Dobrowsky, Frantz
Doctor Faustus
Doke, Clement
Doll’s House, A (Ibsen play)
Dollimore, Jonathan
Domestic Manners of the Americans (Trollope)
Don Carlos (Schiller play)
Donizetti, Gaetano
Donne, John
Doran, Gregory
Döring, Tobias
Downton Abbey (British TV series)
Doyle, Arthur Conan
Dramatic Arts Centre, Shanghai
Dresden, Germany
Droeshout, Martin
Drury Lane see Theatre Royal
Dryden, John
Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt
‘W. E. B.’
Dube, John
Dublin, Ireland
Dudley, Robert, 1st Earl of Leicester
Dulwich College, London
Dumas, Alexandre
Durban, KwaZulu-Natal
Dusinberre, Juliet
Düsseldorf, Germany
Dutch East India Company
Dutch Revolt (1568–1648)
Dutt, Guru
Dutt, Utpal
Dutta, Michael Madhusudan
Dylan, Bob
Eagle theatre, Sacramento
Earl of Carlisle see Howard, George
Earl of Essex see Devereux, Robert
Earl of Leicester see Dudley, Robert
East Germany see German Democratic Republic (GDR)
East India Company
Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Eastward Ho (play)
Eckermann, Johann Peter
Eddelman, Bill
Edinburgh, Scotland
Edinburgh Review
Egmont (Goethe)
Elgar, Edward William
Eliot, Thomas Stearns ‘T. S.’
Elizabeth I, Queen of England and Ireland
Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom
Ellington, Duke
Elphinstone, Mountstuart
Elphinstone College, Mumbai
Elphinstone Theatre Company
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Empson, William
Enchanted Island, The (Dryden & Davenant play) see Tempest, The
Encyclopedia of Geography (Murray)
Engels, Friedrich
English Civil War (1642–1651)
English Education Act (1835)
English language, global expansion of
English Poet Reciting from Afar, An see Tales from Shakespeare (Lambs)
Ephesus, Turkey
Erasmus, Desiderius
Essais (Montaigne)
Essays (Emerson)
Essop, Mohamed
European Union (EU)
Eurozone crisis
Evans, Maurice
Every Man in his Humour (Jonson play)
Fair Penitent (Rowe play)
Falcon Inn, Stratford-upon-Avon
Falkland Road, Mumbai
Fang Ping
Fanon, Frantz
Farber, Yaël
Farquhar, George
Faucit, Helen
Faust (Goethe play)
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
Fechter, Charles
Feldherrnhalle, Munich
Fellowes, Julian
Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor
Fifty Shades of Grey (James)
Filinova-Bruton, Kseniya
Fincher, David
First Folio (1623) see folios
First World War see World War I
Fleischer Studios
Fletcher, John
Florence, Italy
Florida, United States
Florio, John
Flower of Persia, The (Indian play)
Flower, Edward Fordham
Flushing (Vlissingen), Netherlands
Flynn, Errol
Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington DC
Folger, Emily
Folger, Henry Clay
First Folio (1623)
Fourth Folio (1685)
Forbidden City, Beijing
Ford’s theatre, Washington DC
Forests (Bieito play)
Forman, Simon
Forrest, Edwin
Fort Bridger, Wyoming
Fort William, Kolkata
Fortunatus and his Purse and Wishing-Cap (play)
Fortune Playhouse
Foster, Norman
Fouché, Jacobus Johannes ‘Jim’
Franco, Francisco
Frankfurt, Germany
Franklin, Benjamin
Frederick II, King of Denmark
Freedom theatre, Jenin
Freie Universität, Berlin
Freiligrath, Ferdinand
Fremont, Ohio
French Concession, Shanghai
French language
French Revolution (1789)
Frick, Henry Clay
Friedrich, Caspar David
Fudan University, Shanghai
Fugard, Athol
Führerbau, Munich
Fujian, China
Fulda, Karl
Fulda, Ludwig
Furness, Horace Howard
Fuseli, Henry
Gade, Sven
Galsworthy, John
Gandhi, Indira
Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand
Ganti, Tejaswini
Gao Xingjian
Garibaldi, Giuseppe
Garrick, David
Gartenhaus, Weimar
Gauteng Province, South Africa
Gay, John
Gdańsk, Poland
Gdynia, Poland
Generall Historie of the Turks, The (Knolles)
Geoffrey of Monmouth
Geographical Historie of Africa, A (Africanus)
George II, King of Great Britain and Ireland
George III, King of the United Kingdom
George V, King of the United Kingdom
German Concession, Shanghai
German Democratic Republic (GDR)
German language
German Romanticism
Gershwin, George
Ghosh, Girish Chandra
Ghosh, Hara Chandra
Gielgud, John
Gilbert, Kimberly
Gill, Eric
Giraldi, Giambattista
Glasgow, Scotland
Gleichschaltung (‘falling-into-line’)
globalisation theory
Globe theatre
Cedar City
Neuss, Germany
San Diego
Goa, India
Godalming, Surrey
Godly Woman of Antwerp (play)
Goebbels, Joseph
Goering, Hermann
von Goethe, Christiane
von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
Goethe-Schiller Archive
Goethehaus, Weimar
Gold Rush
Goldblatt, David
Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco
Goldstein, Ludwig
Goldwyn, Sam
Gollancz, Israel
Gorakh Dhandha see Comedy of Errors, The
Gosson, Stephen
Gottsched, Johann Christoph
Götz von Berlichingen (Goethe play)
Gould, Dorothy Ann
Grahamstown, Eastern Cape Province
Grant Road, Mumbai
Grant, Ulysses S.
