War Aeternus: The Beginning

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War Aeternus: The Beginning Page 16

by Charles Dean

  “Ah, good. Then I’ll send them on their way to the afterlife, and Augustus can forgive them,” Miller boasted while wiping his hands clean of the blood.

  Lee’s plan was to rush Shannon back home as quickly as he could so that they could come back and stake out the house, but then a thought struck him: I could just leave Ethan here. No one would dare suspect that they were being watched by a mouse, so he could follow whoever was coming without any risk. It would also allow him to keep an eye on the place while they were gone, so there wouldn’t be any need to hurry through with Shannon. But I should probably help you out first. “You guys wait outside a second. I need to do a quick ritual and pray for a sign pointing us in the way of the fiends,” Lee said, coming up with the quickest excuse he could think of.

  “What? Can I take part? I can pray with you,” Miller piped up enthusiastically. “Does it require drinking or building something or building something while drunk?”

  “No, it’s fine. I need to do this on my own,” Lee responded, politely turning down the eager offer. “The honored ritual needs concentration, and I wouldn’t want to be distracted.”

  “Alright, we’ll wait right outside.”

  “Can I . . . Can I please stay . . .?” Shannon asked meekly. “I want to thank the one who found me. I don’t know what I would have done if your god hadn’t sent you to me.”

  “Just give me one minute,” Lee said, shooing them out the door finally.

  Then, with everyone gone but Ethan, he picked up the mouse and began thinking about what he could do to make it better. He took a few extra pieces of clay he had saved, placed them on the mouse’s back, and focused as hard as he could on the Golem Sculpting spell. He molded the pieces of clay on the mouse’s back into wings. With the size limitation placed on his Golem Sculpting of only being able to make a sculpture that could occupy 2.43 fluid ounces, the wings weren’t big enough for any sort of flight, but they were large enough that he could easily glide for long distances.

  Due to prolonged use of Golem Sculpting, Golem Sculpting has been promoted to Initiate Level 5.

  Golems created by Golem Sculpting are now 5% more effective in combat. Current Combat bonus: 27.62%. Future golems created by Golem Sculpting may now take up an additional 5% more space. Current Max Space: 2.55 fluid ounces.

  Due to improving Golem Sculpting, you have received +1 Intelligence. Current Intelligence: 26.

  Well, looks like you’re getting even larger wings, Lee said, taking an extra moment and a few more pieces of clay to sculpt even bigger wings. I wonder if he actually can take off with wings this large? Lee thought, sending Ethan a command to try. The mouse ran as fast as he could, spread his wings and flapped a few times, pushing himself straight into the air. Well, I’ll be . . . Lee scratched his chin in surprise as he watched the happy rodent flying around.

  Do you think you can wait on the roof and let me know if anyone comes into this house or looks suspicious? Try to use those keen senses and find out if anyone that smells of blood comes by here, Lee instructed.

  Ethan, still a little perturbed at never getting credit for his assistance, looked like he might refuse, so Lee send him a little praise to cheer him up a bit. Once the mouse was appeased, Lee turned and left.

  “Sorry to keep you waiting,” Lee said as he exited the house. “I’ve asked for help in this matter, and we’ll know soon enough if it’s granted.”

  Ethan seemed happy that Lee hadn’t used the word ‘Augustus’ when he mentioned that he would be asking for help.

  Shannon was the first to respond as Lee rejoined the others.

  “Go, please. Can we go?”

  “Yeah, we can go. I’m sorry that I took so long praying, but I need to find who is doing this so that no one else has to go through what you did. The thought of others suffering too . . .” Lee paused and placed a hand on his chest while doing his best to look as solemn and worried as possible. Despite the fact that he had lied to them about praying for help to Augustus, he actually had no problem acting the part of an overly-genuine hero. While he didn’t share Miller’s bloodlust and need to enact justice at the end of a bloody spear, he was honestly annoyed with what Shannon and Ling had both been through and certainly felt like there was a special place in hell for the people who had done this to two young women.

