After Victory: A Searching for Glory Novel (A Second Chance Love Story)

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After Victory: A Searching for Glory Novel (A Second Chance Love Story) Page 11

by Hunter J. Keane

  With my best friend sitting next to me, I couldn’t hold back my emotions any longer. As the tears came, I leaned forward and put my head in my hands. “This is all my fault. I’ve been so impossible since the accident, taking out my frustration on Glory.”

  “This isn’t your fault, John.” His hand felt heavy on my shoulder. “You’ve both been through a lot lately, but this probably would’ve happened no matter what. You can’t blame yourself.”

  “I’ll never forgive myself if anything happens to either of them.” I sucked in a deep, shaking breath.

  “John Carter?” A different nurse appeared in the doorway.

  “Yeah.” I wiped a sleeve across my face and stood. “That’s me.”

  She smiled stiffly. “Congratulations. You have a baby girl.”

  “She’s okay?” I asked hopefully.

  “The baby is obviously very premature and has underdeveloped lungs. She is being sent over the NICU where they will take good care of her.”

  I noticed that the nurse was having trouble making eye contact. “What about Glory?”

  “The doctor will be out to speak with you shortly.” She turned away abruptly.

  Jake and I stood in silence for nearly a minute. He seemed to understand that there was nothing that needed to be said. My life was on hold until I talked to the doctor and found out if Glory was going to be okay.

  Nearly ten minutes passed before the doctor arrived. He was still wearing scrubs and a grim look on his face. “John?”

  I nodded mutely.

  “Your fiancé lost a lot of blood. We gave her a transfusion, but we couldn’t stop the bleeding. After the baby was delivered, we had to perform a full hysterectomy and administer another transfusion.” He paused to make sure that I was still following. “Her situation is critical, but I think we were able to prevent any organ damage.”

  “She’s going to be okay?” I said in a whisper.

  “Time will tell. The next 24 hours are critical for her and the baby,” he said. “Once we get her situated, a nurse will come get you so that you can see her.”

  I shook his hand automatically because it seemed like the least I could do for the man that had just saved my fiancé and daughter. “Thank you, Doctor.”

  The nurse reappeared as the doctor was leaving and offered to take us over the NICU so that I could see my daughter. It was conveniently located right next to the regular Intensive Care Unit so I wouldn’t have to go far to find Glory.

  “This can’t be real,” I said as we waited on the other side of the glass wall. A dozen nurses scurried around inside as they treated babies that were too tiny to live and yet somehow were still alive. I wondered which one of them was mine.

  The nurse reappeared pushing a tiny bed surrounded by glass. Inside, a tiny human the size of my hand had tubes in her mouth and nose. Her tiny head was covered in a pink hat that was two sizes too big.

  “She’s so small,” I said, disbelieving that the tiny being in front of us was my daughter.

  “She’s beautiful,” Jake said, slapping my back heartily. “Congrats, man. You have a baby girl.”

  It seemed strange to be happy with so much sadness surrounding the occasion. But I realized that I was happy. This was my daughter and I had never seen anything so perfect in my life.

  The nurse came outside. “Would you like to come in? You can’t hold her yet, but we can let you touch her.”

  “No. That’s okay. I’d like to wait for her mother.” It felt important to me that we be with our daughter together. I couldn’t shake the feeling that if I went in there alone, it would be setting the precedence for a terrible future.

  “I understand,” the nurse said, though it was likely that she didn’t. “I can take you to the ICU if you’d like.”

  I nodded.

  “I think I’ll stay here with my niece,” Jake said, knowing that I would want some time alone with Glory.

  They had just finished getting Glory situated in her room when we arrived. A new nurse, this one looking young enough to be in school with Julia, said, “She’s still coming to so she may not be awake.””

  I stepped hesitantly into the room, not sure what to expect. Glory looked better than I expected. She had an IV plugged into her arm and oxygen piping into her nose, but otherwise she could be sleeping. Her complexion even looked good, probably because of the transfusions they had given her.

  “Hey, love.” I took her hand between mine. Her eyes remained closed. “The nurse said you might still be sleeping, so I’m not sure if you can hear me.”

  I had to stop and take a few breaths to keep myself from crying. “I just saw our daughter, Glor. She’s amazing. A little small, but she’s going to be fine. She’s a fighter like her mother. You have to get better right away because she needs you.”

  Leaning further over the bed, I ran a hand over her cheek and closed my eyes. “We never even came up with a name for her.”

  Just as my emotions almost overcame me again, a faint voice said, “Eva.”

  My eyes flew open. Glory was staring at me, a wide smile on her face.

  “Glory?” The feeling that came over me was nothing short of exhilaration.

  “Our daughter’s name is Eva,” she said confidently. “After your mother.”



  When Jake hurried over and asked me if I could take Christopher after the game, I knew that something bad had happened. We hadn’t spoken at all in the last six weeks because I had thought it would be best for us to keep our distance. Denton was acting out because of my interest in Jake and I had to put him first. Even if it meant ending things with a man that I thought I might be falling in love with.

  My first reaction when he approached was delight. I had missed him. But the second he opened his mouth, I knew that it wasn’t a social visit.

