Bossman's List

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Bossman's List Page 66

by Ashlee Price

  Now I knew what. Elie and Travis were doing a perp walk and the police were smiling as if they had caught somebody important. He wasn’t that important, neither one of them was, but the charges were shocking. Both men were being arrested for murder. Scott had promised not to bring up my and Sasha’s ordeals with Elie and Travis, but he hadn’t agreed not to tell about the rest.

  The prosecutor made a statement in which he guaranteed a conviction. Apparently he had an iron-clad case, and I had a feeling that it was Scott who’d made sure he did. I wouldn’t have doubted that he’d done it all and handed it to the man. Now he was going to get the two of them out of the city where they couldn’t harm anyone again. He’d done what he said he was going to do.

  I sat down on the couch and watched several reels of footage. There were a few reporters at the club and just seeing the place on the TV gave me a bit of a chill. It was actually happening. Scott had talked about it a little, but I hadn’t really thought he would do it.

  I don’t know how long I sat there watching the same information over and over again. It was big news in New Orleans. Travis was one of the richest businessmen here, and Elie was just notorious in his own way. Between the two of them, it became clear that nothing else was going to run at the moment. This was the only story today, and I was transfixed where I sat.

  Later there were reports that a mysterious fire had broken out at the club. I had to wonder who had started the fire. I saw several girls there in the background of the on-scene footage. I hoped that everyone had gotten out safely, and I tried to call Sasha to see if she knew what was going on. There was no answer on her phone and I started to worry.

  I didn’t have long to worry, though. Scott was soon home, and he pulled me from the scenes on the screen.

  “You don’t need to look at that anymore, Mariah. I’ve got something more important for you to do.”

  I gave him a kiss on the cheek, and he pulled me closer for a proper kiss. It was our little tradition, and so was the way his hands were manipulating the bare cheeks of my ass.

  “Anything for you, daddy.”

  ~The End for Now ~

  Epilogue: The Virgin’s Dom


  “I’m so happy that I can be a part of this, Sasha. I was a little hesitant when you told me that you were going to buy the club. I should have known that you would have something great in mind.”

  Mariah was gushing, and though I was proud of the club now, it wasn’t called the Fetish Club anymore. That part of the place had vanished when the building burned to the ground. Now it was something fresh and new. Now this place was going to be a place to heal, not a place to suffer like it had been before.

  “I’m glad you like it. I know that some of the other girls are still not sure what to think of it all, but I know that it’s for the best. I still have to see stories about Elie in the paper, and it still gets my heart rate going high.”

  “Yeah, but did you see the latest news? I heard that Elie rolled on Travis to get a lesser sentence, but he’s still going to be sent away for the rest of his life. He’ll be almost sixty when he gets out of there.”

  I just nodded. I didn’t think that twenty-five years was enough time for the man, not after everything that he’d put the girls that worked for him through. I could have gotten him more time, me and many of the other girls could have if we’d wanted to, but we hadn’t. I didn’t want to go on a stand and admit to all of the terrible things that he’d done to me. It felt like I’d let it happen, and I was always going to feel shame for not standing up for myself more than that. I should have known what I was getting into. I should have left so long before.

  “I’m glad that he got life. I just wish that life was longer.”

  “Well, he’s never going to mess with us again. That’s all I care about. I wouldn’t even have cared if I never got that money back, although I don’t know how you got it before that fire started.”

  It occurred to me that I hadn’t told her the truth. I’d been too busy trying to save the money that he’d stolen from all of us that I hadn’t even thought about the consequences of the fire. When I saw all the tapes that he had of all of us, I thought of all of the blackmail material that was there. Having all that in his hands was the very last thing I wanted to deal with at the moment. So I did the only thing that came to mind. I had to get rid of the evidence, and fire seemed like the most fitting way to do it.

  “Well, it was just good timing that no one was in there when the place went up. It burnt down fast.”

  “I heard a rumor that it was one of the girls that did it. Do you think that’s true?”

  I looked at my friend and wondered if she knew or if she was really trying to figure it out. “I don’t know. There’s no telling who did it, Mariah. That was months ago, and I try not to think about any of it anymore.”

  “Me too, but it’s hard not to when we’re here.”

  The opening of the Southern Battered Women’s Shelter was today, and I was so glad that Mariah and many of the other girls were there for the launch. It was because of all of them that I’d taken most of my money and set the place up. I’d wanted a shop to sell my clothes in for as long as I could remember, but everyone had to get a new dream. Now I just wanted to help people in the same position I’d found myself in.

  It had taken a month in rehab and lord only knows how much therapy to get to this day. I had the resources because of Scott. I wanted other women to have the same chance of getting out of an abusive relationship like I’d done. No women should have to go through that. It was a fight that I was willing to take on for the good of everyone. I’d found a strength that I didn’t know I had. Now it wasn’t going anywhere.

  “I know it’s hard to come back here, but I thought that this was the perfect place for it. I want this place to be a good one now. There will be new memories to make here. You’re still going to come in once and a while and help, right?”

