Heima: Challenge to the Crown

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Heima: Challenge to the Crown Page 11

by S. W. Gunn

  The carriage finally stopped when they arrived at an opulent palace with three of the spires that Araedi was known for. Daell had to admit that it was probably one of the most beautiful buildings he had ever seen in his life. It even rivaled the palace on Bygod. Standing in front of the palace were two men, an older Aldarnari man that Daell did not know and Anderskoti Rammligersson. The older man looked pleased to see them, Anderskoti did not. He became mildly concerned since there was no telling what he might do which made him somewhat upset because he realized that he might have to reconsider his plan to explore the Royal quarter. The older man walked to the door of their carriage and opened it.

  He bowed deeply and said, “It is truly a pleasure to have the Queen and King of Heima visit our wonderful city. All of our people are excited for the visit. I wish to invite the both of you to a ball that has been planned in your honor.”

  He reached his hand out to aid Astir as she stepped out of the carriage.

  Once Astir exited fully she stated, “Lord Rammliger it would be our deepest honor to accept your invitation. I wish to personally thank you for hosting us in your wonderful city.”

  “It is my honor your Majesty.”

  The man was Anderskoti father and yet he seemed extremely pleased to see them, it was as though the results of the Kostir mattered not to him. Daell stepped out of the carriage.

  Rammliger bowed to him before saying happily, “Your Highness it is a pleasure to finally meet you. I was at the Kostir and your efforts were the stuff of legend. Anytime a man can defeat a Vindiri in poetry and fight an Aldarnari to a draw, well that man is something unique.”

  He smiled broadly at Daell. Daell was initially shocked by his kind words.

  “Thank you Lord Rammliger, your kind words humble me. It is a great honor to be hosted in such a magnificent building. Your home truly rivals any I have seen in my many travels; in fact I would say it passes all save the Royal Palace.”

  “Your Highness your words are too kind. The doors of my home are open now and forever to you.”

  He smiled widely. Daell was convinced of his sincerity.

  Rammliger asked, “Your Highness may I be so bold as to ask you a question?”

  Daell’s curiosity was piqued so he said, “Of course Lord Rammliger.”

  “Is it true your Highness that you once resided within the walls of Araedi?”

  “Indeed Lord Rammliger. I was born in the small village of Anddyri and had lived in Araedi for half a harvest. It was one of the best times of my life. Araedi is without a doubt my favorite city in all of Heima.”

  Rammliger beamed with pride as he announced, “Well my son may have barely lost the Kostir, but one of our own has won it. It is truly a point of joy for both me and the citizens of Araedi. I heard them cheering for you your Highness and it is clear that you are a King of the people, I have never heard them so loud.”

  Daell was impressed with the man and after a brief pause he said, “You honor me Rammliger. I wish to extend my arm out and offer you my friendship if you would have it.”

  Rammliger smiled widely and replied, “I would be honored to consider you my friend your Highness.”

  Daell reached out his arm and Rammliger grasped it firmly. He looked quite happy.

  “I have one first request Lord Rammliger.”

  “Which is your Highness?” Rammliger asked.

  “When we are together you are to refer to me as a friend would another, by my name. I do not have formality between my friends and would like to continue as such with new friends as I make them.”

  “Very well Daell, I ask that you refer to me as Ram then.”

  Suddenly Anderskoti spoke, “All of this sickens me.”

  He looked quite upset.

  Rammliger turned to him and gave him a brutal stare before saying, “Son, watch how you speak to the King of Heima.”

  Anderskoti announced angrily, “He poses as King, but he is no King. He is a thief who stole my title, I should have been King.”

  Daell was not surprised; Anderskoti was the worst that royalty had to offer. The whole situation was very uncomfortable. Astir appeared quite mad when he peeked over at her.

  “In fact,” Anderskoti continued, “I will resolve Heima’s problem of this false king myself.”

  He pulled back his hand and struck Daell violently across the cheek, which left Daell in complete shock. His face stung in burning pain. He glanced at Astir, and then to Hollurn. Both had stunned looks on their faces.

