Heima: Challenge to the Crown

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Heima: Challenge to the Crown Page 8

by S. W. Gunn

  “But my love, you still look like a vision of beauty to me.”

  She hugged him and then asked, “Would you leave this life with me? Go be a blacksmith in some small village and raise children with me?”

  Softly he replied, “I’d leave ten lives doing anythin’ to be with you.”

  His words warmed her heart. He was the sweetest man that she had ever met.

  Daell announced, “Alright, let’s go. It’s clear that I’ll win this wager and my feet will deeply be enjoyin’ a massage from the ruler of the known world.”

  Nobly she proclaimed, “Your disguise is bold, but the wager is not yet won.”

  Astir lifted the hood of her cloak and placed it on her head before telling him, “Let us go my King.”

  They turned towards the door and stepped out. No sooner had they taken several steps than their first roadblock appeared. She spotted Viga in the distance, walking towards them.

  Daell whispered to her, “Go fiddle with that cabinet over there.”

  She took a few steps and opened the cabinet.

  Viga called out, “Daell.”

  For some reason she wanted to test Daell’s disguise so she made sure that she was looking towards them as they spoke.

  Viga asked, “Have you seen my sister?”

  “Not recently. Is there somethin’ wrong?”

  “No, I just wanted to ask her about details for the trip you two have planned after your training. The council and our mother was very upset about the proposition, but I told them that I would ensure the finest men we have available would be with you both at all times. They seemed to feel much better afterwards. My mother was a little shocked by the minor changes Astir has made already.”

  “Such as?” Daell asked him.

  Viga answered, “Well apparently it is not any sort of rule, but the royal family has a long standing tradition of a certain level of décorum in the public areas of the palace.”

  Daell grinned at him. Viga turned and finally noticed her standing there. Her stomach dropped as she was caught already!

  “Servant, go back to work, this is not a conversation for your ears.” He said firmly to her.

  Astir was shocked to realize that he was talking to her.

  “Yes your Highness.” She mumbled at him and slowly walked down the hallway away from them.

  After shuffling down the hallway some she made sure to stop far enough that she could continue to hear them. She wanted to explode in laughter. Her own brother looked right at her and did not recognize her! She thought to herself that this was a fun game.

  Viga continued speaking, “And now this trip? They are worried about what other traditions she will change.”

  Daell nodded thoughtfully and stated, “Well I’m afraid this is her reign. I’ll completely support any decision she makes. She’s been trained for this and from what I’ve seen she is executin’ her rule with a level of wisdom that beguiles her age.”

  Astir smiled. She knew that her husband would always stand by her side.

  Viga responded, “I agree with you, but I just wanted to tell her. I have as much faith in my sister as I have in you. I know she will be a great Queen.”

  Wistfully Daell commented, “Besides I personally don’t want to change the level of decorum that she displays.”

  With a hearty laugh Viga said, “I understand my friend. Well, I will go check in the gardens. She loves to spend time there when she is alone.”

  He turned and began walking towards her. Astir was curious just how effectively her disguise worked so as he walked up to her she looked right at him.

  He glanced towards her which she responded to by curtsying and then saying, “Good morning your Highness.”

  “Thank you servant.”

  Viga then continued walking away. Astir was in shock. It was clear that she would have no choice but to pay a wager to her husband soon.

  Daell walked up and patted her on the shoulders as he said, “Servant please follow me, and carry this container for me.”

  He handed her one of the small containers from the cabinet that she had been looking in. It held several sheets for their bed.

  She chuckled at him before replying, “Yes your Highness.”

  Quietly Daell whispered, “Also please don’t call me that for a bit. We’re now just common old Jordlin’ servants who are walkin’ right out the side entrance of the palace.”

  It was a bold plan she thought. Daell guided her through the palace. They weaved through various corridors and alleyways that she did not even know existed.

  “How do you know where we are? You have been taking lessons most of the turn and then spending each evening with me.” She asked him curiously.

  “Every time that I left to go from one place to another I’d ensure I took a different route. After all how could I be an explorer if I didn’t explore?”

  Astir laughed at his answer. They finally made it to their destination. Daell stopped just out of the sight of the guards posted at the side entrance. Astir had only seen it once or twice, but she recognized it immediately. It was the point where the servants would enter and leave the palace. He was glancing from side to side. A small group of servants slowly entered into view. They were walking towards the exit. No doubt they were on their way home for the turn.

  Daell whispered, “Get ready. We’ll slip right behind this group and just walk out. Make sure to keep your head down.”

  She nodded and then followed him as he led her in step right behind the group. The Jordlings did not notice or respond to them following behind them. Astir tried to hold her head down as they walked. She clinched her container tightly as she walked. For some reason she was so nervous, it was as though she was a small girl once again. She peeked up to her husband and saw he reverted to his normal stride. His face was as smeared as hers. He must have rubbed his rag on his own face when she was not looking and yet she thought that he was still as handsome as ever. As they passed the guards at the entrance, she peeked at them again to see if they noticed her. They seemed to only casually observe them as they passed through the gate.

