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by J. R. R. Tolkien

  *Onodló Sindarin name of the river Entwash. Onodrim Sindarin name for Ents. See Enyd.

  *Orchaldor Númenórean, husband of Ailinel the sister of Tar-Aldarion; father of Soronto.

  Orcs Passim ; Orc-men of Isengard

  Order of Wizards . See Heren Istarion.

  Orfalch Echor The great ravine through the Encircling Mountains by which Gondolin was approached; also simply the Orfalch.

  *Orleg A man of Túrin’s outlaw-band, slain by Orcs on the road to Nargothrond.

  Orodreth Second son of Finarfin; King of Nargothrond after the death of Finrod Felagund; father of Finduilas. Lord of Narog.

  Orodruin ‘Mountain of Blazing Fire’ in Mordor, in which Sauron forged the Ruling Ring.

  Oromë One of the great Valar, called the Lord of Forests.

  Oromet Hill near Andúnië in the west of Númenor on which was built the tower of Tar-Minastir.

  *Oropher King of the Silvan Elves in Greenwood the Great; slain in the War of the Last Alliance; father of Thranduil.

  *Orrostar ‘Eastlands’, the eastern promontory of Númenor.

  Orthanc The great Númenórean tower in the Circle of Isengard, afterwards the abode of Saruman. Orthanc-stone, Stone of Orthanc, the palantír of Orthanc.

  Osgiliath The chief city of ancient Gondor, on either side of Anduin. Stone of Osgiliath, the palantír.

  Ossë Maia of the Sea, vassal of Ulmo.

  Ossiriand ‘Land of Seven Rivers’ between the river Gelion and the Blue Mountains in the Elder Days. See Lindon.

  Ost-in-Edhil The city of the Elves in Eregion.

  Ostoher Seventh King of Gondor.

  palantíri (Singular palantír). The seven Seeing Stones brought by Elendil and his sons from Númenor; made by Fëanor in Aman. (in Part 4 § III frequently referred to as the Stone(s)).

  *Palarran ‘Far-Wanderer’, a great ship built by Tar-Aldarion.

  *Pallando One of the Blue Wizards (Ithryn Luin).

  *Parmaitë Name given to Tar-Elendil. (Quenya parma ‘book’; the second element is no doubt -maitë ‘-handed’, cf. Tar-Telemmaitë).

  Parth Celebrant ‘Field (grassland) of Silverlode’; Sindarin name usually translated Field of Celebrant

  Parth Galen ‘Green Sward’, a grassy place on the northern slopes of Amon Hen by the shore of Nen Hithoel.

  Pass of Caradhras See Caradhras.

  Pass of Imladris See Cirith Forn en Andrath.

  Pelargir City and haven on the delta of Anduin.

  Pelendur Steward of Gondor.

  Pelennor (Fields) ‘Fenced Land’, the ‘townlands’ of Minas Tirith, guarded by the wall of Rammas Echor, on which was fought the greatest battle of the War of the Ring.

  Pelóri The mountains on the coast of Aman.

  Peregrin Took Hobbit of the Shire, one of the Fellowship of the Ring. Called Pippin.

  Perian Sindarin word translated Halfling; plural periannath.

  Petty-dwarves A race of Dwarves in Beleriand described in The Silmarillion. See Nibin-noeg, Noegyth Nibin.

  Pillar, The See Meneltarma.

  Pippin See Peregrin Took.

  Poros River flowing down from the Ephel Dúath to join Anduin above its delta. See Fords of the Poros.

  Púkel-men Name in Rohan for the images on the road to Dun-harrow, but also used as a general equivalent to Drúedain. See Old Púkel-land.

  Quendi Original Elvish name for all Elves.

  Quenya The ancient tongue, common to all Elves, in the form that it took in Valinor; brought to Middle-earth by the Noldorin exiles, but abandoned by them as a daily speech, save in Gondolin; for its use in Númenor. High Speech of the Noldor, of the West; High-elven.

  Radagast One of the Istari (Wizards). See Aiwendil.

