The Outbreak Series (Book 2): Purgatory

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The Outbreak Series (Book 2): Purgatory Page 16

by Baker, Thomas

  "Damn it Alice," Linda swore. "Why couldn't she leave well enough alone? For a moment I thought she wouldn't say anything."

  "What's done is done," Gus said. "Let's get going. I'm already going to slow you down."

  They picked their way down the overgrown path as fast as they dared. Linda was supporting Gus with one arm. With the other she had picked up a large branch and was using it as a walking stick. The sound of pursuit through the woods behind them was growing louder. Gus felt like they were going at a snail's pace. Once or twice he thought about telling Linda to go on without him. He knew she had been looking for an opportunity to get away. She wouldn't get a better one than right now.

  They came out of the woods and along the road as the final light died behind the hills. A full moon rose in the cloudless sky. It was the only light they had to lead the way. Linda had either forgotten a flashlight or didn't want to use it yet. Gus was too winded to ask.

  They crossed the road and pushed on into a drying husk of a corn field. It stood taller than them. The yellow stalks rustled in the wind, sounding like they were sharing their dying secrets. Linda carried on straight ahead for a few minutes, before taking a more diagonal path. Gus felt they had a good chance of losing any pursuers now.

  Linda yanked Gus to a stop. She moaned, backpedaling, as she looked at the ground and over at Gus in wide eyed terror. Gus looked ahead. There was a wide area of trampled corn. A torn apart animal, maybe a deer it was hard for Gus to tell, was laying in it.

  "Gus," Linda whispered, sounding quieter than the wind. "This could mean zombies."

  Gus took her hand. They walked sideways, skirting the trampled area. His breath caught in his throat when three zombies shuffled into sight. They were indiscriminate shapes in the shadows, but there was no mistaking by the way they moved what they were. Gus and Linda stopped, muscles trembling. The zombies came their way. Two men burst into view, knocking over one of the zombies in the process. The two got tangled together. One of the other zombies fell on the man before he could recover. The third zombie attacked the other man that was still standing. The man kicked at the zombie, trying to back up at the same time to give him some room to use his rifle. The zombie pawed at it, hardly reacting to the kicks. The man slipped on some deer guts and went down. He fired a shot as the zombie dropped down on him.

  Gus didn't think the shot was successful as the two men's screams filled the corn field. Gus saw a figure stride into the opening. He held a pistol in front of him. He fired three times, each time the light from the barrel lit up his face. It was Albright.

  All three zombies went down. Albright fired two more times. Gus assumed those shots were for Albright’s men, the ones who were attacked. To make sure they didn't rise again.

  Albright brought up his flashlight and shone it on the spot Gus and Linda were hiding, pointing his gun that way as well. Gus turned his head and realized Linda was no longer behind him.

  "I see you there my friends," Albright called out. "Come back with us. Have we not treated you well? Healed your wounds? I have lost two of my flock chasing after you. You will understand then, I have no more patience for you or for Linda. Come out now or I will shoot you."

  Gus didn't see what choice he had. He took a step forward and stopped. In the confusion of the attack Linda must have circled around through the corn. Now she stepped out behind Albright and clocked him with her walking stick. He went down in a heap. Linda grabbed his gun and raced over to Gus. Again she put her arm around him and put his arm up on her shoulder. They took off across the corn field, stumbling along like they were in a three legged race.

  They burst out of the corn field minutes later by some train tracks. Gus let Linda lead him down the tracks towards town. The pain from his healing wounds was radiating through his body now. It wasn't long before they came across bodies scattered around. Most were clearly zombies. A couple of the bodies though were regular people.

  "Gus this fight looks recent," Linda whispered to him. "Let's slow it down. I don't want to have made it this far just to be recaptured or become a zombie."

  That was fine by Gus. His side ached so he supported her choice with no argument. They crept past the boxcars, looked on the other side, and ahead down the tracks where they crossed a road. It was all clear.

  "Linda, we are going to have to pick a place to rest soon," Gus said, holding his side. "It feels like my innards are going to fall out."

