Mr. September: A Single Parent Romance (Calendar Boys Book 9)

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Mr. September: A Single Parent Romance (Calendar Boys Book 9) Page 10

by Nicole S. Goodin

  I hear the thundering of feet and see over his shoulder that the entire team has just sprinted through the foyer and out the front door – Brody has sent them to run a lap of the outside of the gym.

  “Just save your efforts for Ethan, I don’t need you, never have, never will,” I say.

  Chad goes to take another step towards me, but stops dead in his tracks, his eyes leaving my face and drifting over my shoulder.

  I feel him before I hear or see him.

  His arm snakes around me protectively, his chin coming to rest on the top of my head.

  I sigh in relief.

  I don’t want to be here having this awkward conversation with my prick of an ex – I want to be thinking about my future, one that will hopefully involve Brody.

  “Chad,” Brody says, his voice tight.

  “Coach Owens,” Chad replies arrogantly, his hands sliding casually into his suit pants pockets.

  He might be an absolute ass, but he wears the shit out of a suit.

  Brody lowers his mouth to my ear. “You alright, baby?” he whispers for only me to hear.

  I nod.

  I was fine, but I’m better now.

  Both of my hands clasp Brody’s hand that has settled around my middle.

  “Chad was just trying to take a walk down memory lane.”

  “I bet he was,” Brody mutters.

  Chad’s eyes narrow, but they’re not focused on me anymore, that look is directed at Brody.

  I hate the way he’s shooting daggers, but Brody doesn’t seem bothered as he kisses the top of my head.

  “Morgs, do you mind going into the gym and talking to Steve a minute? Ethan rolled his ankle earlier and Steve just wants to run through a couple of exercises with you.”

  I glance up at him, but his dark eyes are looking at my ex, not at me.

  It’s clear they’re about to have words, and that Brody wants to do it alone.

  I nod my head and nibble on my bottom lip nervously.

  I step away, but at the last second, Brody tugs me back, spinning me so our chests collide, before bringing his lips down to meet mine.

  I gasp at the intensity of the kiss.

  I know what he’s doing. He’s staking his claim. He’s showing Chad that I’m his. It might be stupid and caveman-like, but I don’t care.

  I walk away in a daze, my gaze not even once flitting to the man who broke my heart.



  We’re going to have a little chat, this douche and me.

  A chat and nothing more – as much as I’d love to come out swinging, I’m not stupid enough to put my hands on a super star – not out here in public where anyone could see anyway.

  I’d be slapped with a lawsuit faster than I could say ‘ex-boyfriend’.

  Arrogance surrounds him, like a little bubble he likes to live in.

  I cross my arms firmly across my chest. He mimics me, and we stand there in a silent standoff.

  I’m taller than him, but he’s broader.

  “How long are you in town?” I finally ask, when it’s obvious he’s waiting for me to speak.

  “As long as it takes.”

  I arch a brow, but don’t ask the question he’s trying to goad me into asking.

  “You know, she’s never going to settle down with you. She hasn’t had anything serious in the past sixteen years,” he says when I don’t reply.

  “No, I bet you saw to that.”

  He smirks, confirming Morgan’s suspicions that he does step in and interferes with her life whenever he feels like it.

  “You’ll have to try harder if you’re going to get rid of me.”

  He nods, his expression thoughtful. “I’ve always liked a challenge.”

  I chuckle darkly. It’ll be a challenge alright. There’s nothing he could say or do that would change the fact that I’ve fallen in love with the mother of his child.

  “Have you even seen Ethan since you got here?” I ask; it’s a dig at him, but it’s also a curious question. I really can’t tell if he gives a shit about his son or not.

  “I’m here, aren’t I?”

  I go to say something more, but I’m cut off by the sound of the boys pouring back into the building.

  “Nice work today, boys,” I call out to them as I point into the gym, “go and stretch out, and I’ll see you in a couple of days.”

  They nod their heads, a chorus of ‘thanks Coach’ coming at me as they file through the doors, most of them breathing hard from the exertion.

  “Dad?” I hear Ethan ask. His voice sounds surprised.

  He pushes through the line and glances at his father warily. “What are you doing here?”

  Chad plasters on a bright smile and claps his hand on Ethan’s back.

  “Came to see if my son was ready to ditch this game yet and come join his father on a football field.”

  Ethan shrugs, and I don’t miss the way he slides away a fraction, so that Chad’s hand drops.

  He doesn’t know what to say, I can tell this isn’t the first time Chad has made this ‘joke’.

  “Head into the gym and finish up, Eth, I’ll be there in a minute to go over that play with you.”

  Ethan nods gratefully at me. “Thanks, Coach.” He grins.

  I nod my head once at him.

  Chad scowls, his lip twitching with obvious irritation.

  “Ethan is one of my best players,” I tell him.

  It’s the truth, but even if it wasn’t, I like the way I can talk about Ethan to his so-called dad. I think I know more about the kid than he does.

  Chad is getting more and more pissed off by the second, and I’m starting to enjoy myself.

  “Yeah?” he growls. “That have anything to do with the fact that you’re fucking his mum?”

