For Love of an Angel

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For Love of an Angel Page 11

by Rosalie Lario

  “Good morning,” she choked out.

  The lines furrowing Michael’s brow smoothed as he shot her a smile that didn’t quite look sincere. “Good morning, Eva.” There was a beat of tense silence before he motioned toward the stranger. “You haven’t yet met Seth. He returned last night, along with Gabe, Nate, and Zach.”

  She recognized the name. This was Michael’s neighbor, the one he’d borrowed the leather pants from. Seth wore another pair now in a shade of charcoal gray. She had to admit, he wore them well. From what she’d seen so far, angels appeared to be spectacularly well made.

  When Seth gave her an amused grin, she realized she’d been staring. Flushing, she tore her gaze back up to his face.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Eva,” he said.

  But the look in Seth’s eye didn’t match his pleasant tone. What was it that had the four of them so worried?

  “If you’ll excuse me, I have some business to attend to.” With those words, he beat a hasty retreat. Mumbling out greetings, Jason and Ethan quickly followed suit.

  Eva watched them go before turning back to Michael. “Something wrong?”

  “No.” He didn’t quite look at her. “Care for some breakfast?”

  The thick aroma of fried bacon filled the air, and her rumbling stomach reminded her they hadn’t eaten dinner last night. “Um…sure.” Fidgeting in place, she watched as he turned and piled some bacon and eggs onto a plate. Why did it seem like he was avoiding looking her in the eye?

  Niggling worries crept into her mind but she shoved them back. He couldn’t be tired of her already. Could he?

  When he placed the plate and a fork on the countertop, she took a seat on one of the bar stools and snagged a piece of bacon. “Did Seth and the others find what they were looking for?”

  “What?” he asked in an absent-minded tone.

  “Didn’t Ethan say they were out gathering information?”

  “Oh. Yes, they found some things of note.” Facing her, he leaned against the stove and rubbed the back of his neck with one hand. Lines of fatigue ran down his face.

  “How much sleep did you get last night?”

  “Not much.”

  She could tell. But it wasn’t just that. He was holding something back. “What’s up?”

  His eyes met hers. “Listen, I talked to Ethan last night. I told you before he knows a nephilim. She’s the daughter of his best friend, one of the Fallen who was executed. She’s known she’s half-angel her whole life and is an expert at staying under the radar. He spoke to her and she said she’d be happy to show you the ropes, if you’d like. She lives in New Orleans and has a spare bedroom you can stay in. She can even get you a fake work visa stating your occupation as anything you’d like.”

  His words settled like a heavy lump in the pit of her stomach. Eva stared at him for a long moment, letting them sink in. She kept her voice purposely even. “What are you telling me?”

  “I’m telling you that you have a choice at another life, should you choose it.”

  Another life? She forced herself to take another bite of bacon, though all of a sudden she wasn’t the least bit hungry. The words he didn’t speak were all too clear. Now that his haze of lust had vanished, he realized he didn’t want forever with her. He was trying to let her down easy.

  She concentrated on chewing. Once, twice, three times. Moisture beckoned behind her eyelids but she blinked them back. She’d be damned if she was going to humiliate herself by crying in front of him. For years now she’d been alone. She could be alone again.

  When she didn’t immediately respond, Michael fidgeted and looked uncomfortable, running a hand through his hair. “Eva, I—”

  “That’s a good idea.” She surprised herself by forcing a sense of calm to wash over her. Emotionally unattached—that was her.

  Michael looked surprised too. A variety of emotions drifted from him. Sadness. Despair. Relief. But he schooled his features into an expressionless mask. No doubt he was trying not to show the relief she’d felt coming from him. He must be happy she agreed to go without making a big scene. “Are you sure?”

  She didn’t bother answering. Instead she said, “How soon can I leave? Can I go today?”

  “I…” He looked at a loss for words as he rubbed the back of his neck again. Was she a literal pain in the neck? “I suppose so, yes. I…I know you don’t have much in the way of clothes. You can take those of Mara’s that I brought you. She wouldn’t mind. I can also give you some funds to replace what you lost. Not all of it, but it would be a start at least.”

  Look at that. He was so anxious for her to be gone that he’d pay her to leave.

  She had to get out of here before she lost the steel barrier she’d somehow managed to erect over her heart, blocking her emotions from him. Pushing her plate of half-eaten food away, she stood. “Sounds great. I’ll just go get my stuff together.”

  Her years of suffering disappointment in stoic silence came in handy now. With any luck, he’d never know how deeply he’d wounded her. She walked to the doorway, forcing herself to adopt a carefree smile before turning back to him. “By the way, Michael. Thanks for the good time. It was a fun distraction.”

