Two Hearts Unbroken

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Two Hearts Unbroken Page 5

by Tamara Ferguson

  “Josh Loughlin, right? I forgot. They’re cousins, too?” But Brand wasn’t really focusing on the conversation anymore.

  “They are.”

  Brand nodded distractedly.

  Danielle spoke softly, “She must be someone pretty special to you, Brand. You haven’t taken your eyes off her since she arrived.”

  “Well, Danielle. I just realized something important today.” He grimaced. “I haven’t thought about another woman since the moment I met Sarah.” He nodded toward the table. “That’s her, Sarah Benton. And since I found out a few days ago that she never married the guy she was engaged to when she came back from Iraq, I decided she’s the woman I’m going to marry.”

  Danielle’s eyes went wide, before she grinned. “You’re that confident, are you?”

  “Hopeful, anyway.” He decided in an instant. “Valentine’s Day.”

  Danielle was definitely puzzled. “Valentine’s Day?”

  “That’s when I’m going to propose,” he said, wearing a determined look on his face.

  “Five weeks?”

  Brand grimaced. “I’ll be reassigned on the fifteenth. I need to get this situation taken care of first.”

  “Situation? That’s an interesting way to phrase it.” Shaking her head in apparent disbelief, she began laughing. “Well, you can count on me.”

  “For what?” Brand asked.

  “For helping you with whatever you need to do to make it special.”

  Brand began laughing at himself. “I may just do that. I can’t believe I’m telling you this.”

  But looking over at Sarah, who suddenly looked like she was ready to pass out, Brand anxiously rose to his feet.

  Apparently noticing what was happening, Danielle frowned. “Go make sure she’s alright. Hopefully, you can fill me in on what’s going on between the two of you sometime.”

  Chapter Six

  “Sarah. Sarah, are you okay?” Mel was asking with obvious concern. “Oh, I’m so sorry. What did I say?”

  But Sarah didn’t seem to have the energy to open her eyes and respond as her whole body began shaking.

  Suddenly, she found herself lifted to her feet and pulled into a warm masculine embrace.

  “It’s okay, Sarah,” he whispered. “Everything’s alright. You’re alright.”

  Opening her eyes, she blinked. “Brand? Uh...I mean, Captain Reardon?”

  “Yeah, it’s me. And I’m even a Lieutenant now. I wasn’t sure it was you, though, when I first saw you come in. You look,, like gorgeous. Not that I didn’t think you weren’t beautiful before.”

  Sarah’s mind immediately snapped back to the present as she muttered, “You thought I was beautiful?”

  He wore a wry grin. “Oh, yeah. Especially after seeing those legs.”

  Wrinkling her nose, Sarah backed up and punched him in the shoulder.

  Although Mel still wore a look of concern on her face, she began laughing.

  “Um,” Sarah began. “What are you doing here in Crystal Rock?”

  He gave her a huge smile, and Sarah remembered the reason she’d tried to stay away from him, even when she was part of his team.

  She’d been attracted to him, this big giant hunk of a man, and it’d made her uncomfortable thinking of Jim, who’d been waiting for her back home.

  “I’m here for the same reason you are,” he answered. “Retraining wounded warriors who want to remain in active service. I’ll be the Air Force liaison.”

  She shook her head in amazement. How crazy was this? She’d never thought she’d ever see Brand again. But where were her manners? “Mel, this my former captain, Brandon Reardon.”

  Mel smiled. “Nice to meet you, Lieutenant.”

  Reaching over, he shook Mel’s hand. “Just call me Brand.” He looked back at Sarah. “You too, Sarah. Okay?”

  She grinned wryly. “I’ll try to remember.”

  Mel stood up. “Well, Sarah. I hate to cut the day short, but I’m going to need to be home soon, so I can get ready for work.” Mel looked at her face with concern. “But I’m worried about leaving you alone.”

  Brand asked quickly, “How about hanging out with me for the rest of the afternoon, Sarah?”

  Sarah shook her head in confusion. “Well, you don’t need to...”

  Before she could say more, Mel cut her off. “That would be great Brand. We came here in my car, so she’ll need a ride back to my place.”

