Zoran Chronicles Volume 1 A Dragon in Our Town

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Zoran Chronicles Volume 1 A Dragon in Our Town Page 31

by Broquard, Vic

  As they were getting ready to go find a carriage, Kimiko joined them, just having fed her son. She said in a matter of fact way, “Ah, going for a carriage ride today. Great. My advice, find a nice spot and go for a naked swim and then have sex. You won’t believe how great having sex is while in the warm waters! We do it that way all the time.”

  “Kimiko, you spoiled it,” Goro teased her. “Here I had them all thinking this was a secret mystery and all that.” She giggled. So did Zoran and friends. “If you want, you can sleep out on the beaches too. If so, I’ll make sure you take along more food and water than you need for just one day.”

  “How about us taking enough for three days?” Zoran asked.

  Kimiko grinned, “Now you are talking! You got it! See, they know what to do, Goro.” He chuckled.

  An hour later, Bernard sat in the driver’s seat of the open carriage. Jarka sat beside him. Two horses seemed eager to get going, while Zoran and Zdenka sat in the double rows of seats behind the two. On the other seat they had numerous water gourds, a sack of charcoal, and enough food for days. Goro saw them off. “If bad weather is coming, I’ll let you know. Dad told me to tell you that if he hears of any trouble coming, he’ll let you know and you can Shadow Walk home. Just leave the carriage; I’ll come get it. Have fun out there. We certainly do.”

  A half hour later, they left the western edge of the town behind them. Ahead the sandy road ran straight westward. On either side, patches of green grass grew tall and thick for some hundred feet, before giving way to a sandy beach. Indeed, here the island was perhaps ten feet above sea level, if that. The day was sunny and balmy, perhaps eighty degrees.

  “Bernard, isn’t this just incredible?” Jarka exclaimed.

  “Dear, I have long ago lost all words to describe this place! I admit when I first heard about this world, I thought it was going to be dismal, but that shows you how wrong I can be. I’m sure glad that you insisted we come here.”

  “Well, I can’t wait to go skinny dipping! Hurry the horses up some!” Zoran and Zdenka listened to the two chat, but they were already in a passionate embrace.

  At lunch time, they stopped and went for a swim, before moving on down the road. They saw no one at all the entire day. When they stopped for the night, Zoran and Bernard estimated that they were about halfway down the island. After they dined, both couples went for a nighttime swim. However, each couple went on a different side of the island. Both couples stripped and headed playfully into the warm waters.

  That night, Zoran awoke with his usual nightmare once again, only now it seemed so real that Zdenka had a hard time waking him up. She did her best to not wake Bernard and Jarka. On a hunch, the next day Zoran insisted that they travel on down the road. Bernard had no objection. The two women, Zoran noted, had the most contented, satisfied looks on their faces that morning. He smiled and knew why.

  By late afternoon, the island had narrowed considerably, perhaps fifty feet from water’s edge to water’s edge. From the carriage, they could see everything across the width of the island. Suddenly, Zoran spied a form lying on the beach some distance ahead. “Gang, look there! It looks like a body lying on the beach. Hurry up, Bernard, they might be in trouble,” he called out. All eyes stared at the distant form, as Bernard got the horses into a canter, closing the distance rapidly.

  “My god, Zoran!” Zdenka exclaimed, “That — that looks like a mermaid!”

  Panic seized Zoran. Was he too late to save her? Was she the person in his nightmares? Bernard halted the horses opposite the mermaid, who lay lifelessly on the sandy beach. A bit of her tail remained in the water. She looked like a green fish from the waist down, but was a woman on up. She had no top clothes on and was lying face down in the sand. All four rushed to her side.

  “She’s alive!” Zoran called out. He rolled her over while Zdenka moved the long strands of her very long black hair off of her face.

  “She looks dehydrated,” he concluded. Jarka brought a water gourd, and Zoran lifted her into a sitting position, while Jarka attempted to get some water into her mouth. Soon, the woman gained some consciousness and began drinking greedily. At long last, she could speak.

  “Help! You must help me! Please, my sister. Help me,” she whispered. Her tone was a combination of grief and fear. “I am so weak,” she added, now becoming more aware of her body.

