Vermilion Justice

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Vermilion Justice Page 15

by Sheri Lewis Wohl

  A moment ago she’d have jumped her like a lovesick teenager, but faced with such perfect beauty she suddenly found herself shy and hesitant. Nicoletta was offering the very thing she’d desired since laying eyes on her, and now she was afraid that by taking it, she’d somehow let this precious woman down. She was, when it came to affairs with women, a virgin. What if she did something wrong? What if she was such a terrible lover Nicoletta would regret making love? How could she put herself out there and not disappoint?

  Something of what she was feeling must have shown through in her eyes, for Nicoletta stepped forward, took her face in her hands, and said against her lips, “You are all that I want. For so long I was waiting for something, but until you came through the magical stones with Alexandru I did not know what it was. The moment I saw your face, my heart began to sing and nothing else mattered.”

  Nicoletta kissed her again with such incredible tenderness she thought her legs would finally give way. Nothing had ever felt like this before and she wanted much, much more.

  She began to push at the dress that all of a sudden felt so confining it was as if she were suffocating. Nicoletta laughed softly and turned Lura around to begin unlacing the gown for her. It took longer than she would have liked, but finally free of the heavy fabric, she stood naked and trembling before flames roaring in the massive stone fireplace and the woman who made her feel alive for the first time in years.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Riah had become accustomed to the changes in the world. Certainly she had memories of the past, fairly vivid ones at that. Seeing the past before her eyes, however, was disconcerting. Living forever was one thing; reliving it was something altogether different. Not entirely pleasant either, for she’d long outgrown this century.

  The closer they rode to the city, the more familiar things became in a déjà vu sort of way. So far, the night was holding, which was good for a host of reasons. If memory served her right, they could find shelter once they were inside the city. The first time Rodolphe had brought her to what he always referred to as the homeland, he’d introduced her to a “friend” named Antoine. He’d given them shelter, protecting them from the light and prying eyes. Antoine had been an old man then, both pleasant and understanding of their needs. While pleasant to Rodolphe, he’d been very solicitous to Riah. She’d liked him a great deal. If she guessed right on the timeframe now, he’d be much younger and, she hoped, as trustworthy as a young man as he was in later years.

  If they kept the pace going, they’d reach Tirgoviste well before the sun was fully up in the sky. Plenty of time to make it to Antoine’s home and the precautionary safety of shelter.

  Adriana shifted behind her. “Are you all right?”

  “Seriously,” Adriana grumbled. “How in the fuck did anyone survive horse travel? Everything aches. I feel like I was on the losing end of a bar fight, and I’m pretty sure a bar fight would have been infinitely more fun.”

  “You’ve been in a lot of bar fights?” Riah was smiling to herself.

  “Ha ha. You know what I mean.”

  Not to worry, love. You’re going to get the chance to stretch out the kinks real soon.”

  Adriana groaned. “It’s almost hoof time for me and broken boy, isn’t it?”

  “Afraid so.”

  “I don’t know what’s worse, the riding or the walking. Either way I’m going to feel like crap. At least it’s still dark so we don’t have to worry about you and Ivy going up in smoke.”

  She glanced over at the other horse. “Colin?”

  He’d been awfully quiet the last hour or so. The wound had to be painful, particularly considering the constant movement of the horse. He was a tough man though, and injury wasn’t a new reality for him. In his former life as a hunter, it was routine. In his new life with the Spiritus Group, pretty much a guarantee. Of course, an arrow through the shoulder wasn’t exactly the kind of wound he came up against in the battle they waged in their century.

  “Yeah,” he sort of grunted.

  From the sound of his voice, he’d felt better than he did right now. Unfortunately, they didn’t have much in terms of choices, not if they wanted to travel without garnering unwanted attention. He wasn’t going to be able to ride much farther. “You up to a walk into the city?”

