly even as an overload of emotions constricted my heart. She must have read my mind because she rolled her eyes. “Yes, I’ve become another one of your many adoring fan girls.”

  I kissed her…hard, eliciting another cheer from the crowd. “You’re the only one that matters. I love you.” I said against her lips and I felt her lips curve against mine.

  Her hand cupped my jaw and she gazed directly into my eyes. “I love you.” Her soft lips moved on mine gently as she spoke the most important words I think I’d ever hear.

  I had to close my eyes as the words washed over me. They seemed to release a heavy burden off my shoulders that I hadn’t even been aware was weighing me down. I’d known that she’d been unable to say the words before because she hadn’t fully trusted me…hadn’t trusted in herself. Her self-worth had been nearly obliterated by prior rejections. That she was finally admitting her feelings revealed that I at last had both her love and her trust. It was a gift I was going to have to handle with care, and I planned to.

  I opened my eyes and touched my forehead to hers. “Thank you, sweetheart. You don’t know what those words mean to me.”

  The crowds volume rose around us and I could hear my name be called from both the stands and the field. Carrie pulled away and looked behind me. “You’d better get back. They’re waving for you.”

  With one last kiss I jumped down from the wall.

  “Hey,” she called. Leaning over the wall she gave me a playful grin and yelled. “Kick their asses.” The crowd around her screamed in accord.

  I laughed; that had to be first time I’d heard her swear. “Up one side and down the other.” I yelled back causing the same crowd to go wild. I finally noticed Amanda standing next to her smiling and cheering, and there was another girl cheering on her other side that I recognized as Carrie’s cousin, Samantha. Blake had introduced her to
me several days ago.

  I turned and ran back toward my team who were waving frantically just as the boom of the cannon went off announcing the start of the game.

  Coach gave me a dark glare and waved me to the center of the field for the coin toss. Seth and Noah jogged out with me.

  “Playing it kind of close there, weren’t you?” Seth grumbled good-naturedly.

  I couldn’t keep the grin from my face. “You guys set me up didn’t you?”

  Noah went the confused route. “Who, us? We were innocent bystanders who got caught in the crosshairs of meddling females. Amanda also threatened to castrate all of us if we breathed a word to you.”

  “It was emasculating.” Seth groused.

  “You guys are so fucking sweet.” I was laughing as we reached the middle of the field while the other two vehemently denied any form of sweetness on their part. The three guys from the other team looked at us in bewilderment…which was an excellent way for us to start the game.

  Chapter Thirty-seven


  “God, I missed you.” Nic mumbled into my neck as he pulled me into his bedroom shutting the door behind us. His arms were wrapped around me holding me tight. I was doing the same to him. I never wanted to let him go.

  “I missed you, too. So much.” I mumbled back into his chest. He’d showered after his game―a game that they’d won by six points―and I couldn’t stop inhaling his fresh male scent.

  Nic lay down on his bed pulling me down on top of him. I went willingly, savoring the feel of his body under mine. His hands cupped my face and his lips attacked mine, and again I opened willingly. We then devoured each other trying to make up for the time we’d lost. The time I’d made us lose.

  “I’m so sorry for hiding myself away and not letting you in to see me.” I whispered when we came up for air and he latched onto the skin of my jaw.

  He pulled away and his green eyes locked with mine. “If it helped you being in there that’s all that matters. I hated not seeing you, but again if it helped I accept it. You came out able to say you love me and for that I’d put up with anything. I love you and I just want what’s best for you.”

  My throat closed up at his words, at his acceptance of me and all my problems. I unlocked my left hand from his hair and cupped his cheek. “What helped me was knowing that you were waiting for me, that you weren’t giving up on me even though I’d given up on me…on us. I allowed my mom and aunt’s words to take root and almost let them destroy what we have.” Nic’s expression went dark. I gave him a soft kiss to dispel dark memories. “You kept telling me how strong you thought I was, but I wasn’t being strong hiding away from the world and from you. I’ve always been afraid that people wouldn’t want anything to do with me if they found out about my past. Most of them haven’t; heck, most of them were my own family. I was afraid to completely believe in you. That’s why I wasn’t able to tell you that I love you before. I thought you would eventually get tired of all my problems and run. But you didn’t. It was me that ran when it got too tough.”

  Nic groaned and tightened his arms around me. “Oh god, baby. You were hurting. I don’t blame you after what happened. What your mom and aunt did to you was inexcusable, and I’ll tell you this, everyone in that hallway saw that. Your mom sounded like a crazy psychopath, and anyone that blames you for what happened isn’t worth having in your life.” Nic growled sounding angry and distressed for me at the same time.

  I smiled sadly. It still hurt that my mom had did what she did, and I was finally coming to the conclusion that our relationship was never going to be able to heal. My mom couldn’t acknowledge what her husband had tried to do to me and until she did she would always be combating anger, bitterness, and possibly guilt her whole life. It was just another thing I was going to have to accept.

  It was a little easier to accept as I gazed into the loving eyes looking up at me.

  “Amanda told me everything you did for me; talking to John so I wouldn’t lose my job, and getting my shifts covered. Carl also came by and told me that you talked to him. Not only were you not giving up on me you were making sure that I could come back like nothing had happened. The letter you sent me reminded me of your unwavering belief in me and I wanted to be strong like you were always saying I was. I still need help with some…issues but I don’t have to lock myself away to get it, and I trust in your feelings for me so I’m not going to keep myself away from you for your own good anymore.” I gave him a teasing smile but there was self-derision behind it. I’d made a decision about his life thinking I knew better and that had been wrong. I would have hated it if he had done the same to me.