  Rammliger spoke, “Son how dare you strike the King! I should have you beheaded here and now.”

  With pride in his eyes Anderskoti stated, “No father, you know the tradition of Araedi. He is one of us and must follow our traditions. I have challenged him to personal combat to the death.”

  Daell looked at Lord Rammliger, he looked downcast. Apparently what Anderskoti said was true. Astir had a look that was a mix of shock and anger.

  She finally spoke after a moment of silence, “I should have your head removed from your shoulders you wretch of a man.”

  Anderskoti glanced calmly at her before turning to Daell and saying, “Get your sword false king, Araedi custom calls for a duel when a challenge has been placed. If you are one of us, as you claim, you will stand forth in honor and fight me.”

  Astir turned to Daell and said, “You do not need to fight this foul wretch.”

  Daell rubbed his cheek and shook his head before stating to her, “No my Queen, I am of Araedi. I served Lord Rammliger for my whole life as one of his blacksmiths. I cannot claim to be of Araedi and not follow her rules.”

  Daell did not wish to fight anyone, but he was a Jordling and Jordlings were people of honor. When they spoke something, they followed it.

  With fear on her voice, Astir asked, “But my husband what if he kills you.”

  “He shall not my Queen.”

  Anderskoti laughed, he looked quite pleased with himself as he said, “This time false king I shall not hold back, I shall cut you to ribbons.”

  Daell reached into the carriage and brought out the sword his father had made for him. After drawing his sword from its sheath, he placed the sheath on one of the benches in the carriage. Taking a brief moment, he reached out with his mind to feel the earth beneath him. It pulsed with power and let him know that it would honor and defend him.

  Anderskoti drew his own sword and then announced, “This time I shall show you the power of fire Jordling.”

  His sword exploded in flames as Anderskoti charged towards forward. Daell did not know if it was instinct, but he imitated the move, however instead of flame his blade was covered in hardened earth. As Anderskoti swung his blade, Daell swung his blade covered in earth at his opponent and he was stunned from the result. When their blades collided Anderskoti was bashed backwards. He bounced off of Daell’s sword and was flung several paces to the ground. Anderkoti’s sword fell from his hand and was sitting next to him.

  “Please stop, I do not wish to hurt anyone.” Daell told him.

  Anderskoti rose to his feet and collected his sword before declaring, “You shall not hurt anyone Jordling, I shall hurt you.”

  He began swirling his sword around himself in an impressive weave of steel. As he approached Daell, he started to execute moves of pure speed. In response Daell decided to raise forth a shield of earth. The earth itself rose from the ground and formed a solid shield around his left arm. All of Anderskoti’s quick blows bounced off of the earthen shield. Anderskoti bashed his shoulder into Daell’s shield which knocked Daell down to his knee. The shield fell from his arm. Anderskoti screamed and ignited his blade into flame again before he raised it over his head and then downwards. Once again Daell called on the earth beneath him, which responded by placing a shell of earth around him. The sounds of Anderskoti’s shield echoed through the shell as he bashed several times against the shell. Suddenly it stopped.

  “Fight me you coward!” Anderskoti yelled.

  Daell had had enoug
h. He did not wish to hurt the man, but it was clear he had no choice. He called out to the earth to drop the shell, which immediately crumbed around him. Standing up, Daell dropped his sword to the ground and then extended both of his arms outward with his palms facing up. As he focused, his eyes rolled back into his head and he felt calm as he became one with the earth below him.

  The earth below him answered his call as a voice within his head echoed in his mind, “Heima serves you King, use her.”

  Daell’s eyes refocused. He violently clapped his hands together, which brought a crescendo of earth into the air. His hands quivered tensely. As Daell held the earth into the air he could see everyone around him had looks of shock on their faces. As he spread his hands outward it released the tension of his effort and the earth in the air responded by raining down on Anderskoti. It bashed violently into him, knocking him to the ground and then began to bury him.