  She said she would, and I made the comment, “Even though you’re a kept woman?”

  “I’m not kept.”

  Mariah was kept, whatever she might say, but I was happy for her and Scott. It seemed that all of the girls had found someone. Even Kallie, who’d only been in town a couple of months, was living with her new boyfriend. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for all of that. I didn’t know when I would be ready for more than just a one-night stand. I had too much inside still to work through. One day I would be ready. That’s what I told myself, anyway.

  “Is Kallie going to be here?”

  “Yeah, her and Kimmie are doing some last minute work on the decorations for tomorrow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Kimmie so happy in all of her life.”

  “Me either. I hope that when I get married I’m as happy as her. I don’t think I’ve ever smiled the way that she does.”

  “You do, Mariah, all of the time. Every time you start talking about Scott, all you can do is smile. It’s a little sickening.”

  She acted like she took offense, but we both knew that I was just joking. While I never would have imagined it possible with a man from the club, I had a feeling that Scott had always been different. Maybe I’d been wrong. Either way, I was happy for my friend. I was happy for all of them.

  “I’m just happy, is all. I didn’t think I was ever going to be happy again, but somehow it all worked out.”

  It hadn’t worked out as smoothly for me, but I was okay with that. I was okay with whatever path had gotten me here, because I felt like I was right where I was supposed to be. It was a hard road, but one that I knew was worth traveling.

  “I wish things had worked out better for you, Sasha.”

  “Things are good. I built this place, and with the grand opening, I’ve got a feeling I’m going to be too busy to worry about men for a while. I’ve had enough of them for a time. Kallie is going to come and help me out when she isn’t working, and I know I’ll see you and Kimmie around. Other girls from the club are going to help. It’s good. Sometimes happ
y endings don’t have to have a man in them.”

  I believed my words more than she did, and I was okay with that as well. I’d found some weird sense of acceptance that was hard not to appreciate. I was done worrying and ready to just let things work out the way they were going to.

  “You’re going to do good things here, Sasha. I just know you are. I hate that there’s a need for a place like this, but I think what we went through is far more common than it should be. There are a lot of women out there who need a place like this, a safe place. I wonder if Elie knows what happened to his club?”

  I smiled and told her that I was sure he did.

  “How do you know?”

  “I went and saw him about a week ago. He didn’t look very good. I don’t think that prison life is agreeing with him.”

  She smiled back at me. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn’t help being happy about it. I liked to think that maybe he was being forced to do some things that he didn’t want to do. It only seemed fair.

  “Well, if you ever go back there, make sure to tell him that I said hi.”

  I wasn’t going back there, ever, and I told her that. The last thing I was going to do was look at that man again. That part of my life was over, and I was committed to bigger and better things now.


  I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. Mariah wasn’t paying attention to me. All of her friends were gathered around, talking about the wedding that had just taken place. The three women were waiting for Kimmie to come out with her groom, and I was left standing there lost without my sunshine near me. I didn’t see the other two women standing with her, not really. All I had eyes for was the blonde beauty across the way.

  My fingers itched on the button that would light her up and change the smile on her face to something a little more constrained. I’d threatened to mess with her today, but I hadn’t done it yet. She was just having too much fun, but I was getting impatient. I felt ignored, and this was my playtime. Mariah should have known that if she left me alone for too long there were going to be consequences.

  Finally, I pushed the button on the handheld device in my pocket. The controls were to the plug I’d put inside of her before we left. There wasn’t much to it, just a couple of inches, but the vibrations were not something that could be ignored, no matter how hard she tried. It was the only way that I could get her attention from across the room, and as soon as I pushed it, I got just that.

  Her deep blue eyes met mine and she bit her lower lip. Mariah didn’t move towards me, though, and I lifted an eyebrow like she was making a mistake. She must want to feel it a little more before she made her way to me, I thought to myself. Mariah turned to say something to Sasha, and instead of letting her go on with her conversation as I had all afternoon, I decided that I was tired of waiting for her and that it was time to play with her a bit.

  Pushing the button again, I saw her jerk. She didn’t even look my way this time, but that was alright. I’d sent a warning out, and now the controller’s red light was going to stay on until she got over here and acknowledged me. I was done waiting around, and Mariah knew that I didn’t like to wait for too long. It wouldn’t be long before I went over there and got her to me myself.

  After a moment I went to the bar, further from Mariah, and ordered a drink from the ruby-faced bartender. She still wasn’t beside me after another minute or so. I decided that she needed to hurry up, so I slipped my hand back into the pocket of the jacket I was wearing and turned it up to the medium-high speed. There was only one more speed, and if I had to use that there was going to be a punishment involved for making me wait so long. I was not a man who liked to wait.


  “What did I tell you, Mariah? You just ignored me.”

  I still didn’t look at her, but I could hear the slight panting from behind me and I could feel her breath on my neck. Her hand came out to my arm and squeezed. I turned it up one more time and heard the whimper that passed through her lips. It was one of the sweetest sounds I’d heard in a long time. She sounded so damn good to me that I couldn’t help the hand that went to her ass and squeezed hard.