  "Okay, let's follow the train tracks down into town and get inside a house."

  They had to slow things down as Gus struggled to keep going. Across the road and down the train tracks a little more, they came into the town. Gus could see the backs of houses, the moonlight glinting off of patio doors and windows. Something moved between two of the houses. It stopped, shifted and came at them fast. Linda raised the gun, ready to shoot. The figure stopped. Gus squinted, it was a big man and he looked familiar.

  "Holy hell! Gus? No way!" the man whispered loudly.

  "JT?" Gus was flabbergasted. "Don't shoot Linda. Hot damn, what are the chances?"

  Linda lowered her gun and JT approached them.

  "Gus," JT said, closing in for a hug. "It's nice to see your old, wrinkly face."

  "Not so hard you big galoot, you're going to pop a stitch."

  "Where did you guys come from?" JT asked.

  "Back there, up the train tracks," Gus said pointing. "It was close but we got away. Albright's got the luck of the devil."

  JT switched from joy to concern. "Did you see Tyrone then?"

  "No, we ran into Albright and his goons in a corn field. After that we saw nothing but dead bodies. Back by the trains. He's not with you?"

  "Damn kid got the idea in his head he would be better off on his own. He's going to go all the way back home by himself," JT shook his head in disbelief. "He ran out of our hideout before we could talk about it. Last time I saw him was up by the trains. A zombie pack and some of Albright's men attacked us and I lost track of him."

  "Albright had a group down here and was chasing us as well," Linda stated. "That surprises me. If he's serious about hunting us down, we better get under cover now."

  "What about Tyrone?" Gus asked.

  "We aren't going to do him much good if we stumble around in the dark to find him and get captured or killed," Linda said.

  "You got a point there," JT had to concede. "Tyrone is one of the fastest people I've ever seen. I wouldn’t be shocked that he got away. Follow me. We can talk more once we’re safe."

  Gus wanted to believe it was true, but was having a hard time accepting it. Just when things seem to be turning their way, another problem always seemed to crop up. Albright seemed to have something on his side but it sure as hell wasn’t God.

  "What, is it time for that sponge bath finally?" Gus asked as he saw Linda approach. It was nice to have the curtains open most of the time now. Even though the view was pile of boxes and dank basement walls, it was better than the claustrophobic feelings of being trapped the white curtains gave him.

  His pain was almost gone and he promised to himself to never take his health for granted again. Soon he would leave the basement and this whole church behind him.

  "Gus, how many times were you sued for sexual harassment?" Linda said with a chuckle.

  "Three," Gus answered with a straight face. "That was the old world though. Now I'm starting fresh."

  Linda laughed. “You’re off to a great start. I got some bad news for you Gus. It was almost your lucky day, but things have now changed."

  Linda leaned over Gus. She made a show of checking him out as she shone her light into his ears and eyes. While she did she whispered to him. "Something has this place all stirred up. Yesterday Albright and the churchfolk did something to a man named Jelly. I think it was bad. I don’t know, I hung back. Used you as an excuse to get out of it. I think today we should make our escape attempt."

  Gus tried to keep his face neutral in case they were being watched. He did feel his heart b
eating faster though. He hadn't felt this afraid since Harold had went psycho and stabbed him multiple times. The secret plans they had been making for the last few days were now going to be put into action. He could get up and about but he wasn’t going to be winning any hundred yard dashes. Well we don’t always get to choose our times now huh? Linda stood back up, looking as calm and professional as always. Gus was impressed by her steel. I bet she was a top notch nurse back in the day.

  "Gus, you are looking much better today," Linda proclaimed. "I think some more PT outside later this afternoon would be just what the doctor would order. If there was one around."

  "Well, I’ll do whatever you say then darlin'," Gus replied and winked at her.

  "Let me go get you some breakfast. Any requests?”

  "A pound of bacon and some coffee, both black," Gus joked.

  "Sure, let me tell the chef and he’ll get right on that." Linda walked away and up the stairs.

