All I Want for Christmas is a Vampire las-5

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All I Want for Christmas is a Vampire las-5 Page 27

by Kerrelyn Sparks

  While Phineas and Dougal made a sweep of Romatech and the grounds, Ian called Angus to give him an update and request extra guards. Angus was still at Jean-Luc's home in Texas. Since Jack and Zoltan were planning to return to Europe soon, they agreed to stay in New York for a few nights before teleporting east. They would arrive before dawn.

  A quick check of the monitors in the security office showed him Toni's location. She was in the Romatech cafeteria with Sabrina, Carlos, and Teddy. He studied the monitor screen closely. Toni was wearing the heart necklace he'd ordered. That was a good sign. She was laughing with Carlos and Teddy. Sabrina was eating quietly, casting an occasional wary look at Carlos.

  According to Howard, Carlos, and Teddy had arrived an hour ago and filled out employment applications for MacKay Security and Investigation. Carlos would make an excellent guard when he wasn't busy tracking down more of his own kind. As for Teddy, Ian had different plans for him. He stopped in Shanna's office to pick up her folder, then he proceeded to the cafeteria.

  Toni's pretty green eyes lit up when he approached. Her hand moved to the golden heart on her chest. "Thank you."

  "Ye're welcome." He kissed her cheek, then greeted the others.

  Sabrina watched him curiously. "He's wearing a kilt," she whispered to Toni.

  "He's a medieval Scotsman," Toni whispered back.

  "Oh." Sabrina's eyes widened.

  "We have some nachos left." Carlos motioned to a plate on the table. "But I don't suppose you're interested."

  "I already ate." Ian sat at the end of the table.

  "Anyone we know?" Carlos's amber eyes twinkled. "Ouch." He glared at Toni.

  Ian smiled for he'd heard the kick underneath the table. "I mostly drink AB positive. It's my favorite flavor." When Toni's cheeks turned a pretty pink, he inhaled deeply. "Smells like heaven on you."

  Her blush deepened. "You can taste a difference between different blood types? And you can tell which type people have?"

  "Aye." When Sabrina grimaced and turned away, Ian realized he'd better change the subject. He tapped the folder he'd brought from Shanna's office. "This is something that Roman and Shanna have been working on since Constantine started levitating at the age of three months."

  He glanced at Sabrina and Teddy. "I should explain. Roman Draganesti is the owner of Romatech and inventor of synthetic blood."

  "I already told them who's who," Toni said.

  "And Howard told Teddy and me about the war against the Malcontents," Carlos added.

  "Good." Ian opened the folder. "Roman and Shanna have a second child on the way. Heather and Jean-Luc plan to have children, too."

  "You're talking about half-vampire children?" Sabrina asked, her nose wrinkled.

  "Aye, it's the only way we can be fathers," Ian glanced at Toni, wondering how she would feel about giving birth to such a child.

  Her gaze met his, and her eyes widened. Did she know what he was thinking? Did she know how deeply he was falling in love with her?

  Carlos cleared his throat.

  Ian broke eye contact and removed a few large photos from the folder. He slid them down the table. "This is a property in upstate New York that Roman recently purchased. There's a mansion, numerous other buildings, a pool, tennis courts, and three hundred acres."

  "Wow." Teddy grabbed a picture. "It's huge."

  Toni studied a picture of the main house. "It's beautiful." She passed the photo on to Sabrina.

  "Impressive." Carlos looked at an aerial shot of the extensive grounds. "Roman must be extremely wealthy."

  "Aye, but this is no' meant to be a show of wealth. Roman's keeping it a secret. He and Shanna realized some time ago that the children would need a safe place to be educated and learn their special skills."

  Teddy looked up from the photo he was examining. "You plan to turn this mansion into a school?"

  "Aye." Ian handed them the rest of the photos. "You understand the need for secrecy about this? The children attending this school will be unique."

  "What about were-children?" Carlos asked. "Would they be welcomed there?"

  "Yes." Ian nodded. "Any child with abnormal abilities. Or children who simply know too much. Heather's daughter falls into that category."

  "This is so cool!" Teddy thumbed through different photos. "A school for future superheroes! Would they live on campus?"

  "They could." Ian shrugged. "Some of the Vamp children could be teleported there if they wanted to live at home."

