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Indiscretions Page 27

by Gail Ranstrom

  Panic nearly clogged her throat as she saw a man bending over the crib. And then he turned around.

  Hunt was cradling Violette in his left arm and letting her chew on his right knuckle as he made soothing sounds. He looked up from the baby and met her gaze.

  “Shh,” he whispered. “She’s almost asleep again. She just needed a little comforting.”

  Elise nodded and went to look down at the peaceful little girl. Her face screwed up into a grimace, working into another cry.

  She held her breath as she looked into Hunt’s face. He was smiling as he shifted the bundle to his shoulder. Actually smiling. He winked at her as if he suspected what she’d been afraid of. And then it occurred to her that she’d never have to be afraid of a baby’s cry again. Never.

  “Good practice for us, wouldn’t you say?” he asked as he dropped his gaze to the small swell just becoming apparent at her waistline.

  She nodded again, marveling that a man like Hunt—a man who had brought an end to a murderous pirate scheme, who had found the strength to do the dreadful jobs that other men shirked from, who had nearly sacrificed his own soul—could be so patient and tender. Her eyes filled with tears at the wonder of it.

  He eased Violette back into the crib, pulled the blanket over her and then bent to lift Elise in his arms to carry her back to their bed.

  She could not help but think how far she had come in the past few months. From isolation and fear to friends and acceptance. From uncertainty to security. But most importantly, from loneliness to love.

  No more hesitation, no more doubts and, please, God, no more indiscretions….

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-2503-9


  Copyright © 2006 by Gail Ranstrom

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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