Tempted (Tempted #1)

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Tempted (Tempted #1) Page 4

by Heather Doltrice

  “Mom, I’m going to say hey to Maddie. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  “Okay, honey. I’m going to see your dad and I’ll meet you by the car.”

  I ran toward my best friend and quietly prayed that she would go.

  “Hey, can I talk to you for just a second?” I asked her.

  She excused herself from Katie and Tatum Rodgers. The gossip sisters. I couldn’t stand them.

  “Hey, Ems. Sure. Bye girls.”

  We walked to stand under the first tree we could find. We were trying to beat the heat. It didn’t help.

  “What’s up?” She asked.

  “What would you say if asked you for a giant favor?”

  “I would say name it.”

  I loved this girl.

  “Roman asked me on a date tonight.” I whispered to her.


  “And he said a few of his friends were going and that you were welcome to join. Please go! Please! I will love you forever. I can’t go by myself.” I begged her.

  “Which friends?”

  “I don’t know, he never said.”

  I used my puppy dog eyes. She was a sucker for them.

  “Okay, okay. I’ll go but would you put the puppy dog eyes away?”

  I told you. They worked every time.

  “Where are we going?” she asked looking straight ahead.

  “The county fair. There is just one more thing…”

  “What now?”

  “Do you think your mom could convince my parents to let me spend the night at your house? Just so I don’t have to worry about a curfew.”

  “Yeah, let’s go ask her now. I’m sure she won’t mind. Look over there.” She said as she pointed to my left.

  I turned to see what she was talking about. He was looking right at me. I smiled at him but turned my head. I didn’t want my dad to see. We walked over to Mrs. Thomas, Maddie’s mom.

  “Hey Mom.”

  “Hi, Mrs. Thomas.”

  “My two favorite girls.” She smiled sweetly.

  “Would it be okay if Emma slept over tonight?”

  “Emma is always welcome, honey.”

  “There is just one tiny problem.” Maddie told her mom.

  “There always is. Let me have it.” Mrs. Thomas replied.

  “Can you convince her parents to let her spend the night? Please?”

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Thank you!” I hugged her.

  She walked away to talk to my mom. I hoped she could convince her. I saw Preston talking to my dad and just the sight of him made my skin crawl. Searching the church yard for Roman, I noticed he was already gone. I stood there with Maddie in silence as we watched her mom talk to my mom.

  “She’s going to say no.”

  “Ems, shut up. You don’t know that.”

  Mrs. Thomas walked away from my mom and headed straight for us.

  “Emma, bring your comfiest pajamas. She said you could spend the night.”

  “I knew she wasn’t going to let me stay…wait, what did you say?”

  “She said yes.” Mrs. Thomas laughed at my reaction.

  “Call me when you’re ready for me to pick you up.”

  I told her I would and skipped, yes I skipped, all the way to my mother’s car. We got in and drove home. I was so excited to see roman tonight. When we got home I told my mom I was going to pack my overnight bags. I had to get out of there before she changed her mind or my dad got home.

  I grabbed my overnight bag and threw my pink polka dot sleep shirt inside. Once I packed everything I needed, I started to make my way out the door. I turned around immediately and ran to my closet. I smiled as I pulled Romans shirt off of the hanger hidden in the very back. I quickly folded it and stuffed it in the bag.

  Me: I’m ready. I’m going 2 borrow something of urs 2 wear.

  Mads: I’m on my way. & I think I have just the outfit!

  I told my mom bye and that I would see her tomorrow. Sitting on the front step waiting on Maddie, I imagined what tonight was going to be like. Maddie pulled up in the drive. I hopped up, grabbed my bag, and got in the car. I heard my phone ding so I checked it.

  Roman: Can’t wait to see you.

  I bit my lip and smiled.

  “Please tell me you will be careful.” Maddie broke through my thoughts.

  “What do you mean?”

  “He lives a different life than what your used too. Just promise me you’ll be careful.”

  “I will. I promise.” I turned to look out window.

  I knew I should listen to her. I knew he was different from everything I had ever been used to but I didn’t care. That’s what I liked about him the most.

  Chapter 7

  When we went to Maddie’s house, her parents were gone out for the night. We ran up to her room to get ready. It was nice not to have to look over my shoulder while getting ready for once, nice not to have to worry about pleasing my father with my choice of attire.

  She opened her closet door and I started to panic. I had no clue what to wear on a first date. How sad was that?

  “Calm down. It’s going to be fine.” She said reading my face.

  Maddie looked beautiful in a pair of jeans and a flowy white top that hung off of her tan shoulders. Of course, she always looked beautiful. It didn’t hurt that she paired it with red cowboy boots and left her hair hanging in loose waves.

  She forced me to put on jean shorts and a black t-shirt that hung longer in the back. She paired it with black booties and I braided the front of my hair. I went to fish my lip gloss from my overnight bag and Roman’s shirt fell to the floor.

  “Is that his shirt?”

  “Yep.” I know this kind of made me look like a stalker.

  “Tie it around your waist.” She ordered.

  “What? No!”

