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Flight Page 20

by Jason Cheek

  “Thank you for answering honestly, gentlemen. Make sure, that once this strategy session is over, that those of you with your hands still raised get issued a compound bow by Agent Moss.”

  Looking towards the back of the room, Alex eyed the serious agent for a long moment as Mr. Ironwolf continued talking.

  “Cindy, can you throw up a picture of Trapper Nelson’s on the screen? Also, could I have the officer in charge of the Cobra Wing, the head of the Police pilots and the highest ranking ranger come forward with Agent Moss and Sergeant O’Reilly?”

  Alex already knew his friend Sean was the highest ranking Ranger in the room. After a quick whispered argument between Peter and his friend, he saw Sean joining the Cobra Wing Leader, Captain Walker, and a pilot wearing a police jump suit with the name Striker on his chest, in heading to the front of the room as two other men near the back joined them. There were the scraping sounds of chairs being moved around as the people sitting in the front row made room for the new additions, while Mr. Ironwolf continued.

  “Do we still have those 50 Cals from the SWAT Team’s armory?”

  Sergeant O’Reilly grimaced like he had a bitter taste in his mouth.

  “Yes, we loaded the two heavy machine guns and ammo like you asked, not that they will be of any use against those things.”

  “I don’t need them to hurt the Scourge. I just need them to be a noisy distraction for the plan to function.” Seeing the questioning looks around the room, Mr. Ironwolf pointed at the satellite view of Trapper Nelson’s.

  “Tuonellians are not familiar with capabilities of modern human weapon systems, which we will use to our advantage. Even if our weapons cannot physically hurt them, we have other capabilities that they will not expect.”

  Captain Walker stood up, leaning forward on the table visibly upset.

  “What is this crazy talk about our weapon systems not being able to kill these creatures? We’re not armed with any wimpy 50 Cals. My choppers are armed with M197 Vulcan cannons using 20 mm FAP rounds, not even mentioning the fact that each of them has a full loadout of Hydra 70 missiles. We are the United States Marine Corps, not a bunch of wannabe civilians playing professional soldiers!”

  Alex had to say, the woman had a massive pair of balls. She didn’t even flinch when Mr. Ironwolf suddenly lunged forward. The large man came to a sudden stop in front of her, catching Sergeant O’Reilly in midair as he lunged at the Captain in rage. A choking sound filled the room as Mr. Ironwolf lifted the Sergeant into the air, straight armed, meeting the Captain’s steely eyes.

  “Agent Moss, can you explain the weapon system used on your armored vans that engaged the Scourge in the first video.”

  Leaning back in his chair to keep away from the Sergeant’s failing feet. Agent Moss addressed Captain Walker directly.

  “Captain, our assault vans are armed with six barrel M134 Viper Gatling guns using APDS rounds.” Alex could see the Captain’s eyes widened in shock as Agent Moss laid into her. “The only thing that cannon did was give those creatures a surprise. Otherwise, it didn’t hurt them in any way.”

  Unsure of herself for the first time, Captain Walker slowly sat back down in her seat as Mr. Ironwolf dropped Sergeant O’Reilly back into his chair without saying a word to the man. A shocked silence filled the room as everyone avoided looking at the Sergeant, while Mr. Ironwolf picked up from where he’d been interrupted.

  “Thank you, Agent Moss. Now as I was saying. My plan calls for splitting our forces into three assault groups. Alpha group will consist of the three pontoon boats holding the primary assault force, which will consist of the SWAT and CTA assault teams. Beta group will consist of the Rangers and their airboats, and will be designated as the primary distraction force. Charlie group will be our entire air component, with the police choppers holding sharp shooters armed with compound bows.” Pointing at the map, he traced out the route. “Alpha and Beta teams will head out together as one group.” Taping the screen “we will split up at this junction, just before Trapper Nelson’s. Group Alpha will head to the back of Trapper Nelson’s island, while Group Beta heads to the front.” Addressing Sean he continued. “Mr. Harris, I would like each airboat to carry at least one compound bow armed ranger. Two of your airboats will carry the SWAT team’s 50 Cals, and all of the grenades that we currently have available will be divided up between your men.”

