A Deepening Knowledge (A Life of Magic)

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A Deepening Knowledge (A Life of Magic) Page 10

by Matthew Mitchell

  "That's an understatement." Raven's voice came from the doorway.

  I looked over at her. She looked seasick.

  "Would it be possible for someone to fix me something to get rid of the upset stomach and that nasty taste?" Raven fell into a chair.

  Stain reached out and picked up a cup. "I have something non-magical that should help." He poured some juice into the cup and mixed in some powder. "This should help. Drink it all up." He handed the drink to Raven.

  She downed it in one go and then coughed, "That tasted much better than that yellow paste." We all grinned. She took some deep breaths and her color started returning to normal. "I think I will be okay now. Are we going to a meeting?"

  We all stood up and headed out the door. Mophar jumped to my shoulders and wrapped his tail around me.

  "You should not tease Stain." I chastised him.

  He laughed and pulled my hair a little, "He is your master not mine. I figure that he will not do anything serious to me. I am too useful and harmless."

  I grinned. I had to agree with him. Stain was not the kind to harm someone or something unless he had to for some reason. However, he also seemed like the kind to not put up with foolish people for long.

  "I still think you should be careful. Maybe show a little respect. He is the king's mage." I thought this might work with Mophar.

  "Not my king!" Mophar stated this. "I answer to no king. But I will treat him with respect. I like my fur where it is."

  With this thought bouncing through my head I climbed aboard the skiff, off to another meeting of the mages.

  The trip to the meeting place was surprisingly long and it ended at the side of a large barge. There were a few river men visible on the barge but no mages.

  "The meeting is happening below deck. Get aboard and go down into the hold." Stain stepped on board the barge.

  We all filed down the ladder to the hold. A group of mages sat around, each sitting on boxes, crates, or sacks. They were talking and joking around. If I had not known they were mages then I would have guessed they were river men. None were in robes or acted like they were better than each other.

  One looked up and saw us at the foot of the ladder, "Stain! About time you made it!" He jumped up and grabbed my master in a large hug. "We were just wondering if you had finally fallen into the lake."

  Stain laughed and shook his head, "Not yet." He walked into the midst of the mages. "I am glad each of you could make it."

  One of the mages stood up, "Who would you like to cast the truth circle?" He seemed comfortable with the idea.

  Obviously some other mages had talked about what occurred at the other meetings.

  Stain smiled, "I actually thought my companion would do the honors." He turned and motioned Conium forward. She stepped up beside Stain.

  "Conium! It is good to see you again!" A skinny mage called out. "I could use some of your joke concoctions I have a few people who need a gentle lesson taught to them."

  Conium smiled and shook her head, "Figure it out yourself Steven." She looked around and her smile widened. "It is good to see all of you, but we have business to attend to first." She looked down and found a bare area.

  I could feel her magic sink down to the wood and a glowing circle appeared.

  "Who is the first victim, I mean who want's to go first?" Stain joked.

  The mages each hopped up and took their turns at being asked questions. None were shown to be traitors or to know much beyond what was already known about the enemy. When he was done Stain nodded to Conium. She shut down the spell and sat on a pile of sacks.

  "I forget how tiring that spell is to hold." She pulled out a flask and took a drink of a potion. She perked right back up and smiled. "That is much better."

  Stain shook his head and grinned, "You and your potions." Turning to the mages, "Time for introductions. Most of you know Conium, King's Herbmaster."

  One of the mages snickered and spoke up, "And master poison maker."

  Stain looked at him, "That term is one that should not be tossed around lightly."

  The mage looked down and nodded.

  Stain sighed, "Anyway, This is Suzie. Many of you know Suzie, she is the mage from the Daphne Spirit." The mages nodded, some called out friendly comments. Stain continued, "This is Ott, my current apprentice." A few made comments about how fast Stain went through apprentices and warnings about the kind of work he put his apprentices through. Stain took this well, letting it continue for a moment. Rolling his eyes, "Sure, Sure. Everyone complains, but they all learn. Now this is Raven. She is traveling with us as we continue our journey."