  Her ass was still red from a spanking that she’d begged me for before we got here. I don’t know what it was about weddings, but Mariah had been acting crazy ever since we woke up this morning. Sex was all she could think about beyond dresses and cakes.

  “Please, daddy, not here.”

  “I would have picked a more private place, Mariah, but you didn’t come quickly enough. So now you’ll have to come right here.”

  The grip on my arm tightened and I could tell that she was trying to close her legs. It wasn’t going to help anything when the toy inside of her was vibrating and causing her so much pleasure. We’d been working on her keeping control when she orgasmed, and it seemed like now was as good of a time as any to see how well she was doing.

  I ignored her silent plea and death grip for a moment while I tipped the bartender for the drink. He thanked me and asked me if I needed anything else. I turned to Mariah and asked her if she needed anything.

  Her face was red and her eyes flew to mine. I could see that she was on the verge, and the look on her face was enough to break even the strongest man. I told the bartender that we were fine, and I heard her moan a little when he went to another person to get their order and I pulled her onto the dance floor. Not too many other people were dancing, but I figured it would be best to get her closer to the speakers. She wasn’t going to be able to help herself, she never could, and she was already breaking down.

  “Please, daddy.”

  “Do you know how much I love when you say that?”

  She nodded, and there was a minxy little look on her face that told me she knew all too well what she did to me. It seemed like Mariah always knew exactly what I wanted. She used it to get her way more times than I cared to admit. I was a sucker for her blue eyes and that small voice she used when it was just us. The fact that there were a bunch of people around only seemed to make it even more irresistible to me.

  “Please, daddy, I’ll be so good to you later.”

  “What do you want?”

  She was leaned in so that I was the only one that could hear her. “Can you turn this thing off?”

  Her body trembled against mine, and I debated it for a moment. I could let it slide and let her breathe again, enjoy the dance. That’s what I could have done, but that wasn’t what was on my mind at the moment. I wanted her to come, and it was going to happen very quickly.


  Mariah whined, and I pulled her closer. “Then take me to the bathroom and fuck me, daddy, please. I need to feel you inside of me.”

  Her words sent a shiver through my body. It was one of those times that I had to question who was in control of the situation. I would like to say that it was me, but now I wasn’t really certain. It sure as hell didn’t feel like it right now.

  Pulling her towards the very place she wanted to go, I could have taken it as a loss. She was not listening and instead of giving me what I wanted, like always Mariah wanted to play her side. I should have done many things, but all I needed to do was exactly what she described so eloquently in her pleasure-crazed voice.


  I shushed her. We were in public and she was forgetting herself because of the toy. I tried to think of a way to get what I wanted without giving it to her quite the way she wanted. It would be an admission that she was in charge, and I couldn’t do that for even a minute. I didn’t think I could ever really make that admission.

  The ladies room was empty and I locked the door behind us. I kissed her hard on the mouth and pulled the dress down in the front so I could pinch one of her nipples. Mariah cried out almost immediately. While I’d pulled her away from needing pain, it was still a good way to get her off.

  Mariah cooed and thanked me, but I wasn’t finished with her. She had mentioned fucking, and I was going to do just that.

her skirt up and then pulling her panties down, Mariah shook her ass at me. I smacked it hard. The moan that resounded in my ears told me all that I needed to know. She’d wanted that, and I cursed myself and her pert ass. Why was control so hard when Mariah was around me?

  “Daddy, are you going to put that big cock in my ass?”

  The thought had occurred to me, and the way she was bending over the sink now with her back to me made it hard to concentrate. Mariah knew all of my buttons, and she insisted on pushing them as much as possible. It was hard to deny how good her suggestion sounded at the moment.

  I rubbed the spot where I’d smacked her and then moved to push the toy up. It was shaking itself out; the panties had held it in, but now it was trying to come out with all of the wetness oozing out of her.

  Instead of giving her what she wanted, I thought of an alternative that sounded better to me. I lined up my length at the place I was holding the toy in and pushed in gently. She gasped as it surged deeper inside of her, and I tested how far in I could go before her screech became higher pitched.

  “Fuck, that feels good. It feels like you’ve got something huge inside of me.”

  I pulled out and slammed back in, not all the way, but as much as I could at the moment. The obstruction shook violently on the head of my dick, and I can’t say that I hated the way it felt. It felt good. That was all I knew.

  The more I pushed in, the more the plug tried to accommodate me, and eventually I slipped alongside of it. I could go deeper this way, but it wasn’t letting me push in as fast and hard as I wanted. While Mariah was coming all around my cock, I really wanted to fuck her properly. I was beyond my point of no return, and her suggestion came back to my mind.

  I ripped out of her with a growl, and Mariah sagged onto the sink, thinking that I was through with her. When I yanked the plug out of her, coated in her cum, I don’t think she was expecting me to shove it into her ass like I did. The woman cried out my name and I felt more blood surge to my cock, so much that I thought I might faint.


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