  "This is great." Toni passed another photo to Sabrina. "I can't wait to introduce you to Constantine. He's so smart and sweet. And he can already levitate and teleport."

  Sabrina remained quiet, frowning at the photos.

  "Look at this." Carlos pointed at a picture of a lake. "There's an island here. It would be the perfect place for my kids to practice their panther skills without putting any other kids in danger."

  Toni leaned forward to look. "That's an excellent idea."

  "The main problem Roman and Shanna face," Ian continued, "is finding teachers and administrators who can be trusted."

  "Count me in," Teddy said.

  "Me, too," Carlos said. "I'd love to bring my orphans there."

  Ian gave Toni a questioning look. "What do you think?"

  "I think it was very wise of Roman and Shanna to plan ahead like this. I don't think Tino could be happy in a normal school." She turned to Sabrina. "This would be an interesting place to run, don't you think?"

  Sabrina slowly stacked the photos. "It's a beautiful place. And an interesting idea." She gave Toni a worried look. "But this was not our plan. We wanted to help children who were homeless, starving, and suffering. This Constantine has a billionaire dad to take care of him. What about the children who have nobody? We can't turn our backs on them just because these mutant children are more interesting."

  Toni's cheeks turned pink. "Don't call them mutants, please."

  Sabrina's eyes narrowed. "You're not planning on having any, are you?"

  An awkward silence fell upon them. Ian watched Toni carefully, but she avoided his eyes. Her blush reddened. Was she embarrassed to be involved with him?

  Sabrina pushed the stack of photos away. "This is admirable, but it's not our plan. Toni and I have been working on our own plan for ten years."

  Toni closed her eyes with a pained expression. A twinge of panic crept into Ian's gut. What if she decided to completely leave the Vamp world behind? What if she left him?

  He grabbed the stack of photos. "There's three hundred acres here. We can build more buildings. We doona need to turn children away."

  Toni finally looked at him. "We could fit a regular orphanage in there?"

  Ian took her hand. "We would have to okay everything with Roman. But I do want ye to keep both worlds. Ye shouldna have to choose one or the other."

  Her eyes glimmered with moisture. "That would be good."

  "Look at this field behind the mansion." Carlos showed a photo to Sabrina. "It would make a perfect soccer field."

  She snorted. "I can see where your priorities are."

  "Come on, Sabrina." Teddy leaned forward. "This is the coolest opportunity ever."

  She sighed. "I'll think about it. I still need some time to adjust to…everything." She glanced warily at Carlos and Ian. "And I still have a year of school left. That is, if I can go back to school without my uncle trying to lock me up."

  "We were just talking about that before you arrived." Toni selected a chip from the tray and bit into it. "We need to get Bri's purse from her uncle's house and somehow convince him to leave her and her money alone."

  Carlos grabbed a salt shaker and sprinkled more salt on the chips. "The police came by today, looking for Bri, Teddy, and Toni. We need to get this mess straightened out before one of us gets arrested."

  Ian considered as he stacked the photos back into the folder. "Where does this uncle live?"

  "Westchester." Carlos munched on a chip. "I've been there before. I think
I could get the maid to bring me Bri's things."

  "I should go," Sabrina said.

  Ian shook his head. "Nay, ye'll be safer here with Teddy." He stood. "Carlos, drive Toni to the uncle's house. Then call me, and I'll teleport there to meet you. I have to go somewhere else first."

  "Where?" Toni asked. "What are you planning?"

  "I left my cape in Scotland. But Roman has a vampire cape and tuxedo at the townhouse. I need to get into costume first."

  Toni's eyes widened. "Costume?"

  Teddy grinned. "Cool! I always said you needed a cape."

  Sabrina frowned. "What are you going to do my uncle?"

  "Doona fash. I'll no' be violent." Ian smiled. "But I doona believe yer uncle will enjoy his encounter with Count Dracula."


  "You look very handsome." Toni adjusted Ian's black tie. He'd just materialized in the alley behind the Proctors' house in Westchester.

  "I'm supposed to look scary," he muttered.

  More like sexy. Toni ran her fingers over his elegant black tuxedo. His black satin cape was lined in red, and his black hair curled inside the stand-up collar. "If I was making a vampire movie, I'd hire you in a second."

