Starship Guinevere (Star Traders Book 1)

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Starship Guinevere (Star Traders Book 1) Page 11

by Gary W. Feather


  Where's Bubba?

  "I know another person we might be able to speak to," Martha said as the traveled in the elevator. "My direct contact with the governor."

  "The governor?" Erica said. "The current one. You're working for the current governor and the last one, right?"

  "Yes," Martha said. "A little wacky, but things like this always work out for me."

  "Glad to hear it," Lynna snapped as the doors opened.

  "Follow me," Martha said.

  "As if we have a choice," Lynna mumbled.

  Erica patted Lynna on the back. "I think this might work out for us."

  "I hope so."

  "I was always worried that Beaumont might have a lot of police on his payroll, but I didn't think they would actually attack us. They might have killed Zhong, a police sergeant! He must be closer to making a move on the governor than we thought. Damn it."

  "So your contact is on this floor?" Erica said

  "He should be." The corridor they were on curved to the left and went past a large green tank. "Hide your guns." Martha led them into a door on the other side of the tank. Inside was a public gym with a few people exercising in it. Martha walked up to the information booth where a droopy-eyed teenage girl sat.

  "Welcome to the Harlan gym," she said. "Can I help you ladies with anything?"

  "Yes, dear." Martha smiled brightly. "Is Bubba Carmichael here?"

  "Oh,” she said and turned to pick up a paper note. An actual paper note? Who does that anymore? Weird. "Are you Martha?"

  "Yes." Martha took the note. She read it. "Thank you." Martha turned to Erica. "He's waiting for us in the dressing room. Come on."

  Martha walked into the men's dressing room without hesitating.

  "Are we supposed to go in here?" Gwen said. "I was told not to do this, especially outside of the Yin Confederation where..."

  "Quiet, Gwen." Lynna said.

  Upon entering the dressing room, several men and boys looked up; they were in different states of dress and undress. Some looked shocked while others didn't seem to care. A couple of men made some rude sexual suggestions. Like Keiko, Erica had her hand on her gun hidden in a pants pocket. After a hand signal from Keiko, Erica followed Martha, while Keiko trailed behind their group. Erica could hear showers running behind the lockers.

  "Bubba should be in his office." Martha pointed away from the sound of showers. She led them into an office room with a desk and chairs, plus a cot where a man slept. "Hi, Bubba!"

  No response.

  "Bubba? Wake up!" Martha kicked a leg of the cot. The man didn't move. Martha looked closer.

  "What's wrong?" Gwen asked. Keiko held the girl back for getting any closer.

  "Shit," Martha said. "He's dead."

  "Let me see," Tilly said. Martha got out of the way. Tilly checked. "Shot in the back of the head," Tilly said. "No exit wound that I can see."

  "What do we do now?" Lynna said.

  "Maybe we shouldn't be found standing around a dead body," Erica said.

  "Could we contact this governor directly?" Gwen said.

  "Probably be easier to contact your ship." Martha held up her tablet. "Once I call your ship with this, Beaumont will probably know just where we are."

  "Come on." Erica waved them back to where they had come from. "Let's get out of here."


  Making a command choice.

  "Something is wrong, Piper," Alberta said. "I don't trust local authorities to bring our people back safely. And this Beaumont makes me feel even more nervous. I can't understand why he would let us see one of the hostages."

  "My first thought is that he doesn't have them because they've escaped," Piper said. "Or they're dead."

  "I want you to work on a plan to free them by force without alerting the local authorities." Alberta said.

  "The local authorities won't like it," Piper said. "They might even threaten us, or even us force on us."

  "You'll have to take that under consideration in your plan." Albert nodded. "You have permission to defend yourselves. I don't want casualties on my side if we can help it."

  "Understood, Captain."


  How to steal a shuttle.

  "I can only think of trying to steal a shuttle to get back to the Guinevere," Erica said.

  "Crazy talk," Martha said. "They're probably waiting for us."

  "I know you said it before, but that doesn't mean it won't work. Now what do you know about the docking bays? Do you have blueprints?"

