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Flight Page 10

by Jason Cheek

“I presume you’re the one responsible for this meeting, Mr. …?”

  I let the “r” drag out until he stiffly filled in the name.

  “It’s Agent Foster, Local Director for the South Florida Counter Terrorist Agency.”

  My eyebrows rose at the man’s title.

  “Are Ukko Healing Classes now considered an issue of National Security Agent Foster?”

  Seeing him grimacing I continued.

  “Just because my T-shirt says ‘May the Force Be with You’, does that mean you’ll also be arresting Star Wars fans? Is Yoda now a National Security Threat?”

  Apparently not appreciating my humor, Agent Foster ignored my gibe comments.

  “Actually, Mr. Ironwolf, all persons illegally entering the sovereign territories of The United States are my concern.”

  Sitting back, the loud metallic clank of the handcuffs hitting the chair, from where I was chained to the floor, echoed in the small room.

  “I thought they already had the Department of Immigration for those types of issues.”

  Ignoring my comment, Agent Foster threw several pictures from his file in front of me on the table.

  “Brazil, France, Norway, you don’t seem to care much about country borders, do you?”

  Leaning forward again, I cocked my head to get a better look at the pictures.

  “Wow, these are some nice close-ups! I’d love to get some copies. Do you have any in color?” I couldn’t help being sarcastic, it was one of the annoying personality traits I’d picked up since living on Earth. Seeing a flicker of annoyance cross his face, I eased up answering the question. “Honestly, I’ve never concerned myself with lines on a map one way or another.”

  “Obviously not,” leaning forward, he looked at me intently. “Why have you’ve decided to come to the United States, Mr. Ironwolf?”

  “Well that’s an easy enough answer. Besides working on my surfing, I’m just sight seeing while spreading the Teachings of Ukko.” I could tell he wanted to argue the point, but I didn’t give him the chance. Cutting off his next words, I nodded towards the file lying on the table in front of him. “You’ve obviously been keeping a close eye on me. If I’ve been doing anything else, you tell me.”

  My words seemed to bring the Agent up short for a moment, but Detective Kurwoski immediately began working me over.

  “Can you tell me what happened to Mr. Delgado Delko and his men?”

  “Yea, he was less than happy when I explained I didn’t need his protection.”

  “And you didn’t go to the Police about his threats?”

  “Well, they didn’t really give me much of a choice at the time.”

  Detective Kurwoski commented dryly. “He and his men seemed to all have suffered a massive accident, which broke all of their necks while they were in the process of unloading their assault rifles.”

  “I noticed that too, strange isn’t it?”

  “Tell me Mr. Ironwolf, after all of your teachings on balance and healing. When it comes down to it, really, you’re just another vigilante.”

  “Not at all, but I will defend myself when I must. Ukko has never been one of those ‘turn your cheek’ kind of god.”

  Cutting back into the conversation, Agent Foster threw out some more pictures of different crime scenes from Colombia, Mexico and France. “That seems to be a consistent problem wherever you go.”

  Smiling, I spread my handcuffed hands as far as the chains would allow me. “There seems to be a lot of evil people in this world. If you’re so concerned, why not charge me for my crimes or simply deport me?”

  Triumphantly, Agent Foster sat back crossing his arms as if he’d been waiting for just that response. “And where would you suggest I deport you to Mr. Ironwolf?” Tossing more pictures onto the table, “maybe I should send you to China. I’m sure the Chinese would be interested in asking you few questions.”

  Frowning at the pictures spread out on the table of the massacre sixteen years ago, I sighed deeply thinking back to that fateful night. “You know, I don’t understand why the Chinese soldiers began massacring their own people. To this day, I mourn the deaths of those kind villagers whose only crime was helping my Grandsire and me.” Pausing to look at the first picture, I spoke softly. “Grandsire doesn’t follow the Will of Ukko, but”, flipping through the pictures of the torn apart bodies, “I feel no sorrow for these soldier’s deaths. His methods might look harsh, but let’s just say Grandsire’s used the tools he had at hand.”