  The mages were welcoming of Raven, one made a remark about she could travel with him anytime. Raven looked over at him and whipped a small knife at him. It landed between his knees, sticking out of a box. All the other mages laughed and made fun of the rude one. He smiled, pulled the dagger out, and tossed it back to Raven. "My apologies" He stated calmly.

  Stain grinned, "I would suggest you give Raven some respect. She is a knife juggler working on her fourth level." At this statement some of the mages clapped and whooped loudly. Raven blushed and ducked her head.

  "Well let us continue." Stain took a seat. "Give up your spells and such." He seemed more comfortable with these mages than he had been with the rest. Each mage handed over small stacks of spells. Some for me, some for Suzie. In what seemed only a moment or two each mage had given up their spells.

  Stain looked around, "Thank you friends. I know that many of you are busy taking care of your own boats. I appreciate your willingness to provide help to both my apprentice and to Suzie."

  One of the mages piped up from the back, "We heard that there is going to be a new Water Guardian. What I heard is miss Suzie there will be the one who takes that role."

  Stain just sighed, "I figured that rumor would be making the rounds. Yes, Suzie will eventually be the new Water Guardian." The mages clapped and yelled. Some came forward, those who seemed to know Suzie already, and gave her big hugs. This went on for a few minutes. Suzie blushed the whole time, especially when some of the more handsome mages gave her hugs.

  Conium spoke up, "And she is single guys. Think of what you could do to impress the future Water Guardian." Suzie shushed Conium and blushed even brighter red. Raven chuckled and leaned back against a pole. Stain sat there and grinned, enjoying the attention Suzie was getting. Once the noise settled back down Suzie sat down and fanned herself, probably trying to get the blush to go away.

  Stain stood up, "I think that is enough excitement for young Suzie. Also I know many of you need to get back to your own boats." He walked around and shook everyone's hand, some gave him a hug. After he talked to them each would file past us and up the ladder. Some stopped and offered words of encouragement to Suzie and me. Some joked with Conium. A few stopped and talked to Raven for a moment. Eventually everyone of the mages had left. I could hear them boarding other skiffs and rowing off into the night.

  Conium stood up, "It is good to see all of them again." She smiled and poked Stain. "You need to visit with the working mages more often. It does you good."

  Stain grinned, "You have a point. I spend most of my time dealing with the city mages that I just do not get to visit with the working mages enough."

  Raven asked, "City mages, working mages. What is the difference?"

  Conium smirked, "Attitude mainly. The working mages see themselves as just like everyone else, just with magic. The city mages seem to think they are better than everyone else."

  "Conium, while that is probably accurate for most mages, I do not think that is a good way to describe it. Plus it is unfair to many of the city mages who are not like that." Stain seemed to find Conium's description a little annoying.

  Conium simple smirked, "Let's hear your explanation." It was interesting to see someone who held their own against Stain.

  Stain smiled, "While your description is colorful the true difference is this. City mages are ones who usually work
in shops, for the government, regular jobs, that kind of work. Working mages are the ones who keep everything running. Those who work on boats, the ones who keep the guards and soldiers armed with enchanted weapons, even those who work in the city but not in the jobs where they are seen consistently, like the ones who make sure the sewers work well in the palace."

  Conium nodded, "I still like my description, but yours provides more information about what they do." She looked at us three, "City mages are normally snobs, working mages accept you as one of their own until you upset them."

  Stain sighed again. "I wish I could argue with you, but you have a point." He thought a moment and confessed, "I enjoy spending time with the working mages more than the city mages. Except for a few city mages who have worked their way up into a good position. I was once one of those working mages, so I have more in common with them." Dusting off his clothes, "Let's go back to the warehouse. I think I need something to drink to clear this dust." With that he climbed the ladder, each of us following after him like ducks.