  "I..." Martha rubbed her eyes. "I can get them."


  "I wish we had some more guns," Martha said.

  "Can't be helped. Three guns will have to do for now." Erica looked at her gun. "Maybe we won't need them if we're silent."

  "No." Martha gave a head shake. "They're there. I'm sure of it. And they have plenty of guns.

  "This blueprint that Martha found on her tablet might be just enough to help." Keiko was looking at docking bay four's blueprints on Martha's tablet screen. Keiko shook her head. "This does look like the best way in if we wanted to steal one of these shuttles, but it would be easy to have people hiding here, and here. It's risky."

  "And if we came in over here, or there, would it be even more risky?" Erica pointed.

  "Yes." Keiko nodded. "That's why I don't like it."

  "I agree with you there, Keiko," Martha said.

  "Damn." Lynna had her arms crossed under her breasts.

  Erica walked through the door and saw no one. Lynna and Martha followed. Next came Tilly, Gwen, Mindy, and Keiko. The shuttle that was their target was just a few steps away, but first they needed to open the bay doors. This would be the hardest part of the plan.

  "I'll get everyone safely into the shuttle and you two see if you can open the doors," Keiko said.

  "Sounds like a plan," Erica said.

  "Do we have a plan B?" Lynna said.

  "Scream and shoot at people," Martha said. "And run."

  "Damn." Lynna followed Keiko and the others.

  "I'm hoping the controls don't have much security," Martha said. "At least they’re not suppose to."

  "But if Beaumont's people are here, they might be waiting for us," Erica said.

  "Yes," Martha said. "You ready, beautiful?"

  "Yes." Erica tried not to giggle, but blushed anyway.

  Suddenly there was shooting coming from the shuttle.

  "Fuck!" Martha looked back at the shuttle.

  "No." Erica started towards it.

  She saw Gwen running from it as fast as she could, with a man after her. He fired his gun and missed. Erica and Martha fired back, until the man was hit.

  "They were waiting for us in the shuttle!" Gwen said.

  "We need to get out of here!" Martha waved back to the exit. "Run!"

  Erica grabbed Gwen's hand and followed. They got out of the docking bay just as some shots were fired after them.

  "Keep running!" Martha screamed.


  An unknown vessel in Collard.

  Alberta entered the bridge. Janet had just called her and sounded frantic.

  Alberta saw Janet standing over Fiona Williams the sensor chief. Janet looked up and waved her over.

  "What's going on, Janet?"

  "A starship just jumped out of hyperspace." Janet had her left hand in her pocket. The left had a tendency to shake when she was nervous. "We're worried it might be the Lorkiiz starship."

  Alberta sighed as she looked at the screens of Fiona's sensor station. The Lorkiiz starship had chased them through several star systems, until the bug device in Alberta's head had been removed. How did they find us? Is there still something in my head? Alberta shook her head.

  "I've launched probes to send out there," Fiona said. "It's pretty far."

  "Are they waiting out there?" Alberta asked. "Or are they coming in towards the spacestation like your average t
rader starship would do?"

  "Just looking for peaceful trade rather hunting us? That would be nice," Janet said.

  "Are there any other spaceships out there?" Alberta said.

  "The closest spaceship to the Lorkiiz starship is one mining a comet." Fiona said. "I believe it's the Shelly."

  "Agatha, see if you can contact the Shelly," Alberta said to Agatha Gee the communications chief.

  "Yes, captain." Agatha tapped at her keyboard and screens.

  Alberta sat in her chair. She checked a screen that showed a map of the Collard System. Alberta asked for the distance between the unknown starship and the Guinevere. 30 AU. About 49,000 kilometers. It would be a long time before our probes get out there.

  "Captain, I have made contact with the Shelly," Agatha said. "Their captain would mind checking out the unknown starship if we pay for the fuel costs."


  "Confirmed," Agatha said. "They check it out."

  "Good." Alberta leaned back in her chair. She crossed her legs.

  Hours later, the Shelly exploded. It had been hit by three laser beams.

