Caught Dead Handed

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Caught Dead Handed Page 13

by Lyndsey Cole

Ruby made iced tea for the three of them while Juliette began her story. “It was my first modeling job with Harold and I wanted so desperately to make a good impression. You know, I was young and full of dreams and I thought I deserved to be a top model.”

  Ruby set a tray with the drinks on the coffee table in front of Juliette.

  “Candace was older, more experienced, and I resented her even being around Harold.” She sipped her drink. “I wanted all his attention for myself and I saw Candace as competition.”

  “Had Candace worked with Harold before?” Hannah asked.

  “Yes. I started to notice something weird going on between them. And then Candace always insisted on being near me so I was never alone with Harold.” Juliette twisted her hands anxiously. “She got on my nerves, to say the least. The tension got so thick, I thought I would choke on it. The two of them had a terrible fight and the next day, just like that,” she snapped her fingers, “Candace was gone.”

  “She never said anything to you about what was going on with Harold?” Hannah asked.

  Juliette shook her head. “I wouldn’t have listened anyway because I was completely blinded by Harold at the time. If only I’d had the sense to ask her more about him I could have saved myself years of pain. As soon as Candace was gone, Harold became attentive to me, took tons of photos, promised to make me famous.” She looked at Hannah then at Ruby. “He said everything I wanted to hear and I never questioned any of it. I couldn’t believe my good fortune when he asked me to marry him.”

  “Until?” Hannah prodded.

  “You’re right. Until the next young model caught his eye. And then I started to realize I wasn’t so special and maybe what happened to me when Monique showed up was exactly what happened to Candace when I showed up.” She sighed as if she was relieved to finally get that story off her shoulders.

  “Harold said something to me today that made me think that maybe he paid Candace to leave. Paid her to be quiet. Do you think she had some information on him?” Hannah asked.

  “I don’t know. I was hoping I could track her down and ask her what exactly happened but I haven’t had any luck. It’s like she disappeared into thin air. How did you figure out her name?” Juliette tilted her head. “Did Harold tell you?”

  “Ha! I’m pretty sure he doesn’t want any of us talking to her. You all signed the guest book when you stayed at the cottages six years ago. We dug it out of my friend’s basement and went through, page by page, until we spotted Harold’s and your signatures. We made a lucky guess that the next name was the other model staying with you two. It was a bit of a bluff when we asked you about Candace.”

  “And I bit,” Juliette said. “Is it true that you gave the name to the police?”

  “Not yet, but now that you’ve confirmed her identity, I will pass the information on.”

  Juliette massaged her neck. “I don’t know how this can help. It was six years ago. What would that have to do with what happened to Monique?”

  Hannah drained her iced tea and stood. “I’m not sure, but at the least I would say that Mr. Harold Chandler III has a history of using women and throwing them out with the dishwater when he gets bored. You said Candace didn’t want you to be alone with Harold?”

  “Yeah. I thought she was jealous and was protecting her territory.”

  “Maybe she was protecting you, Juliette. Maybe Harold has a darker side than just moving from one woman to another.”

  “Like murder?” Juliette whispered.

  “Maybe not murder, but there are many forms of abuse that women keep hidden.”

  Juliette nodded. “He does have a quick temper and said horrible things sometimes but then he would always apologize and he would be sweet and kind. As time went on, I thought I was living with two different people. But it happens slowly and you get used to it.”

  Ruby moved next to Juliette. “Monique may have done you the biggest favor in the world by catching Harold’s eye. You’re almost done with him with no strings attached, remember?”

  “Except for Maisy. If he knows I’ve talked to either of you about this, he said I’d never see my Maisy again.” Juliette looked around the room in a sudden panic. “Where is she?”

  “With Jack and Olivia. They’ll take good care of her. Don’t worry.”

  Juliette jumped off the couch. “I need to get her. I’m supposed to be with her to keep her safe. If Harold sees her and I’m not around, he might take her just to punish me.”

  The hairs stood on Hannah’s neck. Harold was at the beach photographing Petunia and Samantha while Olivia had ice cream. It was an idyllic scene but a scene with an underlying potential for trouble. Maisy could easily wander over to Harold and there was no knowing what he would do.