Grass Valley, Califor
Gray’s Inn, London
Graz, Austria
Great Depression
Great Hall of the People, Beijing
Great Leap Forward (1958–1961)
Greek tragedy
Green, John
Greenblatt, Stephen
Greene, Robert
Greg, Walter Wilson
Griffith, David Llewelyn Wark ‘D. W.’
Group Areas Acts (South Africa, 1965)
Gründgens, Gustaf
Guangzhou, Guangdong
Gui zhao see Tales from Shakespeare (Lambs)
Gujarat, India
Gulf War (1990–1991)
Gundolf, Friedrich
Günther, Hans F. K.
Gutenberg, Johann
Hackett, James Henry
Hahn, Matthew
Haines, Richard
Hallam, Lewis
Hallam, Sarah
Hallams’ London Company
Halle, Edward
Halle, Germany
Halliday, Andrew
Hamann, Johann Georg
Hamburg National Theatre
Hamburgische Dramaturgie (Lessing)
in American West
Bad Sleep Well, The (1960)
Bestrafte Brudermord, Der
at California Shakespeare Theatre
Chongqing performance (1942)
Dresden performance (1626)
Furness’s edition (1877)
GI Hamlet
Gui zhao
Hamburg National Theatre performance (1776)
Hamlet (1921 film)
Hamlet (1935 film)
Hamlet (1948 film)
Hamlet (1954 film)
Irving’s production (1883)
Khoon-e-Nahaq (1898)
Khoon-ka-Khoon (1935 film)
Klingon translation
Kurosawa film adaptation (1960)
and Marxism
Müllier’s adaptation
in Nazi Germany
Olivier’s film version (1948)
Ostermeier’s production
Poole’s adaptation
Revenge of Prince Zi Dan, The
Sahu’s film version (1954)
Schlegel’s German translation
Sierra Leone performance on Red Dragon (1607)
Sven Gade’s silent film (1921)
at Teatr Szekspirowski in Gdańsk io
Tian Han’s adaptation
and Tiv people
Hamlet, North Dakota
Hamlet and Eggs (US film)
Hamlet Travestie (Poole play)
Hamletmaschine, Die (Müller)
Hangtown, California
Hanover, Germany
Hanseatic League
Hanseatic War (1469–1474)
Haq, Abdul
Hardinge, Henry
Hardy, Thomas
Harlan, Veit
Harmsworth, Leicester
Harry Potter (J. K. Rowling)
Harvard University
Hashr Kashmiri, Agha
Hasse, John Edward
Hassim, Kadir
Hastings, Warren
Hathili Dulhan see Taming of the Shrew, The
Hauptmann, Gerhart
Hawaii, United States
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Hearst, William Randolph
Hector (ship)
Heilongjiang, China
Heine, Heinrich
Hell’s Delight, California
Helsingør, Denmark
Heminges, John
Henley Street, Stratford-upon-Avon
Henry IV Part I
Henry IV Part II
Henry V
at Chowringhee theatre (1816)
Olivier’s film version (1944)
St Crispin’s Day speech
Henry VI Part II
Henry VI Part III
Henry VII, King of England
Henry VIII
Henry VIII, King of England and Ireland
Herder, Johann Gottfried
‘Herne’s Oak’, Windsor
Herrick, Robert
Highbrow/Lowbrow (Levine)
Hillbrow, Johannesburg
Himmler, Heinrich
Hindu College, Kolkata
Hindu theatre, Kolkata
Hinman, Charlton K.
