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Salvation Page 18

by Eden Robins

  Unable to tear her gaze from his, she slid her hands under his shirt and let her fingers wander along his hot skin. His gaze flared bright with desire as the ridges of his stomach clenched under her touch. Eric’s jaw tightened and a low growl rumbled in his throat when she found his nipples. They were tight and hard, as if anticipating her touch. She teased them for a moment, just long enough for Eric’s eyes to narrow dangerously.

  Before she knew what happened, he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her tightly against him. Her hands were trapped under his shirt. She could feel Eric’s heart beating a fast staccato rhythm beneath them. He slid one hand around her shoulder to keep her close and slipped the other one into her hair. Pulling slightly on her tresses, he forced her to tilt her head back.

  Sabrina gasped.

  Eric needed no other invitation. He closed the distance between them and pressed his mouth tightly to hers. Teasing her with soft nibbles and licks, her lips were soon swollen and stinging with pleasure. She tried to push closer, but he wouldn’t allow it. He pulled her hair just enough to keep her in place but not enough to hurt. She was completely at his mercy.

  It drove her wild.

  Sabrina wanted, no, needed to feel his lips hard and demanding against hers. She imagined the thrust of his tongue as it delved into her mouth over and over again, exploring and claiming her mouth. Memories of kisses and touches they had shared in the past made it even worse.

  She moaned softly and squirmed restlessly against his hold, but he held her away. After one particularly teasing nibble he pulled his head back. Her eyes were closed as she hungrily savored his touch.

  “Open your eyes, gatita. Look at me with those beautiful cat eyes.”

  Eric’s deep, sexy voice brooked no argument.

  Sabrina’s eyes fluttered open and she tried to focus on Eric’s beautiful golden gaze. His eyes had turned a darker color, almost like burnt gold, deeper and less shiny. She swallowed hard when she saw just how hungry he looked. His stare told her exactly how much he wanted her.

  It had always been like this between them. A connection that was unexplainable. An attraction that was undeniable and incredibly powerful.

  Skimming his fingers up and down her back, his touch told her in no uncertain terms how much he wanted her.

  “You know I want you, Sabrina. You can see it in my eyes, feel it in my touch.”

  Eric lowered his head then and brought his mouth close to her ear. The feel of his breath tickled her skin. She shuddered and shivered and her nipples tightened and pressed almost painfully between them.

  “What I need to know, gatita, is if you want me. Tell me. Are you as hungry for me as I am for you?”

  Sabrina was lost. His husky, hungry voice, his breath against her skin and her hands against his hot, hard chest. It made her dizzy with need. She wanted to get herself back under control, but couldn’t find her ground. She squeezed her fingers involuntarily and felt him tense beneath her touch.

  “Tell me now, gatita,” Eric gasped in a strangled voice. “I need to know.”

  The words left her lips without thought. There was no need to ponder this. Her response was natural. “Yes, I want you. I want you so much I ache.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Her words fueled the already burning inferno that raged within him.

  She wanted him.

  That was all Eric needed to know. Sabrina was in his arms willingly. And if her touch was any indicator, she was more than just willing. She was hungry for him, hungry in the way that he was—as if touching her was as important as taking his next breath.

  The rest of the world faded away as he laid her back on the bed. Gently following her down, he hovered over her. She slid her hands around his waist and tried to pull him closer. The feel of her soft hands sliding over his body made him shudder with need.

  Bracing his arms on either side of her head, he allowed her to bring him closer. Her lips parted invitingly and he couldn’t resist. Pressing against them, he felt her softness yield beneath him. Something male and completely primal flared to life inside of him. Her softness called to him. Her surrender made him want to roar triumphantly.

  Eric slid his mouth over hers, back and forth again and again until Sabrina parted her lips willingly. The hunter in him took charge. He delved his tongue into her and explored her soft, moist recesses. Sabrina arched against him, pressing her chest to his. He could feel her tight nipples through her shirt and he growled with pleasure. Her body was reacting to him. Telling him how much she wanted him.

