Breaking The Mold

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Breaking The Mold Page 19

by Drew Sera

Tammie: I’ve been thinking all evening about what you said.

  Paul: Oh?

  Tammie: Yeah, I think that maybe I have needs that you might be able to meet. And I can keep a secret too.

  Paul: That sounds wonderful. I’d love to see everything from the photo in real life.

  Tammie: I’ll pose for you, cameraman, but you’ve got to bury your face between my legs.

  Paul: Consider it done. When?

  Tammie: He’s gone for the next four days flying. He leaves tomorrow morning.

  Paul: Perfect. I get off work tomorrow afternoon at 3:00. How about 3:30?

  She agreed and sent me a text with her address. I could lick her pussy and make her come in exchange for some pictures. It’s all for my brother, I reminded myself. And I’d do anything for my brother.

  “Princess, I’m going to work a little overtime tonight. The pharmacy has been slammed all day,” I lied over the phone.

  “Okay, call me on your way home, and I’ll put dinner on. I love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  I tossed the phone on the seat next to me as I drove to Tammie’s place. I slipped my phone back in my pocket when I arrived. I’ll be needing this camera.

  I glanced at the fireplace mantle filled with photos of Tammie and her pilot husband. He had a much smaller build than I did. I noticed that all the pictures were just of her and the husband.

  “No, other family?” I asked.

  “Nope. It’s just us. We’re both only children, and my folks are both deceased, and his mother is. Geoffrey never knew his father.”

  Fuck, yes!

  “That’s a shame.” I turned to face her. “And it’s a shame he leaves you for so long. I bet if you told him about needing sex while he was gone, I’m sure he’d understand.”

  “No, I don’t think he would. I think we should just keep this between us,” she said nervously.

  I nodded and raised my eyebrows at her.

  “Ready to have that pussy eaten?”

  She blushed and nodded shyly. This was just too easy. I pulled my shirt off as she began undressing. This is for Johnny.

  “Tammie, I want you to straddle my face, sweetheart. You on top,” I said, knowing that it would make her feel more in control.

  Little did she know she had lost any fragment of control she had yesterday.

  I got into position and helped her settle over my face. I gently took hold of her hips and playfully ran my tongue along her folds. She was unbelievably wet, and I began to wonder if her pussy husband ever gave this girl an ounce of attention. She bucked her hips and moaned out as I continued to enjoy her pussy.

  She started leaning back to rub on my cock over my pants.

  “God, it feels so hard in there. Aren’t you uncomfortable?” she asked.

  “Your pussy tastes so good, I’m trying not to pay too much attention to my aching cock. You can unzip my pants if you’d like, sweetheart.”

  Moments later we were in a sixty-nine, and my fingers pried her ass cheeks apart. I poked a finger into her drenched pussy and then rimmed her ass.

  “Ohh, yes!” Tammie moaned.

  “Your husband ever fuck this little hole?”

  “No, Paul. He said it’s bad.”

  Again, this was way too easy.

  “Oh, no sweetheart. It’s the best. It’s heavenly. I love fucking asses.”

  “Does your girlfriend let you?”

  Let me? As if there was ever really a choice.

  “All of the time. She loves it. Especially when I come in her ass.”

  “Aw, I want you to come in my ass.”

  “Honey, I don’t think your ass is ready for me yet.” I pushed a few fingers into her ass, and she squirmed. “See, baby. We need to work up to that. Do you have some toys, like a vibrator?”

  “I have a vibrator.”

  “Okay, I want you to fuck your ass with it each day while he’s gone. We’ll try it again before he comes back.”

  After she swallowed the load of cum I dumped in her mouth, it was time to go.

  “Okay, sweetheart, my turn for pictures now.”

  She smiled as she posed in several positions, and I got tons of pictures. I left and called Amy on my way home so she could start dinner. I was fucking starved.

  Tonight was one of my alone nights at Irons. I needed a heavy scene and wasn’t about to deny myself this. Amy encouraged me to go to Irons and play. I’d been focusing on the few potential buyers I had in the Caribbean for Tammie, and it’s putting distance between Amy and me.