  *Ragnir A blind servant of Húrin’s house in Dor-lómin.

  Rána ‘The Wanderer’, a name of the Moon.

  *ranga Númenórean measure, a full pace, slightly longer than a yard.

  Rangers The Dúnedain of the North after the end of the North Kingdom, secret guardians of Eriador.

  *Ras Morthil A name of Andrast.

  Rath Dínen ‘The Silent Street’ in Minas Tirith.

  Red Arrow The ‘war-arrow’ sent from Gondor to Rohan as a token of the need of Minas Tirith.

  Red Eye The emblem of Sauron.

  Red Ring See Narya.

  Region The dense forest forming the southern part of Doriath.

  Rhosgobel The dwelling of Radagast at the edge of Mirkwood near the Carrock. (The name is stated to mean ‘russet “town”(i.e. enclosure)’.)

  Rhovanion Wilderland, the great region east of the Misty Mountains. King of Rhovanion, Vidugavia.

  Rhudaur One of the three kingdoms into which Arnor was divided in the ninth century of the Third Age, lying between the Misty Mountains, the Ettenmoors, and the Weather Hills.

  Rhûn ‘East’, used generally of the lands of the further East of Middle-earth. Sea of Rhûn.

  Rían Wife of Huor and mother of Tuor.

  Riddermark See Mark, The.

  Riders (i) SeeÉothéod. (ii) Riders of Rohan, see Rohirrim. (iii)

  Black Riders , see Nazgûl.

  Ringló River in Gondor, joining the Morthond north-east of Dol Amroth. (It is stated that the Ringló ‘drew its first waters from a high snowfield that fed an icy tarn in the mountains. If this at seasons of snow-melting spread into a shallow-lake it would account for the name, another of the many that refer to a river’s source.’ See the account of Gwathló. )

  Rings of Power The Rings, Rings of Power . The Ring, the One Ring, the Ruling Ring, the Ring of Power, Gollum’s Ring, Ring of Isildur Nine Rings of Men; Seven Rings of the Dwarves, the last of the Seven; Three Rings of the Elves, and see Narya, Nenya, Vilya. Fellowship of the Ring War of the Ring; the Ringbearer Ringwraiths See Nazgûl.

  Rivendell Translation of Sindarin Imladris; Elrond’s dwelling in a deep valley of the Misty Mountains.

  Rivil Stream falling northwards from Dorthonion and flowing into Sirion at the Fen of Serech.

  Roads (1) In Beleriand in the Elder Days: (i) The highway from Tol Sirion to Nargothrond by the Crossings of Teiglin; called the old South Road. (ii) The East Road, from Mount Taras in the West, crossing Sirion at the Brithiach and Aros at the Arossiach, perhaps leading to Himring. (iii) See Dwarf-road (i).

  (2) East of the Blue Mountains: (i) The great Númenórean road linking the Two Kingdoms, by Tharbad and the Fords of Isen; called the North-South Road and (east of the Fords of Isen) the West Road; also the Great Road, the Royal Road, the horse-road, the Greenway; other references. (ii) The branch road from (i) going to the Hornburg (see Deeping-road). (iii) The road from Isengard to the Fords of Isen. (iv) The Númenórean road from the Grey Havens of Rivendell, traversing the Shire; called the East-West Road, the East Road; other references. (v) The road descending from the Pass of Imladris, crossing Anduin at the Old Ford, and traversing Mirkwood; called the Old Forest Road, the Forest Road and Men-i-Naugrim, the Dwarf-road, (vi) Númenórean roads east of Anduin: the road through Ithilien called the North Road; roads east and north from the Morannon

  *Rochan(d) See Rohan.

  *Rochon Methestel ‘Rider of the Last Hope’, the name of a song made concerning Borondir Udalraph.

  *Róg The actual name (plural Rógin) of the Drúedain in the language of the Rohirrim, represented by the translation Woses.

  Rohan Form in Gondor of the Sindarin name Rochan(d), ‘the Horse-country’, the great grassy plain originally the northern part of Gondor, and then called Calenardhon. See Mark, The; Gap of Rohan; Rohirrim.

