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Salvation Page 21

by Eden Robins

  Sabrina had gasped.

  His eyes had been narrowed, burning bright with hunger and desire.

  Eric had returned his gaze to the road before she could look more deeply into that dangerous golden stare.

  She’d lifted her hand from his leg but he’d quickly grasped it and put it back down. This time right on his center. The hard steel she felt beneath his jeans had left her shaking.

  “No. Leave it there. You can’t stop now. We’re almost there.”

  “Where are we going?” she’d asked, her voice sounding breathless even to herself.

  “Here,” he said through gritted teeth. “We’re going here.”

  Eric had driven around a bend that partially hid the highway from view then pulled over to the side of the road. Placing the car in park, he’d undone his seatbelt without a word then undid hers.

  Sabrina had been confused.

  “What are you—oh!”

  Before she could finish her sentence, Eric had pulled her across the seat onto his lap. She had been pressed against his chest and his mouth was devouring hers before she knew what was happening. Several deep, searing kisses later, Eric had pulled away slightly, only to whisper into her ear.

  “Are you really as sexy as you seem?”

  His words had sent desire spiraling through her. Sabrina hadn’t been able to stop the soft moan that left her lips. The feel of his breath against her ear, as well as the intense question he asked, hit her hard. Right at the core of her. An ache started at her womanhood and speared through the rest of her body.

  She’d pressed herself tighter to his chest, savoring the feel of his hard angles against her soft curves. She’d pushed her hips down until she felt his manhood at her center. Grasping her hips, he’d slid her back and forth along his stiff length, letting her feel just how much he wanted her. Sabrina had gasped and her nipples had tightened and hardened. The friction from their contact had driven her crazy.

  Just when she’d thought she was going to explode with lust, Eric had lifted her up and put her back in her seat.

  “We need to stop now, or there won’t be any going back,” he’d said in a voice hoarse and deep.

  Sabrina’s hands had shaken as she buckled her seatbelt. Eric had been right. If they’d continued, things would get out of hand. She hadn’t wanted that. Not then, not in his car on the side of the road.

  As he’d started the engine and resumed their drive home, she’d been glad for the opportunity to catch her breath. She had never thought of herself as sexy until she met Eric. The way he had looked at her, talked to her, touched her, made her feel beautiful and desirable. She’d felt like a goddess beneath his gaze. It had been amazing, wonderful and frightening all at the same time.

  This man had made her feel “fluffy”. Such a silly word, but it had seemed to perfectly sum up her feelings when she was with Eric. She’d felt protected and cherished, desired and cared about, beautiful and sexy, respected and admired. She had felt incredible with him.

  Then, in the midst of things going so fantastically, he’d dropped her like a hot potato.

  That thought brought her right back to the present. She had to remember that Eric was capable of switching his emotions on and off like a light, regardless of the fallout around him. And there was one more thing she needed to also remember.

  If he did it once, he could do it again.

  No thanks, she thought, crossing her arms across her chest and concentrating harder on the night passing by. She wasn’t going to play the pansy for that fall again. Let someone else do it. Eric had given her more than enough heartache and pain. She would not do that dance with him again.

  “Where are your thoughts, gatita?”

  Sabrina couldn’t help herself. The angry feelings about the way they’d parted were simmering too close. Turning his way, she narrowed her eyes and glared at him.

  “First of all, it’s none of your damn business what I’m thinking about and second, you need to stop calling me by that name. I am no one’s “little cat”. Understand?”

  Eric didn’t react the way she expected.

  Instead of looking surprised or upset, he looked amused. Yes, definitely amused. One corner of his mouth tilted up and the glint in his eyes was unmistakable.

  He was laughing at her inside! How dare he!

  “I don’t find anything amusing about my last request, Eric. Why are you smiling like that?” she demanded.

  Eric couldn’t stop the smile that spread across his face. Sabrina was just too damn cute for her own good. And when she got all riled up, hot and bothered, like she was now, he relished seeing her. He glanced her way again and told her with his eyes just how cute he thought she was.

  Her face grew flush.

  His body grew warm.

  “Stop looking at me like that, Eric,” she ordered. “You’re not allowed to stare at me in that way anymore. I so don’t want to go there with you again. That’s history I refuse to relive.”

  And that was that. Sabrina’s words settled heavily around them in the silence of the car. Like large, heavy bricks, they dropped between them, creating a barrier that was hard to break through.

  Eric didn’t like that. But before he could respond his cell phone rang. He checked the caller ID and saw that it was Maria. He immediately answered it. Maybe she had new information on Magnus for him.

  “This is Eric,” he answered the phone.

  “Hi, Eric. It’s Maria. I wanted to get back with you on that guy Magnus”

  “Thanks for calling. What were you able to find out?”

  “No much, unfortunately. It seems there’s very little known about him, other than the fact that he’s an odd recluse, living in a cave out in the desert. People say he is on a mission of ethnic cleansing.”

  “Ethnic cleansing?”

  “Yeah, but it’s not really folks’ ethnicity he’s worried about, it’s whether or not they have one particular trait.”

  “They’re dragons,” Eric said without hesitation.

