Carved in Stone

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Carved in Stone Page 21

by Stein Willard

  “This is not real.”

  Phage pulled her close again, her eyes were dark with desire and a hint of panic. “I can show you how real I am. Do you want me to?”

  Aspen rested her head against the strong chest. “And Aeron?”

  “She needs you, just as much as I do.”

  Closing her eyes, Aspen shook her head slowly. “You’re mistaken. She’s fighting the truth.”

  “Then ask her yourself.”

  Aspen looked up sharply. “Is…is she…?”

  Phage nodded, her large hands gently rubbing her shoulders. “She’s here.”

  Aspen swallowed hard. She wasn’t ready to face Aeron’s cool indifference now. No matter what Phage said, Aspen knew better. She studied Phage’s eyes closely and inhaled deeply when she saw the subtle change of colour. Phage was gone.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t believe you.”

  Aspen could only stare. The last time she saw Aeron, she had thought that it would be the last time she would ever set eyes on the other woman. “You know about Phage? You know everything now?”

  “Yes. She told me about the two of you.” Aeron’s eyes darkened with regret. “I didn’t mean to hurt you with my callous words, Aspen. Could you forgive me?”

  With shaking hands, Aspen framed Aeron’s face. Could this be it? Was her search finally over? But she needed to be sure. She watched Aeron’s eyes intently. Gone was the doubt she remembered seeing in Aeron’s eyes. “Is it true? Do you need me?”

  “I admit that I don’t understand everything.” Aeron’s eyes were warm with affection. “But I believe now that every decision I’ve made in my life, was to lead me to you.” Aeron pressed her lips to Aspen’s forehead.

  Aspen blinked up at Aeron. “I don’t mean to sound sceptical, but I’m not sure what to make of this. You were adamant that…”

  “That was before I saw you mourn Phage. Before I saw you defy the gods.” Aeron’s eyes welled up with tears and she looked away. “Knowing now how much you have loved her; I can’t begin to understand how you’ve managed without her for so long.”

  “She promised to find me. All I ever wanted was to see her again.” Aspen wiped at her wet cheeks. “My time spent with her was too short.”

  The room was quiet as they stared at each other. It was Aeron who looked away first. “I can never be your Phage, but she is inside of me. All I hope is that one day, you’ll see me as a worthy vessel of her essence.”

  Aspen smiled tenderly. “I’m the one unworthy of the attention of two such wonderful women.” She wrapped her arms around Aeron’s waist and held on, her head resting under the other woman’s chin. “Thank you for coming to find me. I was so scared of being alone tonight.” She felt Aeron stiffen and leaned back so she could see her face. “Did I say something wrong?” She was immediately filled with dread when Aeron couldn’t meet her eyes. Aspen pulled away from Aeron. She was right. This was too good to be true. “Aeron, what’s wrong?”

  Aeron’s eyes were dark with anxiety when they finally met hers. “I haven’t been with a woman before.” She closed her eyes. “As a matter of fact, I haven’t been with anyone before.”


  The silence that followed her admission was nerve-racking.

  Aeron felt Aspen move into her embrace, her strong arms winding tightly around her waist, and she let out a deep sigh of relief. For a long moment, they stood like that, holding each other.

  “All those many centuries ago, I was the one who came to Phage’s bed as an innocent. She taught me everything I know.” Aspen placed a soft kiss on Aeron’s chin. “Phage will teach you everything you need to know.” The dark eyes were gleaming with desire when they found Aeron’s. “But I want to be the one to teach you how to please me.”

  Aeron swallowed hard. There was no turning back from here. When Aspen stepped away from her and held out her hand in open invitation, Aeron willingly followed her down the hallway of the magnificent penthouse suite. She glanced at some of the artworks on the walls as they walked. She stopped when her eyes caught an unexpected, but very charming drawing amongst all the other priceless pieces. It was a stick drawing of two women; a brunette and a blonde. The women were holding hands and above them a huge, somewhat skew, red heart hovered. She almost giggled when she read the name of the artist.