  "Goddess, help us! They just let them get close enough to fire their lasers. Massacred them." Janet rubbed her nose with a shaking left hand.

  "How many crewmembers did they have, Janet?" Alberta rubbed her forehead.

  "Local records say fifty-one, ma'am."

  "Agatha. Tell the governor what just happened. Also tell him we hired the Shelly to check out the newly arrived starship. No, go ahead and tell them everything about the Lorkiiz starship that's been chasing us."

  "Yes, captain," Agatha replied and turned her attention back to her station.

  "The locals have no navy," Janet said.

  "A few ships might be armed like we are," Alberta said.

  "Will they help us?"

  "One of their own ships was just destroyed," Alberta said. "I'm hoping they'll want revenge. We also should leave security forces behind to go after the kidnappers for I do not trust the local police chief. Piper can run second and third's security forces."

  "Neither do I, Captain."

  "I'll need to talk to Ellie," Alberta said. Junior Captain Ellie Williams was the third shift captain who would take command of the Guinevere after Alberta's second shift was over. "I'll leave the Guinevere's Daughter behind to assist security with a skeleton crew to run Daughter. You can command the Daughter."

  "Thank you, captain," Janet said.



  Martha led them into an elevator that took them to another deck where they ran into a bar. She went straight to the women's restroom. Gwen dropped to the dirty floor and cried into her arms. Erica knelt and put an arm around Gwen. Martha paced back and forth.

  "It will be okay, Gwen."

  "Okay?" Martha snapped. "We're fucked. Fucked!"

  "Shut up!" Erica said. "You're not helping any."

  "Oh. Do you have a plan?" Martha put her hands on her hips.



  "We could attack them at Beaumont's place," Erica said.


  "They wouldn't be expecting it," Erica said.

  "Oh." Martha turned around and then back. She threw up her hands. "Why not?"

  "Are you sure this is the best idea?" Gwen asked after they returned to the wealthy apartments section of the spacestation.

  "Do you have any better ideas, kid?" Martha said.

  "No," Gwen said.

  "What's that noise?" Erica said. "A hum or buzz?"

  "Fuck. That's my tablet." Martha reached into her jacket for it. She tapped the screen. "Hello?"

  "This is Piper Williams,” the voice said. "I'm to locate you. I'm reason to believe you know my daughter. At least that's what I've been able to find about you."

  "Really? That's impressive," Martha said.

  "Mom?" Erica said.

  "Erica!" She recognized her mother, Piper's worried voice.

  "Yes. I'm here with Martha." Erica accepted the tablet when Martha handed it to her. "Gwen is here too."

  "Where's everyone else? What's going on?"

  Erica started explaining everything that happened. She tried to make Martha sound as helpful as she could.

  The door opened and some of Oscar Beaumont's men chased after them. Erica shot at them.

  "Get Gwen out of here, Martha."


  "I'm going to give up to help you two get away," Erica said. "Go!"

  "What?" Gwen said.

  Martha grabbed Gwen's hand and ran.

  "No!" Gwen said.

  Erica held up her hands. One of the men tackled her and hit Gwen in the face.

  The men dragged Erica back into the room and dropped her in front of Oscar Beaumont.

  "Hello, Erica." Beaumont was sitting in his couch with a glass of wine. "Back again?"

  Beaumont stood up and kicked Erica in the stomach again and again. He stopped and looked down on her, shaking his head. "I told you before not to escape. I can't just let you go back with the others without looking weak. It's your own fault."

  Erica felt the heel strike her ribs. Shit! She tried not to scream when it came down again. Aaaah! Shit! He grabbed her hand and twisted her arm. This moved turned Erica on her belly and she couldn't see what he was doing. She felt her index finger being pulled back. Snap! Shit! Oooh, no! Next came her middle finger. Snap! Erica felt tears rolling down her bruised cheek. Then her ring finger. Snap! The little finger. Snap! "Aaaah!"

  "Now wasn't that fun, Erica?" Beaumont laughed. He let go of her hand.

  Erica held her broken fingers up to her bosom as she rolled to her side. No. Oh Goddess. She held them with her left hand.