  Brand nodded. “I’ve got a truck.”

  Mel began gathering their shopping bags and then picked up the check.

  Sarah frowned.

  Mel shook her head firmly before Sarah could protest. “It’s on me.”

  “Sarah has a key to my house,” Mel said to Brand before turning back to Sarah. “No arguing. I’d feel better if you had company today, even if it’s just for a few more hours. You looked pretty upset there for a moment. I’ll take the stuff we bought for you home with me. I should be off work a little after midnight.”

  Sarah shook her head dazedly, finally agreeing. “Alright, Mom.”

  Mel grinned, slipping on her coat. “Nice to meet you Brand. I’ll see you later, Sare.”

  Sarah watched as Mel made her way through the restaurant before turning back to Brand, who was still standing beside her. “Would you like to sit down?”

  “Since you’re done eating, how about coming along with me and meeting my cousin, who I was just having lunch with when I looked across the room and saw you?”

  Looking to where Brand was motioning with his hand, Sarah’s mouth dropped open, recognizing the woman who was sitting at the table.

  Her mouth snapped shut. “That isn’t...?”

  Brand answered, laughing. “It is.”

  Chapter Seven

  Brand kept looking at Sarah through the corner of his eye after he introduced her to Danielle. She was talkative, animated, and she and Danielle were getting along great, discussing music. Apparently, Sarah had been a fan of hers as well.

  Brand hadn’t even known how much Sarah loved music. During times of war, there wasn’t much time for small talk about their personal lives. All he knew was that he’d been attracted to her from the moment they’d met, and once Brand had learned she was engaged he’d put distance between them. Not just personal but professional as well.

  But little did Sarah know all of that was about to change.

  Damn, she looked really good. His eyes traveled over her long, long legs moving up over her lean shapely figure. The creamy skin of her shoulders was exposed in the ruffly-necked sapphire blue sweater she was wearing, and Brand was having trouble just keeping his hands off her.

  If he was serious about what he’d said to Danielle, and he was surprised to realize that he was, even though he knew virtually nothing about Sarah personally, he’d better get his butt in gear and start making his move.

  He gave her a heated stare.

  And she looked back at him in confusion. “What’s wrong? Have I got something on my face?”

  Brand heard Danielle muffle a laugh.

  He rolled his eyes, muttering, “I must be pretty rusty at this kind of stuff.”

  “What’s that?” Sarah asked.

  “Nothing,” Brand answered, staring accusingly at Danielle who was laughing harder.

  Sarah looked quizzically at Danielle first, and then at Brand before shrugging her shoulders and smiling hesitantly.

  Brand was feeling slightly helpless when Danielle quit laughing and jerked her head at Sarah.

  “Tell you what.” Brand stood up from the table, gazing down at Sarah. “How about going with me for a walk? I need to bring my luggage inside from my truck anyway.”

  “Isn’t it a little cold outside for that today?” Danielle asked.

  “No, actually, fresh air sounds good,” Sarah said. “Mel and I have been shopping all day, and usually I would’ve already run a couple of miles by now.”

  “Seriously, you can run with your prosthetic?” Brand asked.<
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  “Oh, yeah,” Sarah answered, not at all self-conscious. “Hey, it’s waterproof too.”

  Danielle looked amazed studying Sarah as Brand helped her into her parka. “You’re wearing a prosthetic?”

  Sarah answered, “My lower leg.”

  Danielle shook her head, blinking. “Wow, Sarah, I would’ve never guessed.”

  “Truthfully? Me neither before I had one. I can’t believe how manageable it is, even with the kind of clothes I like to wear. But it’s pretty amazing what they can do these days.”

  Danielle nodded her agreement. “I’ve sat in on a few of the training seminars they’ve been having over at the Wounded Warrior Home for the patients.”

  Brand winked at Danielle. “Thanks for lunch.”

  “Ah, you’re welcome, Brand. It was great to finally see you again. Let me know if you need anything. I’ll leave our family contact information for you at the front desk, and for you too Sarah. It was nice meeting you. I’ll make a few calls about a place for you to live if you’re serious about buying?”