  “He drew it for me when he was ten years old,” Aspen said from where she stood next to Aeron. “I must add that his technique has improved greatly since then.” She lifted Aeron’s hand to her lips. “He solemnly promised me that he would find Phage for me.” Aspen’s eyes moved over Aeron’s face. “And he did. He brought you to me.”

  Not sure what to answer to that, Aeron bowed her head and brushed her lips over Aspen’s. She gasped softly when she felt the tip of Aspen’s tongue flick over her lips. It was time to find the bedroom. Aspen turned and Aeron followed her. They stopped before a door and Aspen punched in a code. The room was a smaller version of the Vault on the island. A number of artefacts and smaller statues decorated the well-lit room. The one side of the room had floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. But it was the large bed in the corner, which drew Aeron’s attention. She felt Aspen’s hand on her lower back and turned to look at her.

  “We can also just sleep.”

  Aeron smiled and shook her head. She might not know what to do, but she was sure that that she wanted the other woman. With a shaky hand she reached out and smiled when Aspen placed her smaller hand in hers.

  “I don’t want to sleep.” They stood looking at each other. “Not yet, that is.”

  They shared a tremulous kiss, both of them too scared to breathe and break the fragile connection. When finally the need for air pulled them apart, Aeron was pleasantly light-headed. Aspen was an exceptional kisser. Her finger shook hard as she reached out and touched the soft, slightly parted lips. She smiled tenderly when Aspen pursed her lips and kissed the tip of Aeron’s finger.

  “I may have no reference, but I believe you are the world’s greatest kisser.” In reply, Aspen leaned in, her breath tickling Aeron’s neck. A kiss, so soft and so fleeting, made her body break out in goose bumps. Her hands moved from Aeron’s shoulders, down to rest on her breasts. Aspen’s eyes were dark with desire.

  “I need to see you.” Aspen swallowed hard. “I need to know I’m not dreaming.”

  Don’t you dare make my wife beg!

  Aeron stiffened at the sound of the sudden voice in her mind. Aspen, it seemed, misunderstood her reaction, for she quickly withdrew her hands, her face twisted in a mask of alarm. Aeron immediately reached out and took Aspen’s hands and returned them to her breasts.

  “It was Phage.” At Aspen confused look, she smiled. “She’s very bossy.”

  “I still don’t understand. What does Phage have to do with this?”

  Aeron just shook her head. “I’ll explain later. For now, let’s not think about anything else.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Find out for yourself.” Aeron reached for the buttons of her shirt, her eyes not leaving Aspen’s. “You need to tell me what to do.” She shrugged out of her shirt. Aspen’s eyes hungrily took in her half-naked body. Aeron knew that since coming to Turkey, she hadn’t kept up with her exercise regime, but she knew she still showed a great deal of muscle definition. She wasn’t competition ready and she doubt if she ever would be again. She had found that she didn’t need to grow her muscles to feed her insecurities anymore. But Phage was quite impressively built. Tall, broad shouldered and powerful. Earlier, in their strange dreamlike meeting, Aeron noticed that they were physically equally matched. At least on that account she could compare to Phage. She had been so lost in thought that she hadn’t seen Aspen move. Thus, she almost jumped out of her skin when she felt the warm hand on her taut stomach.

  “Now, what would an archaeologist do with a body like this?” Aspen’s eyes were burning with hunger. Her hand slowly traced every exposed muscle on Aeron’s chest, before she reached behind Aeron and uncla
sped her bra. “You are so beautiful.” The dark eyes left a scorching trail in their wake as they roved over her chest. Aeron’s knees buckled a little when Aspen stepped closer, allowing her breath to wash over Aeron’s taut nipples before she kissed her. Compared to their earlier gentle kiss, this one was all fire and hunger.


  Aspen was watching as if in a daze, as the pile of clothing at their feet grew fast as they undressed each other. She didn’t have to look at her hands to know they were trembling as she undressed Aeron. She needed to see more of Aeron and every little bit of her that was exposed made Aspen almost rabid with need. She needed to pace herself before she scared Aeron off. And it would be so unfortunate were that to happen. Imagine waiting millennia for someone only to have the person turn her away out of fear.