  “My men are ready to assist in any way we can, but we are not soldiers as the Captain so succinctly pointed out. Once we are there, what would you have us do Mr. Ironwolf?”

  “I was thinking to have your airboats buzz by the front of Trapper Nelson’s, lobbing their grenades inland, before pulling back to the other side of the river as far as possible. That alone should get the Tuonellian attention. Once the Scourge come after your men, they will be hampered by the width of the river. The grenades and the 50 Cals should generate enough of a distraction alone to cover Alpha team landing on the far side of the island.”


  “Yes, Captain?”

  “Why don’t you want team Charlie to lead the distraction assault? We would be out of their range in the air.”

  “Captain, did you see the APC in the second video when it exploded?”

  “Yes, Sir!”

  “That was from the black cloaked figure.” Seeing her confused look he tried to explain in a way the Captain would accept. “Those soldiers have ranged weapons that can penetrate heavy armor. That APC was hit with one blast that immediately destroyed it. That’s the main reason I want our mobile units to stay back as far as possible, since I do not know the range of those weapons.”

  Pointing to the map, Mr. Ironwolf explained how he wanted to use their air resources.

  “I would like Charlie group to attack from this direction giving the Rangers air cover as much as possible. Once you engage the enemy, I want your units to split up moving to either side of Trapper Nelson’s from the north and south, since Alpha team will be coming up from the east side. Captain, no matter how effective your weapons actually are against the enemy, your Cobras will come as a major surprise to the Tuonellians.”

  “How will that help if our weapons can’t hurt the enemy?”

  “Well, between the archers in the airboats and in the police helicopters they should have a hard time figuring out if your weapons are just a loud distraction, or able to kill them with enough hits. Hopefully before they figure that out, Alpha team will have closed in behind them in a surprise attack.”

  Looking to either side of him, Alex could see everyone in the room nodding as the assault was laid out. He had to agree, it was a solid plan.

  “Cindy, would you please stop the projector.” Walking up to the chalk board Mr. Ironwolf addressed the CTA agents and SWAT officers. “Alpha team’s assault group layout will be extremely different from what you have been taught to use in regards to combat tactics. Modern weapons have a high rate of fire, which allows strike groups to attack in dispersed group formation. For this attack, we will be using more archaic unit organizations and battle tactics. Due to our use of crossbows, our rate of fire will be extremely low, which will require us to stand in tighter formations. My plan calls for four separate groups of twelve men divided into two rows of six.” Drawing out the formations on the chalk board, he elaborated. “The front line of six will fire their weapons, and reload while the rear line takes aim and fires. If we have incoming, we will hold this position until the enemy breaks or is dead.”


  “Yes, Ranger Harris?”

  “What you’re describing is old Napoleonic tactics. The kind of stuff they used at the beginning of the Civil War.”

  “That’s absolutely right. Our crossbows only have an effective range of around twenty-five feet.”

  Hearing that obvious fallacy, Alex jumped to his feet shouting.

  “Sir, that’s a bunch of bullshit! My hunting crossbow is accurate for at least three hundred feet easily, and the bows your men are carrying are e
qual to mine if not better.”

  Captain Walker was already jumping back into the argument about weaponry, when Mr. Ironwolf held up his hands for silence.

  “Hold up for a second people. Let me explain something that might help the apparent confusion we are experiencing with these weapons, and their known capabilities.” Mr. Ironwolf waited for a second for everyone to calm down before continuing. “I have been able to strengthen the crossbow bolts to penetrate the Scourge armor, but this modification means that the crossbows effective ranges have been dropped to a distance of twenty-five feet, as long as I’m close by. The hand weapons will function if at least one of my students, or I are at least within a fifty foot radius.” Looking directly at Captain Walker, “unfortunately the technique does not work for modern weapon systems.”