  Gus used the time to calm his nerves and go over what he and Linda planed for their escape route. It would be good to get out of here and see the ugly mugs of Tyrone and JT. Then they could all scoop up Hannah and skedaddle on out of here.

  Minutes later Linda came back with a bowl of oatmeal on a tray. She put it on a small card table in the middle of the room. Gus sat up and swung his legs over the side. He slid down onto his feet, wincing at the pain in his gut. Fuck you Harold!

  Linda must have seen the look on his face. "What was that pain level at Gus?"

  "Pain in my ass level, that's where," Gus growled. "It's better than yesterday but I don't heal like I use to."

  He hobbled over to the table, bent over holding his side. Hating every step of the way. Linda approached him but Gus waved her off. He could make it. He would will his body to work if he had to. He was tired of staring at the white sheets around his bed. He was tired of being trapped in the church. He was ready to leave this chicken shit outfit. Gus grasped the sides of the black table and slowly lowered himself into the chair, grimacing the entire time.

  "I think you need to fire the cook," Gus said, looking into the bowl. "I've never seen bacon that looked like this."

  "Instant oatmeal with fresh berries from our garden," Linda said, patting Gus on the back. "Some good carbs for you now, some good protein for lunch. That's what you need."

  "Jack Daniels is what I need," Gus said, grabbing a spoonful of the oatmeal.

  "You make a full recovery and I'll take a shot with you," Linda said, a slight smile playing on her face. "You finish that up. I will be back in twenty minutes. For vitals and this time you’ll have to be a little more serious."

  Gus was finished eating in minutes. He was happy his appetite was coming back. This was all thanks to Linda. At least there was one good thing about finding this church. He wasn’t sure if it was a good trade off for being sucked into another bat shit crazy situation but hell, its a hard knock zombie life for us. Gus dwelt on how he was going to get Hannah out of here. The last time Hannah had visited, she was worrying him. It sounded like she was falling into this cult of personality Albright was forming here. Linda had reported to him that Hannah was getting along well with the people here and she had heard a few people say Hannah was integrating quickly into the church. That didn’t surprise him, she was a great gal. JT and Tyrone were locked in a jail cell, but Hannah might end up being the hardest to break out if they didn't move soon.

  Gus heard footsteps on the stairs and turned to the doorway, expecting to see Linda. Instead it was Albright, with Charlie standing beside him. Albright smiled at him.

  "Gus, you are up and out of bed yet again! How wonderful! Praise Jesus," Albright said, and clapped his hands.

  Albright crossed the room and sat at the table. His knees bumped up against the bottom. Charlie stood leaning against the doorway, arms crossed, and a sour look on his face. Gus looked from one to the other and back at Albright.

  "Howdy Rev," Gus said, playing it cool. "God works in mysterious ways, right? I sure appreciate your checking in on me."

  "He does indeed," Albright said, placing his hands in his lap.

  The two looked at Gus for what felt like several minutes, not saying a word. Gus felt uncomfortable and squirmed in his chair. He felt like a bug under a magnifying glass. He finally had to break the silence.

  "So, something I can do you for you fellas?" Gus asked.

  "I’m here because I was wondering if I could do something for you. See, from what Linda has told me, you will be up and about soon. You’ll be able to join our little group. One more member to make us even stronger. I want that, God wants that. Hannah wants it too."

  "Let me guess, God wants Hannah to stay here. He wants her very badly?" Gus said, trying not to let the sarcasm rise in his voice.

  "Has God been talking to you too?" Albright asked, smiling even wider. If he smiled any bigger, Gus thought he could shove a watermelon in Albright's mouth. "That is true. It would also be more likely to happen if you decide to stay here with us as well."

  "Are you going to persuade me to stay? Is that what this is about?"

  "Gus, you sound as if you are talking to the Devil and he’s trying to trick you into joining him," Albright laughed. "I wanted to ask you a question. What would it take to convince you to stay here? What could we do for you? Besides give you God's protection and His promise of salvation. You ask and if you’re worthy, God will provide.”