  I huff out a humourless laugh and take a step in his direction.

  “First thing – I’m dating her, not just fucking her – and I’d be doing it even if he sucked at playing ball.”

  He growls and I chuckle.

  “You’ll steer clear of my family if you know what’s good for you,” he threatens, and I have to really work hard to not grab him by his shirt and slam him into a wall.

  They’re not his family.

  Getting a woman pregnant doesn’t make her yours, and fathering a child doesn’t make you a dad.

  “This is what we do, the three of us. They’re always there when I want them, and I’m not about to let some retired basketball player change that.”

  I glance through the viewing window into the main stadium and find Morgan watching the two of us carefully. Ethan is shooting hoops, and casting glances between his mum and us every few seconds.

  They both deserve so much better than this loser.

  “Are you trying to scare me off?” I ask as I turn my attention back to him.

  “Maybe, is it working?”

  “Do I look scared?” I drawl.

  He doesn’t say another word. He shoots me a look of displeasure, turns on his heel, and then he’s gone.


  I take the key from her and insert it in the lock. “I’m telling you, Morgs, I didn’t give you a chance to say no.”

  Ethan bounces his basketball and grins at me. “He’s right, Mum, you can’t say no when he didn’t ask a question.”

  I point at him. “He’s a smart kid.”

  Ethan leaves us in the entry, bounding off into the house.

  I close the door behind us and lock it again.

  “We don’t need babysitting; I swear we’ll be fine.”

  “I know you will.” I come up behind her as she hangs her coat on the hook by the door and wrap my arms around her middle, my chin resting on her shoulder. “This has nothing to do with creepy men and everything to do with me being completely and utterly obsessed with spending every free minute I have with you.”

  She sighs heavily and wiggles around, so her front is pressed against mine.

  She reaches up, drap
ing her arms around my neck. “Well… when you say it like that…”

  I search her green eyes, there’s something bothering her, I can tell. “What is it?”

  She shakes her head, but when she stills, I’m still there, staring, seeing more than she might want to share.


  She sighs again. “I saw a white car in my mirror today and I panicked. It was nothing, just a random white car and I was this close to having a meltdown.” She holds her finger and thumb a few millimetres apart. “Maybe I’m not as tough as I like to think I am.”

  I hate that she’s feeling like this. I wish I could be there twenty-four seven to protect her and make her feel safe, but the reality is, I can’t.

  I glance around to see if Ethan is anywhere eavesdropping, but there’s no sign of him.

  “I’m going to call the cops, have them find out if this guy even drives a white car,” I announce, letting go of her and taking her hand so I can drag her into the living room.

  I pull her into my lap as I sit on the couch and she snuggles in gratefully.

  I slide my phone out of my pocket and start searching for the number.

  “There’s something else,” she mutters, so quietly, I almost don’t hear it.

  “What?” I reply quickly, my heart rate speeding up.

  “It’s probably just some kids, or someone with a bad line, but you remember the other day when you answered my phone and then no one was there when I got on the phone?”

  I nod.

  “Well it’s happened a couple more times.”

  “Give me the number,” I demand.

  “Private line,” she whispers.

  “Shit.” I run my hand through my hair in frustration and she curls up tighter, making herself smaller.

  “I’m scared,” she admits.

  My arms come around her in an instant, comforting her, rubbing slow circles on her back.

  “You should have told me. How can I keep you safe if I don’t know what’s going on?”

  “Honestly, I feel pathetic. Nothing has even happened to me.”

  “You’ve got every right to be sc⸺”

  I’m cut off by her phone ringing from her bag on the couch next to us.

  I grab it, my arms are longer than hers, and hand it to her.

  She pulls it out of her bag, glances at it and then tosses it onto the couch with a groan.

  “It’s Chad.”

  I inhale through my nose. I’m running out of patience with this guy.

  I reach for the phone.

  “Just ignore him,” she whispers.

  The phone stops ringing, but promptly starts up again.

  Fuck this. I’m not going to sit here listening to a ringing phone all night. I want to enjoy this time with my girl.

  “Hello?” I answer.

  I hear a displeased click of his tongue and then he responds. “Is Morgan there?”

  “Nope,” I reply simply.

  “Look, Owens, I need to speak to her.”

  “I’ll be happy to pass on a message.”

  He makes a noise of irritation and it occurs to me then that he’s a man used to getting exactly what he wants. He’s the famous rich guy who nobody ever says no to.

  Unfortunately for him, that’s not going to fly around here.

  I don’t give a fuck who he is in the football world. In my world, he’s just a pain in the ass.

  “You’re barking up the wrong fucking tree here—”

  I chuckle and hang up the phone before he can even finish his threat.

  I glance down at Morgan and she’s grinning. “He’s mad.”

  “He’s really fucking mad,” I amend.

  “He won’t just let this slide.”

  I shrug. “I’m not scared of him, Morgs, and you don’t have to be either, not anymore. He can’t do anything to you – not on my watch.”

  Her eyes soften. “Should I be falling for you this fast?” she asks in a whisper.

  I trace the curve of her cheek with my finger, my heart thumping against my rib cage.