  Carlos cleared his throat. "If you two are finished admiring each other, we'll get on with this." He approached the back kitchen door and knocked lightly.

  The maid peered out the window and smiled when Carlos waved. She opened the door and spoke to him softly in Spanish. He motioned to Toni and Ian, and the maid nodded.

  "Maria's letting me sneak up the back stairs," Carlos told them. "I'll collect Bri's stuff and meet you downstairs. She says the doctor's in the library at the front of the house."

  "I'll go around." Ian disappeared into the shadows.

  Carlos slipped up the back stairs, while Maria escorted Toni to the library.

  Dr. Joe Proctor was pacing behind his desk, talking on his cell phone. "Look, Jenkins, you're supposed to be the best PI in the business. Don't tell me you can't find one lousy girl." He paused, rubbing a hand over his balding head. "Yeah, I realize she must be getting help. It's—" He spotted Toni at the library entrance. "I'll call you back."

  He dropped his phone on the desk as he approached Toni. "Who are you?"

  "I'm Toni Davis, Sabrina's roommate."

  He hesitated, then broke into a big grin. "Toni, how wonderful to meet you. You must be terribly worried about Sabrina. Let me assure you, I am sparing no expense to find her. You wouldn't happen to know anything about her disappearance, would you?"

  "You'll never find her."

  His smile morphed into a snarl. "You helped her escape, didn't you?" He strode back to his desk and grabbed his phone. "I'm handing you over to the police. Of course, you could avoid being arrested if you just tell me where Sabrina is."

  "Go ahead. Call the police. I'd like to report some crimes. Let's see, there's medical malpractice for claiming Bri was delusional when she wasn't."

  He lifted his chin. "Any psychiatrist would agree with my diagnosis."

  "Then there's the embezzlement of her trust fund and holding her prisoner so you could steal more of her money."

  He snapped his phone shut. "You can't prove any of that."

  Toni strolled toward him. "Once the police investigate your financial records, it'll be very clear. You imprisoned Sabrina. You poisoned her mind. You tried to steal her entire life from her."

  "No, no." He waved a hand in the air. "I wouldn't have kept her locked up forever. I just needed a little money to pay off a few gambling debts."

  "And then there would have been more gambling debts."

  Proctor's eyes narrowed. "Those guys would have killed me. I didn't have any choice."

  "Those guys are the least of your problems. Have you wondered how Bri escaped?"

  He watched her warily. "Of course I wondered."

  "You locked her away because she said vampires are real. But only a vampire could have helped her escape."

  "You're as crazy as she is." Proctor's eyes lit up. "I'll lock you both up."

  Toni smiled. "You can try. But first let me introduce you to someone." She lifted a hand to cue Ian, who was waiting outside by the window.

  His body materialized in the middle of the room.

  Proctor gasped and stepped back. "What? This—this is some kind of trick."

  Ian raised his arms, spreading his cape wide. "You doona believe in the existence of the Undead?"

  Toni bit her lip to keep from laughing. Ian's fake Transylvanian accent still had a touch of Scottish in it.

  "Im-impossible," Proctor breathed.

  Ian zoomed toward the desk at vampire speed. Proctor stumbled back and knocked against the bookcase.

  "Ye will believe." Ian levitated into the air.

  Toni winced as his head almost bumped the ceiling. At least Proctor looked truly terrified as he cowered behind his desk. She just thought Ian looked incredibly cute.

  He dropped onto the desk, and with a flash, his eyes glowed a brighter blue and his fangs sprang out. Toni flinched. That wasn't very cute.

  Proctor huddled on the floor, lifting his arms in a defensive posture. "Don't hurt me. Please."

  With a hiss, Ian flipped his cape back over his broad shoulders. Toni wobbled as her knees grew weak. Good grief, he was in full monster mode, and all she could think of was Bite me. How strange that the Malcontent attack had left her terrified and disgusted, while the thought of Ian biting her made her skin tingle with anticipation.

  Her face heated up, and she flushed all over, feeling the rush of blood through her veins. Rushing faster and faster as if it needed to escape, as if it were calling to him.

  Ian turned to look at her, and a surge of lust nearly knocked her off her feet. She gasped as the blue glow of his eyes turned red hot. Oh God, he knew she was turned on.

