Tempted (Tempted #1)

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Tempted (Tempted #1) Page 12

by Heather Doltrice

  I was in for a long day.

  After the last parents picked their kids up, I walked out to my car. I drove through town, not paying any attention to where I was going. I just needed to drive. Snapping out of my thoughts, I looked around to see where I ended up. I was at Roman’s house, sitting in his driveway.

  Hopping out of the car, I ran to the door. But before I could knock Ava answered the door.

  “Emma, I was just walking out the door to come see you.” She told me.

  “Really?” I asked her, not knowing what else to say.

  “Yeah, but since your already here come on in.”

  She held the door the open and I took her invitation. Walking in, the first thing I saw was a family picture. I had to catch my breath. There was no way I could cry in front of his mother. That would have been too selfish.

  She took a seat on the couch and I did the same.

  “I’m sorry it’s took me this long to come check on you. I haven’t been myself lately.” I told her as I tried to fight back the tears.

  “Oh honey, I completely understand.”

  I looked at her face and could see the worry etched into her features. Her bright blues eyes that reminded me so much of her son’s, was missing their usual shine.

  “How is Lucy?”

  “She keeps asking about him. I’ve tried to keep her distracted best I could.”

  “I would ask how Ethan is doing but I know. He came by the apartment with West.”

  “He blames himself for this.”

  “I know.”

  Ava made us dinner and I didn’t leave until it fell dark. The ride back to the apartment was full of tears. She was hurting just like I was, maybe even worse. I sat in the parking lot for what seemed like forever.

  When I finally had the strength to make it to the apartment, I was shocked to see Luca standing at the door.

  “What are you doing here? You would have to be smart enough to know you’re not welcome here.”

  “I know. I just don’t care. And to be honest I really wanted to see how heartbroken you are.” he told me as he ran his hands through his hair.

  I studied his face and saw no guilt, not one trace. How could anyone be so heartless?

  “You don’t care about anything but yourself. I’ve heard the stories about you.”

  “And I’m proud to say they are all true.” He said with a megawatt smile.

  “What do you want?”

  “I told you I just wanted to see how you were taking it.”

  “Why? How could you be such a horrible person?”

  “Because you broke up with my cousin for the trash. He got what he deserved and so did you.”

  He made my stomach turn. Like literally. I pushed past him, knocking as hard as I could. I didn’t have time to look for my key. Maddie finally answered the door. I moved past her and made my way into the bathroom. My stomach emptied all of it contents.

  “Just leave!” I heard Maddie yelling.

  Then I heard a door slam. The sounds of Maddie’s feet padding across the hardwood made me relax.

  “I was just about to call you. Where have you been?”

  “I had dinner with Ava. I went there after work.”

  “West called today. Roman’s trial is being held next week.”

  I hadn’t even stopped to think about the trial.

  “What day?”

  “Next Friday.

  “I think I’m going to head to bed. I can’t talk about this tonight.”

  “Okay, goodnight.” She said as she pulled me into a hug.

  Going to my room, I shut the door and slid down the wall. I ugly cried into my hands. Something good had to be around the corner. I couldn’t take much more of this.

  I decided a hot bath might do me good. After my long soak, I put on Roman’s shirt from the night it all began. When I finally reached the bed, I collapsed on it. But as I tired as I was, I couldn’t fall asleep. So I just laid there and looked at the celling. Praying that Roman would be able to come back to me, where he belonged.

  The next morning I was awakened by the sound of a mixer going off in the kitchen. I got out of the bed and went to see what was going on. I saw Maddie making French toast.

  “Is that what I think it is?”

  “Yep.” She smiled.

  We sat at our table and ate our breakfast for silence for the first few moments.

  “I went and bought you something this morning.” Maddie told me breaking through the silence.

  “Oh yeah?” I asked her.

  Watching her get up from the table, I saw her pick up a small plastic bag. She pulled out a box and I dropped my fork when I realized what it was. A pregnancy test.

  “Why would you buy that?”

  “Because your sick all the time. It’s a possibility.”

  “I’m not even due yet.”

  Wait, was I due yet? I hadn’t really kept track of time lately.

  “You were due three days ago. Same time as me.”

  “Still, there is no way I’m pregnant. We always protected….wait, a few weeks ago we didn’t.”

  There was no way I was pregnant. I couldn’t be. There was enough going on right now and baby would just put the cherry on top.

  “I’m just saying you might need to take it. I’ll put it in your bathroom for you. Take it when you’re ready.”

  What would Roman think if I was pregnant? Would he still want to be with me? How could I have let this happen?

  I always wanted kids but I never imagined I would be so young. How could I possibly raise a kid when I’m still a kid? Snap out of it! I ordered myself. There was still a chance that I wasn’t pregnant. Should I take the test now? Or should I prolong it? What if it came back positive? I stayed frozen to my seat. I think I’m going to be here for a while.

  Chapter 27

  I sat in my bathroom just staring at the box in front of me. Why was the lady on box just sitting there smiling at me? I wanted to punch her and then I remembered she was a picture on a box.

