Mr. September: A Single Parent Romance (Calendar Boys Book 9)

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Mr. September: A Single Parent Romance (Calendar Boys Book 9) Page 6

by Nicole S. Goodin

  The little shit was listening to every word.

  I clear my throat. “Alright, well… ah… cool.”

  I glance at Morgan out of the corner of my eye and she’s biting down on her lip to stop herself from laughing.

  I point a warning finger at her. “So, you’ve had other boyfriends then?” I ask, my brows raised.

  “Uh-uh, slick, we’re not talking about that.” She giggles with a shake of her head.

  “There was Nick,” Ethan answers for her, “the guy was a total douche.”

  I chuckle as he carries on speaking, naming the few men who have dated his mum, Morgan getting redder and redder by the second.


  “I can’t believe you got Adam Burton to come to our next training,” Ethan crows. “Lucas and Jeremy are going to bust a nut.”

  “Can you not say that?” Morgan grimaces as I pull up outside her place. “I don’t need a visual of anyone’s nuts.”

  We dropped Hunter off on the way, but Ethan has not stopped talking the entire trip back; he’s humming with excitement at just the idea of Adam being at practice.

  Morgan wasn’t kidding – I think this might be the best night of the kid’s life.

  Not only did we see the game courtside, but I took them into the changing room after to meet some of the guys.

  I’ve never seen two teenage boys so excited about something that didn’t involve half-naked women.

  It was tough, being back in that changing room with my old team, and not getting to be a part of the action, but it was worth it to see the look on Ethan’s face.

  “But they will,” he exclaims, leaning through the centre of the seats to grin at her, his hands making an exploding motion.

  “Just say thank you and go inside.” She groans.

  “Thanks, Coach, that was the coolest, seriously.” He holds his fist out to bump against mine.

  I comply. “You’re welcome, and can you call me Brody when we’re not at practice or games? Coach makes me feel like I have to be on my best behaviour or something.”

  He’s half out the car, and I’m not even sure he’s listening. “Sure, sure,” he says, before he slams the door and takes off up the path.

  “I could have sworn I shut that gate when I left.” Morgan frowns as she watches Ethan jog through the already-open gate.

  I frown at it. “Maybe someone came to visit while we were out… left it open?”

  “Maybe.” She shrugs and a smile returns to her face. “No one ever comes to visit me though.”

  “I do.”

  “Is that a hint that you want to come in?” She glances back at her house and watches Ethan unlock the door.

  “It sure is.” I smirk. “So, are you going to invite me in, or not?”

  Her gaze lingers until Ethan turns on the light, I don’t know why, but she seems a little bit on edge.

  “Are you okay, Morgs?”

  She grins, wide and easy. “I’m good… overactive imagination…”

  I’m about to ask her what she means by that when she says the magic words I’ve been dying to hear.

  “Wanna come in for a drink?”



  “Remind me again why this is a good idea?” he asks, the shot glass of tequila pausing at his lips.

  “Live a little, slick.” I grin, the warmth of the alcohol has settled into my limbs, making me feel relaxed and confident. “Or I can go get you a beer if you’re not up for a little fun?”

  The way he keeps looking at me is taking effect too; I feel heated from head to toe when his dark eyes appraise me like that.

  “On three,” he growls, and I grin victoriously. “One, two…”

  “Three,” I finish before I lick the salt on my hand and toss the shot back.

  I squeeze the juice from a lemon slice into my mouth as the liquid burns its way down my throat.

  Brody chuckles as he squints from the sour taste. “I’m not doing another one of those fucking things.” He shakes his head as he springs from the couch. “I don’t care if it makes me a pussy. I’m getting myself a beer.”

  He strolls into my kitchen, looking completely at home. I like that. I want him to feel comfortable here.

  “Get me one, would you?” I call after him.

  “What’s the matter, Morgs? Too much tequila?”

  “Never,” I retort, “but I’m worried I’ll do something stupid if I have another one.”