  She stepped back, lifting a hand to her throat. Her heart beat wildly. Her thighs squeezed together with sudden, hot need. Good grief, no wonder women had offered him blood over the centuries.

  Ian turned back to the trembling doctor, huddled on the floor. He reached out his right arm, and Proctor flinched as if an invisible force had struck him.

  "Ye are under my control." Ian's eyes glowed an intense blue, and Toni realized he was using mind control. "Ye are lowly, and I am yer master."

  "You are lowly, and I am your master," Proctor whispered, his eyes wide and glazed.

  Ian grimaced. "Nay. I am the master."

  "You are the master," Proctor said.

  Toni stifled a grin. Ian wasn't very good at being an evil monster. No wonder she adored him.

  "Listen and obey," Ian ordered. "Ye'll never steal from Sabrina again. Ye'll never interfere in her life. Ye'll be an honorable uncle to her. Do ye understand?"

  "Yes, Master."

  Ian turned to Toni. "Anything else?"

  "Call off the police," she whispered.

  Ian extended his arm again. "Ye'll cease yer search for Sabrina and Teddy. Ye'll tell the police it was all a mistake. Ye'll fill out the proper release forms. Ye'll never gamble again. And ye'll pay off yer debts, using yer own resources."

  Proctor nodded. "Yes, Master."

  Ian jumped down from the desk to stand beside the doctor. "Ye'll tell no one about this night. I know how to find you, Joseph Proctor."

  "Yes, Master."

  "Are you done?" Carlos asked at the entrance, his arms full of Bri's belongings.

  The maid looked curiously at Ian.

  "One more thing." Ian turned to Proctor. "Ye will treat yer maid with respect." He laid his hand on Proctor's head, and the doctor slumped into a deep sleep.

  "Thank you, señor." Maria crossed herself, then led them to the back door. "Is Sabrina okay?"

  "Yes," Toni told her. "Thank you for your help."

  "Gracias." Carlos kissed the maid's cheek.

  Maria giggled as she shut the door.

  "You were wonderful!" Toni hugged Ian. "Thank you."

  He sm
iled and kissed her brow.

  "Get a room," Carlos muttered as he strode to his car. He dumped Bri's stuff in the trunk.

  Ian held Toni's hand as they walked back to Carlos's car. "Zoltan and Jack will be arriving before dawn. There's no' enough room for everyone at Romatech, so we'll go back to the townhouse for our death-sleep."

  "Are you sure it'll be safe there?" Toni asked.

  "It'll be safe during the day," Ian answered. "The Malcontents will be as dead as we are. And Howard will spend the day there. Carlos, too."

  "All right." Toni stopped next to Carlos's Jaguar. "Coming with us, Dracula?"

  "I'll see you later, sweetheart." He vanished.

  But she didn't see him later. After Carlos drove her back to Romatech, and they told Sabrina and Teddy the good news, Bri immediately wanted to go home and see Vanderkitty. Then, with everyone at Toni's and Bri's apartment, they ordered in Chinese food and celebrated.

  Howard had asked Carlos to start his security job right away, so Carlos packed some clothes to take to the townhouse. Toni packed some more of hers. She was nervous about leaving Bri alone, so Teddy offered to stay overnight at the apartment.

  It was ten P.M. by the time Carlos and Toni arrived at Roman Draganesti's townhouse on the Upper East Side, and it took thirty more minutes for Carlos to inspect and admire each room. He chose the bedroom next to Toni's for his own.

  "This is perfect for me, menina." He ran his hand appreciatively over the bed's wood and wrought-iron footboard. "I love this Spanish decor."

  "I believe the room belonged to a medieval Spanish lady named Maria Consuela," Toni said.

  "What happened to her?" Carlos hefted his suitcase onto the red velvet bedspread.

  Toni tried to remember what Dougal had told her about the former harem when she'd moved in more than a week ago. She'd been so insulted by the idea of a harem that she'd tuned out half of what he'd said. "My room belonged to some medieval chick called Princess Joanna. She and Maria Consuela weren't too thrilled about being co-owners of the Horny Devils, so they sold their shares to Vanda and moved back to Europe. London, I think."

  Carlos unzipped his suitcase and began removing clothes. "I have to thank you, girlfriend. This is the best possible job for me. Howard said they'll work around my remaining classes so I can finish my master's."


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