  “Is it John?” I asked, assuming that he must have had a relapse of some kind. Everyone in town knew that he was still struggling with his recovery.

  “No.” Jake took a deep breath. “It’s Glory. Something is wrong with the baby.”

  After the game, I drove the kids home. Denton, Chris, and their friend Alex were laughing and joking around in the back while I drove, lost in thought. Even though Jake and I had ended things, I hadn’t been completely removed from the Jake/Glory/Johnny drama. Since John’s accident, I had been staying involved with Glory’s life. She was stressed with taking care of him and Jack, plus the pregnancy. We got together at least once per week for a girls’ lunch and we texted almost every day.

  My guess was that Glory hadn’t told Jake we were rebuilding our friendship. She had probably thought it would be too awkward, which I understood. I had broken up with Jake after all, before anything had really had a chance to begin. But I hadn’t done it for me, I had done it for my son.

  “Mom. Can we stay over at Alex’s house? His mom says it is okay.” Denton was oblivious to my distraction.

  “It’s okay with me, but Chris will need to ask his father.” I was actually glad that Denton would be somewhere else for the night. I would be able to stop by the hospital and check on Glory.

  Chris texted Jake and got permission as well. When the other boys got out of the car, Denton stayed behind.

  “I saw you talking to Mr. Delroy at the game,” he said suspiciously.

  “He was just asking if I could give Chris a ride home,” I explained neutrally.

  “Mom.” He grinned. “You can’t fool me. I know you like him.”

  I blushed violently. “Jake and I are just friends. I know that you aren’t comfortable with the idea of me dating him.”

  “That’s not true.” He ducked his head shyly. “I was just being a jerk that day. I didn’t mean those things I said. I’m sorry. All I want is for you to be happy. He makes you happy.”

  “He does,” I admitted. “But you come first. Always.”

  “I know. But I’m telling you that I’m okay with it. More than okay with it. You shou
ld date him. He’s a nice guy.” He grinned again. “Plus if you get married, Chris and I will be brothers. How cool is that?”

  “You’re a good son, Denny,” I said, feeling as if a weight had been lifted.

  “I know.” He opened the car door. “But you’re a better mom.”

  It took me a few minutes to pull myself together enough to drive away. My son was growing up right in front of my eyes. He was more mature than I had ever expected him to be. If he could be so open to life moving on, I no longer had any excuse.

  Back on the road, I headed straight to the hospital. When I checked at the front desk, I was directed toward the ICU. I knew that things must be pretty bad.

  The elevator deposited me on the third floor and I walked past the NICU on the way to see Glory. I was surprised to find Jake standing in front of a glass wall.

  “Kate.” He was more than a little surprised to see me. “What are you doing here? Is Chris okay?”

  “He’s fine. I dropped him off at Alex’s house,” I hurried to reassure him. “I just came by to check on Glory and the baby.”

  Jake smiled. “Well you’ve found one of them,” he said, pointed through the glass.

  “That’s her?” My mouth dropped open in surprise. The tiniest baby I had ever seen lay inside a glass box. “Is she okay?”

  “She’s fine. A little underdeveloped, But Eva Victory Carter is a strong little girl.”

  “Eva Victory?” I put a hand to my chest, overcome by emotion. “What a beautiful name.”

  “After her grandmother and her aunt.” Jake’s eyes were misty. “Vic would’ve loved her little niece.”

  Instinctively, I reached for his hand. “I can’t imagine two better people for her to be named after.”

  He took a long breath. “Glory hasn’t seen her yet. John only saw her for a second, but he’s been with Glory ever since.”

  “How is she? Is she going to be okay?” I noticed that Jake hadn’t let go of my hand. In fact, he was squeezing it softly.

  “She’s still in critical condition, but the doctors thinks she’s going to recover. She’s even opened her eyes for a little while.” Jake looked at Eva. “Hopefully soon she’ll be able to see her daughter.”

  I wasn’t sure how to broach the next topic. It felt wrong to be focused on something other than Glory and the baby, but I couldn’t stop myself from saying, “I owe you an apology. I never should have ended things the way that I did.”

  “Kate, I understand. You were putting your son first. I get it.” Jake’s understanding made me feel even worse.

  “But I didn’t do it for Denton. Or at least I thought I was doing it for him at the time, but now I know that’s not true.” I was babbling and now that I had started I was having trouble stopping. “I’m sorry. I was just being stupid. I think maybe I was scared of getting hurt again because I really like you. I still really like you, actually. But I understand if you don’t feel the same way considering I sent you away after possibly one of my best nights ever.”

  “That’s a lot of words,” Jake said with a chuckle. “I’m not sure what to say.”

  “Don’t say anything,” I said with a shake of my head. “I never should’ve brought this up right now. You have more important things to deal with than my love confession.”

  He froze. “Love?”

  “Um. Not love. I don’t know why I said that.” I wished that I could run away, but Jake was still holding me firmly by the hand. “Please forget I said that.”

  “I’m not sure that’s going to be possible.” He moved closer, taking my other hand. “Do you love me, Kate?”

