Bossman's List

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Bossman's List Page 35

by Ashlee Price

  His head jerked towards me as the car stopped in front of the restaurant. I moved to get out and he stopped me. “Wait, you can’t say something like that and then get out.”

  “Yes, I can, Tyler. I’m starving and we’re here. Seems like as good of a time as any.”

  “We have to talk about this. I want details.”

  He made me giggle again, something I didn’t do very often. “Nope, just in the car, and our session is over. This is your hour, remember.”

  “I think what you’ve got going on is more interesting than Maya cheating on me.”

  I kind of felt bad about knowing and not telling him, but in a way I couldn’t. I knew that he was cheating on her. He paraded the other woman around in public, so it couldn’t be a secret. Maybe Tyler was getting a taste of his own medicine. And maybe I was going to get a taste of my own through Zane. I wasn’t ready to see it that way, but that was what was happening. Maybe Zane was my reminder that I didn’t have clean hands either.

  Chapter 4 – Dylan

  “I thought that you’d to go out with your husband tonight? You said that he had some big award to get.”

  “He does, but I told him that I’m not going. I don’t want to be with him, Dylan. I want to be with you.”

  Her words were all that I needed to hear. All of the doubt that I’d been feeling was washed away. She was going to leave him. She had to, because she loved me. I knew that she did, but the doctor had me second-guessing everything. It was all going to be okay.

  “I want to see you, Dylan. Are you still there?”

  “Yes, I’m here, Maya. We can do whatever you want to do.”

  I meant it, too. I would follow her anywhere. I didn’t think she knew how much power she had over me, but I was hers. All of me was Maya’s, and soon I was going to have all of her.

  “Why don’t we meet at the restaurant? I’m starving, and I was hoping that we could share a dessert like we did last time.”

  “We didn’t have dessert last time… Oh.”

  She laughed on the other end, and the sound was like music to my ears. God, I loved this woman more than I’d loved anyone, and while Camilla was right about how wrong it was, I didn’t care. He didn’t love her the right way, and that left her open to being loved by another. I wasn’t going to make the same mistake of taking advantage of her. I knew what I had with Maya, and I was going to make sure that she knew every moment of every day how I felt.

  “I’ll meet you there, Maya. I miss you.”

  “It’s only been a day.”

  “I know, but it feels like an eternity every time you’re not in my arms.”


  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  Maya shook her head and smiled at me. “I don’t want to talk, Dylan. I want you to love me.”

  I didn’t know what she was talking about and I told her that I already did. I didn’t realize that she was talking about physically until she started to unbutton the silk blouse that cost more than my whole wardrobe. Maya didn’t say it back, but she didn’t have to. I could see it in her eyes. I moved my view down lower, and my breath hitched when her upper body came into view. “God, you’re beautiful Maya.”

  “You know that I love the way you look at me, Dylan. It’s like you’ve never seen another woman before.”

  “Not like you.”

  She looked down and I could see a pale of pink on her bronze face. “You always make me feel so special, Dylan.”

  “Because you are special, Maya. I feel like the luckiest man in the world for you choosing me.”

  I didn’t mention the husband who really had her. I didn’t want to think about him. He may have given her his name, but Maya was going to be mine in all ways. Tonight I was going to make sure that she never forgot me. Tonight I wanted her to feel how much I loved her and how I was never going to be able to be without her again. I just had to make her feel the same way.

  Moving the last few feet to her, I started to unzip the dress that was still in my way. She didn’t help me, but she didn’t fight me either. Watching the pale cream colored fabric move down her thighs, I bit my lip to stifle the sound that threatened to come out. She really was perfect. The long legs kept my attention until I could drag my gaze back up her body.

  “I love you, Maya.”

  Our eyes met and she smiled up at me. “I love you too, Dylan. You’re the one thing in my life that isn’t crazy, and I don’t know what I would do without you. I’m so glad that we found each other.”