  Careful, this could be some kind of trap. Gus wondered if Albright knew what he and Linda were planning or if this talk at this time was just a coincidence. What was an answer this man was looking for which would ease any suspicion? Was Albright expecting a hard sale? Would he suspect something if Gus gave in too easy or pushed too hard? Gus decided to go with a lie with a little truth sprinkled in it. That usually made it easier for others to accept what he said.

  "Well, just between us men, I am getting pretty fond of Linda. It would be nice to stick around, get to know her a little better," Gus said.

  "Ah, Linda is a fine woman. A very helpful addition to our family indeed," Albright said. "Of course you would be free to pursue a relationship with her. What a treat it would be if I got to perform a marriage one day. A happy occasion among all of this misery."

  "Whoa whoa, let’s pump the brakes there Rev," Gus held up his hands.

  Albright stopped smiling and his eyes narrowed. He talked in a softer voice. "Is that all it would take Gus? What about your friends? Would you like to see them released?" Albright leaned across the table.

  Gus looked over to Charlie. The man was like a statue, he didn't look as if he had moved a muscle since they got there. Gus turned back to Albright and licked his lips.

  "Of course I do. They would have to follow your rules of course..."

  "Uh huh," Albright interrupted. "They are not my rules. They are laid down by God. They would have to stand before the flock and swear to God to join our congregation and adhere to all of God's laws. You’ll have to do that as well."

  Albright leaned in even closer. Gus didn't know if the Reverend was going to kiss him or maybe try to grab him. Gus tried his best to keep up his poker face.

  "Do you think you can do it? Is there any chance at all your friends would do iy?" Albright whispered.

  "Yes, I have faith I can. Let me talk to JT and Tyrone, I bet I can convince them too. They're just scared young men Reverend."

  “What about if they won’t? Then what?” Albright's mouth tightened and it looked like he was about to explode when from the doorway came Linda's voice.

  "Albright, what a surprise. Bless your heart for keeping Gus company during his breakfast."

  Albright turned to her, quickly masking his anger with one of his bright smiles.

  "Linda dear. I see you have been treating your patient very well," Albright said, rising. "We were just discussing how long until Gus could get out of this cold basement and into the warm embrace of the congregation."

  "It should be very soon," Linda said, utterly
calm. "In fact, we could use some more outdoor PT later this afternoon."

  Gus saw Albright shoot a knowing look at Charlie. Were they going to have to worry about being followed now? Ambushed?

  "Good, very good. I leave it in your gracious hands Linda," Albright said. "Yours and ultimately Gods."

  Albright exited and Charlie followed behind. Linda crossed over to Gus, grabbed an arm and put it around her shoulder, lifting him up.

  "Let's get you back over to the bed. I’ll administer you some ibuprofen. Vitals can wait. Rest up, gather your strength. You are going to need it."

  What in the hell is going on? Albright couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was out by the supply building with Charlie and Darryl. Charlie, covered with sweat in spite of the cool night, had brought him out here. Darryl lay on the ground, unconscious. His leg wound still oozed. At least Charlie was smart enough to come get me and not to bring Darryl in the church.

  "What happened exactly?" Albright asked.

  "It was Randall," Charlie said, disgusted. "He betrayed us. We went to put the black kid and the big guy in the truck and he fired on us. You can see what he did to Darryl there. Took off in the truck with them both. I had to carry Darryl on my back all the way here."

  "I should have known. There is always a Judas," Albright said softly.

  He needed to keep this quiet and contained. He could not let any chinks in his armor show, or he might lose control. The last thing he needed now was for people to start doubting him.

  "I'll go find Linda first. Have her fix Darryl up," Albright said, clapping Charlie on the back. "Then we'll put together a small party to find the traitor, along with JT and Tyrone. With Hannah still here, I bet they haven't gone far. You stay here, I’ll be back."

  He’d gone past the garden when a woman ran to him, calling his name.

  "Reverend Albright, there you are," said Alice, frantic. "I have been trying to find you. A few seconds ago I ran into Linda and Gus. The way they were walking out seemed weird so I followed them. They‘ve ran away. I'm afraid for them Reverend. What if..."


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