  It’s all for Johnny.

  As I was sipping my beer at the bar, I saw a woman and nearly choked. Brown hair, blue eyes, introverted with a capital “I”…and of course, she was walking with Colin fucking Everett and Graves.

  I abandoned my beer and walked up to them. Normally, I’d avoid Everett if at all possible. But right now he was next to a woman that would give me the best shot at saving my brother.

  “Everett, where did you find this pussy? Certainly, I haven’t pleasured it.”

  The girl kept walking with Graves and Matt’s girl, and while I stayed in my spot, my eyes followed the girl. All I saw were dollar signs. She walked like a wary submissive. This girl would be far better than Tammie. Tammie was too extroverted. She was a girl of the “now” and not afraid to say what was on her mind. I couldn’t cast Tammie aside yet. Not until I find out more about this girl.

  And the fact that she was with Colin made this whole transaction far more appealing to me…taking something from Everett.

  “Don’t Paul. She’s new to this and is just getting out of a bad situation,” Everett said, forcing my attention from the girl back to him.

  “Maybe she needs to be kissed with a whip for a while. Spend an evening with a sadist,” I suggested and glanced back over at the girl sitting beside Graves.

  “No, she doesn’t. That’s the last thing she needs.”

  “You training her? She’s a cute one dripping with innocence. I get next dibs after Graves.” I said to Colin.

  God, if I could get some alone time with this girl, she’d be easy to earn enough money off of for my brother. I wanted to get a closer look at her. I think she was in her twenties. That was a specified detail; brown hair, blue eyes, 18-30, American and a submissive personality. So far, she fit the bill perfectly. I took a few steps toward Graves and the girl, just to look closer at her but fucking Everett blocked my path.

  “Leave her alone, Paul,” Everett said.

  Off to the side, I could see a few of the other Doms silently side with Colin. What the fuck? Was this girl made of fucking gold? I didn’t want to cause a scene, so I backed off.

  “Let me know when the sign-up sheet is available for that one,” I said to Colin and lightly slugged him in the arm.

  I went back to the bar and ordered another beer then took it to the high-top table in the corner. I was out of sight and from where I sat, I watched another Dom, Evan, approach Anthony and the mystery girl. Everett seemed pissed and was now at the bar with Matt ranting about something. It brought me extreme pleasure to see Everett so upset.

  Anthony took the girl down to the dungeon, and my heart sank. Why does every fucking female here want to be filled by that man? And why does Graves get to have his dick in every woman here?

  I slowly sipped my beer as I mentally went over a list of things I needed to set up. Most importantly was the account in the Caymans.

  I was ready to call it a night when some excitement broke out. Graves came back upstairs with the girl. She looked dazed and superhero Everett had to swoop in. Everett went to the dungeon and came back moments later and sat close to them. I had to go scratch at Graves.

  “Did you break her already, Graves? Were you too rough with your new toy?” I asked.

  Graves needed to play rough, and he needed to be roughed up. He’s still in denial about needing to be roughed up heavily. Matt calmly approached and asked me to please leave them alone for the evening. I nodded and wen
t back to the bar, and only because Matt asked me kindly. He’s the only one out of the three of them that talks to me like I matter. And he helped me out when I had questions about my brother’s surgery a few years ago.

  I learned tonight that the girl’s name was Sydney. I was going to have to make Friday and Saturday nights regular Irons nights again.

  “Come on, princess. We’re going to go play at Irons tonight,” I said to Amy after we finished dinner.

  It was Saturday night, and I knew that the chances were good that Everett would be there. Then maybe I could get a closer look at the girl who could save my brother.

  As we pulled into the parking lot, I saw one of Everett’s obnoxious cars parked. This may have been the only fucking time that I was excited that he was here…because I knew if he was here, Sydney might be here.

  “Princess, I’m going to put you on the leash tonight?” I said as I attached the leash to the collar.