  I bent down and kissed her, pulling her to me before I could stop myself. We’d only made love that one night, and I’d been gentle. I didn’t think that I could be gentle this time. I needed her. I needed to be inside of her, and more than that, I needed to possess her in a way that I hadn’t been able to before. She was mine, and I wanted nothing more than to claim her once and for all. I was going to make it so that she didn’t even remember her own husband’s name.

  Not taking the time to bring her up the stairs to my loft, I set her bottom on a nearby table and struggled to get my own pants off. My hands were shaking with anticipation, and I was thrusting into her as soon as I felt her thighs pulling me in. It wasn’t at all like before. This time she was grunting as I slammed into her, calling out my name as her head shook side to side from pleasure. I made her come over and over again, begging me to stop before I finally filled her with my seed.

  We stayed like that for some time, connected in the most intimate way as we panted. Maya was enough to send me to a whole other level of need. I loved her too much, and as I moved to kiss her, I felt a gut-wrenching pull on my insides. I couldn’t lose her, not ever.

  “What’s wrong, Dylan?”

  “Nothing, Maya, I just love you so much.”

  She had the barest smile on her face as she put her head down on my shoulder. “I love you too, Dylan. I didn’t think I would ever feel like this again. I wish it could be like this all of the time.”

  “Why can’t it?”

  Maya’s smile was gone. I could tell that my words bothered her. She pushed up against my chest and I knew that she wanted to get down. I was slow in moving. I wished again that I’d just shut my mouth. Everything was going perfectly until I just had to say something.

  “It’s not that easy, Dylan.”

  “Why can’t it be? Why does it have to be so complicated? You love me and I love you.”

  “Because I’m married.”

  “You don’t have to be.”

  I watched her get dressed. Everything in me wanted to beg her to stay. I wasn’t letting her go, but I knew that she needed some time and some space. I didn’t blame her. I needed some as well. I had to work this all out in my head. Camilla was in my mind and I was questioning everything. Maybe I should just be happy with it how it was. I didn’t like to even think about the alternative.

  “I’ll call you, Dylan, okay?”

  She was leaving, and I was left shaking my head like an idiot. But when Maya turned back around and kissed me, I was left with a small bud of hope. It was enough for me.

  Part 6: Obesession

  Zane knows that Camilla is pulling away from him. He can feel it by the way she looks at him and by the way she lied when he asked if she was alone. Zane had been watching her, and he knew that she wasn’t with anyone. She was alone and just didn’t want to speak to him. It was the first time he caught her in a lie, but it made it impossible to trust her.

  He needs to be sure that she loves him, and he has to be sure that there are no more secrets. While Zane hasn’t learned what’s in Dr. Loring’s heart, he’s learned that she flirts with other patients. The idea that she has other men who she spends time with makes him go a little mental. Zane wants to be the only one, and he’s prepared to do whatever it takes to make it happen. He’s not above resorting to desperate measures to keep the woman he loves his own. He isn’t letting Camilla go without a fight.

  Chapter 1 – Zane

  The sound of the door op
ening got my attention and I sat up a little straighter. It was time to test the new tech. Camilla was out of her office and I had a few minutes to spare.

  “Thanks for taking me out to lunch, Tyler. I really needed that.”

  “No problem. I’ve been trying to get you to come out with me since we first met.”

  I heard a chuckle and I knew that it was Camilla. I didn’t know who Tyler was, but I was going to have to find out why he was taking her to lunch. I didn’t know what I expected to hear, but not this.

  “You’re a patient and there are laws against it. I could lose my license.”

  “But what about…”

  “Not here. I don’t know why I told you that, but you can never bring it up again, Tyler. Promise me?”

  She was sounding a little too chipper, and it made me lean forward, pressing the sound closer to my ears, trying to envision what was going on in the small room.

  “Yeah, I was just… I don’t know. Poor taste, sorry.”

