Dead to Writes (April Almighty #1)

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Dead to Writes (April Almighty #1) Page 7

by Tim Miller

  “Ok, go inside,” Bobby ordered.

  “I don’t have a warrant.”

  God did this fucking fake Podunk Sheriff just say he needed a warrant?

  “I’m your warrant. Now go.”

  Bobby stood behind him as Higgins pushed the door open. It swung open, but there was nothing inside.

  “If they find us here, we’re both dead,” Higgins warned.

  “Where do they keep them?”


  “The girls, when they bring a girl back for their fun, dumbass. Where do they keep them?”

  “Shit man, I told you I don’t know. They bring them here and people talk about it, but I never been up here. It’s not like they make a party of it or somethin’.”

  Bobby looked around and took Higgins with him from room to room. There was a laptop of all things, a big screen TV and some old furniture. Plus the place was a mess and smelled like someone took a big shit in the middle of the house.

  “Maybe they went for a walk,” Higgins said.

  “A walk? I swear, if you’re fucking with me…” Bobby said, but as he looked out the back window, he saw a huge man holding a rag over his eye walking through the back yard. Well yard is a strong word. More like back field of dirt. There were old cars and junk strewn about the back field. Behind all that was a shed which looked like it was in better condition than the house.

  Bobby leaned back from the window so as not to be seen. That shed was it; she had to be in there. The back door creaked open as the big man’s footsteps stomped through the house. Bobby ducked into a closet while pointing his gun at Higgins face while holding a finger up to his mouth, as a signal for Higgins to be quiet. He didn’t care for being in such close quarters with the little goofball, but he didn’t have much choice.

  “You can’t shoot me,” Higgins whispered.

  “The hell I can’t.”

  “You’ll give us away and then Cletus will know you’re here. They all will. They might kill yer daughter if they haven’t already.”

  He had a point, but Bobby didn’t want to concede that to him. Instead he jammed the gun against Higgins’ eye socket.

  “Just shut the fuck up,” Bobby whispered.

  He studied the man as a smile cracked on Higgins’ face.

  “Don’t do it,” Bobby warned.

  “Cletus!” Higgins screamed. He barely finished calling the man’s name as Bobby pulled the trigger. The gunshot was extra loud in the small space. Higgin’s head exploded, showering Bobby with yet more blood and brains. The closet door swung open as the big man stood there glaring at him with one eye. The other was swollen shut.

  Bobby spun the gun toward him, but the big man grabbed his hand holding the gun and punched him in the face with the other. His movements were so smooth and quick. Bobby had no time to react. Before he knew it, the man had his gun and his head was bouncing off the back of the closet.

  The man was yelling something at him, but he couldn’t make it out. His ears were still ringing from the gunshot. Bobby tried to struggle to his feet but the large man grabbed what was left of his shirt and punched him several more times. He saw stars with the first few blows, but by the fourth blow, he saw nothing.

  Chapter 20

  “Looky what I found in the swamp,” Marty said as he walked in carrying April over his shoulder.

  “Well shit!” Ma said. “Took ya long enough.”

  “She’s a quick one Ma. I say she goes next. I was gonna get that old one over there, but she’s too timid for me.”

  “You’re right. She’s just a waste,” Ma said as she walked over to Nancy who was staring at the floor. Ma picked up a knife from the table, grabbed Nancy’s hair and cut her throat with one quick slice. Nancy gurgled and gagged, which was the most noise she had made through the whole ordeal. Within seconds, Nancy was gone. It was as if her life served no more purpose than a throwaway character in a bad horror novel.

  April had stopped struggling as Marty placed her onto the large table. She was too bound up and there was no point in wasting her energy.

  “Where’s Cletus?” Marty asked.

  “He went to the house to clean up his eye. This little cunt cut him up a good one.”

  “Good, you psycho old bitch!” April yelled. “You’re whole family is a bunch of sick fucks.”

  Though for some reason, she felt funny. Not just funny from being naked and wrapped in duct tape on a crazy family’s table. But funny like she felt lightheaded and parts of her were tingling. Her girl parts. Yes, she felt a strange tingle in both her breasts and her vagina. It wasn’t a pleasurable feeling. It was as if they were asleep like when you sleep on your hand for too long. Except this was her tits and vag.