  “Sure. I’ve just been riding along here thinking to myself how much my shoulder feels like shit and what could possibly make it feel even worse? Oh yeah, tromping along a dirt road in the wee hours twisting ankles and stumbling on rocks.”

  “Anybody ever tell you you’re a smart-ass?”

  “Oh, oh, can I answer that?” Ivy jumped in. “He’s regularly reminded of that particular character trait!”

  “Hush, woman,” he said on a small laugh.

  “Hush yourself, big man. I might be small, but remember, I’m the one in charge. You’re going to have to do everything I tell you.” Her laugh was like golden bells on the night air.

  “God, she’s loving this,” he said as he slid to the ground with a grunt.

  “I hope we don’t have to stay here too long. She’s going to be even more impossible to live with than she already is.”

  “Me?” Ivy feigned indignation. “Why, I’m a joy to live with. Just ask me.”

  He reached up to pull her head down for a kiss before starting to walk alongside her horse. As she watched him, Riah decided that despite his size and out-of-place footwear, he’d be able to blend in somewhat. It was more about his carriage in the face of injury. People in this time and place didn’t stop because of an injury. Stopping meant death. It was a hard environment, creating tough people. Survival of the fittest in the flesh. Colin was a strong guy, and that was going to serve him well for as long as they had to be here.

  She hoped it wouldn’t be long. Despite her relegation to the night, she rather liked cars, hot showers, and comfortable homes. Even the most opulent home in this world didn’t hold a candle to her house in Spokane with its modern conveniences and fun extras. Refrigeration…well, it held its own very definite advantages, though she didn’t care to think about that right now. For whatever reason, she and Ivy weren’t needing or craving blood. She wasn’t going to question that one, just be grateful.

  With Colin and Adriana now walking, the reins of the horses held in their hands, their trek began to slow down. Riah cast nervous looks toward the sky, always watchful for the telltale rays of light. They were doing well so far. She hoped their luck would hold.

  They made it to the outskirts of the city far quicker than she anticipated. She reined in her horse and sat upright, studying the buildings and open areas as best she could in the dim light. It was familiar and different all at the same time. It took her quite a while to get her bearings, but finally everything began to click into place.

  Riah gave quiet instructions to Adriana, who silently guided the horses as she directed. One of the great things about living and working together was the unspoken communication. It served a very useful purpose on days like today.

  At last they came to a modest home on a narrow street. Adriana helped Riah down even though she didn’t need it. It would, however, be highly noticeable if she hopped off the horse by herself when her groom was standing right next to her. Ladies didn’t do such a thing in this place. Of course, the fact that she didn’t at all mind the touch of Adriana’s hand had nothing to do with it. No matter the situation, it always gave her strength and comfort. Besides, that cute-boy persona hadn’t gotten old yet.

  She knocked on the door and waited. As long as it took him to answer, he must have been in bed asleep. Finally, Antoine came to the door, and the sight of his familiar face almost made her weak. His expression registered no recognition of her, further cementing her theory of time and place. Well, that and the fact that he was far younger than when she’d met him originally. Still, she’d have recognized him in an instant. He looked the same, with kind eyes and a gentle voice. Hopefully the attitude of assistance was still there too.

p; “May I help you?” he asked, his words hushed. His hair was tousled, his eyes still showing the lingering effects of slumber.

  She bowed her head slightly. “I hope you can. I am Princess Catherine Tudor and we need your assistance.”


  Nicoletta was shocked by her own boldness, though not enough to make her stop. She had submitted to the Prince because that is what a woman did when summoned by Vlad the Impaler. To her, he was neither violent nor hurtful. He simply took what he desired and, when he was done, sent her on her way.

  She was ashamed to be used that way and wished she could simply stand up to him and say no. But it was not to be for her or any woman he summoned. His power was too great and hers too small. She believed deep in her heart that he had made a pact with the devil, for how else could he do the things he did and still sleep?