  “Trust me. He’ll love it.”

  She grabbed the shirt from my hands and tied it around my waist. I looked in the mirror and for once I actually liked what I saw. I found my lip gloss and put a little on. We ran down the stair and got in the car. I pulled out my phone and texted Roman.

  Me: Hey, I’m on my way.

  He texted back almost instantly.

  Roman: I’m waiting in the parking lot. Can’t wait to see you, pumpkin.

  We pulled into the parking lot and Maddie parked the car. I heard people laughing.

  “Do you see him?” I asked her.

  “Yeah, over there. Come on”

  We started walking toward the group that was leaning against their cars. He spotted me walking toward him because he pushed his self-off of his car. And started walking my way. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek.

  “You ready to head in?” he asked me.


  He smiled at me and put his arm around my waist. I still couldn’t believe all this was really happening. He leaned to whisper in my ear.

  “I like your shirt. But I think it would look a lot better off of you.”

  I felt a tingling in between my thighs. I wish we would have went somewhere alone.

  “Everybody let’s go!” he yelled to the group.

  I noticed Maddie was talking closely to one of Roman’s friends, West Stevens. They seemed to having a heated conversation.

  We walked through the entrance gate and Roman paid for our tickets.

  I loved the fair. It was one of the best things about living in a small town, it gave us something to look forward too. I loved everything about it but what I loved most was the smell of the food. Fair food was my favorite. We walked around hand and hand. I had almost forgot there was other people with us until West spoke up.

  “So rides or food first?” he said as he snuck glances at Maddie.

  “Rides!” I said maybe a little too excited.

  “You heard her. Let’s go.” Roman said as he pulled me toward the Ferris wheel. If I hadn’t known any better I would have thought he was trying to get me alone. And I didn’t min
d it all.

  “Why do I always end up by myself?” Roman’s younger brother, Ethan yelled.

  “It’s because you’re really awkward.” West yelled back.

  West’s personality didn’t fit his look. He was too goofy to look so edgy. Roman was more clean cut bad boy where West was covered in tattoos. Even his dirty blonde hair was edgy. Shaved on the sides and longer on the top. He would have defiantly given my mother a heart attack.

  Everyone laughed, even Ethan.

  We got in one of the Ferris wheel cars. And he pulled in as close as he possibly could.

  “How did you convince your parents to let you come tonight?”

  “They think I’m having a sleep over with Maddie.” I answered truthfully.

  “I wish you could have a sleepover with me.”

  Did he really just say that? I think he could sense that I didn’t how to respond to that.

  “I still have to win you a stuffed animal, remember? We should do that next.”

  “Are you ever going to let me live that down?”

  “Nope.” He answered and laughed.

  “So, what’s your plans for fall?”

  “I’m going to keep working at my dad’s shop. He needs my help. How about you?”

  “I got accepted to Brown. I want to work with children. But my dad wants me to study law.”

  “You should do what makes you happy, not him.”

  “Does working on cars make you happy?”

  “I love it. Working on cars is the only thing I’m good at. That and racing them.”

  “That’s not true, you know?’

  “What’s not true?” he asked as he looked in my eyes.

  “You only being good at fixing cars. You’re good at making people feel alive. I haven’t felt like that in 18 years. Until now.”

  “I could say the same about you.”

  “Do you talk to all the other girls like this too or am I special?”

  “They didn’t mean anything, I always wanted you.”

  “Why didn’t you do something about it?”

  “I was waiting on the right time.”

  “And when is that?”

  “Sooner than you think.”


  He smirked at me. What did I just do?

  “I’d like to kiss you, if that’s okay?”

  “You never have to ask me. You have permanent permission.”

  He leaned in and placed his mouth on mine. My hands ended up running through his hair and his rough hands made their way up my shirt and rubbed my skin on my back. A small moan escaped my mouth. His lips left my mouth and ended up my neck.

  “Get a room!” West yelled from the Ferris wheel car he shared with my best friend. I couldn’t help but notice that she looked sad.

  I didn’t care.I was hungry for Roman. My body ached for him to touch me again. Just like that.

  “Shut up! Don’t embarrass my girl again, West. I’ll make you regret it.”

  “I’d like to see you try it.” He shot back.

  His girl? Roman Charles just called me his girl. I felt like I was living one of my favorite books but only ten times better. No book boyfriend had anything on Roman. With someone like him, who needed books?

  We exited the Ferris wheel. I asked Maddie would she walk with me to the restroom, I needed to talk to her.

  “Is everything okay?’ she asked.

  “He called me his girl? Did you hear that or am I just imaging it? And I feel like I want to jump on him.” I said as I fanned myself. I thought I was having a heart attack.

  “Calm down! I heard him, Em. What’s the big deal? He oozes sex. So I don’t blame you.” she asked through her laughter.

  “The big deal? I don’t know how to be somebody’s girl. Stop laughing it’s not funny.”

  “You like him, right?”

  “You know I do.”

  “Then don’t worry. Everything will be fine. Just enjoy yourself.”

  She always knew how to make me feel better.

