The Orphic Hymns

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The Orphic Hymns Page 11

by Unknown

  you possess the keys to joy


  and sorrow as well.

  So, O pure and blessed one,

  drive painful cares away,

  cares that dispatch ruin to all that live

  throughout the whole earth,

  and bring a glorious end to my life,


  a sweet and noble one.

  74. To Leukothea

  incense—aromatic herbs

  I call upon Leukothea,

  daughter of Kadmos, revered goddess,

  mighty nurturer

  of fair-wreathed Dionysos.

  Hearken, O goddess,


  O mistress of the deep-bosomed sea,

  you delight in waves,

  you are the greatest savior to mortals,

  on you depends the unsteady heave

  of seafaring ships,

  you alone save men


  from wretched death at sea,

  men to whom you swiftly come

  as welcome savior.

  O divine lady,

  come to the aid

  of well-benched ships,


  do kindly save them,

  bring upon the sea

  a fair tail wind to the initiates.

  75. To Palaimon

  incense—powdered frankincense

  Comrade of joyous Dionysos

  in the revel of the dance,

  you dwell in the sea’s

  pure, restless depths.

  I call upon you, O Palaimon,


  to come to these sacred rites

  with kindness in your heart,

  with joy on your youthful face,

  come to save your initiates

  on land and on sea.

  When storms come upon ships


  that ever rove the seas,

  you alone appear incarnate

  to save men,

  to stay the harsh anger

  over the briny swell.

  76. To the Muses


  Daughters of Mnemosyne,

  daughters of thundering Zeus,

  Pierian Muses,

  renowned and illustrious,

  many-shaped and beloved


  of the mortals you visit,

  you give birth to unblemished virtue

  in every discipline,

  you nourish the soul,

  you set thought aright

  as you become leaders,


  as you become mistresses of the mind’s power.

  Sacred and mystic rites

  you taught to mortals,

  Kleio, Euterpe,

  Thaleia, Melpomene,

  Terpsichore, Erato,


  Polymnia, Ourania,

  mother Kalliope,

  mighty goddess Hagne.

  Do come to the initiates, O goddesses,

  in your manifold holiness,

  do bring glory and emulation


  that is lovely and sung by many.

  77. To Mnemosyne


  I call upon queen Mnemosyne,

  Zeus’ consort,

  who gave birth to the holy,

  the sacred, the clear-voiced Muses.

  Evil oblivion that harms the mind


  is alien to her

  who gives coherence

  to the mind and soul of mortals.

  She increases men’s power,

  their ability to think,

  sweet and vigilant,


  she reminds us of all

  the thoughts we store

  forever in our breasts,

  never straying and ever rousing

  the mind to action.

  O blessed goddess,


  for the initiates stir the memory

  of the sacred rite,

  ward off oblivion from them.

  78. To Dawn

  incense—powdered frankincense

  Hear, O goddess, you bring

  the light of day to mortals,

  resplendent Dawn, you blush

  throughout the world,

  messenger of the great,


  the illustrious Titan.

  Murky, dark,

  journeying night

  you send below the earth

  when you arrive;

  mortal men you lead to work


  as you tend to their lives.

  The race of mortal men

  delights in you,

  no one escapes your sight

  as you look down from on high,

  when from your eyelids


  you shake off sweet sleep,

  when there is joy

  for every mortal,

  for every reptile,

  for animals,

  for birds,


  for the broods the sea contains.

  All blessings that come from work

  are your gift.

  Goddess, blessed and pure, give

  more sacred light to the initiates.

  79. To Themis


  I call upon pure Themis,

  daughter of noble Sky

  and Earth, Themis the young,

  the lovely-faced maiden,

  the first to show mortals


  the holy oracle

  as prophetess of the gods

  in her Delphic hideaway

  on Pythian ground

  where Python was king.

  You taught lord Phoibos


  the art of giving laws.

