The Orphic Hymns

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The Orphic Hymns Page 8

by Unknown

  From beneath the earth you appear,


  gentle to all,

  O holy and youth-nurturing lover

  of children and of fair offspring.

  You yoke your chariot

  to bridled dragons,

  round your throne


  you whirl and howl in ecstasy.

  You are an only daughter, but you have many children

  and many powers over mortals;

  the variety of flowers reflect

  your myriad faces and your sacred blossoms.

  Come, O blessed and pure one,


  come with the fruits of summer,

  bring peace,

  bring the welcome rule of law,

  bring riches, too, and prosperity,

  and bring health that governs all.

  41. To Mother Antaia

  incense—aromatic herbs

  Queen Antaia,

  goddess and many-named mother

  of immortal gods

  and of mortal men,

  weary from searching,


  weary from wandering far and wide,

  you once ended your fast

  in the valley of Eleusis,

  you came to Hades

  for noble Persephone.

  Your guide was


  the innocent child of Dysaules,

  who brought the news

  of pure Chthonic Zeus’ holy union;

  you bore divine Euboulos

  by yielding to human need.

  O goddess, O queen to whom many pray,


  I beseech you

  to come graciously

  to your pious initiate.

  42. To Mise


  I call upon law-giving Dionysos,

  who carried the fennel stalk,

  unforgettable and many-named

  seed of Eubouleus,

  I call upon the sacred and holy,


  upon the ineffable queen Mise,

  whose twofold nature is male and female.

  Redeeming Iacchos, lord, I summon you,

  whether you delight in Eleusis

  in your fragrant temple,

  or with Mother you partake


  of mystic rites in Phrygia,

  or you rejoice in Kypros

  with fair-wreathed Kythereia,

  or yet you exult in fields

  wheat-bearing and hallowed

  along Egypt’s river


  with your divine mother,

  the revered and black-robed Isis,

  as your train of nurses tends to your needs.

  Lady, kindheartedly come

  to the noble contests of our initiation.

  43. To the Seasons

  incense—aromatic herbs

  Seasons, daughters of Themis,

  daughters of Lord Zeus,

  Eunomia and Dike

  and thrice-blessed Eirene,

  pure spirits of spring,


  of blossoming meadows,

  you are found in every color, in all scents

  wafted by the breezes.

  Ever-blooming, revolving, and sweet-faced,

  O Seasons,

  you cloak yourselves with the dew


  of luxuriant flowers.

  At play you are companions

  of holy Persephone, when the Fates

  and the Graces in circling dances

  come forth to the light,

  pleasing Zeus


  and their mother, giver of fruits.

  Come to the new initiates

  and their holy and reverent rites,

  bring perfect seasons

  for the growth of goodly fruit.

  44. To Semele


  I call upon the daughter of Kadmos,

  queen of all,

  fair Semele of the lovely tresses,

  of the full bosom,

  mother of thyrsos-bearing,


  joyous Dionysos.

  She was driven to great pain

  by the blazing thunderbolt,

  which, through the counsels of Kronian Zeus,

  the immortal god, burned her.

  Noble Persephone


  granted her honors

  among mortal men,

  honors given every third year.

  For all mortal men reenact your travail

  for your son Bacchos:

  the sacred ritual of the table,


  the ritual of the holy mysteries.

  45. Hymn to Dionysos Bassareus and Triennial

  Come blessed Dionysos,

  bull-faced god conceived in fire,

  Bassareus and Bacchos,

  many-named master of all.

  You delight in bloody swords,


  you delight in the holy Maenads,

  as you howl throughout Olympos,

  all-roaring and frenzied Bacchos.

  Armed with the thyrsos, wrathful in the extreme,

  you are honored

  by all gods and all men


  who dwell upon the earth.

  Come, blessed and leaping god,

  bring abundant joy to all.

  46. To Liknites

  incense—powdered frankincense

  I summon to these prayers

  Dionysos Liknites,

  born at Nysa, blossoming,

  beloved and kindly Bacchos,

  nursling of the Nymphs


  and of fair-wreathed Aphrodite.

  The forests once felt your feet

  quiver in the dance

  as frenzy drove you and the graceful Nymphs

  on and on.

  The counsels of Zeus brought you


  to noble Persephone,

  who reared you to be loved

  by the deathless gods.

  Kindheartedly come, O blessed one,

  accept the gift of this sacrifice.