  Alex could tell the Captain still wanted to argue the point, when he saw the Chief walking up quickly to the front of the room. Obviously, he was trying to forestall the arguments before they started about how none of this made any sense.

  “I understand how strange this all sounds, but the rest of us have seen the tests that were conducted. Mr. Ironwolf and his students have figured out a temporary way to make these weapons effective against the enemy. In the future, we will be using a different method to make our weapons permanently effective. In the future, we might even be able to figure out how to make this work on our modern armaments, but, for now, the process only works on these archaic weapons. We brought all of the weapons we could get our hands on within the time available to us. If we had an extra day, I’m sure we would have a lot more men and weapons to conduct this assault, but from what Mr. Ironwolf has explained to me about these aliens. It is vital that we take them out before more of their reinforcements arrive. We cannot let them broaden the beachhead they have on our world any further. For now, the weapons we have are all that we’ve got.”

  Seeing the Rangers and Marines settle down at his words, the Chief stepped back again giving the floor once again to Mr. Ironwolf as Ranger Harris raised his hand.

  “Sir, in that case it makes perfect sense to use traditional double rank linear formations for the attack. Twenty-five feet is about as accurate as any smooth bore rifle ever was, which was the modern weapon at the time those tactics were developed.”

  Standing to his feet suddenly, Sean came to attention saluting Mr. Ironwolf as fifteen other Rangers stood up with him, including Alex.

  “I would like to offer the services of the Leon Rifles, D Company, of the Florida Irregulars.”

  Seeing Mr. Ironwolf’s confusion, he smiled broadly.

  “Seventeen of us here are a part of a Civil War reenactment group. We’ve practiced using that double rank linear formation you’re talking about for years now.” Nodding his head apologetically at Agent Moss and Sergeant O’Reilly, he continued. “If you’re not used to formation fighting, it’s actually hard as hell to keep the lines together when you’re wheeling around on the battlefield to face your enemy. For the fighting conditions that Mr. Ironwolf is obviously expecting, this style of formation fighting makes perfect sense, with the weapons effective range that y’all are talking about. It has the best chance of breaking these creatures charge, if anything does.”

  Alex saw the large man smile suddenly in understanding as he slowly came to attention, returning their salutes.

  Dropping his hand sharply, the Leon Rifles followed suit before returning to their seats. Quickly, Mr. Ironwolf erased the previous diagram on the board, this time redrawing the attack plan with the Leon Rifles at the very heart of the formation. As Sean took his seat, Mr. Ironwolf nodded his head in thanks, before continuing the briefing.

  “We will be using the Ranger’s Dispatch Station to coordinate all radio communications between our various units. If at any time the main assault force is attacked by one of those spike demons. Fall back, and do not engage. Let me take care of those monsters. If you see any strange looking glowing symbols on the ground, keep out of them too. Does anyone else have any further questions, or recommendations for the battle plan?” After waiting a second for anyone to speak up, Mr. Ironwolf announced loudly.

  “Alright then, for those of you rangers’ assigned bows, meet up with Agent Moss to be issued your weapons. Rangers with the Leon Rifles, meet up with Agent Moss to be issued a crossbow and hand weapon. Sergeant O’Reilly, have some of your men gather up the available grenades along with the two 50 Cals, and get them down to the airboats for the rangers to distribute as soon as possible. Also, I need one SWAT crossbow man per police helicopter. Ranger Harris, I need you to make sure that whoever is leading the airboat contingent ensures that each airboat has at least one bowman, and a radio for coordination.” Pausing for a breath, Mr. Ironwolf surveyed the room once more. “Then ladies and gentlemen, fall out and gear up. I expect everyone to be at the boats by zero four fifty. That’s twenty minutes to get ready people, so let’s move out!”

  The screech of chairs echoed around him as Alex made his way over to his friend Sean. Clapping him on the shoulder, Alex pulled him close, speaking quietly in his ear.

  “This sounds like some crazy ass shit, Sean. Why the hell did you volunteer us for the main assault?”

  “Alex, you know how hard double line formation fighting is to pull off. How do you think those SWAT and CTA teams will do out there once the shit starts flying?”