  “I’m not proud of what I’ve done, but you’re right. I need to handle it.”

  “I think I have my own fences to mend on my end as well. It was a good talk. That’s why I still come to see you, Camilla. You always know what to say. And I’m still holding out for the chance that you’ll actually take me up on my offer for more than just a meal.”

  The laugh was back, this time more of a giggle, and I could feel the heat rising in my face. The last thing I wanted to do was listen to this crap. It felt like some kind of slow torture, and I had an irrational urge to throw the headphones, just to stop from hearing her little giggle that was only supposed to be for me.

  “You know I can’t, Tyler. You’re married, and I’m your doctor.”

  Tyler sighed, and then I heard a shuffling sound. One of the plants was too low and picking up the movement of feet. I strained to hear through it, trying my best to envision what was going on in there. Now I didn’t think audio was going to be enough. I wanted to see what was going on, not just hear it.

  “Tyler, I’m serious. You’re a nice guy, but…”

  “I don’t want to hear the rest of that. Anything that starts with ‘you’re a nice guy’ can’t end well. I’ll take it as a no for right now, okay?”

  “You can take it how you want, but I think that you’re confused about how it all works.”

  “I know how it works. I’m just going to have to catch you in a mood. I’m a patient man, Camilla.”

  Clenching my fist, I swore then and there that if I heard her giggle again I was going to end the charade right now.

  “Good luck with that, Tyler. I’m not taking the bait, but I did enjoy lunch. Thank you for that.”

  “I know, my time is up.”

  “Yes, I have another patient coming in. I’ll see you next week?”

  There was too much hope in her voice, and my teeth were clenched in my mouth as hard as my fists were by my side. My brilliant idea was quickly unraveling in my face.

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Doc.”

  “Okay, Tyler. I think you’ve had one too many margaritas for lunch. I’m glad you’re not driving.”

  There was that noise again, as I assumed Tyler got up from a chair and went to the door. I heard it open, but I couldn’t quite understand what else was going on. I tried to listen as intently as I could, but nothing more came to me. I wanted to hear Camilla’s answer to the bold man’s offers and innuendos. I knew then and there that I was going to have to learn more about this Tyler guy who made her giggle so much. Was Camilla like that with all of her patients?

  Going back to the paper that I was reading, I waited for something more. I had a little bit of time to kill because work was slow, so I spent it how I’d envisioned from the start. It hadn’t occurred to me to bug her office until the incident with her lying. I wanted to know what was going on with her and what else she was lying about. Now I was overwhelmed with secrets, and I hadn’t even been listening for an hour.

  It was a disappointment. The audio was not going to be enough. While I listened for her next patient to come in, I dreaded having to hear her flirt with someone else. I was going to have to lay down some rules when I saw her next.

  My mind refocused and I turned away from the small cameras that I was searching for on my phone when I heard a knock at the door. Not my door, but hers.

  “Hey, Camilla, your three o’clock just cancelled. Do you want me to fill it with a walk-in or leave it to the others?”

  “Let them have it. I’m going to need a break before the afternoon is over.”

  “I saw your four o’clock penciled in.”


  “Is that going to be okay?’

  “What do you mean?”

  “He’s been behaving kind of erratically. He’s scared a couple of the interns.”

  I heard a big sigh, and I knew that what she said next was going to hurt me more than her flirting with another man.

  “He’s harmless. He’s going through some things and it can get overwhelming for him. I don’t think he’s going to be seeing me too much longer. I don’t think I can help him the way that he deserves to be helped.”

  I didn’t hear much after that. She was going to get rid of me. While she hadn’t said anything bad about me, not really, it was clear by what she was saying that she’d every intention of getting me off of her list. Did that mean that she was going to break up with me?

  “Well, if you need anything, we’re right down the hall. Sometimes the patients scare me.”

  “Don’t be afraid of them. They are just people like everyone else. We all go through hard times.”