  Sabrina’s tongue tentatively touched his and he nearly lost it. He met her soft question with his own hard answer. They engaged in a tangled dance of thrust and parry that left his body painfully hard.

  He pressed his hips against hers and she parted her legs, cradling him between her thighs, welcoming him to her body. He groaned as he imagined tearing her clothes away and plunging deeply into her warm, wet softness.

  Sabrina wrapped her legs around his waist. She squeezed him tight, bringing him closer. He allowed it, holding back yet reveling in the pleasure of her wanting him and letting him know just how much with her body. Eric would give her that, for now, because once he had her, once he was deep inside her, there would be no stopping him.

  His cock strained painfully against his pants. He had gone commando that day, choosing not to wear any underwear. He often did this, liking the freedom it gave him. But now, knowing how easy it would be just to take off his pants and delve into her hot, wet core, it was almost impossible to keep his restraint.

  His thoughts scattered in a million directions as he felt Sabrina’s fingers move under his shirt, sliding over his stomach. His muscles trembled from her soft touch. He clenched his teeth, trying to control himself. But her contact didn’t stop there. She moved higher, running her hands over his chest. His nipples tightened and she teased their stiff peaks again. He sucked in a breath and his hips bucked forward before he could catch himself.

  He couldn’t take much more.

  Grabbing her hands, he pulled them out of his shirt and pushed them over her head. Holding them there, he lifted his head and stared into Sabrina’s eyes. They were half closed, lost in the pleasure of the moment. Her lips were parted, still wet and swollen from his kisses, and she was softly panting.

  He wanted to hold her image in his mind forever. Desire, longing, need and passion were written all over her beautiful face. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  And he wanted her so much he ached. But now it was more than just lust. As he’d seen Sabrina lying weak and helpless in her bed earlier, the need to protect and cherish had roared through his mind. The wall around his heart had cracked and crumbled away, and the truth hit him like a freight train.

  He was in love with Sabrina.

  He was in love with a dragon.

  Eric would have laughed at the irony of it all if his body wasn’t wound so tight with desire he thought it might snap. It was too much.

  His control slipped. Holding both of her hands above her head with one hand, he used his other to lift Sabrina’s shirt. His hand glided over her satiny skin and he felt goose bumps rise on her delectable flesh. He pushed the fabric up to her neck and gazed at her breasts. They were perfect. Just enough to fill his hand but not too big, they looked like luscious fruit he couldn’t resist. He lowered his head and wrapped his mouth around one of her nipples.

  Sabrina gasped but Eric ignored it as he played with her tight peak, running his tongue over it again and again until he felt it swell even more under his ministrations. Then he sucked on it, drawing it deeper into his mouth. Sabrina moaned and arched into his mouth, pushing more of her into him. After a few strong tugs, he gave her other breast the attention it deserved. She moaned louder and squirmed against him, struggling to free her hands.

  But he wasn’t ready to let her go.

  Not just yet.

  She was his.

  Pushing himself up, slightly away from her, he allowed her to k
eep her legs wrapped around his waist. Sabrina held on tight, unwilling to let him go. He liked that. He savored knowing that she wanted him, so much that he was sorely tempted to take her then and there. Barely holding himself back, Eric slipped his fingers back down her soft belly and encountered the edge of her panties. Her stomach quivered from his touch.

  He played with the waistband for a time, teasingly running his fingers just underneath the edge but not delving fully inside. Sabrina made a needy noise deep in her throat and lifted her hips to him.

  Eric’s cock twitched with need. He wouldn’t last much longer. But he had to touch her, he had to know just how wet she was. Slipping his hand inside her panties, he found her woman’s core. Unable to wait, he delved one finger inside her slippery heat while lightly biting her nipple. Sabrina gasped and bucked her hips hard, almost lifting herself off the bed. He clenched his jaw and struggled for control. She was so wet his fingers were instantly covered with her sweet juices.