Hiren the Fair Greek (play)
Hitler, Adolf
Hitler Youth
Holbrook, Peter
Holinshed, Raphael
Hollywood, Los Angeles
Holy Trinity church, Stratford-upon-Avon
Honecker, Erich
Hong Kong
Hongwu, Ming Emperor
Hoover, Herbert
Hopper, Dennis
Hosseini, Khaled
House of Cards (TV series)
House of Lords
House Un-American Activities Committee
Householder, The (Merchant Ivory movie)
Howard, Leslie
Howarth, Donald
Hu Dao
Hu Lunting
huaju (Chinese dramatic genre)
Huang, Alexa
Huckleberry Finn (Twain)
Hugli, River
Hugo, François-Victor
Hugo, Victor
Humfreville, J. Lee
Hundred Flowers campaign (China,1956)
Hunter, Kathryn
Ibrahim, Muhammad Hafiz
Ibsen, Henrik
Icelandic sagas
Idaho, United States
Iffland, August Wilhelm
Illinois, United States
Ilm River
imitatio (Renaissance concept)
Immorality Act (South Africa, 1927)
Indian and Colonial Exhibition (1885)
Indian Copyright Act (1957)
Indian National Congress
Indian Removal Act (US, 1830)
Indian Shakespeare Theatrical Company
Indiana, United States
Indraprastha College, Delhi
International Shakespeare Association
Irani, Ardeshir
Irving, Henry
Irving, Washington
Is Shakespeare Dead? (Twain)
Island, The (Fugard play)
Isle of Dogs, The
It Happened One Night (US movie)
Ivory, James
Jackson, Andrew
Jacobethan England
Jadhav, V.
Jaffrey, Madhur
Jaipuri, Hasrat
Jallianwala Bagh massacre (1919)
James VI and I, King of England, Scotland and Ireland
James, Henry
Jamestown, Virginia
Jardine, Lisa
jatra (Indian theatre form)
Jeejeebhoy, Jamsetjee
Jefferson, Thomas
Jena, Germany
Jenin, West Bank
Jew of Malta, The (Marlowe play)
Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer
Jiang Qing
Jiang Zemin
Jiao Huang
Jiaxing, Zhejiang
jingju (Beijing opera)
Johannesburg, Gauteng Province
Johannesburg Awakening Minds (JAM)
r /> Johnson, Samuel
Jones, Daniel
Jones, Henry Arthur
Jones, James Earl
Jonson, Ben
Jouris, David
Journal of the Plague Year, A (Defoe)
Jud Süss (German movie)
Jud von Venedig (German play)
Juhu, Mumbai
Jukkasjärvi, Sweden
Julius Caesar
American Company production in Philadelphia (1770)
Bristow’s staging (1789)
Broadway run (1875)
Dutt’s adaptation (1964)
first German translation (1741)
first known performance (1599)
Hitler’s sketchbook set design
Hollywood film (1953)
Plaatje’s Setswana translation
SeZaR (2001)
George Washington hosts performance
Julius Caesar Project, The (South African adaptation)
Julius Sneezer (play)
Kabale und Liebe (Schiller play)
Kabul, Afghanistan
Kalikata; see also Kolkata
Kaliyattam see Othello
Kammerspiele, Munich
Kani, Atandwa
Kani, John
Kani, Xolile
Kanjanavanit, Ing
Kannaki see Antony and Cleopatra
Kant, Immanuel
Kapalkundala (Bankim)
Kapoor, Kareena
Kapoor, Kunal
Kapoor, Prithviraj
Kapoor, Raj
Kapoor, Shashi
Karl August, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
Karl Eugen, Duke of Württemberg
Katariya, Sharat
Kathrada, Ahmed
Kean, Charles
Kean, Edmund
Kean, Thomas
Keats, John
Keeling, William
Kempe, William
Kendal family
Kendal, Felicity
Kendal, Geoffrey
Kendal, Jennifer
Kendal, Laura
Kentrup, Norbert
Kentucky, United States
Kerala, India
Khachaturian, Aram
Khan, Irrfan
Khan, Salman
Khatau-Alfred Theatrical Company
Khayelitsha, Cape Town
Khoikhoi people
Khoon-e-Nahaq see Hamlet
Khoon-ka-Khoon see Hamlet
Killarney, Johannesburg
Kimberley, Northern Cape Province
King Edward VI School, Stratford-upon-Avon
King John
King Lear
Belarus Free Theatre performance
at court of James I (1606)
Last Lear, The (2007 film)
Life Goes On (2009 film)
and Marxism
Ming Dynasty (2008)
Raja Lear (2010)
Reible’s adaptation (1971)
Shakespeare-Tage performance in Munich (2013)
Smiley’s adaptation
King’s Men
Kinkels innie Kabel see Comedy of Errors, The
Kipling, Rudyard
Kirkwood, Lucy
Kite Runner, The (Hosseini)
von Klinger, Friedrich Maximilian
Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb
Klotz, Phyllis
Knolles, Richard
Kolin, Philip C.
Kolkata, West Bengal
Königsberg, Germany
Königsplatz, Munich
Koon, Helene Wickham
Kotzebue, August
Worlds Elsewhere Page 61