  47. To Perikionios

  incense—aromatic herbs

  I call upon Bacchos Perikionios,

  giver of wine;

  he enveloped

  all of Kadmos’ house,

  with his might he harnessed,


  he calmed the heaving earth,

  when the blazing thunderbolt,

  when the raging gale

  stirred all the land,

  as everyone’s bonds sprang loose.

  Blessed reveler,


  come with joyful heart.

  48. To Sabazios

  incense—aromatic herbs

  Hear me, father Sabazios,

  son of Kronos, illustrious god,

  you sewed into your thigh

  Bacchic Dionysos,

  the roaring Eiraphiotes,


  that he might come whole

  to noble Tmolos

  by the side of fair-cheeked Hipta.

  O blessed ruler of Phrygia,

  supreme king of all,

  come kindheartedly to the aid


  of the initiates.

  49. To Hipta


  I call upon Hipta, nurse of Bacchos,

  maiden possessed,

  in mystic rites she takes part,

  she exults in the worship of pure Sabos

  and in the dances


  of roaring Iacchos.

  O queen and chthonic mother,

  hear my prayer,

  whether you are on Ida,

  Phrygia’s sacred mountain,

  or you take your pleasure on Tmolos,


  fair seat of the Lydians,

  come to these rites

  with joy on your holy face

  50. To Lysios Lenaios

  Hear, O blessed son of Zeus and of two mothers,

  Bacchos of the vintage,

  unforgettable seed,

  many-named and redeeming daimōn,

  holy offspring of the gods,


  reveling Bacchos, born of secrecy,

  plump giver of many joys,

  of fruits which grow well.

  Mighty and many-shaped god,

  you burst forth from the earth to reach the wine press,

  to become a healer for men’s pain,


  O sacred blossom!

  A sorrow-hating joy to mortals,

  O lovely-haired …,

  a redeemer and a reveler you are,

  your thyrsos drives to frenzy,

  you are kind-hearted to all


  gods and mortals who see your light.

  I call upon you now,

  come, O sweet bringer of fruit.

  51. To the Nymphs

  incense—aromatic herbs

  O Nymphs, daughters

  of great-hearted Okeanos,

  you dwell inside

  the earth’s damp caves;

  you are as secret as your paths, O joyous,


  O chthonic nurses of Bacchos.

  You nurture fruits, you haunt meadows,

  O sprightly and pure

  travelers of the winding roads,

  who delight in caves and grottos.

  Swift, light-footed, and clothed in dew,


  you frequent springs,

  visible and invisible,

  in ravines and among flowers

  you shout and frisk with Pan

  upon mountainsides,

  gliding down on rocks,


  you hum with clear voice.

  O mountain-haunting maidens of the fields,

  of gushing springs and of woodlands,

  sweet-smelling virgins,

  clothed in white, fresh as the breeze,

  herds of goats, pastures, splendid fruit,


  you protect; wild animals love you.

  Though you are tender, cold delights you;

  you feed many, you help them grow,

  Hamadryad maidens,

  playful, water-loving.

  Spring is your joy, O Nysian and frenzied,


  O healing ones,

  in the company of Bacchos and Deo,

  you bring grace to mortals.

  Come to this blessed sacrifice

  with joyful heart,

  pour streams of pure rain


  during the grain-giving seasons.

  52. To the God of Triennial Feasts

  incense—aromatic herbs

  I call upon you, blessed, many-named,

  frenzied Bacchos,

  bull-horned, Nysian, Lysios,

  Lenaios, conceived in fire.

  Nourished in the thigh, Liknites,


  you lead torch-lit processions,

  you lead them in the night, O filleted,

  O thyrsos-shaking Eubouleus.

  Your nature three-fold, your rites ineffable,

  O secret offspring of Zeus,

  primeval, Erikepaios,


  father and son of the gods,

  you take raw flesh, and sceptered you lead us

  into the madness of revel and dance,

  into the frenzy of triennial feasts

  that bestow calm on us.

  You burst forth from the earth in a blaze ...,


  O son of two mothers,

  horned and clad in fawn skin, you roam the mountains,

  O lord worshipped in annual feasts.

  Paian of the golden spear,

  nursling, decked with grapes,

  Bassaros, exulting in ivy,


  followed by many maidens ...,

  joyous and all-abounding, come,

  O blessed one, to the initiates.


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