  “That’s right! That’s the right spirit, Lee! We must pray by drinking. We’ll drink a river of alcohol and craft mugs for our beers until Augustus himself comes and points us toward the right and good victory promised for his virtuous servants!” Miller threw one arm around Lee and pointed the other one toward the heavens. “Now that we brothers know of your pain and have prayed to Augustus, there is no way our noble god will let these foul deeds stand!”

  Lee did nothing to throw off Miller’s overly-familiar behavior. Instead, he only chuckled at how much of a white-knight-justice-freak this Firbolg was. “Ling, can you lead the way back to her place? The town layout is still so confusing for me,” Lee asked, smiling innocently.

  “Of course,” she responded and began leading the group back to Shannon’s home. The walk was mostly quiet. Mostly. Since they weren’t running this time, it took a lot longer to make the trip between the homes, and Miller had plenty of time to laud his new favorite deity. The Firbolg could still be heard boasting about just almost everything: how great Augustus was, how wonderful the fried chicken and bacon had been in the morning and how victory was assured.

  Shannon’s father was waiting by the door for any news from one of the hunting parties, and he was overjoyed for his daughter’s return. He tried to talk of a reward, which of course sparked Lee’s interest since he was all for anything that would help keep him alive, but Miller intervened before Shannon’s dad could offer anything. Miller insisted that accepting a reward for ‘doing the right and just duty of a man of god’ would be preposterous and that, if he wanted to show his thanks, he should instead drink in Augustus’s name.

  Lee would have faulted the man and corrected the logic, but he really didn’t want to pass up the chance to potentially convert another follower. He wondered, Is a man’s love for his daughter and thankfulness for her safe return enough to convert him? If it were me, then yes. I would probably say and do anything for my daughter, but we’ll see.

  When the group finished at the home, Ling accompanied them back to the tavern to let Ramon know that he shouldn’t worry.

  “You’re kidding me? Geoffrey?” Ramon slammed his beer on the counter as he stared at Ling, Miller and Lee with a shocked and wide-mouthed expression. “Geoffrey was helping kidnap people in town?”

  “Yeah, but please keep it quiet,” Lee urged, gesturing for Ramon to keep his voice down. “While it’s nice that Shannon has returned, I don’t want the whole town to know that Geoffrey was caught. If they do, his accomplices won’t move recklessly.”

  “Mmm . . .” Ramon looked like he was considering something. “So, you’re going to try and use an unbaited trap to catch the mouse?”

  “The mouse doesn't know the trap has no bait,” Lee replied.

  “I’ll keep your secret. The scheme seems clever enough,” Ramon replied. “But why are you here when you should be waiting there?”

  “Ah . . . Some secrets shouldn’t be shared,” Lee answered cryptically and just smiled.

  “Like that chicken recipe?” Ramon pushed. “Can you share that? If my tavern can get its hands on a recipe like that, we’re sure to overtake every restaurant in town.”

  “Well . . .” Lee gave a sheepish grin. “It’s not mine to give. I’m sorry, but it’s only for those of true faith to learn.”

  “So, there isn’t a problem in me learning it?” Ling asked.

  “Have you decided to honor Augustus as your god?” Lee asked, his ears perking up.

  Miller also seemed pretty happy with this. “Right, right, are you joining me in the faith?”

  “I have,” Ling answered with a nod. “There is no other way to explain the miracles as of l
ate than to admit that the hand of a god must have had some part in them. Everyone in town was searching everywhere, but you went straight to the culprit. Even if your logic and reasoning had pointed us to the exact spot in town we needed to search, how did you know which house it was?” Ling paused and looked down. “It’s embarrassing to say, but it feels like you knew where to go all along . . . that your god, Augustus, had shown you from the beginning . . . that all the steps you took were not for the sake of saving Shannon but showing us how to save people in the future. You were doing your best to show foolish people like me how not to be so helpless. That’s why I believe” —she paused and took a shallow breath— “there must be a god. Who else would have sent us a savior?”

  Your actions and deeds have successfully converted one more person to your religion. Faith has increased by 1. Current Faith: 2.