  Alex grimaced at his friend.

  “They will fall apart. Its contrary to everything they’ve been taught.”

  “Exactly! That’s why I volunteered the Leon Rifles. Look around you Alex. These men here are all that’s standing in the way of this alien invasion force. There’s no one else available to fight this battle. I agree with the Chief on this, we either stop them here and now, or we’ll be stuck dealing with an entrenched enemy with fresh reinforcements. If the Leon Rifles unique talents are able to knock out this invasion force, and give the U.S. time to prepare for an alien invasion, then how can we say no?”

  “When you say it like that, how can I possibly resist?”

  Sighing heavily, Alex returned his friends steady gaze.

  “Alright, count me in.”

  Sean clapped him on the shoulder smiling.

  “You always said you never wanted to die old. Now go get your gear from Agent Moss, and head down to the boats. I’ll be right behind you, once I talk with Frank and Tom about the deposition of those 50 Cals.”

  Turning away, Alex headed for the line in front of Agent Moss.

  “God, I should’ve never waited so long to ask Julie out on that date!”

  Chapter 17

  Location Earth / Florida present day:

  The wind from the boats passage helped to make the extreme humidity somewhat tolerable in full armor as the assault boats raced down the Loxahatchee River. Although, using the word ‘racing’ to describe the top speed of the three pontoon boats crowded to max capacity was a joke in itself, at least in comparison to the highly maneuverable airboats that ranged on either side of the bulkier slower moving crafts.

  Closing my eyes, I tried to clear my mind as the wind caressed my face. Ever since seeing the satellite image of the massive demon head in the mysterious black cloud covering Trapper Nelson’s, I’d been mentally banging my head trying to remember all of my lessons from Luthar so many years ago. I knew I had forgotten something essential, but no matter how hard I tried to make myself remember, nothing was coming back to me of the creature I knew waited in that swirling darkness.

  A sardonic smile came to my lips as I shook my head disparagingly. Even now, I could remember Luthar’s calm words of disapproval at my lack of concentration during our studies. I was only six years old at the time, but that didn’t matter to him. I wondered if he knew that later on I would regret those times I slacked off during his lessons.

  I knew without a doubt something evil and powerful awaited me at the Tuonellian’s camp. If I were tactically smart, I would have headed for the Coral Castle down south, and returned to Irlendri
a that way, but as a Paladin of Ukko that was not an option I could take. Unfortunately, the Priestesses of Loviatar knew I would not leave without removing their threat from this world.

  Unlike most people, I knew what I was fighting for, and I knew what would happen to my world if I failed. My whole life had been spent preparing for this very moment. My Grandsire and his people had given their lives trying to protect me, because they believed I was the one that would stop the evil taking over their world. Now was time to prove that their sacrifices had not been in vain!

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  I felt my mind immediately jerked back to the present. Releasing the crushed guardrail, I saw Beth standing next to me with a worried look on her face. Seeing the look of anguish in my eyes, she placed her hand gently on my armored forearm.

  “Is everything alright, Startüm?”

  Pushing my turbulent thoughts away, I smiled at her reassuringly.

  “I’m okay. I just was thinking about my Grandsire and his people.”

  The silence dragged out while Beth searched for the right words. Finally, she gave up trying to be careful, and just spit the words out.

  “They’re all dead, aren’t they?”

  Seeing the tightening around my eyes at her words, she pushed on doggedly.

  “Susan said they were all slaughtered by the Scourge. She said somehow you saw what had happened.”

  Nodding my head in answer, I looked out over the dark river as we stood once again in silence. Suddenly, Beth clutched my arm tighter as she turned me to face her excitedly.

  “You should stay here on Earth?”

  Seeing my confusion, Beth continued in a rush of words.

  “If there’s no one left for you to return to in your own world. Why not stay here?”

  Seeing the hard look return to my eyes, she looked at me angrily.

  “You’re just going to go back to your own world, and get killed. How is that going to help anyone?”


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