  “I know, I just…”

  “It’s fine, really. There’s no need to be worried.”

  “Okay, Camilla. I just wanted to put that out there.”

  “Thank you, really. I’m glad that you care so much, but everything is fine.”

  The door closed again and I heard a deep sigh that I knew had to be Camilla. Something was weighing heavy on her mind, and I had a feeling that it was the topic they’d just been talking about: me. Was it really that obvious to everyone that I was a little off? I’d heard it before, many times, actually, but I’d worked hard to hide it.

  “What the hell am I going to do?”

  The question rang out in my ears and bounced around for a time. She was talking to herself. There was no question in my mind that I was the thing she needed to do something about. Her voice was sad, and I had to wonder what made her so melancholy. The ideas that I had were not comforting, and I took the headphones off. I’d heard enough for right now.

  Chapter 2 – Camilla

  “I think we should actually do some talking this week, Zane.”

  He shook his head and the grin on his face made me wet almost instantly. I’d seen that look many times, and it was a hard one to ignore. My body was already preparing for what it thought was coming next. What I wanted to come next.

  “I don’t think that’s going to happen.”

  I watched Zane shut the door and press against it as he leaned back. He was in no rush, and I knew it was a mistake that I’d given him the last slot of the day. There was going to be nothing to push it along, and I was already ready to give in to whatever he wanted. I needed him, all of a sudden, and before I could say another word, Zane was leaning down to capture my lips in his. The kiss was like everything with him, overwhelming and passionate. Something had gotten into him, and I was clinging to him as he pulled me from my seat. It was going to be one of those sessions. All good intentions I’d had were out the window.

  “Zane, I don’t think we should…”

  He was hearing none of it and told me to shush. It wasn’t the usual light tone that he took, but far more demanding. Even that seemed to tickle my fancy. Sometimes I had to wonder what part of me he played into, but there it was. I wanted him more as he barked orders at me. I never had understood that pull that Zane had over me.

  “You know that you want this, Camill
a. If your little pussy isn’t wet, I’ll leave right now.”

  I groaned at his words and the fact that I already knew what he was going to find. The crude words didn’t leave anything to the imagination. His hand pushing up my skirt as he moved up my leg was not a surprise at all. I knew that Zane was going to check, and I knew what was going to happen next. He wasn’t going to have to go anywhere. Just the thought of him about to be inside of me was enough that I just started unbuttoning my shirt. The way things were going, I wasn’t going to be wearing it very long anyway.

  Instead of just touching and confirming his suspicions, Zane pressed two fingers straight into my slippery hole. I wasn’t ready and I reflexively clenched him tight. That it only made it worse. He knew that I always wanted more than I could handle. I liked it fast and deep. His fingers felt so good that I was instantly writhing against him, trying to find something to hold onto.

  “I don’t want you bending over, Camilla. I want to see your face as I make you come each time.”

  Our eyes met. His rakish good looks were gone. He looked like a beast, and just now I liked that, really liked it. I had so many things to say to him – I was going to break up with him – and now I was whimpering his name to go faster. His fingers were as magical as the rest of him, and I moved against them more quickly. I could feel that my orgasm was closer than he thought. It never took long when Zane got a hold of me. He was able to please me in so many ways.

  “Tell me that you love me, Camilla.”

  My eyes had closed as my insides clenched the digits moving inside of me. I didn’t even really hear him until his fingers stopped and he repeated himself. “Tell me you love me, Camilla.”

  I whined from the lack of penetration. He liked to get me right there and stop. Now was not one of the times that I was really digging it. “Please, Zane.”

  “Tell me you love me, Camilla. That’s all I need to hear, and I’ll throw you over this desk like you want me to.”

  That was exactly what I wanted, and to hear him say it made me want it even more. I didn’t want his fingers, but his long, thick length inside of me. Everything else was just background noise. I needed him, and I was willing to say whatever he wanted me to say. “I love you.”


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