  Once they made it through the entrance and down the side walking path of the leid towards the village they slowed their pace until the servants in front of them had moved out of hearing range. Astir giggled like a small girl.

  She said excitedly, “That was SO exciting! I have not felt like that since I was a small child. I cannot believe you pulled it off.”

  Daell stated factually, “Nobody notices Jordlings my love because we’re the workers that everyone needs.”

  “It appears that you have won the wager.”

  He shook his head before saying, “Not yet my love, we still must go into the village and talk with your people.”

  Astir had never actually had an opportunity to speak with her people without the entire facade of royalty about her. It was a unique opportunity that she was anticipated greatly. Daell wrapped one of his arms around her and pulled her close to him. They continued to walk down the walking path.

  The walk to the village was pretty short, although for Astir it was much more walking than she was used to. Her feet were already starting to converse with her about the distance. She shrugged it off since she was deeply enjoying the adventure. Daell led her from shop to shop within the village. He was as brilliant with her people as advertised. He laughed, he joked, and he talked to them about their problems and joys. She found that she needed to look into investing some of the royal funds to improve the village. It needed new waste water ducts, a better well and the leids needed repair. She would speak at the next council to ensure that these issues were resolved immediately. After a going through every shop they finally stopped at a flower shop. It was the last shop on the marketplace for them to visit. As they stepped into the shop they heard the roar of hestir racing into the village.

  A loud voice called out, “Search everywhere men. We must find them.”

  Astir became nervous. That was the voice of the Captai
n of the Guard. They must have realized that she was missing. She glanced up at Daell.

  “I think that we are caught.” She said to him.

  With a calm tone to his voice he responded, “Not at all. Let’s shop for some flowers, my Queen deserves some flowers.”

  She smiled at him.

  As they moved from display to display she heard a voice call out, “Can I help you?”

  Astir looked up and saw a young Jordling woman approach. Astir recognized her immediately; she was one of Astir’s handmaidens! She usually was with the group that arrived in the morning.

  Daell turned to her and said, “Yes, I was wonderin’ if you could suggest some flowers for my beautiful wife.”

  The handmaiden must have recognized Daell because she curtsied deeply before saying, “Your Highness.”

  “Shhhh,” He told her, “I’m here shoppin’ in secret friend.”

  The handmaiden looked slightly surprised.

  After a brief pause she started to speak, “Yes your”

  He cut her off and said, “Just Daell, alright?”

  She nodded slowly before saying, “Yes Daell.”

  He continued, “Now I’m here shoppin’ for some flowers. What flowers would you suggest?”

  The woman asked, “For the Queen?”

  Daell nodded.

  “That’s so sweet. She’s so sweet to me. On my last harvest celebration she sent my whole family gifts. It was the best harvest celebration that I’ve ever had. She gave me that turn and the next three turns time off work.”

  Astir was quite happy to hear that she was appreciated. She had always worked to make sure that her handmaidens were as well taken care of as they took care of her.

  Astir could not help but ask, “Then why do you run this flower shop?”

  Before even looking the handmaiden answered, “Because I love flowers.”

  She then turned to look at Astir, who she immediately recognized.

  “Your Majesty!” She said loudly as she curtsied deeply.

  Daell again said, “Shhh, we’re shoppin’ for flowers.”

  She was flabbergasted. Astir could tell that she was clueless on how to behave.

  “Please, just call me Astir. What is your name?” Astir asked her.

  “Visti Stjausdotter.” She stammered out.

  Astir then said, “Visti this visit is just between the three of us. Do you understand?”

  Visti nodded slowly.

  “Could you assist my husband?” Astir asked her.

  She nodded slowly again, turned back to Daell and said, “I’d suggest Elskas. They’re the Queen’s favorite. She has many times had some placed in her quarters because they smell wonderful and the purple is her favorite color.”

  Astir smiled because Visti was correct, she loved Elskas. They were a dark purple in color and smelled sweet. Daell nodded at her. Suddenly three armored Aldarnari men entered the shop. They walked about as though they were searching for something. They caught sight of Astir and Daell with Visti. Astir looked down and she saw her husband pick one a group of the Elskas.

  The guards approached them and one of them asked, “Has anyone of you seen two unusual people? Maybe strangers from outside the village?”

  Nerves shot through her because she was certain that there is no way they could escape now.

  Daell spoke, “Not in the village sir, but I thought I saw two people down by the docks near one of the ships.”

  The men had a concerned look on their faces.

  One of them said firmly, “Very well Jordlings go about your business.”

  They then left the shop quickly. Astir could not help but laugh nervously. It had worked. Somehow they managed to avoid detection with guards directly in front of them. Daell had a massive grin on his face. Visti must have realized what was going on as she now had a sudden smile on her face as well.

  Daell said, “I’ll take these Elskas.”

  Visti nodded.

  And as Daell reached down to his belt and removed his coin purse Visti said, “Oh your Highness that’ll not be necessary.”