  His brows furrowed and he opened his mouth, but she didn’t give him a chance to respond before she turned and swept out the swinging door.


  Three hours later, Eva was ready to go. Pacing Michael’s sitting room, she awaited word from Ethan. She’d already packed her meager belongings in a backpack she’d found in the corner of the room. Any feelings of lightness she’d earlier felt had long since evaporated, leaving her tired and drained.

  She wished she’d never met him. If not for him she’d be at work right now, bored but utterly clueless. She wouldn’t know she was nephilim. Wouldn’t have had to flee the only home she’d ever known. She wouldn’t know what it was like to have laid in his arms. That was the worst thing of all, knowing what she’d had and lost.

  Oh my God, I love him.

  Blinking at the sudden shock of her realization, she absently took a seat in one of the overstuffed chairs. She loved Michael. How had that happened? She’d only known him for a few days.

  Thinking back on it, she’d been doomed from the start. From the moment he’d shown up in the middle of her living room, she hadn’t been able to resist him. His exotic scent, the silk-on-steel expanse of his bare flesh, how much he seemed to desire her. He could fly, for God’s sake. The only true surprise was that she’d withstood his advances for even a moment.

  Who was she kidding? Things never would have worked out between them. She might be half-angel, but that was the only remarkable thing about her. After all, she made coffee for a living. How could she have ever expected Michael to want to be with her forever?

  Suck it up, Eva. It’s no one’s fault. It just wasn’t meant to be.

  She couldn’t allow herself to wallow in self-pity. Life would go on, and maybe someday, God willing, she’d find someone she could have forever with.

  Even if some part of her always loved Michael.

  Wiping the moisture from her eyes, she rose and slipped the backpack on, then left in search of the angels. She walked the entire ground floor without finding anyone, and even went down to the bathing facilities, which were also empty. Where had everyone gone? Since she wasn’t about to intrude in their living quarters, she decided to go to the mouth of the cave. This is the last time I’ll see that amazing view.

  She forced herself not to think about that when tears stung her eyelids once again. Instead she focused on walking through the pitch-black cavern. One step in front of the other. Firmly on the worn path. There, I made it. She was becoming a pro. Not that she needed to be any longer.

  Much to her surprise Ethan stood on the ledge at the cave’s entrance, pacing back and forth along the rocky ground like he was anxious. He actually wore a shirt, the first time she’d seen any of the angels do so.

  She forced herself to call out a g
reeting. “Hey, Ethan. Where’s Michael?”

  He stopped and turned to her, his nose flaring. “He went for a fly.”

  “Oh.” Didn’t he even want to see her off? He’s embarrassed, she realized. He felt bad that he’d changed his mind about wanting her as his mate after he’d told her he wouldn’t. Fine. She wasn’t going to make it any harder for him. What would be the point?

  Digging her nails into her palm, she strived to keep her tone calm and even. “Are you ready to go?”

  He looked taken aback at that. “Aren’t you going to wait for him to return?”

  Damn him. Why was he making this so hard? She bit down on the inside of her cheek, focusing on the pain, a million times more bearable than the pain inside her heart. “I think it’s easier this way.”

  Looking hesitant, he slid his shirt off his chest and approached. “Here, I’ll slip this in your backpack.

  Eva turned so he could put the shirt inside. “Why are you wearing one at all, if you don’t mind my asking? I haven’t seen any of you wear them yet.”

  “We’ll land on the outskirts of the city and walk to Tayla’s apartment,” he explained. “Wearing no shirt would look far too suspicious.”

  “Oh.” Made sense. Taking a deep breath, she turned to face him.”I’m ready.”

  Ethan pursed his lips like he was holding something back. Before she could question it he flat out said, “I think you’re making a big mistake.”

  Her eyes widened. Mistake? Did he think she wanted to leave? That she enjoyed this? Perhaps Michael hadn’t told him yet that he didn’t want her anymore. Well, she wasn’t about to admit it either. She still had some pride left. “It’s really for the best. Ready?”

  With a look of disapproval on his face, he grew his wings and lifted her into his arms. She allowed herself a moment to marvel at the beauty of his wings. Full and black with swirling ribbons of dark gray, they looked very much like Michael’s. Too much. When he flexed them, shooting up into the sky, she had to look away.

  Staring down at the valley proved to be an even greater mistake. She spotted the large, flat rock where Michael had set her down yesterday. Where they’d made love for the first time. And the second and third.

  She would miss the serene beauty of this place. The feel of the warm stream against her flesh. The cool dampness of the cave. She’d miss all of it. But none more so than Michael. Him she would miss the most.