  Over the sounds of the earth crashing down to the ground Daell heard the voice of Rammliger call out desperately, “Daell I beg of you not to kill my only son.”

  Daell did not wish to kill anyone so he stopped. The earth fell away from Anderskoti, revealing a man who was knocked unconscious and heavily bruised and beaten.

  “I do not wish to kill anyone Ram.” Daell stated and then looked at him.

  He appeared to be in utter awe as he dropped to his knee and said, “Your Highness, I swear fealty unto you. Any man with that kind of power is truly our King.”

  Daell smiled at him before walking up to him and extending his arm out. Rammliger looked a little confused, but then took Daell’s arm.

  Pulling him to his feet Daell stated, “I do not wish your fealty Ram, just your friendship.”

  “You have both, your Highness.”

  “Daell.” Daell corrected him.

  “Yes sorry Daell. I have never seen a Jordling with such power.” He replied.

  Astir interrupted, “That is because there is no other Jordling with such power.”

  Pride was clearly written all over her face when he looked over at her.

  Looking back at Rammliger Daell said, “Ram let us get some assistance for your son, he is a noble warrior and his people need him.”

  Rammliger nodded and waved to some nearby servants. They were as much in awe as anyone else as they were simply just staring at Daell. He had to expect as much since they were Jordlings. Finally they nodded and carried Anderskoti into the palace.

  Rammliger said, “Let me show you to your quarters.”

  Astir said, “That would be nice, thank you Lord Rammliger.”

  He nodded and escorted them into the palace. Daell was impressed with the artwork. It appeared that much effort was spent providing the palace with its décor.

  Rammliger stopped at a large pair of doors and announced, “These are your quarters please feel free to ask any servant for anything that you may need. I shall send my majordomo when it is time for the ball.”

  “Thank you Ram.” Daell said.

  “I must go attend to my son, and have a long conversation with him. Please accept my apologies for his actions.”

  “There is nothing to apologize for, I can understand his disappointment. My wife, the Queen, is truly the most valued gem of all of Heima. I too would be extremely upset if I had lost her.”

  “You are too forgiving Daell, but I appreciate your kind words. I look forward to seeing you both at the ball.” He said before bowing deeply.

  “We look forward to attending Lord Rammliger.” Astir interjected.

  Rammliger turned and hurriedly walked down the hall. The doors of the room opened and Daell escorted Astir in.

  Chapter 12

  Astir was amazed by Daell. His raw power in earthcrafting was growing exponentially; it was as though he could bend the earth beneath them to his will. However it seemed as though he only chose to do so in times of need. Could he not simply will the manure in those stables to move? She suspected that he could, and yet he grabbed a spade and used his hands with a dozen or so Jordling lads at his side to clean those stables the hard way. Looking at him, she saw that he was smiling at her. She was quite relieved with how he dealt with Anderskoti. He reached out and softly stroked her cheek. Immediately she recognized that he was about to try to seduce her. She already knew that she would not rebuff his advances, not that she ever did nor would she ever want to.

  He said smoothly, “You know, that ball is not until the evening meal, which is quite some time from now.”

  Since their first night he had become bold with her.

  “What are you proposing?” She asked him with an evil smile on her face, she always enjoyed this game.

  A crafty look crossed on his face as he asked, “Perhaps the Queen of Heima would not mind spending an intimate moment with her husband on that bed over there?”

  He pointed to the large bed within the room.

  “Perhaps she would not.” She said seductively.

  * * * * *

  Astir was resting on her husband’s chest when a knock came on the door. She glanced upwards and out the nearby window, which revealed to her the location of the sun outside and let her know that they were already late for the evening meal, and the ball in their honor.

  She announced nervously, “Oh Daell! We are going to be late.”

  He chuckled as he stated, “Let them wait a moment.”

  Giving him a stern look she said, “Let us go husband.”

  She got up from the bed and tossed a robe to him before saying, “We should get dressed because it would be terribly rude to be late for an event in our honor.”

  “You are of course right my beautiful wife; it is that I am just so easily enamored by you that I care not for other things.” He replied with a sly smile on his face.