  “No, an honest pay for an honest effort. You work hard to run your shop and no doubt grow these flowers on your own. It’d stain my honor to take these from one of my kind who works so hard. Take your rightly deserved pay.”

  “Yes your Highness.”

  “And stop callin’ me that Visti. Out here I’m just Daell to you.”

  She nodded with an embarrassed look on her face. Daell reached into his coin purse and pulled out several marglod coins. It was significantly much more than the cost of the flowers. Astir guessed it was at least five coins.

  He handed her the coins before saying, “Please give us a head start before you start telling everyone that we were here.”

  Visti giggled and replied, “Daell do you think anyone would even believe me if I told them that the Queen and King came into my flower shop and bought flowers?”

  Daell shook his head and then thoughtfully said, “I suppose not, but we all know the truth, and that is really what matters.”

  He then took the container from Astir’s hands and replaced them with the Elskas.

  “Shall we head home?” He asked.

  Astir nodded as she took his arm. This adventure was one of the best ones she had ever been on in her life.

  Daell turned to Visti and said, “Have a wonderful evenin’ Visti.”

  Visti waved at them as they stepped through the door. As they exited the shop she saw the palace guards on hestir racing out towards the docks. Daell slowly escorted her back up the walking path towards the palace.

  Astir said to him, “Daell thank you.”


  She replied sincerely, “I have learned so much about my people in this one trip out into the village than I have ever could have learned sitting in Fregna’s classroom.”

  “My love you are welcome, however in defense of Fregna, if you took time to get to know her, you’d learn much about your people. She is a wise woman and I have to agree that I want her educatin’ our daughter. Although if our daughter is anything like us, Fregna is going to need many more whackin’ sticks.”

  Astir laughed so hard that tears welled in her eyes. She smelled her flowers deeply. It was the first time since she left the palace that she could smell something outside of the oils and dirt of that foul rag. She was now left with one thought on her mind; she would now be learning how to cook a meal.

  Chapter 9

  The adventure out of the palace grounds and into the village was quite a refreshing break for Daell. Astir was truly someone who was meant for him. She had similar interests and the same thrill of exploration that he did. They were able to sneak back into the palace and make it all the way to their room. All they did was simply walk right up to the side entrance walk through with several Jordling servants. It was not until they splashed into the bathing tub in their room that they were discovered. It was Ofriki who had walked into their room and heard them laughing in the bathing tub.

  “Astir?” Her voice called out as she approached the restroom.

  Astir called out to her, “Come in Ofriki.”

  Ofriki slowly peeked her head into the restroom and saw them resting in the bathing tub. Daell was once again against the side of the bathing with Astir resting against him, this time she was sitting sideways on his lap with her head nestled into his shoulder. Astir had a wide smile on her face. Daell could see that she enjoyed their escape from the palace grounds as much as he had.

  She turned to look at Ofriki and asked, “Is there something wrong Ofriki?”

  Ofriki looked relieved to see them.

  She said loudly, “In the name of Heima! Where have you two been? The palace has gone insane since it was discovered you were missing!”

  Daell sensed serious concern in Ofriki’s voice, but he could not help himself by saying, “Missin’?”

  Ofriki looked flabbergasted by his response before she finally stuttered out, “Do not
even try to tell me that you two have been here or anywhere else within the palace grounds. Not only did we search the entire palace, but both of your faces appear to be covered in some sort of grime!”

  Daell looked at Astir right as she looked at him. Ofriki was right, in their hurry to get into the bathing tub they had forgotten to wash their faces. They began laughing.

  Ofriki said sternly, “Very funny you two, where in Heima were you?”

  Astir turned to look back as her friend before answering, “We went to the village and did some shopping.”

  Pausing for a second she then asked, “Do you like the flowers Daell bought me?”

  Ofriki looked at the flowers, which were sitting in a vase that was resting on a nearby stand and then she turned back towards them before saying with concern in her voice, “They are nice. Astir do you know how dangerous it is for you to leave the palace grounds?”

  Daell felt bad because he had not intended to endanger his wife, he just wanted to see the village.

  He said, “Ofriki it’s my fault. I insisted we go without guards because I wanted to talk with people in the village.”

  Ofriki looked very upset. There was a long moment of silence.

  Finally she blew air through her lips in frustration and then announced, “Well there is nothing that can be done now. I will let everyone know that you two are safe. Please be ready soon as we shall be having the evening meal shortly.”

  Daell nudged his wife, a clue to remind her of the wager.

  “I remember,” Astir said before turning to Ofriki and announcing, “Please have the cooks stop making the meal. I will be cooking the evening meal for us.”

  Ofriki looked confused as she asked,“You will be cooking the meal?”

  “I lost the wager so I must cook the evening meal tonight.”

  “What wager?”

  Interjecting into their conversation Daell said, “We had a wager as to whether or not I could sneak the Queen of Heima outside her own palace without being noticed. The loser had to cook dinner for the winner and our friends.”

  Ofriki laughed as she asked, “Did she tell you that she does not know how to cook?”


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