  Rohirrim ‘The Horse-lords’ of Rohan. Riders of Rohan. See Eorlings, Éothéod.

  Rómendacil I Tarostar, eighth King of Gondor, who took the title of Rómendacil ‘East-victor’ after his repulse of the first attacks on Gondor by Easterlings.

  Rómendacil II Minalcar, for many years Regent and afterwards nineteenth King of Gondor, who took the title of Rómendacil after his great defeat of the Easterl
ings in Third Age 1248.

  Rómenna ‘Eastwards’, great haven in the east of Númenor. Firth of Rómenna; Bay of Rómenna

  *Royal Road See Roads.

  *Rú,Rúatan Quenya forms derived from the word Drughu, corresponding to Sindarin Drû, Drúadan.

  Running, River See Celduin.

  Sackville-Baggins Name of a family of Hobbits of the Shire. Otho

  Sackville-Baggins , Lotho.

  *Sador Serving-man of Húrin in Dor-lómin and friend of Túrin in his childhood, by whom he was called Labadal; called Onefoot.

  Saeros Nandorin Elf, counsellor of King Thingol; insulted Túrin in Menegroth, and by him pursued to his death.

  Sam(wise) Gamgee Hobbit of the Shire, one of the Fellowship of the Ring, and companion of Frodo in Mordor. Master Samwise.

  *Sarchnia HînHúrin ‘Grave of the Children of Húrin’ (Brethil). Sarn Athrad ‘Ford of Stones’, where the Dwarf-road from Nogrod and Belegost crossed the river Gelion.

  Sarn Ford Partial translation of Sarn Athrad ‘Ford of Stones’, ford over the Baranduin at the extreme southern point of the Shire.

  Sarn Gebir ‘Stone-spikes’, name of rapids in Anduin above the Argonath, so called because of upright stake-like spikes of rock at their beginning.

  Saruman ‘Man of Skill’, name among Men of Curunír (which it translates), one of the Istari (Wizards) and the head of their order. See Curumo, Curunír; White Messenger.

  Sauron ‘The Abhorred’, greatest of the servants of Melkor, in his origin a Maia of Aulë. Part 2 §IV passim. Called the Dark Lord, the Dark Power, and see Annatar, Artano, Aulendil. Sauron’s Isle, see Tol-in-Gaurhoth.

  Serech The great fen north of the Pass of Sirion, where the river Rivil flowed in from Dorthonion.

  seregon ‘Blood of Stone’, a plant with deep red flowers that grew on Amon Rûdh.

  Serni One of the rivers of Lebennin in Gondor. (The name is a derivative of Sindarin sern ‘small stone, pebble’, equivalent of Quenya sarnië ‘shingle, pebble-bank’. ‘Though Serni was the shorter river its name was continued to the sea after its confluence with Gilrain. Its mouth was blocked with shingles, and at any rate in later times ships approaching Anduin and making for Pelargir went by the eastern side of Tol Falas and took the sea-way passage made by the Númenóreans in the midst of the Delta of Anduin.’)

  Shadowfax The great horse of Rohan ridden by Gandalf in the War of the Ring.

  *Shadowy Isles Probably a name for the Enchanted Isles.

  Shadowy Mountains See Ered Wethrin.

  *Sharbhund Name among the Petty-dwarves for Amon Rûdh.

  Shire, The The chief dwelling-place of Hobbits in the west of Eriador. Shire Calendar, Reckoning. Shire-folk.

  Silmarien Daughter of Tar-Elendil; mother of Valandil first Lord of Andúnië and ancestress of Elendil the Tall.

  Silmarils The three jewels made by Fëanor before the destruction of the Two Trees of Valinor, and filled with their light. See War of the Jewels.

  Silvan Elves Nandorin Elves who never passed west of the Misty Mountains but remained in the Vale of Anduin and in Greenwood the Great.

  Silvan Elvish , Silvan tongue. See Tawarwaith.