  He appears in the doorway again, two beers held casually by the necks in one of his hands, a sexy-as-sin smirk on his face. “Can’t say I’m not intrigued by that.”

  “You would be.” I roll my eyes as I take the beer he’s offering me.

  He slides into place next to me, lightly cupping my jaw as he settles. “Do something stupid, Morgs… live a little,” he teases me with my own words.

  I want to do something stupid, and reckless, and I really want to do something that involves dragging him upstairs to my bed.

  Those deep, dark eyes of his pierce into mine and hold me in place.

  His face moves, and he brushes his lips over mine in the most featherlight of touches.

  “Oh shit, sorry,” Ethan says from behind me. “I just wanted to get a drink. Hey, are those shots? Are you doing shots?”

  I groan at the unwanted interruption and feel Brody’s mouth curve up into a grin against mine.

  He places one more chaste kiss to my lips, and his hand falls from my face.

  “Apparently your mum is pretty big on the shots.” Brody chuckles as he slings his arm casually across the back of the couch.”

  Ethan snorts out a laugh of disbelief. “Can I have one?”

  I scowl at him. “You’re sixteen remember, buddy, drinking age is eighteen.”

  He rolls his eyes and picks up the tequila bottle to inspect it. “All my mates are allowed to have a drink at home,” he grumbles.

  I mull it over for a minute, a lesson my mum taught me once flitting through my mind. She caught me and my friend trying to buy a pack of smokes when we were underage. Much to my surprise, she bought them for us – and then proceeded to make us smoke the entire pack. I’ve never touched a cigarette since, my mouth tasted like an ash tray for about a week afterwards.

  “Alright.” I shrug. “One shot.”

  “Yeah?” Ethan asks, brows raised.

  I nod and hold out a shot glass to him. “Fill it up.”

  Brody chuckles and buries his face in my neck as Ethan fills up the small glass right to the top.

  Ethan looks at me expectantly.

  “Well, down it goes,” I prompt him. I don’t tell him about the salt or lemon – this one is going down straight.

  He brings it to his mouth and tips it down his throat in one go, swallowing it.

  I almost wonder if I’ve got this particular lesson wrong, but then he gags, as the alcohol tries to make its way back up his throat.

  “Why the hell do you drink that?” he moans, before gagging again. “That’s so gross. I feel like I’m gonna puke!”

  Brody laughs deeper against my skin.

  “Welcome to the world of drinking,” I tell him smugly.

  “No thank you,” he grumbles as he stalks off to the kitchen, a disgusted expression on his face. “I’m not drinking that shit ever again.”

  Brody straightens up and holds out his palm for a high-five. “I’d call that a parenting win.”

  I giggle and press my hand against his. “He’s a teenage boy, he’ll be likely to forget he ever said that in about two weeks’ time.”

  “Gross, it won’t go away,” he moans from the kitchen.

  We both laugh.

  The rummaging in the fridge stops and Ethan strolls back out of the kitchen, his hands loaded up with food.

  I’m almost too scared to go into his room these days; it’s probably filled with dishes and mouldy leftovers.

  “Night, Mum… night, Coach. I mean Brody,” he corrects himself quickly. “Thanks agai
n for tonight, it was awesome.”

  His eyes light up at just the thought of it.

  “You’re welcome, man, I’m glad you had a good time,” Brody replies.

  “Night, Eth,” I say.

  Ethan nods once and then disappears from the room. I feel like the worst mother in the world for thinking it, but I hope like hell that he doesn’t come back down here.

  Brody’s eyes lock on mine again the minute we’re alone, and I feel that same familiar rush of heat, right down to my toes. “Where were we?” he almost growls.

  He doesn’t seem at all bothered by the interruption of my son, and that only makes me want him more.

  I don’t know if it’s the alcohol making me brave, or the fact that we’ve spent the entire evening hand in hand as I’ve watched him dote on us, that makes me feel confident to climb into his lap and straddle him.

