A Duel with Death

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A Duel with Death Page 2

by Louisa Bacio

  Turning on the water, he let it heat while stripping out of his clothes. He tossed them into the hamper and stepped in the shower. As the water cascaded over his head, he whistled and lathered soap on a washcloth. Thinking about Carmen’s bright blue eyes wide open with shock when she discovered he was her date made him want to laugh. He was lucky she hadn’t run out and called 9-1-1. He needed to get his head out of the business and in the game. Or else the evening would be over before it began.

  Chapter Three

  Through a crack between the door and the jamb, Carmen glimpsed Johnny’s reflection in the mirror. Naked, he was better than she could have imagined. And after playing with numbers all day long, she welcomed the physical distraction. The mirror above the counter cut off at his midsection. From where she stood, she couldn’t see what lurked below. She willed him to step farther back in the shower to show his ass, or front package, and when he did, she bit her lip. Part of her wanted to ditch her own clothes and step under the steaming water with him, and the other told her to leave while she could.

  Maybe she shouldn’t have arranged the liaison. After the months of medical treatments she’d undergone, maybe she should focus on her health, not her sexuality. Then she thought about the unopened envelope tucked in her purse. To hell with it. She wasn’t going to worry about the what-ifs or potential consequences. She wanted to focus on the here and now. Tomorrow could wait, and so could the letter.

  A recessed dresser sat in a niche in the closet. She opened the top drawer and stored her clothing. Even dressed down, Johnny possessed more style than she did. She brought out the special outfit she’d bought for the night. The lavender-scented tissue paper crinkled as she broke through the foil seal and unwrapped the pinafore set.

  The light-blue matching ensemble was see-through, flimsy, and so feminine. She caressed it against her cheek and sighed. In it, she’d resemble a fairy princess, waiting to be swept away by her savior.

  She removed her shirt and slacks, stacked them in a pile on top of the dresser, and slid the nightgown over her head. The material shimmered and glowed, and she couldn’t help but do a little twirl, adoring the swirl of femininity. She lifted out the matching pair of panties, put them on, and belted the accompanying robe.

  No matter what the evening held, she wanted to ditch her regular-world clothing and be someone else. She may not ordinarily be the type to wear sexy loungewear, but she would that night.

  No matter what happened, she needed a reward of an outfit like this one. She glanced in the bottom of the package, spying one clear plastic slipper with a light blue-feathered pom-pom on the toe.

  When was the last time she’d worn silk, lace, and feathers? Never.

  A sound drew her attention and she spun around. With a towel wrapped around his waist and diamonds of water dripping down his chest, Johnny stood before her.

  “I was going to grab something to wear. Forgot to bring it into the bathroom,” he explained.

  He looked her from her fuzzy slippers to the top of her head, taking in her attire. She resisted bunching the robe tighter around her. It wouldn’t hide anything anyway. Moisture pearled on his body and fell and the heat of sexual attraction flared deep in her belly.

  Anticipation sizzled between them. Knowing they’d both come into the arrangement wanting to hook up on a physical level changed everything. It wasn’t a matter of if they would get busy, but when. And for her, sooner couldn’t be soon enough.

  Carmen wished she’d gotten a glass of wine because her mouth was parched. She might talk or think brave, but going through with the date was going to be a whole different story.

  “Don’t get dressed on my account,” she said. “You look mighty fine exactly like that.”

  A smile, slow and sensual, spread across his face. He advanced until he stood inches away, so close, if he inhaled, she’d feel it. Reaching out, she ran an index finger over the slope of his shoulder, collected a few droplets of water, and raised it to her lips. His breathing hitched as she sucked on her finger. Getting a thrill from his reaction, she exaggerated the path the tip of her tongue traveled.

  He shut his eyes and let out a little moan. His cock rose to attention and tented the front of the towel. “While I want to ravish you right away, why don’t we go sit in the living room and do the whole get-to-know-you thing?” Johnny said.