  Silverlode See Celebrant.

  simbelmynë A small white flower, also called alfirin and uilos. Translated Evermind.

  Sindar The Grey-elves; name applied to all the Elves of Telerin origin whom the returning Noldor found in Beleriand, save for the Greenelves of Ossiriand. Grey-elves.

  Sindarin Of the Sindar: Of the tongue of the Sindar: Tongue of Beleriand, Grey-elven tongue

  *Sîr Angren See Angren.

  *Siril The chief river of Númenor, flowing southwards from the Meneltarma.

  Sirion The great river of Beleriand. Fens of Sirion; Havens of Sirion, Sirion’s Haven, see Havens; Mouths of Sirion; Pass(es) of Sirion; Springs of Sirion; Vale (Valley) of Sirion.

  *Sîr Ninglor Sindarin name of the Gladden River.

  Smaug The great Dragon of Erebor. In many references called the Dragon.

  Sméagol Gollum.

  Snowbourn River rising under the Starkhorn and flowing out down Harrowdale and past Edoras.

  *Sorontil ‘Eagle-horn’, a great height on the coast of the northern promontory of Númenor.

  *Soronto Númenórean, son of Tar-Aldarion’s sister Ailinel and cousin of Tar-Ancalimë.

  South Downs Hills in Eriador south of Bree.

  Southern Realm See Gondor.

  Southfarthing One of the divisions of the Shire.

  South Kingdom See Gondor.

  Spyhill See Amon Ethir.

  Star (of Eärendil) See Eärendil; Land of the Star, see Númenor. Star of Elendil, Star of the North (Kingdom) See Elendilmir.

  Stewards of Gondor Book of the Stewards . See Arandur.

  Stock A village in the Shire, at the north end of the Marish.

  Stone of Eärendil See Elessar (1).

  Stones, The See palantíri.

  Stonewain Valley Valley in the Drúadan Forest at the eastern end of Ered Nimrais. (The name is a translation of *Imrath Gondraich; imrath means ‘a long narrow valley with a road or watercourse running through it lengthwise’.)

  Stoors One of the three peoples into which the Hobbits were divided; see Fallohides.

  *Strawheads Contemptuous name among the Easterlings in Hithlum for the People of Hador.

  Strider The name of Aragorn in Bree. Strongbow See Beleg.

  Súlimë Quenya name of the third month according to the Númenórean calendar, corresponding to March. See Gwaeron.

  Súrion See Tar-Súrion.

  *Súthburg Former name of the Hornburg.Swanfleet See Nînin-Eilph.

  talan (Plural telain). The wooden platforms in the trees of Lothlórien on which the Galadhrim dwelt. See flet.

  Talath Dirnen The plan north of Nargothrond, called the Guarded Plain.

  *taniquelassë Fragrant evergreen tree brought to Númenor by the Eldar of Eressëa.

  Taniquetil The Mountain of Manwë in Aman. See Amon Uilos, Oiolossë.

  Tar-Alcarin Seventeenth Ruler of Númenor.

  Tar-Aldarion Sixth Ruler of Númenor, the Mariner King; by the Guild of Venturers called the (Great) Captain. See Anardil.

  Tar -Amandil Third Ruler of Númenor, grandson of Elros Tar-Minyatur.

  Tar -Anárion Eighth Ruler of Númenor, son of Tar-Ancalimë and Hallacar of Hyarastorni. Daughters of Tar-Anárion.

  Tar -Ancalimë Seventh Ruler of Númenor and the first Ruling Queen, daughter of Tar-Aldarion and Erendis. See Emerwen.

  Tar -Ancalimon Fourteenth Ruler of Númenor.

  *Tar -Anducal Name taken as Ruler of Númenor by Herucalmo, who usurped the throne on the death of Tar-Vanimeldë his wife.

  Tarannon Twelfth King of Gondor. See Falastur.

  *Tar -Ardamin Nineteenth Ruler of Númenor, called in Adûnaic Ar-Abattârik.

  Taras Mountain on a promontory of Nevrast, beneath which was Vinyamar, the ancient dwelling of Turgon.