  “You are in good hands. We will help you and your sister. I promise you. How long have you been lying there on the sand?” Zoran asked.

  “Days, I don’t know,” she replied weakly.

  “Okay, food Jarka.” The Mage dashed off to the carriage and returned with her arms full of items. Quickly Zdenka and Jarka fixed up some rations, and the two began feeding the mermaid, who greedily ate almost as fast as they could stuff it into her mouth. Zdenka urged her to slow down.

  A bit later and with some more water, the woman began to become more coherent. “Now tell us what is the matter and where is your sister,” Zoran asked her.

  “It’s my sister, Chika. She’s lost and can’t find her way back — I just know it. Please, you’ve got to help her.”

  “We will. First, what are you called?” Zoran asked, wondering how he could help a mermaid.

  “I am called Akira. Chika’s my sister. Our mother, Nao, died a few weeks ago. That’s when Chika and I decided to escape. Chika and I found it and she said she could use it to find us a new place to live. She promised she would only be gone a little bit and then come back to get me too, but she’s been gone for days now and I can’t find her.”

  All this made little sense to Zoran. He asked, “Just what did you find and how could she use it to find you two a new place to live?”

  “It’s something magical that belonged to the barons. It’s round and got all these different colored bands that glow and move around in it. We thought that it must be what Nao called a Circle. Chika said that we should be able to use it, and she tried and hasn’t come back. Please, you must help us,” she begged yet again.

  Now the pieces began to fall into place. Baron Hajime and Duke Goro had told them that their original Circle of Ascension had been destroyed in a hurricane. Obviously, it hadn’t! It was now underwater. Yet, she said that the bands moved. That could only mean that it was still active and operational. However, only a Duska could use it and then only after the person was given the Ceremony of Ascension. It was fatal to attempt it without having the Priestess perform the ceremony! He had no idea what would happen to a non-Duska who attempted to use a Circle. Indeed, he could recall nothing at all about such. Normal people simply could not use it. Yet, apparently, her sister had done so.

  “Where is this Circle, Akira?” he asked quietly, though his three companions knew precisely what he was thinking. It was obvious Chika was somehow trapped in the lost Circle of Ascension.

  “Down there,” she pointed off into the waters. Zoran knew that he could spend days looking for it underwater. He suspected they didn’t have days to waste finding it.

  Just then, he felt a mental contact being made. Then a second one. Baron Hajime here. Momentarily, he received, Duke Goro here.

  Hi Baron, Duke. Just enjoying your magnificent beaches.

  Okay dad. I’ll drop the connection.

  No, stay with us, Goro. Zoran, I’ve just sensed that there have been some illegal arrivals on Asami. I have traced their origin point back to Rehor. I am now very concerned for your safety. Shall I send some forces to protect you and your party? These could well be assassins out looking for you.

  Thanks for the warning. No, we will Shadow Walk back home shortly. Goro, what about our carriage? I think that we are somewhere near Ma-meido.

  When you leave, I’ll come and get it later. Not a problem. Did you take our suggestion? He couldn’t resist asking.

  Sure did. You and Kimiko were quite right! Thanks for the alert. We’ll Shadow Walk home in a little while. It has been a wonderful honeymoon. We can’t wait to come back for another visit, Baron.

>   My pleasure, son. Anytime. Both broke their contact.

  “Damn, it looks like some assassins from Baron Bogdan are now on Asami. Hajime just sent me an alert. He’s detected some illegal Shadow Walking here. I told him that we will Shadow Walk home from here. But first, I have to help these mermaids.”

  “Okay, gang. Protective spells time,” Zdenka ordered and the four cast spells rapidly. Jarka made doubly sure that everyone had the Skin of Stone spell on their bodies. This was one of the best defenses against assassins.

  Zoran reached his decision. “Akira, are you strong enough to show me where this Circle is located?”

  “Yes, I feel much better now. Please, can you help her?”

  “I will do my best. I want you to show me the Circle. As soon as I see it, I want you to come back here. My wife and friends are powerful magic users, and they will protect you until I get back with your sister.”

  “Thank you. Please, you must take us away with you. We cannot stay here on Asami. Please we will go anywhere. We will do anything that you want of us. Please,” Akira was literally begging for her life. That was clear to all.