  He had a point. Carmen pursed her lips, settled herself mentally, and cranked down the libido a few notches. “Good idea.”

  “First, let me get some clothes on.”

  “Oh, if you must.”

  He wagged his index finger at her and smiled. The lingering nervousness nagging her dissipated.

  He stepped into a pair of shorts, sans underwear and dropped the towel before pulling on a T-shirt. With a hand on the small of her back, he escorted her two steps to a sunken living room area with a modular black leather couch.

  “I’d never guess a bachelor lives here,” she said. She sank deep into the sofa, almost as if the furniture was made of beanbag material. “Oooh, that feels good.”

  “Right? Don’t diss the furniture. It took me a long time to find this baby.” He slid his hand along the backrest. “It might be stereotypical for a single guy, but it holds up and cleans well. Two important items. Plus the comfort.”

  “Sold,” she said.

  They sat quietly for a few beats, and she used the time to study Johnny. His soulful dark-brown eyes and long lashes made her want to stare. His top lip dipped in a perfect Cupid’s bow. Since he’d barely had time to towel-dry his hair, it stood out in long curls. He was damn sexy and nothing understated about it.

  “I’m sorry for how I acted earlier,” she said. “I was rude.”

  He waved his hand. “It was partially my fault. I should have been down there to greet you or had someone else around. But you were early.”

  “Better than late.”

  “Gotta admit, that’s true.” He arched a brow. “So, what brings you to the dating service?”

  Kind of hard to date when you’re dying. She pushed aside the thought. Then again, it was also hard to make a guy see her as something else if she said stuff like that.

  “You know, work. It’s hard to meet people. I thought something like this might give me the confidence to get back out there.” She stretched, working out the kinks in her neck. Why had it taken getting away to realize how wound up she was?

  When their gazes met again, he stared at her with hunger in his eyes. She shivered from its intensity, and burning desire flared from the base of her throat down to the pit of her stomach.

  He blinked and his easygoing, good-natured smile returned. She wondered about this complex man, who took on a kicked-back, by-the-beach persona, but the pensive way he looked at her, and his haunted eyes, made her think there was more than what she was seeing on the surface.

  She licked her lips, very aware of her every movement as he watched her, as if evaluating her.

  “Are you always so serious?” Carmen asked. A chill ran up her back and she shivered. Not knowing how long she had, she’d done some crazy things. Registered for her first Relay for Life to raise funds against cancer. Before her diagnosis with the disease, she’d never considered running in such an event. And she’d made this date.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “For work, I’m always on. Animated, if you will. When I come upstairs to my apartment, I’m used to turning it off and mellowing out a bit more.”

  “So which are you? The outgoing Latin pretty boy who runs this place, or….” She ran her fingertips down his arm, enjoying the feel of the hair on it. So masculine.

  He slid closer to her, moving an arm behind her back. His fingers grazed the back of her neck ever so softly and shivers traveled through her, creating an awareness of what was to come. Her nipples hardened. If the smallest touch made her react like that, what would it be like to have sex with him?

  “Or what?” he pushed.

  “You might hate me for saying this, but you’v
e got this demon hiding beneath the surface, just waiting to be unleashed.”

  Demon? Her choice of words cut through the sexy thoughts Johnny had been having. “What a strange choice of words. Why demon?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. Figure of speech, I guess. ‘You have a demon on your shoulder.’ Despite being amidst all this beauty, you seem bothered by something.”

  Smashed plates and slammed doors and that damned dream from the other night. I need to keep the evening light and leave my hang-ups in the closet.

  “We both have our reasons for wanting this evening. For me, it’s a way to unwind and remind myself there’s more to life than work. It’s a beautiful setting, for sure. I can’t imagine living anywhere else. But it can’t be my entire life.

  “If I have something haunting me, it’s my past,” he continued. “But, I made the decision long ago to leave that behind, and live in the moment.”

