Need to Love You

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Need to Love You Page 19

by Megan Smith

  Then I remember our sick son who is asleep in the other room and slow down.

  “That feels amazing,” Chloe pants.

  I smirk, “Oh yeah?”


  Chloe sits up and ever so slowly, she slides her hand down her body and circles her clit. My control slipped before but now it’s vanished. She crossed a line when she touched herself knowing exactly what she was doing.

  I grip Chloe’s hips, pushing her up, and pulling her down faster and harder than before while she cries out as her orgasm floods her. Her head falls forward, eyes squeezed shut tight and her breath catches. As she comes back down I lay her on her side in front of me spreading her legs as I enter her from behind just like I did earlier.

  Reaching around her I grab one of her nipples, pinching and pulling as I slowly slide in and out of her.

  Chloe’s hair is sweaty around her face, her cheeks are flushed and she has this hazy look over her eyes. She reaches for my hand and links our fingers together then puts her other arm around my neck pushing her body down every time I push up into her. Minutes later her body flushes, her movements become frantic just before she yells out my name, “Jackson,” as another orgasm washes over her.

  Slowing down the pace I keep moving, in and out. Chloe rubs her clit again sparking the fire once more in me. Flipping her over onto her stomach I pull her hips up so her perfectly round ass is in the air and slip right back inside with ease from how soaked she is. I slam into her hard making her cry out.

  I keep the rhythm of slamming in hard and slowly pulling almost all the way out. Chloe leans up on her arms and arches her head back. I run one of my hands up her back and grab a fist full of her hair. I can barely breathe at the sight before me.

  “Oh,” she pants. “Oh God.”

  Her arms give out and she lays her head back on the bed as I continue to devour her body. I’m getting close, so close, but I don’t want this to end so I’m holding out.

  “Oh, yes…” she moans, “Yes, just like that.”

  Chloe’s arm reaches between her legs to rub her clit again.

  “Fuck,” I hiss.

  I’m so damn close.

  Chloe stops, sensing my release is close by how my movements are becoming jerkier. Leaning up on her arms again, she tilts her head back to look at me, her back a perfect arch. Leaning towards her I find her mouth as that tingling sensation starts. I lean back up, grip her hips in my hands and slam her into me as my orgasm spills into her. I pull out just a little then pull her back against me again. I do this three more times before falling forward on top of her completely spent.

  “Holy,” Chloe says breathlessly, “shit.”

  “Holy shit is right.” I grunt then roll to the side of Chloe trying to catch my breath.

  Chloe lays across my chest placing soft kisses on it. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Finally everything is right in our world.

  When I wake up in the morning a sense of dread washes over me. I turn over and Chloe’s gone. Did I really dream all of last night? There is no way a dream could have felt that good though.

  Sitting up I look around the room and spot Chloe’s clothes on the floor. So she didn’t leave. I swing my legs over the end of the bed and I walk over to my dresser and slide a pair of boxers on. I head downstairs to see what Chloe is up to.

  The smell of bacon carries up the stairwell. I spot Alex and Chloe sitting beside each other on the couch eating bacon and pancakes.

  Chloe’s face lights up when she sees me. “Morning.”


  “Hey, Dad.”

  “Hey, bud, how are you feeling?”


  I nod then head towards the kitchen looking for coffee. Chloe sneaks in behind me and slides her arms around me. “Alex woke me up because he was hungry.”

  Turning around I wrap my arms around her too. “I thought you left at first.”

  Her eyes turn sad. “Um…we decided that we want to stay if that’s okay with you.”

  “Stay? Like as in move back home?”

  She nods.

  Bending down a little I pick Chloe up, spin her around and place her on the counter. “It’s more than okay.”

  “Good because your dad will be here in about five minutes to drop all our things off.”

  Leaning in I kiss her. “I could have went and got them.”

  She shrugs. “It’s okay.” Then she starts to giggle. “I think he wanted his wife back all to himself.”

  “That’s gross.”

  “Aww,” Chloe smiles, “I think it’s romantic.”

  “Picturing your parents having sex is not romantic.”

  Her face turns sour. “Well, when you put it like that.”

  I kiss her again before she jumps down off the counter. The rest of our Saturday the three of us lie around and watch movies.

  When I lay my head down to go to sleep that night with Chloe wrapped in my arms and Alex tucked into his bed I know that everything between us is going to be just fine.

  Christmas and New Year’s is spent with the family just like it always is. Everyone is together, happy and healthy. It was a little difficult this year for Hunter and Jaylinn without their mom around but we made sure she wasn’t forgotten either. After dinner on Christmas Eve we all piled into our cars and went down to the cemetery to show our respects to Sadie.

  Chloe and I have been going strong since she moved back in. Our sex drive has reached an all-time high. We have both gotten out of work a few minutes early on a Thursday afternoon and rushed home to have sex before going and picking up Alex. It’s been a little bit of a challenge with him around but in a way its adding fuel to the fire by both of us having to hold back till he’s sleeping at night.

  We’ve had a two week break from our visits with Dr. Russell due to the holiday. So today we have our first appointment of the New Year.