  “We will take you with us off of Asami,” Zdenka decided before anyone else could say otherwise. Zoran gave her a smile of appreciation.

  “Okay, come on then. I’ll cast my water breathing spell, and we can go under.”

  “Wait until I cast mine,” Akira cautioned. All four stared at her in shock as she carefully recited the spell. “Okay, follow me.” She crawled into the water and began swimming and then dove under. Zoran followed after her.

  “Okay, let’s set up a defensive position here. Get all our things ready for an immediate Shadow Walk,” Zdenka ordered. The three set to work.

  Once the two had dove under the water, Zoran saw how she swam. She did not use her arms, merely her legs and tail in an undulating manner akin to a fish. Yet, she was vastly faster than his kicking and pulling. Zoran just could not remotely keep up with her! She was incredibly fast. He now realized that her tail and big fin made all the difference in speed. Akira glanced back and saw him far behind her and slowed down. Zoran relaxed, thankful that she had.

  How far they had gone, he had no way to really judge. As he thought, “I am out of my waters here.” He laughed at his own pun. They were at least fifty feet under the surface when she began pointing at something below her. When he arrived, he saw the Circle of Ascension. Zoran signaled for her to return to the surface and waited until she was well on her way, before turning his attention onto the Circle. If he could have spoken, he would have exclaimed, “Incredible! There is my sky blue thread in this one!”

  Now what do I do? he wondered as he activated the Circle, stepping into the Shadow world. He needed a Priestess; they were trained in such matters. What do I do? Suddenly, his nightmare kicked in once more, and he now realized that it was not a nightmare at all! It was Chika trying to make a Duska mental contact with another Duska! A totally untrained Duska at best!

  I am here. Focus on me and I will focus on you.

  Wham! He was totally unprepared for the strength of her connection! She latched on to him for dear life! Slowly he moved toward what he thought was her direction. After what seemed ages of walking in the black void, he finally found her ahead, valiantly attempting to swim, though there was no water here. As he came up to her, she grabbed on to him with her arms and clung to him with all her might! She nearly crushed his ribs!

  Quickly, he stepped back out of the Circle. Unfortunately, she did not have her water breathing spell cast and she began to panic. He saw that she was holding her breath but had only seconds left. Zoran then cast his Mystical Door spell and pulled her through it onto the beach, where she collapsed, gasping for air. Zoran canceled his water breathing spell and looked at the four looking at him.

  “Any signs of the assassins?” he asked worriedly.

  “Goro Messaged me that he saw two assassins arriving at Tesaki. He saw them heading down the island heading our way. They stole two horses and are riding hard. We still have some time before they get here unless they can teleport or fly,” Zdenka replied.

  “Okay. I’ve got Chika rescued. Chika, Akira has begged us to take you two with us to another planet. Is this what you two really want?” Zoran asked.

  Poor Chika was totally delirious, nauseated, as well as out of breath. She gasped, “Free, we want to be free. Take us anywhere but here. Please. We can pay.”

  Whether this was a right move or whether this action would ultimately put him on the baron’s hit list, Zoran had no idea. However, he acted. “They cannot stand, so Bernard, you carry Akira and I’ll carry Chika. Zdenka, you and Jarka hold on to me and hold on to Bernard.” Once they were firmly gripping him, he Shadow Walked them off of Asami — their honeymoon abruptly ended.

  He felt Chika’s terror of the void returning, but focused his attention on Adapazan and then Brn. A moment later, he stepped everyone inside the entrance of the tower. “Let’s take them quickly up to our bedroom. The fewer eyes that see them the better,” he requested, opening a Mystical Door to his bedroom.

  He and Bernard placed both mermaids on Zoran’s bed, for want of any place better. “Now what?” asked Bernard.

  “They look half starved,” Jarka replied. “I’ll fetch some food and water. Bernard, you go tell everyone that we are back, but don’t say a word about the mermaids.” He nodded and the two left.

  Akira hugged her older sister, who looked to be perhaps two years older than she, Zdenka thought, if age appeared the same with mermaids. Chika was still pretty much incoherent. “We’re safe now, Chika, we’re safe,” she whispered to her. Chika moaned, but Zoran detected a sigh of relief as well.