  Tonight when he sent her away, her prayers were at last answered. She could not undo what he had done to her. Could not change what would be in the seasons to come. But, if he now tired of her, at least her life would belong to her once more. She could leave this place and live far away in solitude and peace. It would be a lonely existence, but she would no longer have to be afraid of heavy footsteps that ripped her away from slumber.

  For this night, this single night, she deserved the touch of the woman she longed for. Lura was the chosen one, the beautiful one, and if only for a moment, she could drown in her loveliness. It would be enough, and she could hold onto the memory of it for the rest of her life.

  She took Lura’s face between her hands and marveled at how soft and smooth her skin was. Her beauty took her breath away. She kissed her lips slowly, tasting, savoring. It amazed her how wonderful she tasted. When her tongue touched Lura’s a delicious shock raced through her body.

  Lura reached up and grabbed her hands, dragging her toward the bed. In the fireplace, the wood snapped and the flames roared while the room filled with the scent of the fragrant wood. She was only vaguely aware of these things, for all her attention was centered on Lura.

  The room, already warmed by the fire, grew even warmer as they stretched out on the bed. Lura’s hand stroked her cheek, dropping to her neck and then her breast. The feel of fingers touching her nipple made it spring hard and ache even more for the pressure of her hands and lips. A warm sensation unlike any she had ever experienced pooled in her stomach.

  “You are so beautiful,” Lura said against her lips. “You can’t begin to know how much I want you.”

  “I give myself freely,” she said in return. Something she had not said to anyone before, man or woman. The words came from her heart.

  “As do I,” Lura responded. The sincerity in those three words made her soul sing. For so long she’d felt alone, unloved. Not tonight.

  Her kiss turned hard and deep, the need inside her booming to life. Her hands roamed over Lura’s curves, her full breasts firm against her palms. She dipped her head and took a nipple into her mouth. Lura’s moan was quiet but deep, and it made her own body quiver. As she sucked, she let her hand drop to the patch of hair at the “V” of Lura’s thighs. Her fingers raked through the fine mass, and she loved the way it curled around her fingertips.

  Lura’s hips rose to meet her hand, and she took the invitation to part her lips and slide her finger between them. She was hot and wet. Nicoletta’s own breathing grew rapid at the feel of her flesh. Her need was too great to wait and so she did not. She slid a finger inside Lura’s waiting center.

  “Oh God.” Lura moaned. “That feels wonderful.”

  Her own body was on fire and wanted, no, needed, Lura’s touch. Encouraged by her hot response, she slid another finger inside, moving in rhythm to Lura’s thrusting hips. The sensations of heat and wetness and desire were so intense, Nicoletta wanted to cry. She kissed Lura as her hand continued to stroke. Suddenly, Lura’s body arched and a stifled sob tore from her throat.

  For a moment, Nicoletta thought something was wrong and started to pull away. Lura stopped her, holding her hand so that her fingers remained inside her.

  “Don’t leave me,” Lura whispered. “Oh God, don’t leave me.”

  Nicoletta’s heart ached at the soft plea. Inside those words was something deep and full of longing. She understood completely. Without another word, she lay next to her and nuzzled her neck.

  “I am here forever,” she said as she kissed Lura’s damp hair.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Adriana’s intake of breath was audible only to Riah. Truthfully, she’d never really been comfortable with the name or the title. After all, she was an adult before she even discovered she was King Henry VII’s blood daughter. By that time, she’d lived her entire life as the daughter of a titled lord and his wife.

  A childless couple, her “father” had won her in a card game with the King, who, when presented with another daughter only hours earlier, was not pleased. The solution was to shuttle her off to the lord, a man who really wasn’t interested in a child at all, but who bowed to the desires of his wife. For the loyal English subjects, a proclamation went out that she’d died at birth. Many years later, she actually found that proclamation in a history book. Odd to read about one’s own death.