  “I’ll walk back to The Fishy Dish with you.” Hannah kept her voice calm even though her stomach had already twisted into a knot of concern for Maisy. The picture of Harold that was beginning to emerge gave her more than chills.

  “I’ll go too. I don’t want Jack to be stuck with Olivia for too long.” Ruby quickly glanced at Hannah with her eyebrows raised and her mouth turned down. Hannah understood that Ruby also suspected the potential danger Maisy was in.

  Nellie and Patches, happy to be outside again, raced ahead to the snack bar as soon as they saw which way Hannah turned out of Ruby’s driveway. Hannah heard Nellie’s alarm bark and she picked up her own pace. “Something’s wrong. I hear it in Nellie’s bark.”

  As they neared the parking lot, Vanessa was pulling on Harold’s car door and screaming. “Let her out. She’s frantic.”

  It didn’t take long to figure out who Vanessa was talking about. Nellie had her front paws on the back door as she continued to bark. Patches howled. With all that noise, at first, Hannah didn’t hear Maisy’s high pitched yipping.

  The three women surrounded Harold’s car, forcing him to make a decision to turn it off or run one of them over. Hannah didn’t budge as she stared through the windshield of Harold’s car. Her body tensed and she hoped she could leap out of the way if he hit the accelerator. She counted the seconds with each beat of her pounding heart.

  Harold shut his car off.

  Juliette tried to open the back door to rescue Maisy, but it was locked. She opened the driver side door and reached for the master unlock button before Harold had a chance to stop her. When the locks clicked, Vanessa pulled the back door open and Maisy jumped into her arms.

  “What do you think you’re doing, Harold?” Hate oozed from Juliette’s words and her eyes blazed with fire.

  “What do you mean, what am I doing? I found your poor Maisy running on the beach. Your only responsibility was to keep your eyes on her and you couldn’t do that simple task.”

  Vanessa handed Maisy to Juliette and stepped in front of her so she was close enough to bend down right in Harold’s face. “That’s a big lie, you bully. Maisy was perfectly happy sitting with that little girl and you snatched her away. Both the girl and Maisy were hysterical.”

  Harold tried to push Vanessa away. “Butt out, Vanessa. Who asked you to watch over everyone? You stuck to Monique like glue except when it really mattered.”

  Vanessa’s hands clenched into fists.

  “That’s right. You took your eyes off of your responsibility and look what happened. Monique’s death is your fault even if you weren’t the one to push her in the pool. Now get out of my way. All of you.” Harold hissed the words, spewing spittle from his mouth. He wrenched the door closed and started the car.

  Juliette hugged Maisy close to her chest. Ruby gently guided her away from Harold’s car. Vanessa and Hannah huddled near Ruby and Juliette as Harold sped out of the driveway.

  “What a jerk,” Vanessa said, more to herself than anyone else as she faced the ocean. “You would think that this beauty would help to offset everything that has gone wrong, but it doesn’t,” she added under her breath.

  Hannah did a double take. “What did you just say?”

  “Oh,” Vanessa b
linked, as if she almost forgot where she was. She flicked her wrist. “It’s just a wish I’ve had for a long time. You know, we’re surrounded by so much beauty but then the ugliness of people seeps in and tries to destroy what we hold dear. The beauty helps but it’s never enough. Unfortunately.” She faced Hannah. “Does that make sense?”

  “I think so, Candace,” Hannah answered, barely whispering the name.

  Even behind her sunglasses, Hannah could see the surprise in Vanessa’s eyes as she took a few steps away from the others. “How did you know?”

  Before Hannah could respond to Vanessa, Samantha holding Petunia’s leash, and Jack holding Olivia’s hand joined the four women in the parking lot.

  Ruby picked up Olivia who was still sniffling. She wiped her eyes with the backs of her little hands. “Is Maisy all right?” Olivia’s big eyes filled to overflowing with giant tears.

  Juliette turned around so Olivia could see Maisy all snuggled in her arms. “She’s fine, Olivia. And are you okay?” Juliette tenderly pushed a few stray hairs out of Olivia’s face and tucked them behind her ears.