  “I bet you wrote the nastiest review, about killing my mama,” Marty said.

  “Didn’t you already blame Don for that?” she said.

  “So? Now I’m blamin’ you! Can I cut her up Ma?”

  “Wait till your brother returns. I told him he gets first crack at her. She has a cute little pussy though. I bet Cletus will split that wide open.”

  The mere thought of Cletus coming anywhere near her with that monster dick of his made her want to throw up. No sooner had Ma spoken when the door swung open.

  “This guy was in our house with the Sheriff,” Cletus said dragging a man behind him by the legs. April sat up and took a look. Dad!

  “Daddy?” she said. Though he looked like hell. His face was bruised and covered in blood while his clothes were torn up. She had no idea how he’d found them, but was happy he had, except for the being dragged unconscious part. That wasn’t how she pictured him coming to her rescue.

  “Daddy?” Ma said looking at her, then toward him. “Aww, isn’t that sweet? Her daddy here came to her rescue.”

  “Not much of a rescue. He was in the closet with the Sheriff for some reason. The Sheriff yelled my name and he shot him in the face, so I punched him out,” Cletus said.

  “Aww, poor Randy. He and I go way back. What a shame,” Ma said.

  “I’m sorry Ma. His brains also got all over your nightgown and your new dress,” Cletus said.

  Her face curled into a scowl as she walked over and kicked April’s dad as he slowly began moving around.

  “Daddy! Wake up! Dad!” she screamed, but Marty backhanded her, knocking her back. The tingling in her breasts turned into a burning feeling. She hoped she didn’t get into some kind of flesh eating bacteria in that swamp that will end up eating her tits off. She tasted blood in her mouth from where Marty slapped her. She wanted to kill him so badly. Earlier she had only felt fear, and terror. Now it was pure rage.

  “Look at her Ma, I think she’s gettin' mad!” Marty mocked pointing at her. With her hands and feet bound with duct tape, she wasn’t going to do anything and he knew it. Yet he stood there taunting her. “Aww you gettin' mad? Whatcha gonna do?”

  The burning in her breasts spread to the rest of her body. She didn’t know what was happening but couldn’t control it. The rage, the hate, the anger intensified as she struggled against the duct tape but nothing was giving. As she struggled, Marty had stopped taunting her. He actually looked sick and confused.

  “What’s going on?” he said. “What the…oh. Oh god, oh shit.” He undid his pants and took his dick out. It was rock hard and throbbing, but he was doing nothing to it. “Ma! What’s happening to my pecker?”

  “I dunno son! Does it hurt?”

  “No! It feels good. Oh man. Oh shit, oh oh.” He howled as he ejaculated all over the floor. His whole body was tense as he fell to the ground with his jizz dripping all over his legs. April wasn’t sure what to make of the whole thing though

  Cletus was behind his Ma going through the same thing, but was quieter about it. His big dick was out and throbbing wildly. He ejaculated so hard, half his load got on Ma herself, hitting her in the face just as she turned to look at him.

  “Dammit Cletus! You got yer pecker snot all over me!” Ma screamed as she wiped
herself off, but the jizz was thick and stringy as she tried to wipe it with her hands. “What the hell is wrong with you boys?”

  “I dunno Ma,” Marty said lying on the ground. “Damn, that felt good. I don’t know what….Oh…oh shit. Again? Oh, oh fuck!” he said as he watched his dick harden again.

  “Watch out Ma! I’m gonna blow another one!” Cletus yelled from behind her. April closed her eyes as Cletus and Marty both grunted. She’d noticed the tingling in her boobs and vagina had stopped and the weird feeling from earlier was gone. She opened her eyes as Cletus looked at her.

  “Damn that felt real good,” he said, but he didn’t say it. At least not out loud. What? His mouth wasn’t moving. “I sure would like to go over and hump that girl a good one. She all naked and muddy. I like muddy chicks,” he said, but she was hearing his thoughts? Was that possible? And if she could hear his, could he hear hears? Apparently not.