  *Taras -ness The headland from which Mount Taras rose.

  Tar -Atanamir Thirteenth Ruler of Númenor, called the Great and the Unwilling.

  Tar -Calion Quenya name of Ar-Pharazôn. Tar-Calmacil Eighteenth Ruler of Númenor, called in Adûnaic Ar-Belzagar.

  Tar -Ciryatan Twelfth Ruler of Númenor.

  Tar -Elendil Fourth Ruler of Númenor, father of Silmarien and Meneldur. See Parmaitë.

  *Tar -Elestirnë ‘Lady of the Star-brow’, name given to Erendis.

  *Tar -Falassion Quenya name of Ar-Sakalthôr. Tar-Herunúmen Quenya name of Ar-Adûnakhôr.

  *Tar -Hostamir Quenya name of Ar-Zimrathon.

  *Tarmasundar ‘Roots of the Pillar’, the five ridges extending from the base of the Meneltarma.

  Tar -Meneldur Fifth Ruler of Númenor, astronomer, father of Tar-Aldarion. See Elentirmo, Írimon.

  Tar -Minastir Eleventh Ruler of Númenor, who sent the fleet against Sauron.

  Tar -Minyatur Name of Elros as first Ruler of Númenor.

  Tar -Míriel Daughter of Tar-Palantir; forced into marriage by Ar-Pharazôn, and as his queen named in Adûnaic Ar-Zimraphel.

  Tarostar Given name of Rómendacil I.

  Tar -Palantir Twenty-fourth Ruler of Númenor, who repented of the ways of the Kings and took his name in Quenya: ‘He who looks afar’; named in Adûnaic (Ar-) Inziladûn.

  Tar -Súrion Ninth Ruler of Númenor.

  Tar -Telemmaitë Fifteenth Ruler of Númenor, so named (‘Silver-handed’) for his love of silver.

  *Tar-Telemnar Quenya name of Ar-Gimilzôr.

  Tar-Telperien Tenth Ruler of Númenor and the second Ruling Queen.

  Tar-Vanimeldë Sixteenth Ruler of Númenor and the third Ruling Queen.

  Taur-e-Ndaedelos ‘Forest of the Great Fear’, Sindarin name of Mirkwood. See Taur-nu-Fuin.

  Taur-en-Faroth Wooded highlands to the west of the river Narog above Nargothrond. The Faroth; the High Faroth.

  Taur-nu-Fuin ‘Forest under Night’. (i) Later name of Dorthonion, (ii) A name of Mirkwood. See Taur-e-Ndaedelos.

  *Tawar-in-Drúedain The Drúadan Forest.

  *Tawarwaith ‘The Forest People’, the Silvan Elves.

  Teiglin A tributary of Sirion, rising in Ered Wethrin and bounding the Forest of Brethil on the south. Crossings of Teiglin, the Crossings, where the road to Nargothrond crossed the river.

  Telchar Renowned Dwarf-smith of Nogrod.

  *Teleporno High-elven name of Celeborn (2).

  Teleri The third of the Three Kindreds of the Eldar on the Great Journey from Cuiviénen; of whom were the Elves of Alqualondë in Aman and the Sindar and Nandor in Middle-earth. The Third Clan. See Lindar.

  Telerin Of the Teleri. Of the tongue of the Teleri.

  Telperion The elder of the Two Trees, the White Tree of Valinor. In Quenya Tyelperion.

  Telumehtar Twenty-eighth King of Gondor; called Umbardacil ‘Conqueror of Umbar’ after his victory over the Corsairs in Third Age 1810.

  Thain’s Book A copy of the Red Book of Westmarch made at the request of King Elessar and brought to him by the Thain Peregrin Took when he retired to Gondor; much annotated afterwards in Minas Tirith.

  Thalion See Húrin.

  *thangail ‘Shield-fence’, a battle-formation of the Dúnedain.

  Thangorodrim ‘Mountains of Tyranny’, reared by Morgoth above Angband; broken down in the Great Battle at the end of the First Age.


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