  His mouth watered at the thought of tasting her woman’s center. She would be sweet like honey. And he would lap her up, lick and suck on her sweetness until she came in his mouth.

  But not now. He couldn’t take her now.

  He slipped his fingers out. Sabrina cried out in protest. Lifting his head, he kissed her, catching her cry in his mouth. He wanted her to cry out as she came again and again, but not tonight. She needed to recover from her ordeal. She needed to be fully herself. When he took her, and now he understood that he would take her, he wanted her to be completely herself and willingly choose to be with him.

  He tried to lift up, away from her but she wouldn’t unwrap her legs.

  “No. Not yet,” Sabrina said in a hoarse whisper. “I’m not ready to let you go yet.”

  “I know, gatita, but you must. You are in no shape for this.”

  “But I want you, Eric. I want you now.”

  Her words sent lust pounding through him. Made him want to forget about everything but making love to her.

  “I want you too, Sabrina. More than you know. But I want you healthy. I want you strong. And I want you in a state of mind that you can decide, truly decide if you want me. Because once you do, and I know it’s going to happen soon, I will take you ruthlessly and without mercy, again and again and again, until you’re screaming your release to the world.”

  Eric’s words sent a thrill through Sabrina’s body. Her reaction was immediate. The visual it created was so intense she wanted to grab him and pull him back down to her.

  But it was no use.

  He gently untangled her legs from his waist and moved back. Sabrina said nothing. She watched him in the dim room, noticing that the early morning light was starting to filter in. It didn’t show much of his face but she could see the outlines of his features.

  They were strong yet beautiful. Just like the rest of him. His body was firm and hard, muscular and all man. Yet he wielded it gracefully and his touch had always been gentle. Then there was his mind. As they stared at each other in the dimly lit room, Sabrina couldn’t help but wonder at his mind. He was analytical and intelligent, yet also philosophical and poetic. The dichotomy of this man took her breath away.

  She didn’t have long to ponder it, however, as Eric began backing toward the door. “I need to leave you now, gatita. You must rest. Your body needs to get stronger.”

  And without another word, he turned and left the room.

  Sabrina’s mind immediately went to war. A part of her was so sad to see Eric walk out of her room. A part of her had wanted him and had wanted him to stay and make love to her once and for all. They were past due. It was meant to be. They needed to join. They needed to mate.

  The other part of her was glad he had left. Hadn’t he made her life a living hell since breaking up with her? Hadn’t he been the one to say goodbye without a second glance, cruelly tossing her aside as if she were of no importance to him?

  But things had changed. Eric now knew she was a dragon but he still wanted her. Her heart soared with joy at that thought. He had accepted her, no, embraced her despite her heritage. And last night their connection had shifted, deepened and grew stronger. She had felt it and she knew instinctively that he had too. Sabrina’s conflicted emotions kept her awake. She tried to go back to sleep but ended up tossing and turning until her mother came breezing into her room a couple of hours later bearing a tray of food.

  “How are you feeling this morning, mi hija? I brought you some breakfast.” Setting the tray on the bed, her mother smiled happily at her.

  “I’m feeling much better, Mom. Thank you for the breakfast tray. Did you and Dad spend the night?”

  Her mother nodded. “Yes. Eric moved his things so we could sleep in the guestroom.”

  The mention of Eric’s name and the memory of their sensual encounter earlier sent Sabrina’s heart beating rapidly. Trying to focus on her mother’s words instead of the visual her mind was conjuring up, she asked the first thing that came to mind.

  “Where did Eric sleep?”

  “On the couch,” her mother answered, pushing the tray up to Sabrina and uncovering the plate of food. “Wasn’t that nice? I had some doubts about him last night, but I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s truly a good man. He really wants to do his best to protect and take care of you.”

  Sabrina was only half listening to her mother’s words. She had finally found something to distract her from thoughts of Eric.