  His hands find my sides, grazing over my hips as his eyes smoulder. “You’re too sexy for your own good,” he growls.

  A giggle slips from my lips. I don’t think of myself as sexy, but when he’s looking at me like that, it’s a hard notion to deny.

  He thinks I’m sexy – and that makes me feel it too.

  I run my hands through his hair and his eyes flutter closed.

  Who would have thought after the incident in the bar, that I’d end up being saved by a handsome-as-hell knight, and then find myself in his lap, wanting to kiss him so badly it hurts?

  My hands slide from his hair to his jaw and his eyes open again. I don’t know what he sees when he looks at me, but I can’t even think about it before his lips are on mine, his hands around my waist, tugging me even closer against his firm body.

  He’s all toned muscles and defined ridges. He might be a coach now, not a professional athlete, but his body definitely didn’t get the memo.

  My hands explore his arms as his tongue explores my mouth.

  I pull away, breathing heavily. “Stay the night with me,” I pant.

  I want him close to me, and not just because I’m still feeling on edge, or because he’s drunk too much to drive, but because I want him here – with me.

  I can’t imagine walking him to the door and saying goodbye to him right now.

  He brushes a long strand of curly hair behind my shoulder. “You want me to stay the night?”

  I nod, nibbling my lip as my nerves finally settle in – I guess a few shots only get you so far.

  “I’ll be the perfect gentleman,” he promises.

  “Don’t be,” I murmur before I claim his lips again.


  I’m in the bathroom, drying my hair off when I hear my phone ringing from the bedroom. I’m totally naked from my shower and given that Brody is yet to see me without clothes, I’m not about to give him a show now.

  “Brody? Can you answer my phone?” I call out to him.

  “Got it,” I hear him reply before he answers, “hello, this is Morgan’s phone…”

  I hunt out another towel and wrap it tightly around myself.

  “Sure, I’ll just get her for you,” I hear Brody tell whoever is on the line.

  I rush out of the bathroom and take the phone he’s holding out for me. “Who is it?” I whisper.

  He shrugs. “Some guy.”

  I roll my eyes. I don’t know why work calls can’t wait until after ten on a Saturday.

  I bring the phone up to my ear and Brody grins wickedly as he pretends to tug on my towel.

  I swat his hand away and he chuckles.

  “Hello, this is Morgan,” I speak into the phone, my eyes still fixed on the shirtless, sexy man who is now reclined on my bed.

  No one answers.

  “Hello?” I ask again.

  No reply.

  I pull the phone from my ear and see that the call is still connected.

  “Hello? Is anyone there?” I ask again.

  The line goes dead.

  “They hung up,” I tell Brody.

  “Call them back,” he replies lazily, his eyes on me.

  I don’t want to call them back, I’d much rather go and lie down with him, but given my barely covered state, that might not be the best idea.

  I hit a few buttons on my phone, but the number is a private one, so I can’t even return the call.

  He sits up straight and holds his arms out, gesturing for me to come to him.

  I toss my phone on the chair in the corner, the mystery caller already forgotten as I stroll towards him.

  He tugs me into his lap, my ass perched on one of his thighs and my legs draped over the other.

  My fingertips trail over his bicep to his shoulder and come to rest around his neck.

  He really is the sweetest man. He handles me with such care and tenderness, yet there’s an air about him that lets me know that he won’t put up with any shit – that he could be rough and protective if he needed to be.

  “Are you telling Ethan I stayed the night? Or do you want me to sneak out the window?”

  He nestles his face into my neck, his rough facial hair scratching me in the most delicious way.

  “I’m not going to hide you – he’s sixteen, I don’t think he’s a child anymore.”

  “You wouldn’t be saying that if you overheard some of the conversations those boys have in the changing rooms.” His eyes sparkle with amusement.

  “I’m not sure I could think of anything worse.” I giggle.