  Carmen’s forehead wrinkled, as if she contemplated his comment. “There are times when you need to think about your future, though.”

  “True, but right now doesn’t have to be one of them.”

  Johnny leaned forward until his lips almost brushed hers. Her eyelids fluttered shut, and he paused, poised for the kiss, but not quite consummating it.

  How could I go from being annoyed with this woman to wanting her so much?

  Carmen smelled clean, like the ocean after a strong offshore wind wiped out the smog. She opened her eyes, assessing him, glancing down at his lips and back into his eyes.

  “Yes, I’m going to kiss you,” he said.

  She sucked in a breath, but before she could take another, he placed his mouth over hers.

  His soul expanded and narrowed to that moment, to their touch. Her lips were soft and pliant, and she parted them, exploring his tongue with hers. They drank in the same intimate air. Johnny ran his fingers through her hair, the soft locks clinging to them, as if seeking to keep him. He became lost in the kiss. Somehow, she’d shifted and sat on his lap, the hem of her nightgown riding upward. He nestled a hand between her thighs and his cock grew erect under her ass.

  Finally, they broke apart. “Are we done getting to know each other?” Carmen asked in a hushed tone. “Because, if so, I’d like more of that, please.”

  “How can I resist such a polite request?”

  Lord help him. In the shower, he’d about convinced himself to call the night off. Then he’d walked into the closet and seen a vision in blue.

  Now, her blonde curls caressed her neckline and the nightgown matched her eyes. It didn’t matter if there were multiple layers of fabric; they did nothing to hide her erect nipples poking through. Wait until he got his lips around one of the hard nubs. He’d make her ache with want.

  His skin sizzled from her touch. He ached to be sucked the way she’d loved her finger earlier. Fuck waiting, he would have her here and now.

  Johnny claimed her mouth again and slid one hand around her waist, the tips of his fingers grazing the top of her ass through the silky material, while the other hand captured the back of her head.

  He didn’t wait for a soft buildup. Didn’t tease like she had. Instead, he brushed his tongue across her lower lip, demanding she open to him, and oh, did she oblige.

  Warm, wet, wicked. Their tongues tussled, all fiery heat causing an amazing flare of passion. He stood, bringing her with him. Johnny roamed downward with his hands, grasped the full cups of her ass, and lifted. She took the directional hint and circled his waist with her strong legs then wrapped her arms around his neck and held on.

  “You are so hot,” she murmured against his lips. “I want you.”

  “Right there with you.” He walked them both over to the bed and laid her back. The minute their bodies separated, his cock strained against its material confines, exposing his full desire.

  “Oh my, and what do you have for me?” Carmen teased.

  “You’ll soon find out.” He yanked off his shirt.

  The blue nightie shimmered against the green comforter. With her blonde hair fanned out, she looked like a mermaid goddess. And he’d be the conquering prince to discover her secrets.

  Kneeling on the bed, he lifted the hem of her gown to her waist, amazed at the sight of the tiny undies underneath. He ran his palms over her bare legs, luxuriating in their smoothness. With his thumbs, he increased the pressure, massaging her inner thighs. As he moved over her pussy, she moaned and lifted her hips.

  “Hello, now you’re getting to know me,” she said, with a slight laugh. “How long does this date last again?”

  “One night,” Johnny said, already thinking he needed more time. “Tomorrow we get back to reality.”

  She scooted farther down on the bed and curved her ankles over the backs of his legs, pulling him off-balance. He teetered forward and fell on top of her.

  “Whoops. Sorry, I meant to do that.” Carmen hooked her thumbs into the waistband of his shorts and pushed them off.

  They lay for a moment, his body molded perfectly into her curves. Let loose, his cock nuzzled the heat at the apex of her thighs. Yes, he needed to take her now.

  “The rest of this has to go.” He pulled the nightgown over her head. As it tangled in her hands, he thought it might work as a nice restraint—maybe later he’d tie her up while he drove her wild. Right then, all he wanted to do was drive into her.