  “What is this?” she asked, shocked by the mounds of meat on the plate in front of her. It looked like a meat lover’s delight. There was bacon, ham, sausage, steak and hamburgers piled high.

  Helaina crossed her arms over her chest in the way she used to when Sabrina was a child. It was a stance the brooked no argument. Her mother’s words were firm.

  “That’s just what the doctor told me to make for you. He said the key to you feeling better was lots of protein, specifically, lots of meat. Keep in mind, mi hija, we are dragons, and our diet for centuries has included a lot of meat. It’s what your body needs. So, young lady, I expect you to eat as much of it as you can over the next couple of days.”

  Sabrina studied her plate and found that she wasn’t completely repulsed by the slabs of meat in front of her. In fact, the smell of all of it was making her mouth water. Maybe the doctor was right. Maybe protein was just what she needed right now.

  “Thanks for making me breakfast, Mama,” she said between bites. “This tastes really great right now. And I don’t remember the last time I ate a meal in bed. I feel spoiled rotten. Thanks to you, I could get used to this kind of treatment!”

  Helaina laughed but Sabrina could tell her mother was glad to see her eating.

  “I’ve told you too many times to count that any time you want to come home and stay I’d love to have you. And I’d enjoy spoiling you for a while. Just remember that that invitation is always open, querida.”

  “Your mother’s right, Sabrina,” her father agreed, suddenly appearing in her doorway and joining her mother by her bed. He bent forward so that he could look her directly in the eyes. “Any time you want to come home and stay, we’d love to have you. In fact, maybe you should consider coming to stay with us for a while, now. Your room is clean and ready for you. That way we could keep a close eye on you. How does that sound, ’Brina?”

  Sabrina knew her father meant well, yet there was a certain tenseness to his offer that made her wonder exactly what he was thinking about. She easily dismissed her worries. It was probably nothing more than her father being very concerned for her wellbeing.

  “Thanks for the offer, Papa,” Sabrina said, giving him a soft peck on the cheek. “I’ll think about it. But I’m probably just going to continue as I am. We’ve already discussed this. The university has hired Sundown Security for my protection. Combined with the campus security, that should be more than enough protection.”

  Her father held up his hand as if he were going to argue the point.

  Sabrina stopped him. �
��No. I’m going to make my scheduled appearances to promote this book and that’s that. I will not let this series of events divert me from my course. This book is a labor of love, and I feel it will greatly help our people.”

  “I understand, ’Brina. This is important to you. I will try to respect your wishes.”

  Sabrina was surprised by her father’s easy agreement. “Thank you, Papa. I’m glad you understand.”

  “I do, querida. In fact, that’s why I had invited some of the elders over to our house for dinner tonight, so your mother and I can share our pride in you and your book with them. You had said you’d like to be there. Are you still up to talking with them?”

  “Of course. I’m looking forward to it. I hope you both know how much your love and support has meant to me,” Sabrina said, hugging them both.

  “We know, darling. And I hope you know how proud of you we are,” Helaina said.

  “I do.”

  Manuel cleared his throat.

  “Ahem, well then, now that we’ve settled that, your mother and I have spoken to Eric.” Manuel glanced at Helaina. She frowned and nodded her head. “And we both agree that he will watch over you. Therefore, we’re going to head home. Just remember, Sabrina, if you need anything, please call us. We’ll check in with you daily, unless perhaps you want us to stay?”

  Manuel added the last question hopefully, ignoring Helaina’s elbow to his ribs.

  “No thanks, Papa. I think Eric and the university will do a good job of protecting me,” she assured her parents. “But if, for any reason, that changes, I’ll call.”

  After more hugs and goodbyes, Sabrina’s parents left the house.

  It was eerily quiet after that. Although she had been assured by her parents that Eric was in the house, she wasn’t sure where. Shrugging off her unease, she decided to take a bath. The nice warm water was just what she needed to help her relax. Yesterday’s events had made her overly sensitive to the fact that someone was stalking her and that that someone meant her harm.


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