  Seeing the look of horror in Detective Kurwoski’s face at my casual remarks towards the horrific crime scene photos, I explained my point further. “Those soldiers were nothing but murderous thugs in uniform. Without provocation, they tortured and then murdered every man, woman and child.” I met Beth’s eyes unflinching. “Those men deserved the brutal death they received. Although I will say that ever since China, Grandsire and I have been more mindful to the possibility of violent government reprisals against our students.”

  The handcuffs clanked loudly again as I suddenly sat forward looking into Agent Foster’s eyes.

  “That conveniently leads into my question for you Agent Foster. What are your plans in regards to my students?”

  Trying to ignore my open threat, Agent Foster leaned back nonchalantly. “Nothing out of the ordinary, following standard procedures we will get their names, run them through a few tests and let them go back to their lives. Surprisingly enough, the people who take your classes are always so helpful, so willing to answer our questions and show us everything you’ve taught them.”

  Somewhat mollified, I leaned back in my chair once again.

  “I’m not surprised, I only teach good people.”

  “Surprisingly enough, I agree with you on that point. The thing I don’t understand is that no matter how hard your students try, they cannot teach us what you’ve taught them. They can teach other people, it seems at random, but never the people we bring for them to teach. Even after following the recordings we have of your teachings and working with your students. No matter what we try, we cannot duplicate what you’re teaching them to do. Can you explain why not Mr. Ironwolf?”

  The sudden mental pictures of white coat scientist and serious faced agents sitting in a classroom in some secret base chanting and inscribing symbols of power on the floor, but having nothing work as they try to follow the videos from my classes, made me laugh out loud. They thought it was a system or process that would give them the results they wanted! I imaged it was driving them crazy trying to figure out why the symbols of power seemed to work, but none of the advanced lessons that I worked with my students on. Seeing the anger building in Agent Foster’s face, I tried to choke back my laughter.

  “Is that what has you in such an up roar? Why didn’t you just simply ask me? I would have gladly answered your questions any time.”

  Seeing the surprised look the man gave me, I suddenly understood.

  “I guess simply asking me directly never crossed your mind?”

  Shaking my head in wonder, I tried to explain.

  “I could see why you guys would be in such an uproar, but I’m sorry to say it just doesn’t work like that. Except for the symbols of power I teach, everything else is a matter of faith.”

  Seeing Agent Foster’s confused look I tried to explain.

  “I imagine every one of your agents is probably extremely adept at following orders and being, well, good agents. But, that positive in your book, is actually considered a negative in Ukko’s. Ukko requires that a person be Good, but Good as defined by Ukko’s standards.”

  “What are you babbling about?”

  “I am not babbling. I am trying to explain how Ukko determines whom he will accept as”, I paused searching a word that might convey the idea best, “let’s use the term acolyte.”

  “I did not ask you for a lesson in your religion. I asked you why we cannot reproduce your results.”

  “And I answered your question.”

  “You gav
e me some religious mumble jumble bullshit for an answer.”

  With sudden clarity, Detective Kurwoski interrupted our argument. “Actually, he did answer your question Agent Foster.”

  Angrily, Agent Foster snapped at the Detective sitting next to him. “What do you mean? He didn’t answer anything! He just babbled some religious nonsense about Ukko!”

  “I think I understand what he’s trying to say. Startüm is saying, he doesn’t make the decision of who is allowed to learn.” Looking at me unbelievingly, she half-whispered the next words as she suddenly realized the truth of what I was saying. “He can only teach those who have been accepted by Ukko.”

  Slapping my hand in the back of my palm I grinned.

  “That’s exactly right! The Detective gets a gold star and moves to the front of the class.”

  Seeing Agent Foster confusion, I tried another allusion.

  “Look, let’s use friendship as an example.”

  Seeing his look of annoyance, I paused for a moment. “You do understand the concept of friendship, right?”

  Annoyed, Agent Foster answered my questions with barely controlled rage. “Yes.”