  “Are you okay?” Ethan murmured.

  “Fine.” Turning her face away from him, she let the tears fall at last. They were carried away on the wind as if they’d never been. Much like her.

  They had only flown a few minutes when Ethan stiffened and muttered something she couldn’t hear under his breath. Startled, she looked over at him. “What’s wrong?”

  He shot up, aiming for a long, narrow ledge high up on the mountainside. With a practiced flick of his wings, he made a smooth landing on one end of the ledge and then set her down.

  “What is it?” She looked him up and down. He didn’t seem hurt or anything, so what could be wrong?

  “Nothing,” he replied with a shuttered expression. “Hopefully everything’s about to be right.”

  “Huh?” Before she could question him further he turned and strode down the ledge toward the other side. Brows furrowed, she watched him go. She didn’t sense anything behind her until the cool breeze fluttered around her back. Eva didn’t even have a chance to turn before something touched down behind her and she was whirled around. “What the—”

  It was Michael. He wordlessly pulled her into his arms, cupping the back of her head with one hand and crushing her lips to his. She stiffened, but her body betrayed her by responding to his steamy kiss. She just couldn’t resist him. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed him back for all she was worth.

  When Michael pulled away, Eva was beyond shocked to see tears in his eyes.

  “I told myself I would be strong, that I would let you go if you wished it, but I cannot. Stay with me, Eva. Don’t leave me.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Bu—but…I thought you didn’t want me.”

  “Don’t want you?” He shot her a disbelieving look. “How could you think that, beloved? Have I not told you over and over again how much I want you? When angels mate, we mate forever.”

  “But…this morning, you seemed so eager for me to go.”

  “Eager for—” He shook her, exasperation pouring off him in waves. “You told me you wanted control over your life. I was offering you a choice. I never wanted you to go.”

  Holy crap. She’d misread him all along? Couldn’t he have been a bit clearer. Shaking her head, she let out a soft laugh. “We’re such idiots.”

  He cocked a brow and grinned. “Then that’s another prime example of why we’re so perfect for each other.”

  She was still laughing when he pulled her down for another soul-searing kiss.

  “I guess that means you aren’t leaving,” a dry voice interrupted them. They broke apart and turned to look at Ethan. The silly grin he wore was at complete odds with the sound of his voice. “See you two back at the cave.”

  With those words he took off.

  Michael shook his head as he watched him go. He turned back to her, sliding his hand along her cheek and stroking his thumb back and forth across her lip. “I cannot promise you safety, beloved.”

  Maybe not, but what good was safety if she didn’t have her angel? She shot him a teasing grin. “Oh yeah? Well, what can you promise me?”

  His gaze was steady, unwavering. “That I will love you for the rest of my days.”

  Her heart hammered against her ribs. The way he said it there was no doubt as to the truth of his words.

  “That’s good enough for me.” She wrapped her arms around his neck bringing him down for another long kiss. “Come on, Michael. Let’s go home.”

  “Soon.” He turned to search the sky before looking back at her with a mischievous grin. “Have you ever made love on the side of a mountain?”

  Eva’s eyes widened. “Here? But…what about the other Fallen? If one of them goes flying by, they could see us.”

  “Not to worry, beloved,” he murmured against her lips as he drew her down to the ground. “For now at least, the sky is ours.”


  Please keep reading for more information on

  Book 2 of the Fallen Warriors Series,

  Available in

  October 2011!

  Angel’s Desire

  The Fallen Warriors Series

  Book 2

  Fallen angel Ethan has been outcast due to his love of humankind. In order to preserve his immortality, he must find a mate with angel blood…but the one woman he desires blames him for her father’s death.

  As a teenager, Tayla had a fierce crush on Ethan, her angel father’s best friend. She was humiliated when he rejected her, claiming she was too young for him. Then her love turned to hate when he failed to save her father from being killed by the other angels.

  Battle looms on the horizon, and Ethan can no longer afford to waste time. He must claim Tayla as his…but convincing her she’s his mate won’t be so easy.


  Rosalie Lario practiced real estate law for several years before finally admitting to herself that negotiating contracts wasn’t nearly as fun as dreaming up stories. As an avid reader of romances and supernatural stories, she knew she wanted to write paranormal romance.

  When not writing, she enjoys spending time with her husband and son in their home state of Florida, as well as searching out things that go bump in the night. She still hasn’t found any proof of the supernatural, but she’s keeping her fingers crossed.

  You can learn more about Rosalie Lario at her website,, or you can find her online at Facebook, Twitter, or Goodreads.



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