  “I am,” Sarah answered. “I’d love for it to be on the lake, if possible, but I’m not sure if I can afford it.”

  Danielle became thoughtful. “Oh, I have a few connections here in town. I might be able to come up with something that’s not too pricy.”

  “I’d appreciate that,” she answered as Brand began guiding her away from the table.

  Sarah looked down at his hand and grinned, looking puzzled.

  He heard Danielle start laughing again as they walked away, and Sarah asked, “What’s the hurry?”

  “None, I guess. Are you going to be warm enough?” Brand asked gruffly.

  Sarah smiled. “Yeah, I will. Plus, I’ve got a hat and gloves in my bag.”

  After flying into Chicago and staying overnight with his parents last night, Brand had chosen to wear jeans and a sweater for traveling. The Midwest was in a deep freeze, so he’d bundled up for the seven-hour drive from Chicago this morning in a parka before picking up his rental truck.

  Watching Sarah pull out her hat and gloves, Brand slipped into his coat, zipping it up quickly as they walked beside each other through the lobby.

  There’d also been a lot of snow dumped on Crystal Rock last week according to Danielle, so instead of walking on one of the lakefront paths she’d pointed out to Brand through the window, he escorted Sarah through the parking lot toward the road. Supposedly, the beach was further down on Dragonfly Pointe and there was a hockey game presently going on at the outdoor rink.

  Despite sub-zero temperatures outside, there was traffic going back and forth and a lot of people walking along the road as he and Sarah began their stroll.

  The couple that was walking ahead of them was having a rough time controlling their dog, and Brand began laughing at the Black Lab who was rolling around in the snow.

  Giving Sarah a side glance, Brand grinned at the unguarded look of excitement on her face.

  As she approached the dog, she glanced at the couple. “Is it alright for me to pet him?”

  The man who was holding the leash answered, “Ralph would probably be offended if you didn’t.”

  The woman who was holding the man’s hand began to laugh.

  Sarah’s face lit up with joy, as she began rubbing Ralph’s belly.

  When Sarah quit rubbing, Ralph finally rolled over and, after shaking the snow off himself onto everyone else, he stood up on all fours.

  Sarah swiped the snow from her jacket, and Ralph looked at her with a smile on his face and his tongue hanging out from his mouth.

  “Bye, Ralph,” Sarah said, as she and Brand continued making their way down the road.

  When Ralph attempted walking along with Sarah, his owner began laughing. “Okay, you traitor. Get back here.”

  Sarah chuckled, turning back.

  “We’re headed in the same direction. Maybe we can all walk together,” Brand said, stopping and holding out his hand. “I’m Brand Reardon. And this is my, uh…” Brand looked at Sarah, pursing his lips. “My friend, Sarah Benton.”

  “Not Lieutenant Brand Reardon?” the man asked, shaking Brand’s hand while beginning to laugh. “I’m Josh Loughlin.”

  “Well, I’ll be damned,” Brand answered, grinning.

  “It’s nice to meet you too Sarah,” Josh added. “I’ve heard a lot of good things about you.”

  The woman with Josh grinned. “And I’m Nina Chandler, Sarah. I work with Mel at the Wounded Warrior Home.”

  Sarah’s eyes went wide. “Talk about a coincidence. Mel was just telling me about the two of you today and how you got together.”

  “Yeah, now that the bad boy’s back in town,” Josh muttered. “It took a good woman to turn him around.”

  When Nina snorted, slapping Josh lightly on the shoulder, everyone laughed as they began walking together along the road.

  Walking toward the beach, Josh and Nina led them down a pathway to the bay, which was where the hockey game was taking place. A huge bonfire was burning near the edge of the rink, and while they stood and warmed up, Sarah asked Josh and Nina about events and activities going on around Crystal Rock, mentioning she was considering purchasing a home here in town, and he and Sarah hung around with Josh, Nina and Ralph for the next half hour.

  “Ready to go back yet?” Brand finally asked, although he was far from ready to abandon her. He would have to quickly think of something that would allow him to spend more time with her alone.