  “Uh-huh,” she sniffled. Her hand stroked Maisy’s curly hair and the Moodle licked Olivia’s hand.

  Hannah put her hands out to the sides and herded the group closer to the snack bar. She desperately wanted to figure out a way to talk to Vanessa in private. With everyone talking over each other, it would be a while before she’d be able to get Vanessa away from the others without drawing any attention.

  “I can’t believe Harold took off like he did,” Samantha said. “One minute he was clicking away with his camera—and by the way, Petunia is a natural model—and then he dashed over to the picnic table and scooped up Maisy right out from under Olivia’s arm. What an evil, evil man.”

  “I think I’ll take Maisy back to your house if that’s okay with you, Ruby. The poor thing is still trembling.” Juliette lowered her cheek and rubbed it on Maisy’s head.

  “That’s a good idea. I can put Petunia back in her pen. She’s probably ready for another mud bath.” Ruby took the leash from Samantha. “Do you want to come with us, too?” she asked Samantha.

  “Um,” Samantha hesitated. “I think I’ll take a rest in my cottage if you don’t mind. All of this seems to have drained my energy.”

  Hannah looked at Jack, hoping he planned to go back to his house. Instead, he asked Hannah, “Do you have anything cold to drink in your cottage? I sure could use a little rehydration after being out in the hot sun with Olivia.”

  “Sure. How about you, Vanessa? Would you care to join us for a glass of lemonade?” The way Jack had been eyeing Vanessa, Hannah suspected that he had something on his mind to ask her.

  “That sounds perfect. I might need something stronger, though,” Vanessa replied. “I’ll get my bag and join you.”

  Hannah pointed to the path behind The Fishy Dish that led to her cottage. “We’ll be waiting on the porch.”

  Vanessa slowly walked to her cottage as if her mind was far away from what her body was doing.

  “What’s going on with Vanessa?” Jack asked Hannah. “You figured something out. Am I right?”

  “Yes. It was something written in the guest book that caught my attention.” She started walking up the path to her cottage. “I hope Vanessa will finally open up and help us figure out what’s going on with Harold.”

  Hannah decided the situation called for a batch of strawberry daiquiris; not too strong, but with just enough rum to relax Vanessa and loosen her tongue.

  Chapter 22

  Vanessa’s sandals slapped on Hannah’s porch steps.

  “Have a seat and keep me company out here.” Jack patted the arm of the Adirondack chair next to him. “It doesn’t get much better than watching the waves move in and out, listening to the seagulls squawk overhead, and smell the briny ocean breeze. Hannah’s fixing up something to drink.”

  Vanessa stepped over Nellie who was sprawled out in front of Jack and sat, crossed her legs, and let out a contented sigh.

  Jack squinted and studied her face. “You look kind of familiar but I can’t figure out from where.”

  “I stayed in that cottage,” Vanessa pointed to Cottage Four, the last cottage, “six years ago.”

  Jack nodded. “I see.” It finally hit him why she looked familiar. “You had brown hair then.”

  “I did. And it was before a lot of plastic surgery.”

  “Your name was in the guest book as Candace V. Jones. The V was for Vanessa, wasn’t it? You go by Vanessa now.”

  “I wanted to fly under the radar this time.” She jiggled her foot, not offering any more of an explanation.

  Hannah arrived with a pitcher and three glasses. She poured a strawberry daiquiri and handed it to Vanessa before she filled the other two glasses for herself and Jack.

  She settled into the third chair on the other side of Vanessa and held up her glass. “Cheers.”

  “How did you figure it out—who I was?” Vanessa asked Hannah.

  Hannah looked over her porch railing at the view that she never got tired of seeing. “From what you said after you saved Maisy from Harold, ‘this beauty helps to offset everything that has gone wrong’. You wrote the same words in the guest book.”

  “I forgot about that. I guess those exact thoughts came back when I returned. Along with memories I’ve tried to run from.”

  They sat quietly and sipped the drinks before Hannah broke the silence. “Should I call you Candace or Vanessa?”