  “Cletus, you two clean this mess up. Then you can play with this one. I might have a little fun with her myself,” Ma said she picked up a crowbar. “I can think of a few places to put this.”

  April cringed at the site of the tool. She wished Cletus would just take it and crack her skull with it. No sooner had she thought it, when Cletus grabbed the crowbar from Ma and with one swing caved in her entire skull. An eyeball even fell out and dangled along the side of her face.

  “Ma!” Marty screamed from the floor. “What’d you do?”

  “Uh…I dunno,” Cletus said still holding the crowbar. “Ma? You ok?”

  “No she’s not ok! You beat her fuckin’ brains in!”

  April was confused. Did he just kill his mom because she thought it?

  “Cletus,” she said.

  “What? What did you do? You did something to me!” he said.

  “Kill your brother. Shove that crowbar so far up his ass it comes out his mouth.”

  Without a word, he started toward Marty who scooted to his feet.

  “What’d you do to him?” he said. “What’d you do to my brother? You release him devil woman! Release him at once!”

  She didn’t even know what the fuck he was talking about.

  “Cletus. Cut me loose,” she said. He lowered the crowbar, walked over and cut her free of the duct tape. As he did so, Marty took off out the door. She’d get him later. Somehow she was control Cletus’ mind.

  “Why am I doing this?” he asked as he removed the tape from her ankles. “I want to fuck and kill you. Why’d I kill my Ma?”

  “Because I told you to. Understand? You have to do whatever I say.” She didn’t know if that were true, but she was going with it. This new turn of events made her forget that she was naked. Her father stirred in the corner.

  “April?” he mumbled.

  “It’s ok Daddy. I’m fine.”

  “Where are your clothes?” he asked.

  She ignored the question as she stood and looked up at Cletus.

  “Ok. You’re going to sit down here so we can get started ok?”

  “Yes Ma’am.”

  “Now, see those pliers there?”


  “Pick them up and put them in your mouth.”

  Chapter 21

  Marty ran into the house, beside himself. He couldn’t believe what had just happened. Cletus killed Ma! He smashed her face right in. Why? Why would he do that? After they both jizzed all over themselves for no real reason? What the hell? It was that girl. It had to be. She’d been in the swamp. He didn’t know what was in that swamp other than Ma had always told him and Cletus to stay away from it.

  He’d never seen anything like it though. She was just staring at them and their peckers got so hard and squirted all over, with no one even touching them. And it felt good! Best nuts he ever busted in his life. If he wasn’t trying to make Cletus bash his own brains in, he might ask her to do it again. This was something that would have to go into his next horror novel for sure. But first he needed to get help. As he tore through the house, he grabbed the keys from the kitchen counter and ran out to the truck.

  Hopping into the cab, he fired the truck up and tore down the lane. He hadn’t seen anyone coming for him. Maybe they changed their minds. No matter. He knew something was wrong with Cletus. No way would Clete ever hurt Ma like that. Not on purpose anyway. That girl was a witch or something. He pulled off the lane and onto the road. It was narrow and tough to drive the box truck along that narrow strip but he was used to it.

  He turned off the road onto a trail that went back up hill. The truck’s engine whined as he had to stand on the gas pedal to keep it going. It lumbered up the hill before reaching the top as the road curved around. A rattlesnake slithered across the road as he sped by. There was a house sitting at the end of the road. This was much smaller than his, but held more people. The Munroes lived there.

  As private as the McDougals were, the Munroes even more so. Marty wasn’t even sure how many of them still lived there. It had been ages since he’d seen any of them. Last time he talked to them, Old Man Munroe said he was succeeding from the union and declaring his own nation. He pulled the truck to a stop just before the house and hopped out. Sure enough there was a flagpole, but it wasn’t a United States flag on it. This flag was white with large red, white, and blue stars. There was one of each color, and a large black “M” in the center. Before he could shut the door, a shotgun blast shattered the driver’s side window.