  She laughed at him as he winked. It seemed as though it was quite easy for him to make her laugh, which she loved quite a bit. Picking up the nearby bell from a small table, she rang it, which brought the usual response from her handmaidens. As Daell rose from the bed, she took a moment to admire his form. He was built solidly and she had grown to admire everything about him. He wrapped the robe about himself and saw that she was watching him.

  “Is my wife peeking?”

  She laughed at his words and replied, “She was.”

  “I am afraid that it is not as much of a show of elegance and grace as my wife.”

  “I would not trade it for the world.”

  He grinned at her. She then closed her eyes to allow her handmaidens to apply the application. She had not seen which dress the handmaidens picked because in the last cycle it had been a fun little game for both her and the handmaidens. She would act as a doll and they would dress her as they saw fit. Yet they never once failed to select an outfit that was appropriate for whatever she was doing and make her look stunning. Astir had slowly bonded more and more with her handmaidens. Since the trip to the village, she had taken time to talk to each one and learn more about them.

  Once the handmaidens had finished with her, she thanked them and took her husband’s arm. He had managed to dress quickly and looked wonderful in a simple white tunic and trousers. He wore the clothing that was common here in Araedi. On his left breast was his crest, the mus.

  “You look magnificent my Queen.”

  She could see by his facial expression that he was quite sincere with his compliment. Astir had no idea what she was even wearing. She glanced to a nearby mirror and saw that she was wearing one of her favorite designs. It was a light purple bodice with a flowing light purple and white skirt. The bodice fit snugly against her chest, which had forced her breasts to be pushed upwards and slightly out. She could tell her husband appreciated the bodice as he eyes had wandered to it several times. The bodice had a flowing white ribbon attached to the edge of each of the short sleeves. Around her waist was a matching large white ribbon that hung down to the middle of her thighs. The matching light purple skirt flowed all the way to just above the floor beneath them. Light am
ounts of purple application kissed her cheeks, eyelids and lips. She was also wearing the purple menstone-studded crown, necklace and earrings that she had adored so much in her youth. After nodding at Daell, he began to guide her to the door. The doors opened quickly and they were greeted by Reida, who was the majordomo of the palace.

  He bowed deeply and said, “It is an honor to have you both visit us your Majesty and your Highness. If you will follow me we shall head to the dining hall where the event is being held.”

  “Thank you Reida please lead the way.” Astir kindly responded to him.

  He nodded and began to guide them down the hallway. They stopped at a pair of doors which she recognized it as the doors into the dining hall of the palace. She had been here before the Kostir. Reida knocked one time.

  Through the solid doors she could hear the man inside announce her title, “Introducing Her Royal Majesty, Queen Astir Jofurrsdotter, Ruler of Heima, Duchess of Bygod, Keeper of the Flames of Araedi, Guardian of the Winds of Kunnadi, Defender of the Bronze City of Hellir, and Master of all Elements within the Holy Lands of Heima and His Royal Highness, King Daell Skeidsson the Hyvantekija, Hero of Heima, Son of a Blacksmith, One with the Earth, Friend of the People and Master of the Forge.”

  Astir glanced nervously to Daell. She had his title changed and she hoped that he liked it. He looked down to her and smiled.

  “What do you think of your new title?”

  “It is almost as wonderful as my wife.”

  She leaned into him and nudged her head against his shoulder. The doors opened widely so she lifted her head up, after all a Queen must maintain a certain level of decorum. They walked into the dining hall. It was indeed the same room as her last visit; it had been adjusted quite a bit since her last visit. The main table she sat at before was in the same position, however many of the other tables were moved into a circular formation of a sort around the center of the room, which was left as an open space. Astir had to believe that was the area reserved for dancing. She noticed that alongside one of the back walls was a small group of musicians. They walked down the middle of the dining hall and then took their placed behind the large table. Hollurn sat on opposite side of Daell, with Skemmra beside him. They both looked quite pleased about being there.


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