  Leaning down I kissed him again, but Nic took over gripping the back of my head and plundered my mouth fervently.

  After a while he lifted his lips fractionally from mine. “No matter what I’ll always think of you as one of the strongest people I know.” His lips caressed softly over mine with each word he uttered. “And I totally knew what you were doing and I wasn’t going to let you get away with it. In fact, expect some punishment later for that.” He growled.

  I couldn’t stop the totally inane smile curving my lips at his threat. His eyes narrowed as if to give support to it, but I couldn’t miss the twinkle in his eye. “I’m looking forward to it.” I replied impishly giving him a quick peck on the lips. However, when I pulled back I gave him a more serious look. “I really am sorry for not seeing you. I just felt like such a head case.”

  His twinkle grew somber. “You are anything but that, and you’re here now and that’s all that matters.”

  My heart swelled at his acceptance, because there was still a part of me that thought my problems would just end up being too much. “I wonder all the time how I came to deserve you.”

  Nic shook his head. “It’s the other way around, Carrie; you are way too good for me.” He tilted my head down and took my mouth again in a deep kiss that had us moving against each other in a way that was soon out of control. I was breathing heavily and pulsing uncomfortably when he pulled away.

  “We should take a break or I’m going to have you naked in a minute.” Nic groaned. His hands roamed down my back to grasp my butt grinding me into him. I gasped in pleasure at the contact but then he was pushing us up off the bed, and I whimpered at the separation. He set me on my feet pushing me toward the door and gave me a smack on my butt. I whirled around in surprise rubbing said anatomy. That had stung! But, god, it had also caused a zing of arousal.

  Nic just smiled wickedly. “Let’s go get something to eat, I’m starving.”

  I tried to give him a glare but the smile pulling at my lips was too hard to contain. “You should be, you did great today; four assists and four goals.”

  He swept me back into his arms as he walked us out of the room and down the stairs. “I finally got my good luck charm back.”

  “Well, you’re altogether too charming as it is. Did you really need one?” I quipped back.

  He pinched my side making me squeak in surprise. “Love that mouth, babe.” He whispered in my ear.

  I couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped as we walked into the kitchen. I stopped dead though at the group of people congregating around the table. All of Nic’s roommates were there, as well as Amanda, Blake, and Samantha. While I was comfortable around Amanda, Blake, and Samantha, Nic’s roommates were another matter. I wasn’t sure how they truly viewed me. They were all smiling so that was at least a good sign.

  “It’s nice to finally see a smile on that ugly mug of yours.” Landon said around a mouthful of pizza. In fact, everyone at the table was chowing down on pizza.

  At first I thought Landon was talking to me and I didn’t take his words to heart since he was smiling, but then Nic laughed behind me as he directed me toward the table making me realize he was speaking to Nic.

  “You hungry for some pizza, Carrie?” Evan asked with a smile holding out a plate.

  I took it with an answering hesitant smile. “Yes, tha
nk you.”

  “Here Carrie, take a seat. I’ll get you a water.” Noah jumped up and went to the refrigerator.

  Nic gave me a small push to sit down and I followed his directive because I was a little bewildered by the attention, as well as feeling a bit put on the spot because everyone was staring at me. The seat I took was between Amanda and Samantha who each gave me huge smiles.

  “How were the reporter’s today, Nic. Nice…or all in your face?” Blake asked with a grin. Thankfully, this turned the attention away from me and I breathed a little easier. Noah came back to the table setting the water in front of me and also handing one to Nic.

  I saw Nic throw a quick glance in my direction before he answered Blake’s question. “Day in the life.” Nic replied.

  I gave a slight frown in his direction confused at the cryptic reply but he just gave me a smile and squeezed my shoulder.

  “Well, you all played awesome today. It was one of the best games I’ve seen so far.” Samantha said.

  After that the conversation turned to game highlights, which was fine with me. I remained silent listening to everyone talk trying to get used to the whole group dynamics thing. Someone tapped my foot under the table twice and I looked around to see Seth give me a smile and a wink. Warmth spilled through me and I smiled at his gesture of camaraderie since he hadn’t said a word either.

  As I sat there it was starting to sink in that this group consisted of people who cared about me. They’d stood by me and even helped me out by taking shifts so I could keep my job. It could be because I was Nic’s girlfriend, but even if it was they were still stepping out of their way for me, making a place for me in their group.

  When there was a lull in the discussion I worked up the nerve to speak. “Uhm…” Everyone’s eyes seemed to zero in on me instantly and my face burned at the attention, but I pushed myself to continue. “Amanda told me you guys have been covering my shifts at work so I wouldn’t lose my job and I just wanted to say how much I appreciate that. It would have been difficult finding a new job and one that I like as much. I’d tell you to add up your hours so I could divvy up what you earned but somehow I don’t think that’s going to happen.” Everyone gave me a grin and a shake of their heads. Nic rubbed my shoulder. “That’s what I thought, so I’ll just say thank you and…” I was starting to get chocked up, I needed to end this quick before I started crying. “Just thank you.” I said thickly.


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