  * * *

  The next few days went by in a blur. Raven, Suzie, and I worked constantly on gaining new skills or improving ones we already knew. I spent most of my time working with Conium in the herb lore workroom. We mixed, cut, stirred, cooked, burned all manner of substances. After lunch each day we would meet a few more mages. No more traitors or odd surprises occurred Weapons practice happened no matter what else occurred Each evening we would eat together and discuss the day. Some nights we spent time talking. Conium would share about her travels, many times teasing Stain. Stain would talk about the kingdom and how things stood. Nobody had seen the evil mage again. It was as if he had vanished. At times the rest of us shared stories and tales about our own lives. I learned many things about everyone. The last night we were to be in town Stain had us all meet at the herb lore workroom.

  "Tomorrow we leave." He turned to Suzie, "I do wish you could come with us. I know we will all miss you." We all agreed and gave her hugs.

  She smiled, "I think I will have my hands full here. My father will be leaving in a few days also. We have to travel back up to Haver's Town. He said we will be seeing you off first?"

  Stain nodded, "Tomorrow he will take us to the shore. From there we will travel into the mountains."

  I leaned forward, "Where are we going next?"

  He grinned, "Why we are going to the home of the Air Guardian. He is expecting us before too long."

  I looked around, everyone seemed clueless. "Where does the Air Guardian live?" I asked.

  "He lives in the mountains, high above all other places. It will take about a week to travel to his home." Stain seemed to be enjoying being vague. "Let me warn you. The Air Guardian is an eccentric. He will most likely challenge me, you, maybe even Mophar."

  Mophar piped up, "As long as it is a eating challenge I am fine with that."

  Stain rolled his eyes, "Of course you would be. I swear you are almost as round as tall now. Traveling should thin you up fast enough." Mophar laughed but did not respond.

  Raven asked, "So how are we traveling?" I smiled. She had not traveled with Stain and I to Haver's Town, just down the river.

  Stain nodded, "Good question. Our party has grown and I worry that Tag would struggle to carry all of our supplies. So I will be acquiring another packshell before we leave the shore. I have already made arrangements. Ott's, Cracklecord's, and my items will ride Tag, since most of it is already arranged correctly. The new packshell will carry Conium's, Raven's, and other needed supplies."

  Conium spoke up, "I will not have much stuff to take. Most of my personal items are being carried by Siniy I could use the space for more herbs and such. I also plan on riding most of the way. I can scout if you would like?"

  Stain agreed, "I had hoped you would do so. Flying high above us will give you a better advantage to see any dangers."

  "Do you anticipate any dangers?" Raven asked.

  "The problem is I did not anticipate any before. I want to take care that this mage cannot surprise us again." Stain seemed almost angry.

  "Riding Siniy will give me the view I need, plus I hate walking." With that she stood. "If there is not anything else I will be going to bed."

  We all wished her goodnight and she walked out.

  Stain stood up, "I have a few things still to pack tonight. Do not stay up late, traveling after a late night is always miserable." He walked out.

  Pat spoke up, "I plan on riding Tag most of the way or flying with Siniy But I am tired, so I am going to bed. Good night." He glided out the door. Mophar followed him, barely awake.

  Cracklecord stood up. "I will be glad to get off this lake and onto solid ground once again." She also walked out.

  Everyone but Raven, Suzie, and I had left the room. We sat around and looked at each other.

  Suzie spoke first, "I will miss both of you." She leaned towards Raven. "I want you to know that I will always count you as a true friend, no matter what else happens."

  Raven wrapped her arms around Suzie and held her close. I could hear her whispering but could not understand the words. Suzie and she both wept and held one another for a few moments. They eventually let each other go and dried their faces.

  Suzie looked at me and smiled shyly, "Ott, I do believe that I love you. But I know now that it is a small love, not a grand love. I will always count you as a friend." She stood up and walked around the table to me. Wrapping her arms around me she whispered, "I hope you will be lucky in love, not just in life." With that she kissed my cheek and walked to the doorway. "I will see you off tomorrow, but I refuse to cry in front of everyone." She left.