  One down, one to go! Then I can go home again. Lee was so overjoyed with this news that he completely overlooked how mad his harrumphing familiar, who could hear and see what Lee could, was at all of his glory being stolen again. “That’s great—”

  “I’m going to join too,” Ramon declared, interrupting him. “The girl speaks sense, and I’ve seen enough miracles in the last two days since you came to know when I’ve seen something worthy of praise.”

  Your actions and deeds have successfully converted one more person to your religion. Faith has increased by 1. Current Faith: 3.

  That’s . . .! That’s enough for another day! Lee was beside himself as he saw that number. My bed, my home! I can go back to you!

  “That’s right! It’s only fitting that the God of Alcohol and Crafts would be worshiped by the tavern master!” Miller’s boisterous and hearty laugh shook Lee out of his thoughts of home. “Let’s have a drink to celebrate our new brother and sister in the faith!”

  “Wait!” Lee quickly stopped Miller from taking the cup. “We can celebrate when the mission is complete.”

  “Oh, you mean finding the camp and rescuing any potential survivors?” Miller asked. “So, Augustus has answered our prayers and shown us the way?”

  “No . . .” Lee sucked in air for a moment as he stalled and tried to think of a way to keep his friend sober without admitting that Augustus wasn’t going to help them at all. “Augustus doesn’t think it’s time or that you’re ready.” Lee decided to speak on his deity's behalf and deflate Miller’s currently-sky-soaring ego. “He says that, as you are now, you’d never make it out alive if you were to leave right now.”

  “What? Are you calling me weak? I have the might of right on my side, and I will not—” Miller wasn’t going to take that insult sitting down, and he literally stood up, seething with rage.

  “Hey, it wasn’t me,” Lee said, hastily trying to placate the other man. He did his best to grin at the awkward scenario of a threatening comrade. “It was Augustus. You’re welcome to get mad at him, but he said he wants you to train.”

  “That’s not a bad idea. If something were to happen to you two because you weren’t prepared, who would go out and save the damsels in distress while I tend the bar?” Ramon joked.

  “Please don’t get mad at Lee. He’s doing his best to fulfill Augustus’s wishes. Please stay calm and understand,” Ling added, also taking to Lee’s side and giving Miller puppy dog eyes until he sat back down.

  “Hmmm . . .” Miller said as he sat back down, seemingly deep in thought.

  “I’m sorry. It might be that I’m too weak to carry out the justice myself. If that’s so, the burden you’d have to carry would exceed your capabilities,” Lee explained, trying to make light of the situation and avoid bruising Miller’s ego any further. The truth was simply that he had no idea what they’d be going up against, and the previous two scuffles had been life-threatening. It just didn’t make sense for them to rush in without preparing as much as possible beforehand. “I’ll go out and train myself, but you’re welcome to join me.”

  “Hmmm . . .” Miller didn’t even give him a glance as Lee stood up.

  “Do you need help?” Ling offered.

  “I wouldn’t mind a sparring partner. If you can dig up some wooden weapons and don’t mind assisting me,” Lee answered. “We could even get a few weapons and do some quests around town until Augustus needs us to act.”

  “I’ll be more than happy to!” Ling beamed. It was nice seeing her in fine form for a change. Between yesterday’s events and today’s issue with Shannon, Lee had worried the poor girl might never recover. He didn’t know if he would have had the strength or fortitude to put on a strong front if he had gone through what she had—certainly not the day after it happened.

  “Hmm . . .” Miller just kept making that same noise to himself. He was also stroking his chin as if he actually had a beard, his eyes downcast.

  “Did someone break your friend? I’ve never seen him think before. I don’t know if this is normal,” Ramon asked, stopping Lee and Ling as they headed for the door to find some place to train.

  “I don’t know. I’ve never seen him put much thought into anything either.” Lee tried to recall when Miller had ever done anything besides rave about the how they would win fights because they were on the side or right. He didn’t seem to be the type to strategize or even consider tactics—a fact exposed by the fact Lee had to plead with the combat-oriented brute just to get him to quietly approach the four bandits who had held Ling hostage.