  Shortly, Jarka returned, her arms full of food and drink. “Okay, men out of here. Let we women tend to their needs a bit.” To Zoran, she whispered, “And stop looking at their naked breasts! Men!” He flushed. Was it that obvious? He beat a hasty exit.

  Zoran quickly checked with General Janos and Archmage Karel and found that all was well. All had been boringly routine in their absence. He was thankful of that. They chatted a bit and Zoran was brought up to date. He told them about Asami, but didn’t mention his two mermaids.

  A while later, Zdenka Messaged Zoran, and he headed up to their bedroom. Chika was now conscious and coherent. Perhaps now he could get their story and try to figure out what to do with two mermaids. There weren’t any oceans around here or any ponds for that matter. What could he do with them anyway?

  When he entered, he found that Zdenka and Jarka had put tops on the two mermaids and that both were sitting on his bed. “Thank you for rescuing us,” Chika said. He noted that both women’s long black hair had been brushed out, and they looked rather pretty.

  He smiled, “Well don’t thank me yet. You are on the mountainous planet of Adapazan in the Brn Province, a province of free people. However, there aren’t any bodies of water anywhere around here. I’m not sure how long you two can remain out of water or where you can live. The waters around our continent are freezing in the wintertime.”

  “I’m sorry, we don’t know anything about Adapazan. It is enough that you say free people. That’s what we want to be, free people,” Chika replied quietly.

  “But we’re not mermaids really,” Akira added. “We’re people too.” Zoran looked totally confused.

  Zdenka came to his rescue. “Dear, their bottoms are some kind of man-made skin that covers their legs.”

  “Can you get us out of it?” Chika asked. “We don’t know how. We can pay you. We’ve both stashed a bunch of big pearls inside our skins.”

  Zoran blushed. Probably they would be completely naked when the skin was removed. Zdenka again came to his rescue. “We are rather modest people. We only let our husbands see our private areas. That’s why he is a bit embarrassed. Dear, you step out a minute, and Jarka and I will see what we can do. If we need help, we’ll holler.” Zoran quickly stepped out, grateful for her suggestion.

minutes later, Zdenka called out for his help. “Dear, I am afraid that we are going to have to have your help here with this.” He was not prepared for what he saw when he entered. The women had managed to peal the skin off of their legs; the fins were now lying in the corner of the room. The women were still lying on the bed. Zoran stared at their legs. Every few inches from the tops of their thighs on down to their toes some kind of metal loops went through their flesh on either leg, binding the legs tightly to one another all the way down to their toes!

  After he recovered from his shock, he then examined one ring loop closely. It went through the fleshy part not their bones. Chika had nineteen rings down her legs holding them tightly together. Akira had eighteen. “Well, they look like they only go through the fleshy part, not through their bones.”

  “Please, can you get them off of us,” Chika begged.

  “Yes, I have to, but the how must be worked out, Chika. Let’s see,” he tried bending one open with no luck. “Okay, I have an idea. I’ll be back in a minute.” He cast a Mystical Door spell and stepped through the door.

  “One day I would like to learn how to do that!” Akira exclaimed. Zdenka took this opportunity to chat with them about their spell casting skills. Neither knew what she was talking about, so she prompted them about their Water Breathing spell.

  “Oh that was magic?” both girls exclaimed. They had been unaware that it was magic that they were doing. Shortly, Zoran returned with a blacksmith’s wire cutter.

  “Let’s hope that these are soft metal rings,” he explained. He set to work on the topmost ring of Chika because it was the easiest to fit into the large cutter’s edge. It gave way with a slight popping sound. With a bit of effort, he managed to separate the two halves and then it was a simple matter of slowly easing one side out of her flesh and then the other. “Ta da, one down, eighteen to go.”

  It took him an hour to free both girls, who could finally move their legs freely for the first time in many years. Zdenka rubbed their legs and holes with a healing salve as a safety precaution, though the piercings were long ago healed. Then, she and Jarka helped them into a dress. Now presentable, Zoran returned to talk at length with them. Suddenly, Asami took on a whole new dark side — one that they had not remotely suspected was there.


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