  "You Yin are so much fun!" Beaumont said. "Most of you have perfect genetics and very pretty. You included. What does your kind call yourselves? T-females?"

  Beaumont kicked her in the testicles. "Aaaah!" Erica screamed.

  "Ah yes." Beaumont nodded. "You have balls, unlike O-females."


  "No. I'm not," Beaumont said. "I know who my mother and father were. They fought against the upstart Thiessen and his rebellion against the Beaumont family. We are suppose to run this spacestation for that is how it started hundreds of years ago. They let me live because I was in my early teens at the time. A foolish mistake. They should have read The Prince by Machiavelli. Better to be feared than loved."

  As Erica clutched her groin, his boot struck her in the eye. She saw stars and then darkness came.



  Erica awoke. She was shoved back into the prison room with her friends. She looked up at them.

  "Glad to see you guys again."

  "Goddess, Erica," Tilly said. "Can we have some more medicine for her?"

  "No,” the guard said. "Mr. Beaumont's orders. Shut up."

  Erica heard Tilly's groan and looked at her out of one eye.

  "Do I look as gross as I feel?" Erica forced a painful smile.

  "Yes, Erica," Keiko said. "They really gave you a beating."

  "What are you planning on doing, Mother?" Erica mumbled to herself as she rested her head in Mindy's lap. She was comforted by Mindy's gentle petting of Erica's hair.

  "Your mothers aren't here, Erica," Mindy said.

  "I know that. I was just thinking out loud." Erica glanced up at Mindy.


  "I just don't know what to do anymore," Erica said. "We're fucked. How can we get out of this?"

  "Shut up, Erica," Mindy said.


  "You're not doing yourself any good by whining like a child," Mindy whispered. "Now what is going on out there? You haven't told us a damn things since you joined us."

  "She's right," Keiko leaned in to whisper. "I would really like to know too."

  "I'm sorry." Erica glanced over to the guard. She whispered to them everything that had happened. Including about making contact wi
th Piper.

  "Well that's better news than what we had before, Erica," Mindy whispered. "I don't see why you're so depressed. We have a chance to get out of here."

  "Your mother, Piper, is probably going to make a move," Keiko said. "We just have to be ready to make our own move when the time comes."

  "You're right." Erica sat up slowly. "We need to figure something out."

  "You feeling any better?" Tilly asked.

  "I hope so," Erica said.

  Maybe they are right. I just need to rethink things. Beaumont. Can I fight him again and win? Will it come down to that if we try to escape? Erica held up her bandaged hand. Tilly had put wrapping around her ribcage after Beaumont had stomped on her ribs. Erica also had her bad bandaged up. There was very little medicine left for her and none of them were pain-killers. Damn, it hurts! Erica looked at her good left hand and made a fist. An image of her fist busting Beaumont's nose made her smile. It was a cruel smile.

  "Every once in a while, the guard by the door is exchanged for another," Erica whispered to Keiko. "What if we attack at that moment? All of us at once."

  "Risky, but it might work," Keiko said. "Tell Mindy and Tilly. I'll tell Lynna."

  "Are you sure you're up to the task?" Tilly whispered back to Erica after she was told.

  "Yes," Erica replied. "I don't trust Beaumont. He's too greedy and egotistical. He wants more money and thinks he can actually get it. I'm sure Piper is going to act soon."

  "Okay," Tilly whispered. "I'm with you."

  Everyone was in agreement to attack when the guard left and a fresh guard replaced him. So they waited and watched.

  Erica found she could meditate and was able to relax her body. Below the navel was a mystical spot called the tandien. A place to focus your mind as you breathed in and out.

  "Come on. Meditate with me," Erica said to the others.

  Mindy, Tilly and Lynna looked nervous and she suspected they need it for what was to come. Keiko seemed a calm. But all four agreed to join Erica in a meditation session.

  "Focus on your tandien below the navel. Breathe in and count to seven," Erica said. "Breathe out and count to seven."

  Except for the breathing, there was silence.


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