  “Hmmm . . .” Miller just repeated the sound, nodding to himself now.

  “What is it?” Lee was almost scared to ask.

  “I understand what Augustus wants us to do now!” Miller shouted triumphantly, causing a few of the other patrons who were happily munching on what looked like the remaining pieces of fried chicken Lee had left this morning to look over at him.

  “You do?” Lee felt like laughing as he pictured what the drunken shapeshifter’s response to Miller’s odd claim would have been.

  “Indeed. I am skilled in combat and can wield a spear like no other, but I have not honored the deity enough for him to acknowledge me in his own field,” Miller exclaimed. “I have drunk, and I have fought, but I have known nothing of crafts. That is why all I saw was how to modify a spear when I was looking at his book earlier. He thinks that is all I know of crafts!”

  No, it’s just what was in your heart when you opened the magic tome, Lee mentally corrected him. He felt like saying it out loud might start wearing out his goodwill with the Firbolg, so he kept quiet. “So, what’s your plan?” Lee asked, shrugging off the nonsensical notion.

  “I am going to spend the day making art! Let me see that book so that it may show me the art I must produce,” Miller demanded.

  Lee pulled out Augustus’s bible and handed it to Miller, curious as to what the man would produce. He tried to catch a glimpse of the pages as Miller opened it, but Miller slammed the book closed and handed it back to Lee before he could make anything out.

  “Alright, I know what I must do to appease Augustus and earn his favor in finding these foul and villainous fiends,” he said resolutely, and before explaining himself or giving anyone time to question him, he stormed out of the tavern.

  “Are you going to go after him and make sure he’s okay?” Ling asked after Miller left.

  “Uhh . . .” Lee just looked at her for a moment as he thought it over. He wasn’t entirely sure it was safe to leave the thick-headed warrior alone, but there wasn’t much he could do to stop him either. That said, spending time with an attractive young woman was far more appealing at the moment than chasing after a brash Firbolg. “I think I am going to stick with my original plan. You sure you don’t mind helping me train?” he finally managed after rolling his tongue back into his mouth.

  “Of course,” she replied with a smile, and the two made their way to her house in order to pick up training equipment.

  Lee had debated trying to find a quest or two to raise his level, and subsequently his hit points and other stats, but given his lack of ability with a
blade in fights, he settled on training instead.

  Luckily, Ling had a few practice swords leftover from when she was younger that were almost exactly the same length as his bronze sword. After collecting the weapons, they made their way to an adjacent field and sparred together well into the afternoon. Lee couldn’t exactly tell the time, but judging from the shadows and path of the sun, he estimated that it was somewhere between two and three.


  In the course of half a day, he had already started to feel a lot more competent using a sword. He knew that he was still rather weak in the grand scheme of things, but he had advanced from barely being able to hold his own against Ling to the point he could push her back across the field as well. As long as he was able to concentrate on what he was doing, he was able to parry her moves and press his own attack too. Somewhere in the course of their Swordplay, a message popped up:

  Due to prolonged use of swords, Swordplay has been promoted to Initiate Level 3. This skill improves one’s reasoning and execution of sword-related abilities in combat.

  Due to improving Swordplay, you have received +1 Intelligence. Current Intelligence: 28.

  Excellent! Lee cheered himself on as the second status message for improved sword combat during his training with Ling appeared. His gaming instincts wanted to take over and continue sparring with Ling until his skills reached an unprecedented level, but he knew that eventually either Miller’s impatience or a discovery from Ethan would drag him back into combat. If the latter happened, he had to make sure that he wasn’t completely worn out when the time came. As much fun and as easy as it was sparring with a sweat-soaked and beautiful woman, he had to make sure that he was ready when the time came for real combat.

  It may have just been the lecherous and lascivious side of Lee taking advantage of the woman’s relenting and accepting nature, but after six hours of Swordplay, Lee switched over to hand-to-hand combat and grappling. He continued to spar with her some more until he heard saw the awaited message:


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