  Chloe is snuggled against my side while I have my arm draped over her shoulder.

  Dr. Russell smiles, “I see things are going good?”

  “They’re great,” Chloe confirms.

  She nods. “That’s good.”

  We talk for a while filling her in on how things have been going since Chloe moved back home and about the holidays. Dr. Russell continues smiling the whole time.

  “I’m glad to see that everything is going really good for you two.” She places her notebook and pen on the floor beside her. “It’s up to the two of you if you would still like to continue your visits but I’d just like to leave you with this.” She glances to Chloe and then to me. “Just remember that sometimes you just need one another to lean on. You don’t always need them to fix something that is broken or handle an issue that is getting out of control. Just let them feel that you are there for them and that you love them.”

  The three of us sit there for a second while Chloe and I let her words sink in. I’ve really come to admire her over these last few weeks. She’s been a huge life saver in our marriage too.

  “I wish you all the best of luck, I really do.”

  Chloe stands then opens her arms and hugs Dr. Russell. They exchange a few hushed words before separating. Dr. Russell holds her hand out to me but I pull her in for a hug instead. “You’ve come a long way, Jackson. Just remember to open up when things get to be too much and have a little fun without one another. I promise you she isn’t going anywhere.”

  “Thanks for everything.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Chloe and I leave the office holding hands with smiles on our faces. Everything is finally perfect.


  Walking into the office at the end of January to see Renee at work puts me in a great mood. I slip my coat off, hang it on the hook behind the door then hold my arms out for Renee. “I’m so happy you’re back! Give me a hug!”

  When she turns in her chair her eyes are filled with tears.

  “Oh no, what’s the matter?”
/>   She stands to wrap her arms around me. Renee cries softly for a few minutes before wiping her eyes with the tissue in her hand.

  “I’m sorry.” She waves at hand me. “I’m an emotional wreck since dropping the baby off at the sitter’s.”

  I frown knowing exactly how she feels. “I know. It’s so hard but it’ll get easier I promise. Before you know it you’re going to wish they had longer hours.”

  That earned a little laugh from her.

  “Thanks, I needed that.”

  Smiling, “You’re welcome.”

  “So, how’s Crista doing?”

  “She’s prefect.” Renee grabs a picture frame up off her desk. “We just had these done a couple of weeks ago.” Taking the photo from her hand makes my heart squeeze with the want of having another baby so bad that I get a little teary eyed. Crista is posed up on a few large law books in only a diaper and a pair of glasses.

  “It’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “I know, right. Ben and I had it blown up and it’s now hanging above our mantle.”

  “Aww, that’s so precious.”

  “Anyway, enough about all that fill me in on what’s been going on around here. I haven’t seen you or any of the girls since right before Christmas.”

  “Same old, same old. Ethan is still just as weird as before, Jessie is still just as quiet. Paula is still searching for Mister Right, Donna is taking a cruise with her husband at the end of next month. It was one of her Christmas presents. Valerie is still Valerie but I think she might have met someone. I’m waiting for her to slip up one of these days.”

  “And what about you?”

  Smiling, “I’m good.”

  “Jackson? You guys worked everything out?”

  Nodding, “Yeah, we’re doing great. Better than ever actually. Alex is too.”

  After Crista was born Renee invited me over to her house on a Sunday afternoon to meet her sweet, precious baby. We got to talking about things and I decided to confide in her about everything that was going on. She’s been rooting for us the whole time.

  “That’s great! I’m so happy for you.”


  Valerie and Paula walk in holding a coffee and a Dunkin Donuts bag in each of their hands. The smell of the coffee turns my stomach sour.

  “What’s with that face?”

  Turning towards Paula I ask, “What face?”

  “The sour puss face when we walked in.”

  Now that she’s pointing it out I realize I am making a face. “Your coffee smells weird.”

  “It’s Mocha Mint.” She holds her cup out to me. “Want to try it? It’s really good.”

  I shake my head and try not to breathe in through my nose. “No, I’m good.”

  Paula shrugs and takes a sip. “Hmm…”

  Renee and Valerie are both giving me funny looks. “What?”

  “Nothing,” Renee smiles.

  Taking a seat at my desk I get my day started by checking my emails first. The hours tick by and before I know it it’s lunch time.

  My office phone rings. Picking it up I hold it up to my ear. “Good afternoon, Law Offices of Taylor, Lee, Harris and Miller, Chloe speaking.”

  “It’s me,” Jessie says.

  “Why didn’t you stop me before I said all that?” It annoys the hell out of me when she calls me instead of just coming back here and talking to me.

  “You were on a roll. Anyway, there is a Jackson here asking for you.”

  What in the world is he doing here? “Okay, I’ll be right out.”

  “Want me to just send him back.”

  “No, that’s okay. I don’t want to bother the other girls.”

  “You aren’t bothering me,” Donna yells out.

  Renee swings around in her chair. “What’s going on?”

  “Jackson’s here.”

  An evil grin spreads across her face. “Send him back,” she yells.

  Sighing, “Just send him back.”