  Maria nodded her head.

  “Exactly. He’s been contacting various groups around town, trying to create a stir.”

  “What kind of stir?”

  “He’s trying to set everyone against the dragon community. He even talked about a book that was coming out that would expose our whole paranormal community, and how it must be stopped.”

  Eric listened but didn’t say anything.

  “And one more thing. It seems Magnus is establishing quite an entourage of followers. He’s recruiting paranormals from every community to join in his fight against the dragons. Some have said he has even recruited dragons in his mission.”

  “He’s convinced them to go against their own kind.”

  “Yes. It seems this guy has very strong powers of persuasion. And when that doesn’t work, he uses drugs. I guess he’s quite the guru of drugs. He knows what to use to get just the effect he wants.”

  Eric thought back to Sabrina’s condition and knew firsthand just how skilled he was at using drugs on others.

  “That’s about all I found, Eric. I wish I could tell you more, but folks are really tight lipped about this fellow.”

  “No problem. You’ve told me plenty. I appreciate you looking into it.”

  “You’re welcome. So how are things going with your dragon?”

  Eric glanced over at Sabrina. She was staring out the passenger side window, chin jutting out stubbornly, her face grim.

  “It could be better,” he answered noncommittally. “I’ve gotta run. Thanks again.”

  “Any time. Good luck.”

  “Thanks. Bye.”

  After hanging up the phone, he thought for a moment about what Maria had told him. If Magnus was aggressively recruiting other paranormals to his cause, Eric needed to be even more careful and vigilant. An attack could come from anywhere or anyone.

  No matter. He would protect her with his life. She would stay safe with him.

  Sabrina loudly cleared her thro

  His thoughts flew back to her last statement. Eric knew their history, just as well as she did. And he didn’t want to relive it either. But he also knew what it was like between them now. He felt the pull of her every moment they were together. And he knew it wasn’t, couldn’t be, just one-sided. She wanted him too. And he wouldn’t tolerate her denial of that.

  Not now. And this time, to hell with the consequences, he was seeing it through. He knew he didn’t deserve rainbows and summer days, and that’s what Sabrina offered. But it was too late to turn back now.

  He loved her.

  He wanted her.

  And she wanted him.

  It was as simple as that.

  He would have her.

  Sabrina turned her attention back outside and clammed up. But Eric could feel the energy from her. He could feel her frustration and dissatisfaction. And he refused to let it go. If she wouldn’t be honest with herself, he’d make damn sure she was honest with him.

  It was like the time they had gone out to dinner with another couple. He remembered now that it had been Sabrina’s friend Ruben and his lover who’d joined them for dinner and dancing at a small Cuban restaurant. Sabrina and he had been at the tail end of their relationship and things had really been heating up for them. Just like now, he had known back then that making love to her was no longer an option. It would happen. He had been sure of it. She had been too.

  When he had picked her up for dinner that night, she’d surprised him by what she was wearing. Although she always looked beautiful and sexy, that night she had looked exceptionally tempting. She’d worn a lacy tank top and a short skirt with ruffles that just reached mid-thigh. The length of the skirt had drawn his attention to her luscious legs from the onset. And when she’d walked, the ruffles had bounced around, giving him enticing peeks of more leg.

  They’d eaten dinner, enjoying each other’s company as well as laughing with Ruben and his partner. He and Sabrina had touched and kissed throughout the night, and he had known without a doubt how much she wanted him.

  Or so he’d thought.

  It wasn’t until she’d leaned over and whispered in his ear that he realized just how much she wanted him and how desperate he was for her.

  “You know, I think I forgot to put panties on this evening.”

  Eric had choked on the sip of beer he had just swallowed. Once he’d managed to get air into his lungs again, his gaze had swung to Sabrina. She had been staring at him with wide-eyed innocence, yet there had been a glint of mischief in her gaze.


  She’d smiled then, that secret, seductive woman’s smile that had perplexed yet enticed men over the ages. And it had pulled at him, created a primal urge that was undeniable.

  “I think I forgot to put panties on tonight,” she’d repeated, this time ending her whispered explanation with a playful nip of his ear before pulling away.

  His body had exploded into a rush of lust. He’d wanted her then and there with a fire that was undeniable. The primal male that lay dormant inside had sprung to life and roared its need.

  Sabrina had given him one last, playful glance before turning back to Ruben and his partner. The blood roaring in Eric’s ears hadn’t let the content of their conversation reach his mind. The only thought that had filled his head was touching her. Feeling her. Sliding his hand under her skirt and dipping into her hot woman’s core.

  Ruben had smiled and laughed at something Sabrina said and Eric hadn’t been able to take it any longer.


  He’d known Ruben was gay. He’d known he would stake no claim on Sabrina, yet the alpha male that he was hadn’t been able to register that at that moment. Eric had had to declare her as his.

  Using as much control as he could muster, Eric had slid his hand under the table and onto Sabrina’s thigh. She’d gently covered his hand with hers, yet carried on her conversation with Ruben. He slipped his fingers higher and higher until they disappeared under the ruffles of her skirt. It was then that she’d gripped his hand firmly and tried to stop him.