  “Just take it, Emma. It’s going to be negative. You’ll see.” I told myself

  I opened the box and took the test. I set the timer on my phone. While waiting for the results, I played with my phone. I looked through pictures of Roman and I. I felt a tear make its way down my face. The timer went off, alerting me that the three minutes was up.

  “You can do this. All you have to do is look. It’s negative.”

  Inhale. Exhale. I turned to pick up the test and closed my eyes as I picked it up. Please be negative! I silently begged. When I finally opened my eyes to look, I immediately closed them back. Maybe I saw it wrong. It had to be my mind messing with me. I looked again but the results were the same. Positive.

  I was too stunned to cry or move or do anything really. Maybe Maddie hadn’t left yet.

  “Maddie? Are you still here?” I called.

  “Yeah. I called in and took the day off.” I heard her say through the door.

  “Can you come in here for a second?”

  Watching the door knob turn, I saw her open the door.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked.

  I held the pregnancy test up for her to see. She ran over and pulled me close to her.

  “Ems, everything happens for a reason. It’s all going to work out.” She whispered in my ear, even though we were the only people in the room.

  I cried on my best friend’s shoulder, something I had been doing that a lot lately. I know without a doubt that without her I wouldn’t be able to get through all of this.

  “I’ll call the doctor and set up an appointment. I’ll get you in today.” She told me as she left the room.

  A couple of hours later, we walked in the office of Dr. Riley. She took bloodwork and told us she would call with the results in a couple hours. We went back to the apartment and watched movies to pass the time.

  Two hours later, the phone rang. And we looked at it like the person on the other line was going to tell us
we were going to die in seven days. Maddie tossed me the phone.

  “Hello.” I answered with a shaky voice.

  “Can I speak with Emma Everly, please?” Dr. Riley asked.

  “This is her.”

  “I have your results here. You’re pregnant, Emma.”

  “Thank you.” I told her as hung the phone up.

  Maddie was about to ask the results but I answered her by crying on her shoulder again.

  “Let it out. I’m here.” She told me as she rubbed my back.

  The next day, I knew I had to tell my parents. What I didn’t know was how they were going to react. They were always super strict but even the most east going parents didn’t want their twenty year old daughter to get pregnant. Especially, with a guy they most definitely didn’t approve of.

  As I pulled in the driveway of what used to be my home, I took a few deep breaths trying to get rid of the nerves. I needed to be calm because I knew they weren’t going to be. Climbing the steps, I gently knocked on the door. It felt weird to knock but it would feel even weirder to just waltz in. I didn’t live there anymore and at that point I didn’t even know if I was welcome.

  My mom opened the door and tried to hide her shock at my visit. I tried my best to pretend like everything was okay.

  “Hello.” My mother said to me.

  Wow. Way to make me feel welcome. She is so going to win Mom of the year.

  “Hi, Mom. Can I come in?”

  She opened the door wider and moved to let me in.

  “Thank you.” I told her as I walked in side.

  I looked around to see if anything looked different but it all looked the same. Safe and predictable. Just the way thing had always been in that house.

  “Is Dad home?” I asked her.

  “I’ll go get him, be right back.” She said she walked down the hall that led to his office.

  As I waited, I tried to go over what to say in my head. Should I just blurt it out and rip off the band aid? Or just coax my way there? I think band aid is the best way to go. The faster I get it over with, the better.

  I heard footsteps getting closer, so I took a few deep breaths. My parents entered the living room and I think my dad’s expression was even more surprised than my mom’s. But only a little bit.

  “Have you decided to go back to Brown? I knew you would eventually come to your senses.” My dad asked me with a huge smile.

  I stood there in complete shock. They hadn’t changed one bit, not that I had expected them too.

  “No, that’s not why I’m here.”

  “What is it then? I don’t have all day.” My father said as he checked his watch, like he had something more important to do then talk to his daughter. His only child.

  “Could we sit down?” I asked them.

  They didn’t answer me, they just walked over and sat on the couch. I took the chair closest to them.

  “We’re sitting, Emma. What do you want to tell us? Let’s just get this over with.

  Straining to hold back the waterworks that wanted to start, I cleared my throat. Here goes nothing.

  “I’m pregnant.” I blurt out as quickly as I could.

  They wouldn’t even look at me. I didn’t even think they were going to speak to me. But my dad’s furious voice broke me out of my thoughts.

  “How could you be so stupid? We raised you better than this.” He said as he got up from the couch and staring pacing.

  I heard my mother sniffle. Looking over, I saw the heartbreak etched on her face. They were disappointed in me. I was disappointed in me too.

  “I’m not stupid! I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

  “And that boy is in jail, again! Your going to be a single mother. This just keeps getting better! I told you he was trouble!” My dad yelled.

  “I will not be a single mother. He’s going to get out, he still has a chance to get out. He loves me.” I said as the floodgates opened and the tears gushed from my eyes.

  “He’s not going to get out anytime soon, Emma. He’s broken his probation, twice!” He yelled before he walked back to his office.