  A minute or so later Jackson stands in the doorway of my office looking delicious. Standing, I walk over, lean up and kiss him on the lips. “What are you doing here?”

  Jackson looks behind me. I can hear the girls snickering. “I came to take you to lunch if you’re free.”

  “She’s free.” Renee and Valerie say in unison.

  Turning around I glare at them. “What if I wasn’t?”

  Valerie runs her eyes up and down Jackson. Taking a step to the left I block her view of my husband. She shakes her head then looks at me. “You’d be a stupid, stupid woman to not clear your schedule for that.”

  Jackson chuckles.

  “Which is why I’m going to lunch with my husband.”

  Renee winks. “Smart choice, so now are you going to introduce us?”

  Turning around I grab Jackson’s hand in mine. “Renee this is Jackson.”

  Jackson interrupts me. “We went to high school together, right?”

  “Yup, I wasn’t sure if you’d remember me or not. We didn’t have any classes together or anything.”

  Jackson nods. “I remember you from the girl’s soccer team when they won the championship our senior year.”

  “Your man has a good memory.”

  Valerie pushes Renee to the side and holds her hand out. “I’m Valerie.”

  Jackson glances from me to Valerie’s hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  “You too,” Valerie holds on to his hand just a little too long.

  Nudging him with my elbow I divert his attention to Donna. “Jackson, this is Donna and that over there is Paula.”

  “Nice meeting you, Jackson,” Donna says with a goofy smile.

  Paula is on the phone so she just gives a little wave.

  “Alright, we’re heading out to lunch. Be back in an hour.”

  “Bye.” They call out as we walk out of the office.

  “This was a nice surprise.”

  Jackson holds the door open for me. “I was just hoping I didn’t catch you in the middle of something.”

  We walk across the parking lot to Jackson’s truck. “Nah, even if I was I’d still stop to go out to lunch with you.”

  Jackson leans down to kiss me before we separate to get into the truck. Rubbing my hands together, “It’s so cold out here today.”

  “I know. They’re calling for a few inches to hit us tomorrow night.”

  “Great,” I groan.

  “Any request for lunch?”

  I shrug. “Just somewhere with soup.”


  Jackson and I drive for about ten minutes before pulling into a little diner in town. We’re seated as soon as we walk in. After ordering drinks a wave of nausea hits me again.

  Groaning I sit back in my seat and rub a hand over my stomach. “I hope I’m not getting that stomach bug that’s going around.”

  “Hunter mentioned that Ryder has it. Since we were over there on Saturday you probably picked it up from him.”

  After we place our order Jackson takes one of my hands in his across the table. “I want to take you away for the weekend.”

  “Where are you thinking?”

  “Mountains, maybe we can do a little snow tubing.” Jackson knows I hate skiing but I’ll get on a tube anytime.

  “Sounds like fun. Are we bringing Alex too?”

  “If you want to we can but I thought it would be nice for just us to go for the weekend.”

  “That’s fine. I don’t think he’s quite ready for tubing anyway. You’d probably have to check with your mom or Mason to see if they could watch him if Ryder came down with the stomach bug. I’m sure the whole house is going to get it.”

  “Yeah, I’ll take care of it.”

  When our lunch arrives Jackson talks about how our days are going and the girls at work while we eat. Then he takes me back to the office but not before promising to make love to me tonight.

  Friday evening when I arrive home from work Jackson has the truck packed up and read
y to go. He had taken the day off to get things ready so as soon as I got home we’d be able to leave.

  “Let me just change then we can head out.”

  “Alright,” Jackson wraps his arms around me from behind. “Alex is at Mason’s.” He kisses the side of my neck and I shiver.

  “Okay,” I reply breathlessly.

  Heading upstairs I toss on comfortable clothes, sweatpants, a hoodie and my Uggs. I glance around the room to make sure I didn’t forget anything. Then shut the light off and lock up behind me as I head out to Jackson’s truck.


  Yawning, “Ready.”

  I don’t think I even lasted a whole twenty minutes before falling asleep. When I wake up, Jackson is carrying me into the cabin that he rented for the weekend.


  “Hey, sorry I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you the whole time.”

  “It’s alright, you were tired.”

  He sets me down so that he can dig a set of keys out of his pocket.

  “Wow, this is a nice cabin.”

  The house is a beautiful log cabin tucked into the Pocono Mountains. It’s a secluded area, all you see are snow covered trees for miles and miles. There’s a small stream that runs along the side of the house that a deer is drinking from. Stepping into the house the log feeling continues, open beams high up on the ceiling, hardwood floors, matching cabinets and stainless steel appliances with a fireplace in the living room.

  “Cooper gave me the name of the place he used to book when he took Jaylinn up here once. Told them I was looking for something along the same lines, they sent me a few and this is the one that I liked the most.”

  “Well, good choice.”

  Jackson takes our bags down a hallway which I’m assuming is where the bedroom is. I follow behind wanting to get a glimpse of what it looks like. Jackson opens a door, steps in and flips a light switch on. The bedroom, much like the rest of the house, is made out of logs including the bedframe. The dressers, one tall and one long, are an oak color matching perfectly with everything else.


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