  Sunlight shone through a cutout on the ceiling, illuminating her pearlescent skin. “You are so beautiful. Magnificent.” Johnny cupped her breasts, teasing the tips of her nipples into hard points before sucking on them.

  “Mmmm, I bet you say that to all the girls you bring to your bed.”

  “No, querida. You are the first here.”

  “Ooooh.” Her eyes fluttered shut as he continued his attentions.

  Along the side of her left breast, Carmen had a puckered crescent-shaped scar about the size of a quarter.

  “How’d you get this?” he asked.

  “Old accident. No special story,” she said. “Keep doing what you’re doing. It feels great.”

  With one hand, he trailed down her body, over her stomach to the sweet spot between her legs. He tucked his fingers under the elastic, seeking her wetness. “So ready for me.”

  With his thumb, Johnny rubbed her clit until she shimmied out of the panties. He lifted his lower body, allowing her to push them past their bodies. The movement added friction, exciting his cock further. After tossing them on the floor, she fisted him.

  “Question is, are you ready to give me some of this?”

  “Oh, yes.” He leaned over to the bedside table and removed a condom from the top drawer.

  “Hope you have a few more of those stocked.” She winked.

  “Plenty more where it came from and, if we run out, I might know a guy who knows where the backup stock for the hotel is kept.”

  “I’m sure you do.”

  Her laugh rumbled from deep in her belly. He’d known her barely an hour, but was already drawn to her pleasure for life. She didn’t wait for things to happen; she seized them the moment they appeared.

  Reaching between them, Carmen helped him glide on the rubber, slipping it smoothly over his skin. The thrill of knowing he’d soon be filling her made him even hotter. Had it been that long since he’d been with a woman? Pushing the thought aside, he got back into the moment.

  “Are we going to do this, or are you going to go on a mental excursion?”

  He entered her in a long stroke. When her body yielded to him, he wanted to curl his toes and slam into her.

  One glimpse of a naked, attractive man and Carmen had jumped into bed with him. So what? The sensuous thrusts as he moved inside her and against her, though. Ahhh…why waste time talking?

  Johnny’s dark hair hung in his eyes, casting a sexy look, like a Latin movie star. A younger version of Andy Garcia, or Antonio Banderas in his Zorro days. Only better. He stroked high and slow, his pelvis rubbing against her clit, building the passion in
a steady climb. She reached around, held onto his ass, and pumped her hips to increase the pace.

  “Oh, you want it fast,” he said. “I can give it to you hard.”

  He pumped, pounding her into bed. She looped her ankles around his thighs, tilted her hips, and raked her nails across his back.

  The sound of their grunts filled the room. And right when she was about to come, he kissed her, sealing the deal in a powerful explosion.

  Chapter Four

  Carmen lay in his arms, cuddled toward his chest. Johnny tucked the sheets and blanket over them, and she gazed with wonder and trust in her eyes. What did I do to deserve that so quickly?

  He kissed the top of her head, content in the moment. Right then, everything remained perfect. The dream of whatever he’d imagined her to be, or what she wanted from him, remained.

  Only after they opened their mouths and life intervened could they fuck it up.

  The growl of her stomach put off an awkward moment. “Hungry?” He lifted the covers and looked at the offending noisemaker.

  “If your idea was to build my appetite first, you succeeded.”

  “Most of the time, I give a woman dinner before escorting her into the bedroom, but it works this way, too. I’m not complaining. Come on, let’s get something to eat.” He slid on his shorts, and handed her the nightgown. “Leave the underwear off.”

  The kitchen was laid out for entertaining with an island in the middle. The stovetop was on one side, and comfortable bar stools on the other. He poured two glasses of crisp, chilled sauvignon blanc and handed her one. Carmen held hers out.

  “To?” she asked.

  “To getting to know each other better,” Johnny said, “And some more fabulous bedtime.”


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