  Though I knew it wasn’t her favorite, I didn’t care. I’ve literally kept her on a leash at home some here and there since her discovery of my pictures. We’ve also put some high protocol in place. It gave me a sense of security knowing that she wasn’t messing with something that she shouldn’t be.

  “Yes, Master,” she replied in the lobby.

  Amy and I roamed the upstairs, which was where I thought that I might find Everett and Sydney. Everett wasn’t a big fan of the dungeon, unlike Graves. Anthony thrived in the dungeon, just like me. Much to my surprise, I didn’t find Everett and Sydney upstairs, but as I was heading toward the steps with Amy, my pulse jumped at the sight of Graves coming up the stairs.

  God, he doesn’t know what he’s missed out on in life.

  Behind Graves, was my little $100,000 prize, followed by fucking Everett. As usual, Graves failed to acknowledge me, and Sydney followed him. I watched them navigate the crowded hallway. Many Doms were in the packed hall space, and I caught Everett’s attention as he reached the top step.

  “How’s your little trainee working out, Everett?” I asked.

  He stared at me, his face void of anger in typical Everett fashion.

  “She’s fine,” he said.

  She’s fine? Two fucking words was all he could spit out.

  “I didn’t think you were letting her play yet,” I said.

  “She’s not scening, Paul.”

  He shook his head at me and looked around at the people looking at us.

  “Graves had her in his arms last night, and she’s in his hands now.” I glanced in the direction of Anthony and Sydney. I couldn’t see Sydney in the crowd, but I saw Anthony’s head. “When do I get to play with that naughty little thing? I bet she could use a firm hand. I see she’s got some nice red lines on her back through that lacy tank top.” Everett continued to shake his head and took a few steps in the direction of Anthony. No, he wasn’t going to walk away from me. “Is Graves the lucky man who put them on her?” Everett stopped and walked back over to me. “Do I have a long wait ahead of me before I get to play?”

  Everett got closer to me and crossed his arms over his chest and looked me right in the eye.

  “You have a very, very long wait, Paul. Forever, to be exact. You will never, ever play with her,” he said.

  Many of the Doms that were in our proximity were now staring at us. I felt my face getting warm. The urge to pound the shit out of Everett was hard to extinguish. Somehow, I was able to keep my hands at my side. And the asshole wasn’t done.

  “Do not go near her. Anthony didn’t put those marks on her. Period.”

  Everyone was looking. Anyone who heard the exchange knew that Everett got the best of me. I had to get out of there. I pulled harder than I had intended on Amy’s leash and she fell against me. Not only did Everett get the best of me, but now it appeared that my slave couldn’t behave.

  “Fucking girl! You will learn what it means to stand obediently while I speak with another Master. You will learn tonight!”

  I glared at Amy and could see the fear in her eyes. To make matters worse, Everett stood in front of me stopping my progress down the steps. Now his fucking tone was softer and quiet.

  “Calm down, Paul. Remember your company.”

  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before I calmly moved down the steps to the main room and then down to the dungeon. I waited until we were in a stall before I spoke to her.

  “You’ve been wanting the dark and to meet my needs. Tonight, you’ll see my darkness, and you’ll withstand it. Otherwise, there is no ‘us.’ Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  I worked so hard to quickly calm down and control my body as it shook with rage. I bound Amy’s hands together with rope, and then hooked them to the cable system above her head. I grabbed the leather strap and set out to pull Amy into the dark with me. Her tears, moans, and yelps were nothing more than faint background music for me.

  All I could think about was how embarrassed I felt after what Colin said to me in the hallway. Like always he had everything…money, wealth, power, Anthony, women, cars, houses. EVERYTHING. And he had the ticket to my brother’s survival with that new girl; Sydney.

  Amy’s back was solid red. I touched it with the back of my hand. Yep, her skin was on fire. I picked up the whip and start up again. I heard the same trance-like panting over and over. Her head was dropped, hanging downward and I noticed she was drooling. I laughed to myself. I bring her into the dark with me finally, and she slips off into sub-space.