  “You don’t look like a three-thousand-year-old woman.” Aeron’s face was flustered as she looked at Aspen’s naked body.

  Happy for the strange remark and the opportunity to rein in her desire, Aspen smiled. “Does it bother you that I’m that old?”

  Aeron looked confused for a moment, before she shook her head. “No.” She cupped Aspen’s cheek. “Not at all. I find that I rather like being with an older woman.”

  Aspen chuckled softly and kissed Aeron again. She slowly walked Aeron backwards until they ran out of floor and fell onto the bed. Lying on top of the strong body, Aspen moaned. It felt so familiar and so new at the same time. It was Phage and Aeron. Old and new. And she revelled in both. As physical similarities went, the two woman felt so different to be with. Earlier, with Phage, she felt conquered. But that was Phage, her Conqueror. Aeron, on the other hand, stirred a tenderness in her. As big and strong as Aeron was, Aspen wanted to take care of her. Protect her. Adore her. And she did.

  She kissed Aeron again and again until they were both dizzy from desire and a lack of oxygen. With her hands and tongue she mapped out the virgin body trembling almost violently underneath hers. Aspen would pull back at times to cool her ardour, scared of her own passion, but with small, tentative touches, Aeron reassured Aspen of her pleasure, inflaming Aspen further.

  It was while she was kissing Aeron’s breasts and listening to her soft moans, that Aspen felt the change. At first, she wasn’t sure what was happening until she felt the hand tightening in her hair. The touch so demanding and so sorely missed, made her lift her head to meet the amber eyes. Phage looked back at her, her eyes glittering with lust.

  “I’ve missed you, my Queen.” Clutching her tighter, Phage flipped them over. The kiss that followed was all-consuming. Hard and hot. Aspen moaned when she felt the metallic taste of blood on her tongue. The Conqueror was in charge. Phage rolled her hips against Aspen’s, spreading the copious wetness their union had produced between their bodies. Aspen threw her head back in delight at the feel of Phage’s swollen nub rubbing over hers in their rough movements. Was this what her life would be like from now on? Going to bed with one woman and halfway through be subjected to the delightful assault of another? She curled her legs higher around Phage’s hips and moaned loudly at the amended contact.

  It was like having the best of both. She could really get used to it.


  Aeron was absolutely stunned.

  The one moment she had felt this overwhelming urge and the next Phage had slipped through and was thoroughly ravishing an obviously willing Aspen. If she had been turned on earlier by Aspen’s lovemaking, Aeron was ablaze by Aspen’s uninhibited pleasure. She knew from her visions that they were a very sexually active couple, but being part of the action was a different story.

  The bed was scraping wildly under their straining bodies and she was immensely grateful that the room was soundproof. A sudden gasp left her lips as Aspen’s nails pierced her skin and tracked down her spine. A fresh wave of heat crashed through her body as she felt Aspen biting down on her shoulder. Phage responded by doubling the power behind her thrusts, causing Aspen to turn rather vocal in her approval.

  Just when Aeron began to really worry about the state of the bed, Phage slithered down a gasping, sweating Aspen’s body. She hesitated. She had never been with a woman, let alone this intimate.

  Not the time to suffer a moral crisis, doctor.

  The first taste was intoxicating. Aspen howled at the ceiling. At that very moment, Aeron was grateful that, even though Phage was in the driving seat, she wasn’t completely left out of the whole affair. Phage continued to plunder Aspen’s sex hungrily, and Aeron remained quiet as she took stock of each and every act, every taste and every sound. Some would probably call her a voyeur, but she believed herself to be an eager student. One, who would give everything to be with Aspen like this. And given time, she was sure she would be skilled enough to pleasure the gorgeous Sultana.

  Now that’s what I’d like to hear.

  Aeron felt her cheeks heating up. She blinked when Aspen’s body suddenly arched off the bed. A long drawn out moan, one that Aeron felt reverberating through her own body, filled the room.

  Remember to always etch this picture on your mind. There might come a day when you would not be so lucky to see it again.