  “Good. Let’s say I introduce you to a friend of mine, you might hit it off and becoming close friends, or you might hate each other and have nothing to do with one another.”

  “And your point, Mr. Ironwolf?”

  “Well, if Ukko accepted you as a friend, then I would help you understand how to use anything he allowed you to borrow.”

  Looking back and forth between the Detective and me, Agent Foster screamed in exasperation.

  “I don’t have time for this crap!”

  Standing up abruptly, he stabbed a four digit code into the phone hanging on the wall.

  “Cindy, I need a helicopter and two field teams ready to move out in the next twenty minutes. We are taking Detective Kurwoski and Mr. Ironwolf to the Miami Airport. I need an Air Force transport on standby to take them to Washington DC as soon as possible.”

  Slamming the phone down, Agent Foster pulled out his automatic pointing it at Detective Kurwoski as the four guards angled their automatic rifles towards her feet.

  “Now Detective, you will hand over your weapon and badge.”

  Jumping to her feet, Detective Kurwoski backed up against the table gripping the butt of the automatic still holstered at her waist.

  “Are you insane? You have been given a direct order to release me, and even after all of your bullshit I still agreed to help you. Now, you are going to break the law by illegally detaining me by force?”

  “Once we are in Washington DC, it will only be a matter of jurisdiction. By the time Senator MacKay cuts through all the red tape Homeland Security throws up, I will have gotten the answers I want from the two of you.”

  The sounds of snapping metal brought their argument to a sudden stop as I stood up. The bolt that had been attached to the cement floor clanked loudly against the metal table as I tore the steel handcuffs from my wrists as every weapon shifted to me. Detective Kurwoski threw herself out of the line of fire as the guards began yelling orders.

  “Sit down and put your hands behind your head!”

  Standing with my hands slightly spread out on either side of me, I waited for about two minutes until their screams finally to start to settle down. Turning to Agent Foster, I continued calmly.

  “You really are an idiot, aren’t you?”

  “Agent Walker, if Mr. Ironwolf does not sit down in the next thirty seconds you are authorized to shoot him.”

  “Sir, yes Sir!”

  “Agent Foster, I am leaving now. It would be best if you ordered your men to stand down, or I will be forced to hurt them.”

  “You will sit your ass back down, or I will have you shot Mr. Ironwolf!”

  “Remember you were warned.“ Shaking my head in exasperation, I turned immediately to my right striding towards Agent Walker. The guard’s training took over as he opened fire with a three shot burst at my legs.


  The noise was deafening in the small room. Ripping the rifle from the agent’s hands, I snapped the weapon in half over my knee, before clubbing the man unconscious to the ground. Turning around, the other three guards let loose with their weapons on full automatic as I grabbed the nearest agent.

  The only visible effect of the rounds slamming against my chest was the shredding of my T-shirt. I didn’t even bother triggering on my Rök runes since human weapons couldn’t penetrate my tough skin. Knocking the next two guards unconscious in quick succession, I headed for the last agent who was in the process of emptying another full magazine into me at point blank range. The moron just refused to accept the fact that his weapon was useless against me. I laid him out a second later while he was slamming another clip into his assault rifle. Dropping the left over ruins of my T-shirt to the tile floor, I walked up to Agent Foster pushing my rune tattooed chest against the muzzle of his automatic.

  “Drop your weapon now.”

  I could see his inner struggle before reason finally won out as he dropped the weapon to the floor. Grabbing him by the back of the neck, I pushed him towards the locked door. I didn’t even bother having him input the code. Instead, I just blew the metal door from its frame with one solid kick as I looked back at Detective Kurwoski.

  “I suggest that you at least follow me out Detective, unless you want to enjoy Agent Foster’s hospitality further.”

  Looking around the room stunned, I saw her face suddenly harden with resolution as she fell in behind me.