  Amid reverence and honor

  you shine in the night,

  for you were first

  to teach men holy worship,

  howling to Bacchos


  in nights of revelry;

  from you come the honors

  of the gods, the honors of the holy mysteries.

  O blessed maiden,

  come in a joyous, in a kindly spirit

  to your very sacred,


  to your mystical rites.

  80. To Boreas


  Freezing Boreas, your wintry breezes

  make the world’s

  lofty air quiver,

  come from snowy Thrace!

  Dissolve the rebellious alliance


  of clouds and moist air,

  turn the water

  to rushing drops of rain,

  bring fair weather everywhere,

  brighten Ether’s face

  as the sun’s rays


  shine upon the earth.

  81. To Zephyros


  Western breezes born of the open sea,

  ethereal wonders,

  as you blow gently

  your whisper brings rest from toil.

  Vernal, meadow-haunting,


  you are loved by harbors

  because to ships you bring

  a gentle passage, soft light wind.

  Come in a generous spirit,

  blow in unblemished ways,

  O airy, O invisible,


  O light-winged ones.

  82. To Notos


  Quickly leaping

  through the moist air

  as both of your swift wings vibrate,

  O father of rain, come,

  riding the southern clouds.


  Zeus did grant you

  this lofty prerogative:

  to send the rain-giving clouds

  from sky to earth.

  For this we pray to you, O blessed one,

  take delight in our sacr


  do send fruit-nourishing rains to mother Earth.

  83. To Okeanos

  incense—aromatic herbs

  I summon Okeanos,

  ageless, eternal father,

  begetter of immortal gods,

  begetter of mortal men.

  Your waves, O Okeanos,


  gird the boundaries of the earth.

  From you come all the seas,

  from you come all the rivers,

  from you come the pure, the flowing waters

  of earth’s springs.

  Hear me, O blessed god,


  O highest, O divine purifier,

  where you end the earth ends,

  the pole begins where ships glide on,

  come, grant favor,

  grant grace to the initiates.

  84. To Hestia

  incense—aromatic herbs

  Queen Hestia,

  daughter of mighty Kronos,

  mistress of ever-burning fire,

  you dwell in the center of the house.

  May you raise the holy initiates


  in these sacred rites,

  may you grant them unwithering youth,

  wealth as well, prudence and purity.

  Home of the blessed gods,

  men’s mighty buttress,

  eternal, many-shaped,


  beloved, grass-yellow,

  smile, O blessed one,

  kindly accept these offerings,

  waft upon us prosperity,

  breathe upon us gentle-handed health.

  85. To Sleep

  incense with opium poppy

  Sleep, you are lord of all,

  lord of blessed gods and of mortal men,

  of every living thing

  the broad earth nurtures,

  for you alone are master of all,


  you do visit all,

  binding their bodies

  with fetters unforged.

  You free us of cares, you offer

  sweet respite from toil,

  you grant holy solace


  to our every sorrow,

  you save souls by easing them

  into the thought of Death,

  since to Death and Oblivion

  you are a true brother.

  But, O blessed one, I beseech you


  to come sweet-tempered,

  to be a kindly savior of the initiates,

  that they may serve the gods.

  86. To Dream

  incense—aromatic herbs

  I call upon you, blessed,

  long-winged, baneful Dream,

  messenger of things to come,

  greatest prophet to mortals.

  In the quiet of sweet sleep


  you come silent,

  you speak to the soul,

  you rouse men’s minds,

  in their sleep you whisper

  the will of the gods;

  silent you come to show


  the future to silent souls

  that walk the noble path

  of devotion to the gods.

  Good always wins the race

  in people’s minds,

  good leads their lives


  to pleasures anticipated,

  to a respite from suffering,

  that god himself may reveal

  the firmament of the divine lords

  … through vows and sacrifices.

  The end to which the pious come


  is always so sweeter,

  but to the impious never

  does a dreamy phantom,

  a prophet of evil deeds,

  reveal future need

  so that they may find the cure



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