  “I don’t know who the hell you are! Get off my land! This is sovereign Munroe territory!” Old Man Munroe yelled from the porch as he lowered his shotgun.

  Marty ducked down and put his hands up.

  “It’s Marty! Marty McDougal! I uh, I request asylum!”

  “Asylum? What the hell you talkin’ about?” the Old Man said.

  “I don’t. Something is wrong at our place! I need your help!”

  “You said you’re Marty?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Little Marty McDougal?”

  “Yes sir. I’m all grown up now,” Marty said as he stood slowly, still holding his hands in the air.

  “Well I’ll be hog tied and pig fucked! Put yer hands down son. I ain’t gonna shoot ya. I saw this big truck pull up and I thought it might be the U.S. government declaring war.”


  “Well yeah. See? Got our own flag,” the Old Man said as he walked toward Marty and put his arm around him. He was wearing a cowboy hat, ripped up jeans, and a work shirt. “I declared our property a sovereign nation.”

  “Is that legal?” Marty asked.

  “God damn right it’s legal. Jesus H. Christ hisself wrote it into the constitution!”

  Something about all that didn’t sound right, but Marty let it go. There were more pressing matters at hand.

  “That’s great Mr. Munroe. But I could use some help.”

  “Sure son. Whatcha need?” He pulled out a pack of Red Man tobacco and put at least half the pack into his mouth.

  “Well, some crazy girl has got a hold on Cletus. She made him kill Ma.”

  “Killed her?”

  “Yeah, he bashed her brains right in. Her eyeballs popped out and everything,” Marty said.

  “Well I’ll be damned. She was a good woman your mama was. So why didn’t you kill this bitch?”

  “I tried. She has some super powers or something. Making Cletus chase after me and shit.” He left out the part about her control over their peckers as that didn’t even make sense to him.

  “Well shit. You need us to go take care of her for ya?”

  “It’d sure help if you all did. You all got more firepower here than the National Guard.”

  “Damn right we do,” the Old Man said as he whistled loudly. A young man appeared in the doorway.

  “Yeah Pa?” the young man said.

  “Go get yer brothers. We gotta go take care of some nutty bitch.”

  “Sure Pa.”

  “Bring all yer guns. She’s a real fireball.”

  The young
man nodded and went back inside.

  “I really appreciate this Mr. M. It’s been really traumatic for me. Watchin’ my Ma get all fucked up like that.”

  “I’m sure it was son. We’ll get you some good old fashioned justice.”

  The young man returned and walked out toward the truck. Several other men followed behind him. There were at least a dozen. These guys were all brothers? Each of them were carrying AR-15s and some had shotguns. All of them had pistols on their belts and a few had machetes strapped to their backs. Marty was happy to see they were prepared, but wondered about the excess firepower.

  “All right boys,” the Old Man said as he spit. “This here is Marty McDougal. Some psycho bitch came to his home and killed his Ma. She’s got his brother and who knows what she’s doing to him. I think she might be a witch. So we are gonna hit that bitch with all we got, and put her in her fuckin’ place. You all with me?”

  The men all let out a holler as some hoisted their rifles in the air. Marty suddenly felt rejuvenated. It was like having a bunch of Cletus’ helping him.

  “Good!” the Old Man said. “Mount up!”

  Chapter 22

  “Pweese wady! Don’t make me do no more,” Cletus pleaded through his bloody gums. April had made him pull all his own teeth, one at a time. One by one they fell to the floor along with chunks of gums and tissue. Tears streaked Cletus’ face as April just watched and smiled.

  “April, Jesus. Stop already,” her dad said. “I don’t know how you’re doing this, but he’s had enough.”

  “No! You didn’t see what he did daddy! I did. He ripped some guy’s asshole apart with his dick. Then, they chainsawed another guy in half. He’s a sick, sick fuck. He deserves anything I can dish out to him. And I will!”

  “Can you at least put some clothes on?”

  She realized she was still naked. Covered in blood, mud, and sweat, but still naked. Since the tingling stopped she didn’t even feel strange about it. She was never particularly shy, but she was standing in front of her dad. Looking around the shed, there wasn’t anything for her to put on anyway.


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