  “Mom.” I said through the tears.

  “I think it’s best if you leave.” My mother said.

  She got up from the couch and walked over to the door. I guess that’s my cue. So I did what she wanted I left. Walking to my car, I opened the door and climbed in. I hit the steering wheel as hard as I could. Why couldn’t anything ever be easy? Or go right?

  I pulled my phone out to call Roman, he would make everything better. When I found his name in my contacts, it dawned on me. I couldn’t call him. Starting the car, I drove like a mad person to get to the apartment. I needed to do something to get my mind off of everything.

  I walked through the door of the apartment. Where was Maddie?

  “Maddie?” I called out for my best friend.

  That was weird. She usually always tells me if she’s going to be out. And I know she’s not at work, her shift is already over.

  Pulling my phone out of my bag, I dialed her number.

  “Hello?” she answered.

  “Where are you?” I said through the tears.

  “With West, he wanted to talk to me. Are you crying?”

  “No.” I lied.

  “We’re coming right now. Be there in five minutes.”

  I hung up the phone and tossed it on the couch. Pacing back and forth, I waited for Maddie to walk through the door. I needed to vent.

  The door swung open and my best friend walked in. she ran straight for me.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked me just as West walked in the door.

  “Do I need to leave?” West asked me.

  I didn’t want him to leave, he made me feel closer to Roman. He was a part of Roman. So that meant he was a part of me.

  “No, I would rather if you stayed.”

  He just nodded and sat on the chair beside where I was standing.

  “Does he know?” I asked Maddie.

  “No, that’s yours to tell. I would never do that.” She assured me.

  I knew she would never tell my secrets, I could trust her with my life. But this one time I wished she would have tattled. I hated that I had to go through this again. How would West react to this? Would he treat me like my parents? Would he be disappointed in me? There was only one way to find out.

  “I’m pregnant.” I said barley about a whisper.

  I wasn’t sure he heard me at first but the look in eyes let me know he did.

  “Is this some sort of joke?” West asked.

  “I’m in no mood for jokes. I’m serious.”

  He was quiet for the next few moments. Then he rose to his feet. He was a hard person to read. Walking over to me, he gave me a huge bear hug.

  “Everything is going to be fine. We are a family, never forget that. All this means is our family is getting bigger.”

  That brought a smile to my face and it felt out of place. I hadn’t smiled like that in awhile.

  “I can’t believe I’m going to be an uncle.” He said with the proudest smile on his face.

  I looked over at Maddie and saw her roll her eyes. But I swear I saw a small smile. They made me feel like I wasn’t a disappointment, they made me feel like I belonged. And I loved them for it.

  Chapter 28

  I finally got the courage up after three days to tell Ava and Ethan. And on top of that, I’ve got to tell Lucy. Maddie and West offered to go with me and I accepted because there was no way I was going by myself. This is who I was most worried about telling.

  They depended on Roman. This baby would depend on him too. He had so much weight on his shoulders. I hated to add weight to that already heavy load.

  “You got this.” West whispered in my ear.

  It was like he was training for a boxing match. He was funny, even when he wasn’t trying. But I couldn’t laugh, not right now. I moved my hand to knock on the door but West just opened it and waltzed right in. Like he owned the place. />
  “Mrs. C!” he called with his hands cupped around his mouth.

  Lucy came running down the hall and hugged him. Ava and Ethan entered the room just as Lucy ran to me and hugged my waist.

  “Hey, Luce.”

  “You gave me a nickname? Cool.” She said.

  She looked up and gave me a smile. I looked up and saw Ava looking at me.

  “Do I have something on my face?” I asked as I turned to Maddie for her to check.

  “No, your face is beautiful. As always. But you do have a different look about you today.

  “Maybe it’s from all the crying.” I said trying and failing to make a joke.

  Ava laughed and walked into the living room. We all followed after her. We took our seats and I rubbed my sweaty palms on my black leggings. At least I didn’t feel nausea. Yet.

  “I have something I need to tell you and I’m not sure how you’re going to react to it.”

  Ethan looked like he was going to legit pass out and Ava was still giving me that weird look from just a few moments ago.

  I took a shaky breath and decided to just blurt it out. Maddie reached out and grabbed my hand.

  “I’m pregnant.” I saw then immediately covered my mouth with my hand. “But I don’t want Roman to know until after his trial. He has enough on his plate right now.”

  The room was so silent, you could have head a pin drop. I swallowed the burning in the back of my throat. Trying to fight the tears off. I turned to leave but Ava ran after me.

  “Honey, I thought you had the glow. I’m not thrilled about this. Your both so young but I’m not angry either.” She told me as she rubbed my back in support.

  “You’re going to have a baby? I hope it’s a girl, just like me!” Lucy squealed.

  “Me, too.” I told her.

  I watched as she ran over and jumped in West’s lap. I really did want a little girl.

  I turned my attention to Ethan who hadn’t say anything after my announcement. I will admit it was a very big, very shocking announcement. But still I needed some kind of reaction. At that point I would have taken anything.


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