  “So, we don’t hide?”

  I shake my head. “We don’t hide.”

  His grin is so blindingly gorgeous, I know I’ve made the right decision by welcoming him into our lives. Things are moving fast, but I don’t care, and it doesn’t seem that he does either.

  “Can I grab a shower?” he questions. “I’ve got some clothes and stuff in my car, I might go get something clean.”

  “So, you’re not rushing off then?” I ask hopefully.

  “Wasn’t planning on it.”

  “Good,” I whisper as he kisses my forehead.

  He lifts me with little to no effort and sets me down on the covers.

  He grabs his keys off the table on the far wall and strolls out of my room, still wearing only a pair of jeans, and without a care in the world.

  I fan my face. That ought to get the neighbours talking.

  I dress quickly and rush to the living room so I can peek out the front curtains and watch the show for myself.

  I muffle a giggle with my palm as Brody catches me looking and flexes his bicep.

  I glance at a car parked across the street, it looks familiar, but I can’t place where from. It also looks expensive, too expensive for this neighbourhood.

  “You really like him, don’t you?” a voice comes from behind me, and I jump.

  I drop the curtain and step in front of it as though that’s somehow going to stop my son from knowing what I was staring at.


  “Brody.” He laughs. “You really like him.”

  “Maybe.” I shrug. “Is that alright with you?”

  I might like to pretend that my decisions aren’t affected by Ethan, but honestly, if Ethan hated Brody, I know I wouldn’t have the desire to continue a relationship with him.

  I’m not looking for a new dad for my son or anything like that, but it would be nice for him to have a male around that wasn’t a complete moron.

  “Yeah, Mum.” He rolls his eyes in the way I’ve been told makes him look like me and scuffs his toe against the corner of the rug. “I like him, he’s nice to you, he likes basketball, and he got me tickets to a Tigers game.” He grins. “Of course I like him.”

  “I like him too,” I admit.

  “Knew it.”

  “Well aren’t you just so smart.” I grin at him.

  “As long as he doesn’t end up treating you like Dad does, I’ll be happy,” he grumbles, his eyes narrow as he thinks about his father.

  I nod. I’m not sure what I could possibly say to that.

  He might be a smart little
shit sometimes, but he’ll be a good man. I know that much. He’s not his father’s son – he’s mine.

  “Speaking of Dad—” Ethan starts to say, but he’s interrupted by Brody coming back through the front door, still shirtless.

  “Friendly neighbours,” he says with a smirk.

  I give him a pointed look. “Oh, I bet, you probably gave Betty from two doors down a heart attack.”

  “New house rule,” Ethan pipes up, pointing a finger at Brody. “You have to be wearing a shirt at all times.”

  “Oh, c’mon now,” I tease, “let’s not make any hasty decisions… seems like bad form to cover up a sight like that.”

  Brody chuckles. Ethan groans. I laugh.

  “I’m going out,” Ethan replies, already heading for the door, “I’ll be at Lachie’s.”

  “Eth,” I stop him, “was there something you wanted to tell me?”

  He started telling me something, but then it was all abs and toned biceps, and my mind got a little scattered.

  “Nothing that can’t wait,” he replies easily, without looking back.

  He grabs a basketball from the ground and disappears out the door without a proper goodbye, just a wave over his shoulder.

  “I’m going to shower,” Brody says.

  My eyes graze hungrily over his exposed skin. “I think that’s a good idea.” If he stands there looking like that for too much longer, I won’t be responsible for what happens.

  “Will he be out all day?” Brody asks, tipping his head towards the door Ethan just walked out of.

  I nod slowly, my attention still on his body.

  “Good. Then you’re coming to lunch with my sister.”

  I feel my lips turn up into a smile.

  I like the sound of that.



  “Liv, you remember Morgan, right?”

  I press my hand firmer against the small of Morgan’s back, guiding her closer to the table that my sister and my best mate are sitting at, waiting for us.


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