  Sarah solved the dilemma for him. “I think I’d like to go for a walk around the point,” she said.

  Nina motioned at a path that looked like it wound around the shore. “Just follow that trail and you’ll end up at Crystal Rock. There’s a small cavern up there, with a beautiful view. It you keep following the path, you’ll end up crossing the beach, which will lead you back to the road.”

  “Well, it’s been nice meeting you two,” Brand said.

  Suddenly, Ralph whimpered.

  Brand grimaced, glancing at the dog. “Excuse me, Ralph. I meant to say three.”

  When Ralph sat down and barked, Sarah’s eyes went wide meeting Brand’s.

  “No. He didn’t really understand?” they both asked simultaneously.

  Josh and Nina began laughing.

  “Truthfully? He does stuff like that all the time, and it kind of freaks me out,” Josh finally muttered.

  Five minutes later they’d said their goodbyes, and Brand was walking with Sarah along the pathway around Dragonfly Pointe.

  But it was a little icy when they reached the base of what must’ve been Crystal Rock, and Brand reached for Sarah’s hand when she began scrambling, apparently attempting to steady her footing.

  Sarah stilled when Brand pulled her close, and he breathed hard, holding her tight and staring into her beautiful brown eyes.

  Her face was flushed, and her lips were so close to his, and just for a moment he thought about how much he wanted to kiss her.

  But maybe it was a little too soon? Now there was a look of panic in her eyes. He suddenly remembered, he needed to treat her with care. Even though she’d been going through counseling, there was no telling for sure what kind of irreversible damage had been done by her experience in Iraq.

  Sighing, he let her loose.

  “I think I want to get a dog,” Sarah said abruptly.

  Brand shook his head and laughed. “Ohhh-kay. Where did that idea come from?”

  When she grinned, Brand was secretly relieved. He was afraid their close proximity might have shaken her up.

  “We have a cat at home, and even though I love cats too, I was talking to Nina about where they got Ralph. I guess he was kind of a service dog reject from the local shelter.”

  “Well, maybe you should wait until you find a place to live?”

  “Yeah, for sure. But I’m thinking about taking a drive to the shelter and seeing if any one of them speaks to me.”

  “Hmm,” Brand became thoughtful. “Can I come

  “Sure,” she answered. “Maybe you can stop me from trying to adopt every animal there? I kind of have a problem when I go into those kinds of places.”

  At that moment, they came to the top of Crystal Rock, and Brand’s mouth dropped open in awe, gazing at the amazing panoramic view.

  The sun had dropped low, and a dusty rose haze shimmered across the lake, while a golden purple light sparkled like glitter through the haze.

  “God, it’s beautiful,” Sarah said softly.

  “It is,” Brand answered. “And so are you Sarah.”

  Sarah kept looking across the lake. “You know my fiancée broke it off with me?”

  “I just found out,” he muttered. “I wish I would’ve known.”

  She turned, staring deeply into his eyes. “Why?”

  But when Brand was about to answer back, Sarah stilled, focusing her attention on the entrance of the cavern behind them.

  Chapter Eight

  What was wrong with her?

  This was the second time today she’d had a flashback about something she couldn’t recall, and Sarah froze with fear.

  “Sarah?” Brand asked. “Sarah?”

  She saw him through the corner of her eye, but for some strange reason she was unable to respond.

  “It’s Brand. And you’re safe. I’m not going to let anything else happen to you. I promise.”

  The words slammed Sarah back in time, two years earlier, when he’d said the exact same thing after carefully removing the rope from around her wrists, before cutting it off from one ankle. Her other limb had been gone below the knee.

  “I’m going to hold you. Okay? I want you to know that I’m here for you.”

  And she let Brand pull her into his arms, where she felt safe.


  She finally exhaled deeply as he held her, and started regaining an awareness of their surroundings.

  “Oh, Brand, I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “I just don’t know what’s been happening with me today. It’s the second time.”

  “It’s the change in surroundings Sarah,” he answered gruffly. “You’ve been living at home with your parents, where life felt innocuous. All your memories from Iraq were probably suppressed, because you had friends and family around.”


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