  After my arm was tired, I reached up and felt her hands. They were ice cold. Her arms have been raised for too long. I released her from the chains, and then I removed the rope from her wrists. She tried to lean against me, but I just let her crumble to the floor.

  Calmly, I retrieved a hand towel and a bottle of water for her, opened it and set it down on the floor beside her. Amy began to guzzle the water as I stroked her damp hair. I wiped my chest and face with the towel and glance over at the crowded entryway to my cell.

  Of fucking course. Standing beside a Dungeon Monitor was fucking Everett and Graves. Everett had balls, that’s for sure. Time to taunt and tease the prince and his keeper.

  “Master Everett, you’re not doing a very good job with Graves. You need to work on your boy’s manners.”

  I’ve tried to get Anthony to respond to my taunts for years, and he rarely bites. For having a tougher than nails persona, he kept to himself and never let me see much of his anger. It’s because he knew that I knew we’re alike. He’s too afraid to let me pull that dark out of him. He’s afraid he’d like it. So, he kept it all to himself.

  But my God, Anthony took a step closer to me after that comment. I saw that fire in his eyes that he’s done such a good job of hiding. Come on, Graves! Let me see what you’re made of! I silently urged. And fucking Everett had to stop him. Fuck! Why won’t he just let Graves pick his own goddamn fights?

  “Ah, see. You can train Graves. He’s not a lost cause after all. Maybe you should restrain him more often, Master Everett,” I snickered and mock laughed at Anthony being stopped and listening to Colin.

  Come on, Graves! Let me see the fire again!

  Everett pulled Graves away, and they were walking away from me.


  No. Not this fucking time! They don’t get the last laugh anymore! I followed them into the hallway and called after them.

  “Tell me, Master Everett. If you and your co-top partner Graves are down here checking up on me, who is watching your trainee? Hmm?”

  They stopped. Yes! Now, come on! I was hoping Graves would come at me. Instead, sophisticated Everett stalked his way back to me. I hated this man with every breath I took.

  “I thought I made myself clear upstairs, Paul. As much as you want to scene and play with Sydney, you’re going to be disappointed. You’ll never play with her. You’ll never touch her. I told you she’s getting out of a bad situation and she isn’t a masochist. You leave her the fuck alone, or you and I will
have words.”

  I despised the way he accentuated the word “never.” Everett sounded just like Blake when he said that I’d “never” have Anthony in my grip.

  They’re both wrong. Mark my words…they were both fucking wrong! I laughed hysterically as Graves and Everett went back upstairs. They’d all find out how wrong they were.

  When Amy and I got home, I looked at her back in the bathroom. I cleaned the open wounds despite her protest. She cried and bitched until I couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Shut up! Can you just fucking shut up! Dammit, Amy. You fucking bitch for years about wanting to be what I need, and you beg me to let you see my dark side. So, I finally show it to you and you just fucking cry and whine. I’m going to show you what happens to women who think they want something, but they really have no fucking idea what they’re asking for!”

  I yanked her by her hand and took her to the spare room. I shoved her to the ground and grabbed some lengths of rope along with the ball gag.

  “No, I’m sorry, J.P.!” she cried before I put the gag ball in her mouth.

  “J.P.!” I yelled as I quickly bound her legs to her torso and then shoulders. She couldn’t move if she tried. “J.P. doesn’t fucking exist, Amy! I created him just for you! Notice how no one calls me J.P. but you? You just keep on believing we have the perfect fucking book world romance! We have nothing! My brother is an inch from death, and you want to fucking play house! I’m done playing. My name is Paul, and it’s been nice fucking with you!”

  I picked up the cane and pulled her hands out away from her body. I swatted them, and she yelped before pulling her hands back to her body. Amy flinched when I raised the cane.

  “Straighten your arms and put your palms up, Amy Andrews. Otherwise, it’ll be your face I use as a substitute…and then when you fall backward, I’ll use your neck. Either way, you’re going to spend the evening in the dark with the devil.”

  Her arms came forward, and I took the cane to them. I cleared my mind and replaced every thought with my hate and disgust for Colin fucking Everett. I imagined her hands were his face.


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