  “I’m Vanessa now. Ever since I left here six years ago. A new name, mostly new face, but the same old scars. They don’t show, but you can’t easily wipe them away.”

  “I think you have a lot to share and I’m guessing it will shed some light on what Harold might have done to Monique.”

  “He can’t know who I am.” Her fingers tightened on the glass in her hand.

  “Are you afraid he might hurt you? Is that what happened six years ago?”

  Vanessa set her glass on the wide arm of her chair. “He doesn’t scare me anymore but I do worry about the other women he hooks with his smooth lies. At least Juliette escaped. I’m glad about that.”

  “What happened, Vanessa? Juliette thought you were interested in Harold six years ago and didn’t want her to be alone with him.” Hannah was trying to wrap her head around this whole Vanessa, Juliette, Harold saga from six years ago.

  “I didn’t want her to be alone with Harold because I was afraid for her.”

  “Were you trying to protect her six years ago?”

  “Yes. And I tried to protect Monique but she had other ideas. She didn’t want to believe what I said about Harold, she thought I was jealous or something. But I always travelled with her because I wanted to keep her safe.” Vanessa lowered her head.

  Jack stared at Vanessa in disbelief. “Did Harold kill Monique?”

  “I don’t have proof but that’s what I think. I could see how he was getting more and more annoyed with Monique. The same thing that happened to me before he bashed my face, paid me off, and bought my silence.” She paused. “I’m not proud of that last part, but it is what it is and that’s the reason I can’t talk about any of this to the police. Harold will sue me and take every last penny I’ve managed to squirrel away so I can get on with my life.”

  Jack twisted sideways in his chair so he was facing Vanessa. “Let me get this straight. When you were here with Harold and Juliette six years ago, you tried to protect Juliette but instead, Harold assaulted you and paid you off to keep quiet. Didn’t you worry about Juliette when you left?”

  “Of course I did.” Vanessa scooched forward and twisted her body to face Jack. “I followed every tidbit of information about Harold while I was going through my recovery. When he married Juliette, I had the hope that maybe he changed; maybe he was actually in love with her; maybe he would treat her with respect and dignity.” She sipped her drink. “But I still stalked him in every way possible.”

  “Caroline always t
hought there was something inherently bad about that guy.” Jack settled back in his chair and stared at the ocean. “She wanted to get involved but I told her it was just a lover’s spat and to mind her own business.”

  “Caroline? The owner of the cottages?” Vanessa asked.

  “Yes. She—”

  “She died and left all this to me.” Hannah interrupted before Jack could say too much about Caroline. “Good thing too, Jack, or she’d never let you forget that she was right all along.”

  “Harrumph. Something tells me I’ll still have to pay for my mistake in one way or another.”

  Hannah caught Jack’s eye and she winked at him. Their secret for now.

  “Anyway, now we have to figure out what to do about Mr. Harold Chandler III. How to flush him out of the muck. What do you think, Vanessa?” Hannah asked.

  “Patience. As long as he’s in town, he’ll do something stupid. He always does. I only hope he doesn’t hurt anyone this time.”

  “Gwen. Gwen is angling to get in his good graces or in his bed if that’s what it takes. She as much as told me that,” Hannah said.

  Vanessa crossed her legs and seemed to relax. Maybe the rum in the strawberry daiquiri was doing its magic. Or maybe she was just relieved to finally unload some of this burden off her own shoulders. At any rate, she knew the most about what they were dealing with as far as Harold was concerned.

  “Gwen is definitely a manipulator. She watched from the edges and undermined Monique every chance she got. You know, like insulting the color of something she was wearing, or pointing out a nonexistent wrinkle or blemish. After a while, all those comments seeped into Harold’s subconscious and he turned on Monique.”

  “Have you warned Gwen?”

  “She won’t listen. None of them do. Every new girl thinks they’ll be the one to snag the charming Mr. Chandler. They hope he’ll turn them into a famous model. I know what they think because that’s what I thought too, at one time.”

  Hannah refilled Vanessa’s glass. Jack shook his hand indicating he didn’t want any more. She topped hers off with the last of the strawberry daiquiri. “Why did you come back here with Monique? Weren’t you afraid Harold would recognize you?”


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