  Raven sat there for a moment and stood up, "You would do good with her as a wife." She looked at me, "Not many women would be better." She walked out. I sat there for a while longer considering why life and love had to be so complicated. Finally realizing that I would never know the reasons behind the snarl that life was, I went to bed.

  In the morning we were all packing. Loads of stuff were hauled out to the ship and put into the hold. Many things were discovered in odd places. It was interesting how things could be misplaced when you stayed somewhere for a period of time. Eventually everything was rounded up and loaded. Supplies and packages were loaded. All that was left was us travelers. We gathered at the dock waiting for the last few things to be tied down and secured.

  "On board you sorry lot!" The Captain's voice rang from the deck. "I have paying customers waiting." We laughed and climbed on board.

  "Cast off!" The Captain called out to his crew, "Take us to the landing!" Sails were unfurled, ropes pulled tight, and the boat was off. She glided across the lake, cutting through the waves.

  I walked to the front of the boat and sat down, my legs hanging into the water. Suzie sat beside me, "Sorry about last night."

  I looked at her and smiled, "No harm done. At least I know how you feel. Raven, I am still unsure about."

  Suzie smiled, "Oh, I have a feeling she is also." She leaned against me. "Will I ever see you again? How will I know you are safe?"

  I wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "You can always seek me out with magic, scry me when you worry."

  She sat up a little, "You would be okay with that? Most people get bothered with the idea that someone is looking in on them."

  I smiled, "Sure. I will be able to tell it is you, I think. I should be able to feel that it is your magic. Like my dad."

  "Your dad?" Suzie asked.

  "Yes, whenever I scry him he waves and smiles." I realized it had been a few days since I had scryed my dad. I reached out and pulled a ball of water up with magic. It floated before us. I cast the scrying spell onto the ball and an image of my father appeared. He was obviously out in the woods. Hunting would be my guess. For a few moments we sat there and watched him. He pulled his bow back tightly and sighted. Letting go of the string the arrow flew out of our sight. My dad turned and seemed to look right at us. He stood there and then waved, a broad grin b
reaking over his face. He obviously was feeling much better and enjoying himself.

  "You look a lot like your father." Suzie stated. She looked at me, "You will be a handsome man Ott. Do not let it go to your head." She stood up and walked towards her dad's cabin. Raven stopped her for a moment before heading my way.

  "I felt your magic. Playing with the water again?" She sat down where Suzie had sat.

  I smiled, "Of sorts. I was showing Suzie my dad." I pulled up the spell again and focused. My dad was picking up a rabbit that had the arrow stuck through it. His head snapped upwards and he looked confused. He smiled again and waved. Shaking his head he took care of the rabbit and started walking through the woods again.

  "I can see him as your father. You both look alike." Raven leaned in to look closer. "Does he know you are looking at him?"

  I nodded, "Stain explained my dad can feel some magic and even can tell that it is me scrying him."

  Raven grew thoughtful, "I wish I could control my magic. I have learned some from Stain but I still can not feel my magic, just yours." She leaned against the rail post and looked at me. "What does using magic feel like?"

  I looked at her and thought, what does magic feel like. "I would say it is both scary and exciting. I can feel the power building up in me and then being able to change things around me."

  Raven thought a moment. "Would you use your magic on me sometime? Maybe if I know more of how it feels I can figure out a few things."

  Her request took me by surprise. Her attitude towards magic seemed to have changed since finding out about being a harmonic mage. "Sure, I think that is a good idea."

  We sat there for a while. The shoreline slowly grew closer and I could see mountains standing tall in the distance. "I guess that is where we are going?"

  "Actually we are going to one just behind that tall one." Stain had walked up behind us and was pointing at a tall mountain off to the side. "We have to go around or through the mountain before climbing up the mountain."


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