  After learning the truth, she’d hated her father and her brother, who succeeded him and who was responsible for the way of her life now. Henry VIII was, like his father, displeased to have another sibling who might lay claim to his throne. His solution wasn’t to give her away but to set her up for something much worse. All it took was one vampire acquaintance to attack her carriage on a terrible stormy night, and Henry’s problem disappeared.

  In a manner of speaking. She was still here. Her brother was not. She wondered what he would think about that.

  Tonight, she introduced herself by the one name she knew would open doors regardless of whether they were savvy of those like Riah. When a Tudor comes knocking, most, if not all doors open. Some in hospitality. Some to further their own perverted desires for power and position.

  “Please, please, come in.” He stepped aside and opened the door wide.

  While the other three couldn’t understand the language he spoke, they did grasp the hospitable invitation. Of course, Antoine would think it very odd when Adriana and Colin came in as well, but she would explain that one when they were all within the safety of the home. Right now the important thing was to get everyone inside.

  Once the door was closed and latched, Colin all but crumpled on the floor. He didn’t try to make it to one of the cushion-covered chairs. Ivy raced to his side and began to examine the wound, a frown on her normally pretty face.

  “Do you have any clean water? Any salt?” She didn’t look up from Colin.

  Antoine’s brow crinkled as he stared at the noblewoman who spoke with such authority but who was showing an inappropriate amount of concern for a servant. He didn’t move, just stood and stared at her. Riah put a hand on his arm.

  “Antoine, please. I will explain as we go, but we need water and salt, if you have it.”

  He studied her for a long moment, and she got the feeling he had no intention of moving. Then he nodded. “Please follow me.”

  She did as he asked, winding through a short hallway until they reached a doorway leading into a cluttered cooking area. He rummaged around on a shelf filled with bottles, bowls, and wooden boxes before coming up with a bowl holding about a quarter cup of salt. On the table, he picked up a pitcher of water.

  “Now, if you have a pot?”

  He pivoted and from another shelf snagged a cast-iron pot with a curved handle made to hang on a hook over the fire. Handing it to her, he watched in silence as she poured about a quarter of the water into the pot and then added some salt. On the edge of the table, several clean rags were folded, and she grabbed those as well. Taking the rags and the pot of water back to the front room where Colin, Ivy, and Adriana waited, she placed the pot over the flames in the fireplace. It took only a few minutes over the open flame for the water to boil.
  “This is the best I can do for saline,” she told Ivy as she set the pot on the floor next to Colin. Not quite a nice bottle of Betadine, but as an alternative, the homemade saline solution would work as a decent cleaner for his wound.

  As they began to tend to Colin, Antoine watched without saying a word. Once Ivy and Adriana were cleaning Colin’s wound as best they could, she once more took Antoine’s arm and ushered him toward the hallway. She could almost see the wheels turning in his head.

  “Who are you really? How do you know my name?” he asked once they were seated at the table in the cooking room. His intelligent eyes studied her face as though he was trying to see deep inside.

  “I am Princess Catherine Tudor, just as I told you.”

  “Yes,” he said slowly as he nodded. “Who else are you?” His shrewd eyes missed nothing. This was the Antoine she remembered well. She was glad of it.

  She tilted her head and told him, “In the life I lead now, they call me Doctor Riah Preston. When you were first introduced to me—”

  His head snapped up. “I do not—”

  She stopped him. “It is true, in this time and place, you do not know me, have never laid eyes on me before this moment. I am to meet you many years from now. You are much older then.”

  Riah looked down at her hands and paused. This was the moment of truth. “You are much older then,” she repeated, and then brought her gaze up to meet his. “I am not.”

  For at least a minute, there was silence. His eyes narrowed but didn’t move from her. “What are you?” This time he asked the right question.

  She didn’t pull any punches. No point in it. “I am a vampire.”

  This time, he closed his eyes for a moment and breathed deeply. “Vampire.”

  “Yes.” His calmness in the face of her explanation was surprising. Or maybe he just didn’t believe her.


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