  That, of course, had been intolerable.

  He’d stopped moving his hand but leaned toward Sabrina and whispered in her ear.

  “I will give you two choices. Either you willingly let me feel your sweet wetness, or I will make a scene in this restaurant. It doesn’t matter to me which one you choose. Either way I will touch you, gatita. After all, you started this.”

  Sabrina had stiffened and pulled away from him then. Or at least she had tried to. His grip on her thigh had remained gentle yet firm. Their eyes had met and held. There had been no fear in her heated gaze. She’d trusted him just as he’d trusted her. Her irises had darkened to a deep forest green and her desire had shot out at him, tangibly tightening his already hard body.

  Eric remembered Ruben making some comment about dancing and he and his lover had risen and left the table without another word. Neither he nor Sabrina had spoken. Eric had moved his hand higher then. He would touch her one way or another. He’d known that.

  And she would accept him.

  In his mind, there had been no other way.

  She’d given one last pull, attempting to stop him, but something in his eyes must have warned her because she’d loosened her grip. She’d kept her hand resting lightly on his as his finger slowly caressed her soft inner thigh but spread her legs slightly for him.

  He’d smiled. And he’d known it had been completely male, predatory and triumphant.

  She was his.

  His fingers had drawn little circles along her thigh as they got closer and closer to her woman’s heat.

  All the while, he and Sabrina had continued to stare into each other’s eyes.

  When he’d finally reached the apex of her thighs, he’d found no cloth barrier.

  His mind had exploded with almost uncontrollable craving. He’d had to touch her, to feel her warm, wet center.

  Eric had delved into her tight curls.

  Her wetness had coated his fingers like honey. He’d drawn his breath in sharply. Her scent, spicy and seductive, had filled his senses. He’d slipped deeper inside, between her lips. Sabrina’s eyes had flared wide and her mouth had parted in a quiet gasp. He’d wanted to cover her lips with his, catch that gasp in his mouth as he touched her again and again.

  He’d found her hard nub and run his thumb over it again and again. Sabrina had practically started panting then, her mouth slightly open, her eyes half closed. Desire had ridden him hard. She had looked like a woman ready for him, all of him.

  His woman.

  He’d wanted more.

  Eric had found her core and had gently delved one finger inside. Sabrina’s hips surged forward and she would have cried aloud if he hadn’t chosen that moment to kiss her. He had taken her cry inside of him, glorying in the sound of it. He’d slipped his finger in and out and in again as his thumb continued to caress her clit.

  Sabrina’s small cries grew more urgent and her hand had gently guided him back into her again and again.

  Eric had almost lost it.

  He’d had to stop.

  As much as he had said he didn’t have a problem creating a scene, he hadn’t wanted to embarrass Sabrina. He’d slowly managed to get control of himself. Slipping his finger out of her warm, wet, heat, he had removed his hand and straightened her skirt before ending their kiss.

  Pulling slightly away, he had put some space between them.

  Staring down at Sabrina’s desire-filled gaze, he had a hard time forming words but he’d managed it, barely.

  “Thank you, gatita. I enjoyed that immensely. I enjoyed you.”

  The rest of that evening had flown by. He and Sabrina had barely been able to keep their hands off each other. After saying goodbye to Ruben and his partner, Eric had driven Sabrina home. The ride back had been torture. She had kept running her fingers up and down his inner thigh, letting them linger on his hardness as she’d felt the extent of his desire with her hand
s. He had returned the favor, sliding one hand beneath her skirt as he drove, delving between her sweet thighs again and again. Sabrina had let him have his way, opening her legs, leaning her head back against the seat with her eyes closed.

  It was when she had started making those little pleasure sighs that he’d gotten into trouble. Her small cries had grown more and more urgent as his fingers played her beautiful body. Those noises had driven him crazy and his ability to think clearly had started to fade.

  Eric had actually had to pull his car over at one point. He had gotten so worked up his ability to drive had come into question. That had never happened to him before. A woman affecting his ability to function had been a new experience for him.

  When they’d finally made it back to Sabrina’s house, he had made a decision. Eric had wanted to make love to her. He had wanted to love her until they were both completely worn out, exhausted in each other’s arms. And if the way Sabrina was touching him and the desire in her eyes was any indicator, she had wanted the same thing.

  But it hadn’t been meant to be.

  As Sabrina had gotten out of his car, her cell phone had rung. It had been her mother. Her father had been having problems breathing and had been admitted to the hospital for observation. Eric had immediately driven her to the hospital to be with her family. Manuel had been released the next day with the recommendation that he follow up with a doctor to discuss his condition.

  That evening had marked the beginning of a new chapter of their relationship—and the end. Though they never made love, from that moment forward things had become much more intense and serious. And that’s what had eventually driven him away. He had felt too much for Sabrina. And he’d known that although she offered him rainbows and endless summer days, she wasn’t letting him in completely. She had still been holding back. So he had pushed her away in the most cutting, permanent way he could, devastating both of them.

  He had made a choice. He had decided that no one would be his salvation. Not even Sabrina. His life of gray skies, death and destruction was his destiny. He had chosen it and he’d felt he was obligated to follow through.


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