  Walking down the hall, we entered the main operation center. The various computer analysts looked up in shock from their monitors as we began walking down the stairs to the central floor. We reached the bottom of the stairwell just as another group of armed agents burst through the door leading to the main corridor. Seeing me holding Agent Foster, they began screaming at the top of their lungs.

  “Freeze, put your hands on your head!”

  Giving Agent Foster’s neck a firm squeeze, I pointed him in the direction of the armed agents whispering harshly.

  “Tell them to put their weapons away before someone really gets hurt.”

  Raising his voice, Agent Foster addressed the assault leader.

  “Have your men stand down, Agent Moss. We are dealing with a Hotel Charlie situation.”


  “I said, have your men STAND DOWN Agent Moss!”

  Looking around the room, I noticed one of the two large screen monitors was displaying the live news feed from the local Channel 29 News. The reporter was standing in front of the CTA barricade before my building as she spoke into the camera giving her report.

  “Representatives from the Counter Terrorist Agency are still not answering any questions as to what terrorist activities were being conducted here at the school for the Ukko Healing Method, but…”


  The bursts of automatic weapons fire began ringing out in the darkness as the crowd standing in front of the barricade began screaming. The camera swung to point at the front of my building as dark shapes began jumping on top of the CTA agents standing near the entrance. The computer analyst suddenly looked up at Agent Foster anxiously.

  “Sir, Agent Thompson’s team is under attack!”

  Releasing Agent Foster, I stood back watching the video feed as he began issuing orders to his people.

  “Cindy, put the satellite feed on screen two.”

  “Harry, see if you can get Agent Thompson on the line.”

  The satellite feed came up on the right display as I watched the camera man following the news reporter as she ran past the barricade following three CTA Agents. They stopped as a gray colored creature rose up out of the darkness in front of them. The camera’s spot light only had a chance to catch a brief glimpse of sharp claws and fangs as the three agents assault rifles barked suddenly. The creature leaped backwards in surprise at the loud noise, but a moment later it stood back up on
ce again unharmed. This time the agents unloaded their entire clip into the creature, but it ignored the hail of bullets as it pounced on the nearest agent. As it began ripping the man apart, the reporter began screaming into the mike.

  “Oh my God, what the hell is that thing?”

  Suddenly, the reporter and the camera man began backing up as the creature leapt on top of the last two CTA Agents, slamming the men to the ground. As the beast began ripping them to shreds, another four of the creatures came rushing up out of the darkness.


  Suddenly, all five creatures were thrown back violently as a heavy machine gun roared into the night. The video swung wildly around as the camera man focused momentarily on a black CTA van with a machine gun mounted on top of its roof. The loud whine of the spinning barrels were deafening as the deadly weapon hammered at the monsters nonstop, while brass cartridges poured out onto the ground like water. The camera swung crazily again focusing on the gray creatures as they began standing back up on their clawed hands and feet. They looked like mutant hyenas in the red glow of the tracer rounds slamming into them as they hunched over screeching loudly to one another. As one, they rushed the van shaking off the machine gun rounds as if they were water. Crashing into the armored vehicle, they crushed the armored panel as they slammed the van onto its side. Using their claws, they quickly peeled back the armored panels like a tin can, before rushing in through the breach screeching in rage. A second later, the gunner’s screams were abruptly cut off in a gurgling wet cry of terror.

  Suddenly, four loud sledgehammer like sounds came from the direction of my apartment. Whipping around, the camera focused on the noise just in time to catch several gray shapes blasting out of the concrete block walls to the second story of my building. A second later, I heard a Werewolf’s cry of anguish howling out into the night. For a second, my breath caught in my throat at my Grandsire’s lamentation.

  The howl was abruptly cut off in a loud explosion of dust and bricks blowing out of the building as a massive black shape crashed through the wall. The camera man had some skills. He followed the falling object all the way down to the ground, until it slammed to a stop on top of the tore up van laying on its side. As the camera focused on the shredded remains, I saw Grandsire smash his way free of the wreckage as his thick muscular arms rending the heavy armored vehicle effortlessly in half.


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