  “Your right,Mads.”

  “Like always. You ready to go back out?”

  “Yeah but before we do I need to ask you something. Is something going on with you and West?”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Mads, you know you can tell me anything right?”

  “I know and I’ll tell you just not now, okay?”


  She walked out of the bathroom and I followed after her.

  “Let’s go win you that stuffed animal.”

  “Please stop saying that! People are going to hear you.” I said through my laugher.

  We walked toward the basketball game. Everyone stood around and watched Roman and West play. By the time they finished their game they had two huge stuffed animals in their hands. Roman had a huge purple bunny and West had a pink unicorn. They looked ridiculous. Roman handed me the big bunny.

  “Thank you, I love it” I told him and kissed him on the cheek.

  “Who am I going to give this unicorn to?” West asked.

  Maddie moved away from him and he saw her.

  “Don’t you dare.” Maddie said

  He dropped to one knee.

  “Please Maddie Thomas, will you make me the happiest man in the world by accepting this hot pink unicorn?” he asked as dramatically as he could. He even wiped away a fake tear.

  Everyone laughed. Expect Maddie.

  “Leave me alone.” She yelled at him.

  It was only for a second but I swore I could see hurt in this eyes. Something was definitely going on with those two.

  I looked up at Roman.

  “What’s going on with them?”

  “Don’t worry about them, tonight is about us.”

  A few hours later we were full as ticks and we had been on every ride twice.

  “Ems, you ready to leave?” Maddie asked me.

  “Give me a minute.” I said to her.

  I looked up at Roman.

  “I don’t want to leave you.”

  “Then don’t.” he said. Grabbing my arm, he pulled even closer. “You could stay here with me. You could stay forever.”

  His breathe fell hot against my cheek, and I wanted more than anything to say yes, to live here in this moment and let the rest of the world fall away.

  “All you have to do is say it, Emma. Say the word and I’m yours.”

  My voice broke alongside my will, but I knew how this would go. My heart would get broken, my life would be ruined and, worst of all, it might even be worth it.

  “But I don’t want Maddie driving home by herself. It’s too dark.”

  “Let West follow her home. He will make sure she gets there safe.”

  “I don’t know. It doesn’t seem like she’s his biggest fan.”

  “She can handle him, trust me.”

  Maddie walked up to us before I could question him.

  “You ready?”

  Before I could answer her Roman answered for me.

  “Maddie, would you mind if I took Emma somewhere? I will drop her off at your house. And will you take her bunny to your house. We would prefer to be alone. Mr. Bunny doesn’t need to see what I’m planning on doing.”

  “No I don’t mind at all as long it’s what Emma wants to do. And please don’t bring her back pregnant.” She looked at me and smiled.

  She grabbed the big bunny from Roman’s hands.

  “Can’t make any promises.” He told Maddie and she pretended to gag.

  “West will follow you home.” I told her.

  “I’m fine. I don’t need him.”

  “Please, it would make me feel better.”

  “Okay, fine but only for you.”

  “Hey West come here real quick!” Roman called for his friend.

  West came running over.

  “What’s up?” he asked Roman.

  “Will you follow Maddie home and make sure she gets there safe?”

  He looked over at Maddie. />
  “Yeah, no problem.”

  “Thanks West.” I told him.

  “Promise me that you will be careful.” Maddie whispered in my ear as she played with the angel wing necklace around her neck. She always wore it.

  I nodded. Roman took my hand and led me to his car. I slid in and gave myself a silent pep talk. Roman put the key in the ignition and the engine purred. He sped out of the parking lot. Who knew being so bad could feel so good?

  Chapter 8

  We drove around with our windows down. I liked this Emma better. And for the first time in eighteen years, I was truly happy. I liked that feeling.

  “Where do you want to go?” Roman asked me.

  “Take me to your favorite place.”

  We drove around for a few moments before into an abandoned field that had a makeshift racing track and bleachers.

  “This is where we race. This is where I come to escape.” He told me as he parked the car and turned the headlights off.

  “Have you ever been in love?” I asked him.

  “Is that ever real?” He asked.

  “I hope so,” I answered.

  “I take it that you haven’t been in love yourself,” he said.


  “Is that by design?”

  “Haven’t found the right person,” I answered.

  “You sure about that?” He asked.

  I blushed.

  “You know, everyone in town thinks I’m some sort of man whore.”

  “Are they wrong?” I asked.

  “Does it matter?” He countered. “You know something. I never thought I had a chance in hell with you. They might talk about me, but they don’t mean anything.” He swallowed hard. “You mean everything to me. You’re all I think about.”

  “Do you mean that?” I asked him.

  “Every Word.”

  He pulled me on to his lap. I don’t know what came over me but I wanted to give him part of me no one else had.



  “Will you make love to me?”

  “Emma, we don’t have to do anything. We can take this as slow as you want. We have all summer.”

  “I know I don’t have to but I want to.”

  I covered his mouth with mine and got lost in the kiss. My hands reached the hem of his shirt and I pulled if off of him. He pulled back from the kiss.


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