  “No,” I said instantly, trying to make myself believe the lie. “Maybe.”

  His face was just a few inches from mine and his smile reached all the way to his sparkling eyes. I nearly melted. “Okay, fine. I may have feelings of love toward you. Or something.”

  “Kate, I love you, too.” He wasn’t teasing anymore.

  My heart thumped in my chest as I said, “Prove it.”

  His lips were on mine instantly in a kiss filled with longing and desire. Neither of us were at all embarrassed to be making out in such a public place. All that mattered was that we finally had each other.

  “The boys won’t be home tonight,” I said when we came up for air. “Who has your other kids?”

  “My mother is in town. I’m sure she’d be glad to stay overnight.” He smiled playfully. “If you want me to come over, I mean.”

  “I do. I want you, Jake Delroy.”



  “Dad. Come on!”

  Marta pulled hard on my hand. I laughed and let her yank me forward through the crowd. It seemed like the block party got more crowded every year. I was starting to not recognize all of the people we passed.

  “Slow down, kiddo. The night is young,” I yelled over the noise.

  “She’s just excited to be here.” Kate squeezed my other hand and leaned into me, kissing my cheek. “Aren’t you?”

  I looked into her eyes and felt a familiar rush of pleasure run through my body. Even after dating for six months, the feeling hadn’t faded. “You have no idea.”

  “Dork.” She grinned at me, flashing her dimple.

  “Dad!” Marta tugged my hand harder. “Stop flirting with Kate and move! I want to play the goldfish game.”

  “Alright, alright!” To Kate, I said, “How does she know what flirting is?”

  Kate shrugged. “Maybe because you are such an obvious flirter.”

  “I am not.” I pretended to be insulted. “I’m going to take her over to the games. Do you want to see if you can find the others in this crowd?”

  “Sure. I’m up for the challenge.” She kissed me again. “Don’t be gone too long, okay? I’ll miss you. Marta, good luck.”

  “I don’t need luck. I’ve got skill.” Marta tossed her ponytail.

  I was glad that Marta was all talk when we walked away from the goldfish game empty-handed. I didn’t need to deal with a goldfish funeral in a couple of days. But Marta wasn’t done yet. We ended up playing nearly every game until I won her a giant stuffed panda at the ring toss.

  “I’m going to name him John,” she announced proudly.

  “What? I’m the one that won it for you.” I feigned hurt. “Uncle John never would have won anything. He’s got a terrible aim.”

  Marta ignored me. “Let’s go find Kate! I want to show her my panda.”

  Over the years I had grown used to being a slave for the women I loved. I dutifully followed along behind as we made our way to the open seating area. Kate had texted with a general idea of where we could find them. I didn’t spot the group until we were a few yards away.

  “Over there!” Marta pointed excitedly and took off running.

  Seeing my family had the opposite effect on me. I found my steps slowing as I got closer. It was a rare treat to be able to observe all of them without being noticed.

  Julia was there with Grayson, sitting too close on a blanket for my liking. Chris, J.J., and Denton were seated behind them. They were throwing acorns and Grayson and laughing. Marta flopped next to Kate and started jabbering about her new stuffed animal.

  Next to them, John and Glory were seated practically on top of each other. John had his arm around Glory and she was holding their daughter in her arms. Eva had been out of the hospital for almost three months now and was thriving. Jack stood nearby, looking down at his sister and giggling. John was looking at all of them in awe, love-struck in the most obvious way. He had been a changed man since Eva’s birth, recommitted to his family. I had never seen him look happier.

  “You’re just in time,” Kate said, smiling up at me as I stood next to her. One lone firework lit up the sky. I sank down next to her on the blanket and she leaned her head on my shoulder. “You okay? You look…lost.”

  “No, I’m not lost.” I put an arm around her shoulders and looked to the sky as it lit up in a vibrant array o
f colors. “This is what happens after lost. I’ve finally found myself again.”

  About the Author

  Hunter J. Keane lives in Chicago where she surrounds herself with good food, great books, and fantastic friends. She is the author numerous contemporary novels. When she isn’t busy writing, Hunter is fighting crime and solving world peace. Check out more of Hunter’s novels:

  Second Chance Love Story Series

  Searching for Glory

  The Sweet Surrender

  A Rocker and a Hard Place

  About That Night

  And Then You

  Restless Hearts Series

  Falling for Denver

  Love in London

  French Kissing

  Serenity Beach Series

  Finding Serenity

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  Keep reading for a sample from About That Night


  In tenth grade, I met the boy of my dreams. Dylan was smart, funny, and quarterback of the football team. Best of all- he adored me. We were madly in love and I swore that I would marry him one day. By the end of senior year, he was gone. That was my first taste of love and my first experience with loss.

  Love was hard. Saying goodbye to someone you loved was harder. But living after goodbye was nearly impossible.

  After such a hard introduction, I promised myself that I was done with love for the foreseeable future.

  Seven years later, one week shy of my graduation from law school, I was stubbornly holding true to that promise.

  “Come on, Kase. It’s just one night. Have a little fun.”

  “I have finals next week, Jen. I can’t blow them off to get drunk with you tonight.”


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