  Before she opened her eyes, she was aware of the close scrutiny.

  But by whom?

  “Which one of you will I be addressing?” she gasped.


  Aspen smiled. The identity of ‘me’, could only be determined by sight. She slowly opened her eyes and her smile widened. Aeron was looking down at her. Her eyes were dark with desire. That lovable brute, Phage, had stirred Aeron up and left her high and dry. She reached out and skimmed the back of her fingers over the warm cheek. Her eyes caressed the strong face, almost drowning in the liquid amber pools. Her hand fanned out to travel down her neck and to the wide shoulders.

  She lifted her head and captured the full lips in a deep kiss. Aspen sighed softly when she tasted herself on Aeron’s lips. Just the memory of what those luscious lips had done to her earlier, made her deepen the kiss. She loved Phage’s demanding touch, but then there was also something so incredibly enthralling about Aeron’s innocence. It made her heady thinking that she would be the first person to ever touch her intimately. She broke the kiss.

  “You must tell me one day how I started off with you and ended up with Phage?” She cupped the small breasts and brushed her thumbs over the dark-tipped nipples. Aeron shuddered lightly under the touch.

  “Yes,” Aeron gasped. She rolled her hips into Aspen’s, begging silently for her touch. Not having the heart to make Aeron beg, Aspen caved. She started by kissing every golden inch of Aeron’s skin. She could practically feel Aeron vibrate under her touch at the thoroughness of her caresses. When she moved lower to stroke between her trembling thighs, Aeron cried out softly.

  “Please, don’t stop.”

  In reply, Aspen slid down and replaced her hand with her mouth. Aeron’s tall body came off the bed at the intimate touch, her hand holding Aspen’s head in place. Aspen rejoiced in the fact that she was the first woman to ever touch Aeron like this. And if she had her way, she would be the last one too. With soft kisses and tiny flicks of her tongue she coaxed breathy cries from Aeron. She lifted her head and looked up at Aeron. From where she was, between Aeron’s legs, Aspen simply loved the view. From the flat, muscled abdomen to the small, dark-tipped breasts jutting out pertly, Aspen was proud to call all of that hers. It was time to brand her ownership on her golden warrior.

  She sucked the slippery nub hard, eliciting a long drawn-out moan, and using two fingers, thrust deep inside. She didn’t encounter an obstacle, but from the snug fit, Aspen knew she was the first person to ever be allowed there. It took her a while to realize that she had stopped moving and so did Aeron. Aeron’s eyes were wide with concern as she looked down at Aspen. Aspen slowly moved up, not breaking her contact, as she plundered Aeron’s mouth. With deft skill, she brought a breathless Aeron to the brink only to leave her hanging for a while before she started the pl
easant torture again. By the time she finally helped Aeron over the edge, the bed was bare, all the bedding littering the floor. Aeron’s hair was plastered against her scalp and her voice was hoarse from crying out.

  They simultaneously curled into each other’s arms, as both their bodies quaked from their powerful orgasm. Aeron was fast asleep in no time, leaving a drowsy Aspen to watch over her. She had waited millennia to have this woman in her arms again and so many times over her long life she had chastised herself for not having taken enough time to really look at her spouse. Especially at times such as now. It was memories like these that had kept the cold and loneliness away at night over the past three thousand years. She didn’t see another endless life stretch out before her, but she saw one of great love and fulfilment.

  Aspen, slowly, and with obvious regret, extracted herself from Aeron’s arms. She was thirsty and she was sure that Aeron would appreciate a sip of water, too. She made her way through the darkened halls to the kitchen, where she took two bottles of water from the fridge. It was when she returned to the Vault, that a fear like nothing she had experienced since Phage’s death, gripped heart. She dropped the bottles of water and on shaky legs made her way over to where a sword was mounted on the wall. The shadowy figure standing over a sleeping Aeron, held up a hand.

  “I mean you and yours no harm, noble queen.” The figure turned and slowly lifted the cape to reveal its face. Aspen swallowed hard, her eyes going to her sword again. “I promise you that I come in peace this time.”


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