  “Definitely,” I reply quietly.

  “Good, because you sure know how to sweep a woman off her feet.”

  “It’s one of my skills,” I whisper back.

  She giggles softly.

  I bring my mouth to her ear. “You’re really falling for me, Morgs?”

  She nods, slowly but surely, my mouth inching towards hers.

  “Good, because you’re taking me down with you.”

  “You two are so gross.” Ethan’s voice comes from the doorway, killing the moment.

  Morgan tries to pull away, but I hold her close.

  “You wanna go away a minute, man?” I ask Ethan without so much as glancing at him.

  “Not particularly,” he says, his tone cocky.

  “Well you might want to shut your eyes then.”

  I press my lips to Morgan’s and hear Ethan groan and his footsteps retreating back up the hall.

  I did try to warn him.

  Morgan giggles against my lips. “Poor kid.”

  “He’ll live.” I chuckle. “I’ve heard what they talk about in the gym – a kiss is nothing.”

  “I do not want to know.” She shudders.

  “I think it’s best you don’t,” I reply with a grin.



  “I’ve got bad news, baby…” Brody’s voice fills my car as I drive towards an open home I’m hosting in about an hour’s time.

  “Real bad news? Or like the other night when you text me to tell me you had bad news and it was just that you’d run out of peanut butter?” I grin.

  He huffs out a laugh but there’s no real humour to it. “Real bad news, I’m afraid.”

  He spent the night again last night, and it should feel like too much too soon, but somehow it doesn’t.

  He was a welcome sight in my home, and he slotted in with such ease. I don’t think Ethan or I felt like we had a guest – he just felt like part of our day to day life.

  “I just got off the phone with Officer Cleland; he checked out the car registered to Mr. Johnathan Orlando and—”

  “That’s his name, Johnathan Orlando?” I interrupt him.

  “Yeah, Morgs, that’s him.”

  “That sounds like such a normal name.”

  “I wish,” he mutters, “anyway, they checked out his vehicles. He’s got two cars, a bright-red convertible and a white sports car.”

  My stomach sinks.

  I instinctively check my rear-view mirror, but this is a busy street, and I can’t look at every car that passes by. There’s a white car a few cars behind me, but it’s an SUV.

  I breathe out, then back in sharply when I glance in front of me again.

  There’s a red car on the other side of the intersection, but it’s not a convertible.

  “What are we meant to do?” I ask quietly.

  “He offered to send a patrol car past his place a couple of times a day – it won’t achieve a lot, but it might make their presence felt – make him think twice before he gets any ideas.”

  “That’s a good idea,” I reply, somewhat numbly as I turn off the main highway.

  My eyes flick to my mirror, but there’s only black and silver behind me.

  “It’ll be okay, Morgs, I promise you,” he says softly, and it melts me.

  I’m not sure I believe it will be okay, but when he says it, I believe him.

  “You’re having Jerome meet you at the house, right?” he asks, and I nod, even though he can’t see me.

  “Yeah, he’ll be there.”

  “Okay, good, I have to go into the gym this morning, but I can be anywhere you need me after that, okay?”

  I nod again. “I just need you with me.”

  “I like the sound of that,” he replies, and I can tell he’s smiling. “I’m meant to be going to Liv’s for dinner tonight, do you and Ethan want to come?”

  “I’d actually love that,
” I reply, relieved as I turn onto the quiet street that houses the home I’m trying to sell.

  I’m the only car that turns this way, and I’m glad.

  As much as I don’t want to be alone, I also don’t want to look in that mirror another time and feel fear.

  “It’s a date then. I’ll swing by your place around half five and we can head off when you’re ready…”

  I know he’s still talking, but I can’t hear anything other than the whooshing of my heartbeat in my ears as I pull up outside the house.

  “Oh my god,” I breathe.


  I cover my mouth, the only sound escaping is a horrified gasp.

  “Morgan, what is it?” he demands.

  I can’t believe what I’m seeing.

  “Someone has spray-painted my sign,” I whisper as I stare, horrified, at the huge sign advertising the house for sale, complete with a picture of my face, now with the added detail of the word ‘cock tease’ plastered across it.

  I tell Brody what I’m seeing, and a deep, feral snarl comes through my car’s Bluetooth.

  “Don’t touch it,” he demands. “Is your assistant there yet?”

  The sound of an engine behind me startles me, but when I look back, I see the familiar car – a green station wagon that Jerome drives.

  “He just got here.”

  “Good. Get him to sit in the car with you – do not go in the house – I’m calling the police.”

  “Alright,” I whisper, “I’ll wait.”

  “I have to hang up, baby, to make the call,” he replies softly.

  “Right.” I nod, dazed. “Of course.”

  “Are the homeowners around?”

  I shake my head. “They went on holiday for two weeks.”

  “Alright, I’ll call you back, baby, okay?”

  “Alright.” I swallow deeply.

  “It’ll be okay,” he promises.

  I don’t reply.

  “Oh and, Morgs?” he questions before I can hang up.


  “I love you.”

  I gasp, I think that might have shocked me more than the graffiti I just saw.


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